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June 1972 - August 1974
August 1974 - December 1978
March 1982 - December 2012
September 1974 - October 1978
Publications (343)
The Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus (Skuse) (Diptera: Culicidae), is a global vector of dengue, chikungunya and zika viruses. With extreme adaptability of survival as diapause eggs, this mosquito has invaded and established in temperate climatic zones. The diapause eggs are specially programmed to overcome the harsh winter conditions in temp...
Diabetes mellitus is one of the most common causes of chronic kidney disease. Kidney involvement in patients with diabetes has a wide spectrum of clinical presentations ranging from asymptomatic to overt proteinuria and kidney failure. The development of kidney disease in diabetes is associated with structural changes in multiple kidney compartment...
Alteration in lipid metabolism can result in fat accumulation in adipose tissues, which may lead to two most important human diseases, obesity and diabetes. A shift in lipid metabolism deregulates signaling pathways which regulates obesity and/or diabetes. In this study, we examined the components of insulin/ TGF-β pathways and their genetic intera...
Conventional larvicide delivery strategies originally developed for permanent and floodwater mosquitoes have proved suboptimal in the small, scattered, and cryptic larval habitats preferred by container-inhabiting Aedes mosquitoes. New methods such as autodissemination, wherein adult mosquitoes spread insecticides to their own larval habitats, have...
Most artificial dietary systems for feeding mosquitoes require a membrane feeder, host cues, phosphate saline buffers and a phagostimulant. These multicomponent feeders are complex, expansive and cumbersome that requires fully trained personnel. The objective of the present is to develop a simple sugar assisted protein (SAP) diet for the egg produc...
We constructed an electric multi-rotor autonomous unmanned aerial system (UAS) to perform mosquito control activities. The UAS can be equipped with any of four modules for spraying larvicides, dropping larvicide tablets, spreading larvicide granules, and ultra-low volume spraying of adulticides. The larvicide module sprayed 124 μm drops at 591 mL/m...
Integrated pest management (IPM) has recognized as a sustainable method for pest prevention, monitoring, and control. The purpose of this review article focused on biological control potential and challenges in Afghanistan. Biological control is beginning to increase in Afghanistan, in large part due to the establishment of graduate studies in ento...
Management of Aedes albopictus and Ae. aegypti is challenging in large part due to the cryptic nature of their larval habitats. Autodissemination, using conspecific species to transfer pesticide, is unable to provide proactive control. Here we report results from a new hypothesis, heterodissemination, wherein females of the cohabiting no...
Effective suppression of container-inhabiting Asian Tiger [Aedes albopictus (Skuse)] (Diptera: Culicidae) and yellow fever [Aedes aegypti (L.)] (Diptera: Culicidae) mosquitoes presents one of the most intractable problems for modern mosquito control. Traditional tools often fail to control populations of these mosquito species, and are prohibitivel...
We examined manipulation of mosquito behavior by the parasitic mermithid nematode, Strelkovimermis spiculatus. This nematode species typically infects early instar host larvae and emerges after parasitic development to kill last-instar larvae. Parasitized adults, however, have occasionally been reported from field collections. We obtained low rates...
Barrier applications, treating vegetation and other potential mosquito resting areas with residual pesticides, have become standard practice for commercial pest management professionals offering mosquito control services. These treatments are generally effective in reducing numbers of the Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus (Skuse). In the tempe...
Given the lack of vaccines for most vector‐borne diseases, vector control is often the primary option for disease control. Aedes albopictus are difficult to control because the immatures primarily develop in containers ubiquitous in residential properties. Conventional adulticide campaigns often result in brief, rebounding population dec...
Arboviruses diseases, especially dengue, chikungunya and Zika are responsible for millions of human sickness and a significant number of deaths worldwide. There is no effective treatment and cure available for these arboviral diseases. These diseases are transmitted mainly by Aedes mosquitoes such as Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus. They are hig...
Dietary salts sodium (Na+), potassium (K+), magnesium (Mg2+), and calcium (Ca2+) are important in metabolic diseases. Yet, we do not have sufficient understanding on the salts global molecular network in these diseases. In this systematic review we have pooled information to identify the general effect of salts on obesity, insulin resist...
The editors of this book, who are world renown for their creativity with entomopathogenic nematodes, have assembled the foremost authorities from four continents to contribute on basic and applied concepts. The authors have taken advantage of this opportunity to express their views to a wide scientific audience. They have combined their internation...
Mosquito control programs in the United States are still searching for best management practices to control the Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus (Skuse; Diptera: Culicidae). Most intervention methods for this species are either labor intensive (e.g., source reduction) or short-term (e.g., ultra-low-volume adulticiding). We investigated the ef...
The control of the container-inhabiting mosquito, Aedes albopictus, is difficult with conventional methods due to its selection of cryptic peridomestic habitats. We evaluated whether autodissemination stations are able to deliver sufficient pyriproxyfen to sentinel containers to produce significant pupal mortality in different habitats...
Superparasitism is a common phenomenon in mosquito-parasitic mermithid nematodes. Multiple nematodes are needed in a single host to produce males. Host selection behavior and intraspecific competition among Romanomermis iyengari and Strelkovimermis spiculatus were investigated against their host, Culex pipiens pipiens in laboratory experiments. In...
To understand the infection strategies of the mosquito parasitic mermithid nematodes Romanomermis iyengari (Welch, 1964) and Strelkovimermis spiculatus (Poinar and Camino, 1986), we have investigated the foraging behaviors of the pre-parasites of both species. Romanomermis iyengari with body length of 0.99 ± 0.071 mm (twice as S. spiculatus 0.55 ±...
The mosquito-parasitic nematode, Strelkovimermis spiculatus (Mermithidae: Nematoda) emerges from hosts and aggregates to form mating clusters characterized by intense male-male competition for females. Successful males deposit an adhesive copulatory plug over the female vulva after insemination. In choice experiments, males strongly preferred virgi...
Aedes albopictus, the Asian tiger mosquito, is an aggressive, highly anthropophilic, day-biting mosquito with an expanding geographic range. Suppression of Ae. albopictus is difficult because of the abundance and prevalence of larval habitats within peridomestic environments, particularly cryptic habitats such as corrugated extension spo...
Dietary salts are important factors in metabolic disorders. They are vital components of enzymes, vitamins, hormones, and signal transduction that act synergistically to regulate lipid metabolism. Our previous studies have identified that Krüppel-like factor −3 (KLF-3) is an essential regulator of lipid metabolism. However, it is not kno...
The Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus, is a vector of dengue, Chikungunya, and Zika viruses. This mosquito inhabits a wide range of artificial water-holding containers in urban and suburban areas making it difficult to control. We tested the hypothesis that female-driven autodissemination of an insect growth regulator could penetrat...
Adult control of Aedes albopictus via ultra-low volume is difficult because this species occurs primarily in peridomestic habitats where obstacles such as buildings and vegetation can disrupt spray plumes and droplet dispersion. We determined droplet penetration and characterization of a pyrethroid adulticide applied from the ground at mid (46.77 m...
Urban mid label Hock application.
Droplet characteristics of a mid label ULV adulticide application within individual stations and parcels in urban Mercer as sampled by Hock type impactors.
Urban mid label FLB application.
Droplet characteristics of a mid label ULV adulticide application within individual stations and parcels in urban Mercer as sampled by FLB type impactors.
Suburban max label Hock application.
Droplet characteristics of a maximum label ULV adulticide application within individual stations and parcels in suburban Monmouth, as sampled by Hock type impactors.
Urban max label FLB applications.
Droplet characteristics of a maximum label ULV adulticide application within individual stations and parcels in urban Mercer as sampled by FLB type impactors.
Urban max label Hock application.
Droplet characteristics of a maximum label ULV adulticide application within individual stations and parcels in urban Mercer as sampled by Hock type impactors.
Suburban max label FLB application.
Droplet characteristics of a maximum label ULV adulticide application within individual stations and parcels in suburban Monmouth, as sampled by FLB type impactors.
Urban alcove stations.
Three representative sheltered alcove stations between two adjoining parcels (homes) in urban habitats of sampling sites.
Culex pipiens pipiens plays an important role in the transmission of several vector-borne pathogens such as West Nile virus (WNV) in North America. Laboratory and field studies suggest that this species is ornithophilic but because of genetic hybridization with sibling species during the active mosquito season, it may occasionally feed...
The Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus, is a highly invasive mosquito species that transmits chikungunya and dengue. This species overwinters as diapausing eggs in temperate climates. Early diapause termination may be a beneficial strategy for winter mosquito control; however, a mechanism to terminate the diapause process using chemicals is not...
Sugar availability varies greatly in nature, and determining how this affects male mosquito fitness is essential for understanding population dynamics. We allowed male Aedes albopictus (Skuse) carbohydrate access for increasing intervals of time immediately after eclosion and we evaluated their fitness by comparing mortality, mating success, and sp...
The increasing range of Aedes albopictus, the Asian tiger mosquito, in the USA and the threat of chikungunya and dengue outbreaks vectored by this species have necessitated novel approaches to control this peridomestic mosquito. Conventional methods such as adulticiding provide temporary relief, but fail to manage this pest on a sustained basis. We...
Aedes albopictus is the most invasive mosquito in the world, an important disease vector, and a biting nuisance that limits outdoor activities. Area-wide integrated pest management (AW-IPM) is the recommended control strategy. We conducted an economic evaluation of the AW-IPM project in Mercer and Monmouth Counties, New Jersey with a controlled des...
As a hyperaggressive mosquito that is also a public health threat, Aedes albopictus (Skuse), the Asian tiger mosquito, is a major priority for control efforts. We examine one aspect of Ae. albopictus biology: oviposition height. Field-based research in an urban habitat was conducted to determine if a height preference exists for this species. Larva...
The Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus (Skuse), transmits important arboviral diseases and displaces native species. This peridomestic mosquito deposits eggs in natural and artificial containers. Container larval habitats tend to be cryptic and, therefore, difficult to reach by conventional insecticide treatments. We have developed an autodisse...
Aedes albopictus is an invasive species which continues expanding its geographic range and involvement in mosquito-borne diseases such as chikungunya and dengue. Host selection patterns by invasive mosquitoes are critically important because they increase endemic disease transmission and drive outbreaks of exotic pathogens. Traditional...
We evaluated 2 strategies to manage Aedes albopictus: 1) motorized backpack applications and 2) source reduction (coupled with hand-applied applications of larvicide). Backpack applications used a water-dispersible granular formulation (VectoBac WDG) of Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis (Bti), whereas source reduction used granular formulatio...
Autodissemination of insecticides is a novel strategy for mosquito management. We tested if contaminated Aedes albopictus (Skuse) mosquitoes from a small area treated with commercial formulations (79 gm a.i. pyriproxyfen/ha) using conventional techniques, would disseminate pyriproxyfen over a wider area. Pyriproxyfen showed LC50=0.012 ppb for Ae. a...
The recent expansion of Aedes albopictus, a day-biting mosquito, to densely inhabited areas in the northeastern Atlantic states of the USA has dramatically increased the problem that mosquitoes create for urban and suburban residents. We quantified the impact of mosquitoes on residents' quality of life within the context of a comprehensive area-wid...
Mating aggregations in the mosquito parasitic nematode, Strelkovimermis spiculatus, were investigated in the laboratory. Female postparasites, through their attraction of males and, remarkably, other females, drive the formation of mating clusters. Clusters may grow in size by merging with other individual or clusters. Female molting to the adult s...
Aedes (Stegomyia) albopictus (Skuse) is an important disease vector and biting nuisance. During the 2009 active season, six approximate to 1000-parcel sites were studied, three in urban and three in suburban areas of New Jersey, United States, to examine the efficacy of standard integrated urban mosquito control strategies applied area w...
The bacterial agent Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (Bti) is a highly effective larvicide against various medically important mosquito and black fly vector species. Recent formulations of this powerful larvicidal tool have been evaluated for their field efficacy in integrated mosquito management programs. Laboratory and controlled-condition tria...
Entomopathogenic nematodes (Steinernematidae and Heterorhabditidae) have a fascinating biology as they form mutualistic
symbioses with bacteria (Enterobacteriacae) and together they serve as important biological control agents of insect
pests. Here we reveal the first complete genome sequence of an athogenic nematode species that will serve as a mo...
Pyriproxyfen, a juvenile hormone analogue, diflu-benzuron, a chitin synthesis inhibitor, and azadirachtin, an ecdysone agonist, are three insect growth regulators (IGRs) considered as selective and effective insecticides for mosquitoes. Romanomermis iyengari (Welch) is a mosquito-parasitic mermithid that can provide biological control against many...
The Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus (Skuse), is an invasive species and a major pest problem in urban and suburban locales in New Jersey. To assess its potential role as an arbovirus vector, we sampled Ae. albopictus from two New Jersey counties over a 3-yr period and estimated the prevalence of virus infection by Vero cell culture and rever...
Pyriproxyfen, a juvenile hormone analog insect growth regulator (IGR), is a recommended insecticide for the control of container-inhabiting mosquitoes. The effects of eight container substrates (three plastics, wood, tire rubber, clay pot, concrete, and glass) were studied on reduction of bio-efficacy of pyriproxyfen for Aedes albopictus (Skuse) in...
Heterorhabditis bacteriophora are entomopathogenic nematodes that have evolved a mutualism with Photorhabdus luminescens bacteria to function as highly virulent insect pathogens. The nematode provides a safe harbor for intestinal symbionts in soil and delivers the symbiotic bacteria into the insect blood. The symbiont provides virulence and toxins,...
Predicted mariner DNA motifs in
H. bacteriophora
Comparison of the metabolism pathways in KEGG Ontologies in the 10 nematode species included in this study.
The list of the IDs of orthologous sequences in the 10 nematode species included in this study.
Predicted gene models in
Heterorhabditis bacteriophora
Predicted non-protein-coding RNA in
H. bacteriohora
Comparison of gene ontology terms that were assigned to genes in the 10 nemtode species included in this study.
Comparison of Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) pathways predicted in the 10 nematode species included in this study.
Sequence similarity of conceptually translated
H. bacteriohora
proteins to
C. elegans
proteins in Wormbase release W220.
Predicted mariner DNA motifs in
C. elegans
genome using the same parameters as the ones used to generate results in Table S4.