Raquel BartoloméUniversity of Castilla-La Mancha · Departamento de Psicología
Raquel Bartolomé
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Skills and Expertise
Publications (56)
One of the central concerns of criminology is how to measure crime. Precise measurement is a precondition for generating valid and reliable knowledge about crime. One of the main methodologies used to measure criminal behaviour is self-reported delinquency (SRD) studies. Although its use is extensive, it is necessary to know its advantages and limi...
It has traditionally been assumed that recidivism among girls could be explained and assessed through the generalization of findings found in boys or in samples mostly composed of boys. Certainly, the similarities between girls and boys who commit crimes and reoffend are notable, which has led to the conclusion that risk management can be considere...
Background: Nursing students suffer high levels of stress, especially in the first year. Objectives: to compare academic stress at the beginning and end of nursing studies; to analyse the relationships between academic stress, mental health, and protective factors; and to examine whether resilience mitigates the effect of academic stress on psychol...
To identify and synthesise qualitative studies on barriers and facilitators perceived by dialysis patients in relation to self‐care and disease management.
Systematic review of qualitative studies.
Data Sources
Qualitative study articles were extracted from PUBMED, MEDLINE, COCHRANE, WEB OF SCIENCE (WOS), CINAHL PsycINFO and EMBASE and...
Childhood overweight and obesity is a worldwide problem and to treat it parents’ detection has to be improved. The MapMe Body Image Scales (BIS) are a visual tool developed to improve parental perception of child weight in the United Kingdon (UK) based on British growth reference criteria. The aim of this study was to make a transcultural adaptatio...
Research with children and young people is essential for understanding antisocial behavior and victimization. Likewise, learning about juvenile offenders’ needs and experiences has been a central issue in juvenile justice research. Therefore, criminology needs research with young people. In this chapter, we discuss the ethical and emotional issues...
Breastfeeding is a complex process influenced by different personal and social factors which will determine both the initiation and the resilience for its maintenance. The aim is to identify the beliefs and expectations of mothers concerning breastfeeding to determine the perception of their self-efficacy and the influence on the management of thei...
The use of electronic devices to promote physical activity (PA) offers a unique opportunity to engage parents and children in healthy lifestyles.
The purpose of this qualitative systematic review is to increase the understanding of parents’ perceptions about electronic device-based PA interventions with children and adolescent...
The use of physical activity (PA) electronic devices offers a unique opportunity to engage children and adolescents in PA. For this age group (2-17 years), parents play a key role in promoting healthy lifestyles and regulating the use of electronic devices. Therefore, parents’ perceptions of the use of electronic devices for PA in childr...
Service learning is an innovative educational approach that enables nursing students to directly participate and engage in the community while providing them and the community with benefits.
To summarise the evidence from service learning activities for nursing students, the educational and non-educational benefits derived th...
Maternity and pregnancy involve significant biopsychosocial changes in the lives of women. These changes determine their experience of motherhood and can be a crucial aspect in the choice of parenting style. Women require a source of knowledge and support that goes beyond the technical, clinical environment, led by qualified nurses for holistic and...
Childhood obesity has become a public health problem. Parents play an important role in the transmission of feeding habits and the detection of their child′s weight status. The aim was to analyse the prevalence of overweight/obesity and to determine the relationship between children′s weight status, different feeding practices and weight mispercept...
Introducción: Las mujeres afrontan la maternidad como un reto al que deben adaptarse para conseguir el mejor estado de salud posible para ellas y sus hijos en un ambiente sanitario altamente medicalizado y dentro de una sociedad que establece un ideal de maternidad que condiciona sus experiencias sin tener en cuenta sus expectativas. Objetivos: con...
Despite the benefits of engaging in physical activity during their leisure time, children do not meet the recommendations on physical activity. Following the socio-ecological model as a theoretical framework, the aim of this study was to determine the barriers and facilitators that influence physical activity participation in children’s leisure tim...
The aim of this study is to analyse how social support and other relational dimensions, such as affiliation and social self-perception, are associated with involvement in different roles in school bullying. In addition, it seeks to determine whether these dimensions are able to discriminate between the different groups involved. The findings are ex...
Título: Apoyo social y autopercepción en los roles del acoso escolar. Resumen: El presente estudio tiene por objetivo analizar la relación entre el apoyo social y otras dimensiones relacionales, como la afiliación escolar y la autopercepción social, con la implicación en los distintos roles del acoso escolar y si estas variables pudieran discrimina...
Existe evidencia de que cuestiones de género influyen en la toma de decisiones en Justicia Juvenil en diversos países. Sin embargo, en España no existen estudios empíricos al respecto. Una aproximación a nuestra realidad puede servir de punto de partida para realizar un análisis más profundo sobre la cuestión. Se diseñó un estudio descriptivo de na...
One of the most robust findings in criminology is the fall in crime rates throughout the Western world. However, there is still much to be learnt about this and its causes. This case study analyses the Spanish juvenile crime trends and tests the explanatory capacity of the sociodemographic hypotheses. We use aggregate data provided by the police an...
Twenty-five years after signing the CRC, the principles and philosophy of the Convention have gradually filtered through into the Spanish legislation and have also transformed the procedures inherited from previous models. The Juvenile Criminal Act of 2000 (JCA) utilizes a model which aims to educate through punishment and punish through education....
Because of the political situation in Spain during most of the twentieth century, it was not until 2000 that the country had a juvenile justice regulation. The 2000 Juvenile Crime Act (JCA) had a decriminalization and deinstitutionalization approach, and assumed a dual model that took into account the principles of developmental criminology. Althou...
The aim of the study was to know the factors that influence boys and girls’ perceptions for performing physical activity during playground recess from their own perspective. Ninety-eight schoolchildren aged 8–11 years from five schools from Cuenca (Spain) participated in 22 focus groups and carried out 98 drawings following the socioecological mode...
In this cross-sectional study, we analyzed the relationship between resilience, cardiorespiratory fitness, and mental health-related quality of life, and examined whether resilience acts as a mediator between the latter two. The study included 770 university students, aged 18-30 years, from Cuenca, Spain. Anthropometric, sociodemographic, cardiores...
La justicia de menores española se adapta a los planteamientos y principios de la Convención de Naciones Unidas a partir de la LO 5/2000. Se trata de una transición de hondo calado, puesto que supone abandonar unas prácticas propias del modelo tutelar previo, que entendían al niño como irresponsable penalmente y centraban la respuesta institucional...
Aim: To analyse health-related quality of life (HRQL) in relation to participation in bullying (frequency and role). The main goal was to investigate how effects of bullying are related to role and to determine whether the effect of bullying involvement on HRQL is independent of perceived social support.Methods: Effects of sex and role on various H...
This study examined three sources of social support, peer groups, school and parents, and their impact on the risk of relational, verbal and physical bullying victimization in a representative sample of secondary school adolescents of Talavera de la Reina (Spain). Correlation analysis was used to establish associations and regression analysis in or...
Introduction. Soccer is a sport which involves different aspects of physical fitness such as aerobic endurance and sprint ability. It is characterized by a wide range of actions including sudden starts, jumps and continuous repositioning during relatively long periods. Health-related parameters have already been associated with individual fitness t...
Evaluar las características psicométricas de la versión española del CD-RISC de 10 ítems en una muestra de personas mayores no institucionalizadas y examinar si mantiene la misma estructura factorial que muestra la escala original.
Estudio descriptivo transversal multicéntrico de validación de una escala de medida, realizado en 5 z...
AIMS: To examine the psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the CD-RISC 10-items in a sample of the elderly population of Cuenca, Spain; and to assess if the Spanish version preserves the same factorial structure as the original one. METHODS: A cross sectional study was conducted in five health centres in the province of Cuenca. The stud...
AimTo analyse the differences between men and women as regards the prevalence of the frailty syndrome, its association with different sociodemographic and bio-psychosocial health factors, and its impact on the level of dependence of institutionalised elderly men and women with no severe cognitive decline.MethodsA cross-sectional, descriptive and mu...
AIM: To analyse the differences between men and women as regards the prevalence of the frailty syndrome, its association with different sociodemographic and bio-psychosocial health factors, and its impact on the level of dependence of institutionalised elderly men and women with no severe cognitive decline. METHODS: A cross-sectional, descriptive a...
The aim of this study was to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the CD-RISC in community dwelling older people, and compare its factorial structure with the original one. We used the following scales: CD-RISC (resilience), PSS (perceived stress), the mental component of the SF-12, GDS (Geriatric Depression) and MOS (soci...
AimTo examine the relationship between co-morbidity, functional capacity, mood and perception of social support, and the physical and mental dimensions of the Health-Related Quality of Life and assess the differences between institutionalised elderly men and women without severe cognitive impairment in Cuenca, Spain.
Estimar las diferencias entre sexos respecto a: la prevalencia del síndrome de fragilidad, su asociación con factores sociodemográficos y biopsicosociales de salud, y su impacto sobre la dependencia en una población de mayores institucionalizada sin deterioro cognitivo grave.
Material y métodos
Estudio descriptivo, transversal y multicént...
To examine the relationship between co-morbidity, functional capacity, mood and perception of social support, and the physical and mental dimensions of the Health-Related Quality of Life and assess the differences between institutionalised elderly men and women without severe cognitive impairment in Cuenca, Spain.
A cross sectional, descriptive and...
The 10-item Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (10-item CD-RISC) is an instrument for measuring resilience that has shown good psychometric properties in its original version in English. The aim of this study was to evaluate the validity and reliability of the Spanish version of the 10-item CD-RISC in young adults and to verify whether it is structur...
The present study was conducted to explore the relationship between victimisation during secondary school and aspects of current psychosocial functioning in university students. One hundred and sixty-one university students from Talavera de la Reina answered a self report questionnaire on retrospective bullying experiences and psychosocial function...
In 1992, the research group in criminology from the University of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain) participated in the first wave of the ISRD. That is the reason why the Centre, now called Research in Criminology, was interested in participating in the ISRD-2. What follows first is a brief exposition on Spain today.
Spain, together with Portugal, forms...
La investigación sobre conducta antisocial y violenta en adolescentes muestra de forma persistente que los chicos conforman el gr especialmente, violenta. Dos posibles hipótesis se han planteado para explicar este hecho: a) que chicas y chicos estén diferencialmente expuestos a los mismos factores de riesgo/protección y b) que el efecto de esos fac...
La opinión pública internacional considera que la delincuencia juvenil ha aumentado considerablemente en las últimas décadas y que se trata de una delincuencia más violenta, en la que las jóvenes tienen una mayor participación y que no culmina hasta los últimos años de la adolescencia. Estos cambios se han convertido en una fuente de
preocupación s...
En este trabajo de revisión se pretende diferenciar el maltrato entre iguales de otras conductas agresivas y perturbadoras en el contexto escolar; conocer la frecuencia del maltrato entre iguales en el contexto escolar; y establecer el perfil de la víctima, del agresor y del espectador para conocer mejor la naturaleza del maltrato escolar. Por últi...
A medida que pasan los años es más evidente que la sociedad española ha de ser catalogada de multicultural. En este proceso de cambio, los jóvenes nacidos y/o crecidos en España de padres inmigrantes son uno de los grupos sociales sobre los que la sociedad receptora ha de adoptar más iniciativas para facilitar su integración. Este colectivo, aún no...
Western societies are worried by juvenile group violence, and are interested in deeper knowledge of the phenomenon to be able to prevent it. Often either the analysis of these groups has a cultural perspective or the focus is on learning about the differences among groups. Either way, we claim that analysing similarities among violent groups can be...
RESUMEN Actualmente existe una gran preocupación por las conductas antisociales de los adolescentes ya que pueden constituir un riesgo, no sólo para los demás y para el conjunto de la sociedad, sino también para ellos mismos. Esta preocupación se traduce en un interés cada vez mayor por desarrollar programas que ayuden a prevenir e intervenir adecu...
El método -- Características de la muestra obtenida -- El consumo -- Otras circunstancias relacionadas con el consumo de drogas -- Conclusiones -- Bibliografía -- Anexos