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Publications (79)
In geological CO2 storage operations, wellbore deformations and leakage pathways formations can occur around injection and abandoned wells subjected to high rates and long-term CO2 injection. To guide engineering design and prevent CO2 leakage risks, a full understanding of the underlying physics and robust numerical models is necessary to evaluate...
Many geo‐engineering applications, for example, enhanced geothermal systems, rely on hydraulic fracturing to enhance the permeability of natural formations and allow for sufficient fluid circulation. Over the past few decades, the phase‐field method has grown in popularity as a valid approach to modeling hydraulic fracturing because of the ease of...
Numerical methods such as the Finite Element Method (FEM) have been successfully adapted to utilize the computational power of GPU accelerators. However, much of the effort around applying FEM to GPU's has been focused on high-order FEM due to higher arithmetic intensity and order of accuracy. For applications such as the simulation of subsurface p...
In geological CO2 storage operations, wellbore deformations and leakage pathways formations can occur around injection and abandoned wells subjected to high rates and long-term CO2 injection. To guide engineering design and prevent CO2 leakage risks, a full understanding of the underlying physics and robust numerical models are necessary to evaluat...
Hydraulic fracturing is a process of creating artificial fractures to enhance the hydraulic conductivity of nearly impermeable rock masses, enabling an economic development of many subsurface energy systems. Due to heterogeneities and layering of rock properties and in-situ stress, hydraulic fracture propagation commonly involves highly complex pat...
Many geo-engineering applications, e.g., enhanced geothermal systems, rely on hydraulic fracturing to enhance the permeability of natural formations and allow for sufficient fluid circulation. Over the past few decades, the phase-field method has grown in popularity as a valid approach to modeling hydraulic fracturing because of the ease of handlin...
Designing large-scale geological carbon capture and storage projects and ensuring safe long-term CO2 containment - as a climate change mitigation strategy - requires fast and accurate numerical simulations. These simulations involve solving complex PDEs governing subsurface fluid flow using implicit finite-volume schemes widely based on Two-Point F...
Enhanced geothermal systems (EGS) rely on the artificial creation of fractures (i.e., hydraulic fractures) to enhance the permeability of the formation which would, otherwise, be too low to allow for fluid circulation. Hydraulic fracturing involves complex nucleation and propagation processes, which are key to the analysis and prediction of well pr...
We present a multi-resolution approach for constructing model-based simulations of hydraulic fracturing, wherein flow through porous media is coupled with fluid-driven fracture. The approach consists of a hybrid scheme that couples a discrete crack representation in a global domain to a phase-field representation in a local subdomain near the crack...
Hydraulically fractured well productivity greatly depends on fracture conductivity, which itself is dictated by proppant transport and placement. To guide engineering design and evaluate performance of proppant placement, a full understanding of the underlying physics and robust numerical models are needed. This paper introduces a continuum approac...
Fluid‐driven fracture propagation is widely observed in various geological processes and crucial to many applications of geological engineering. Developing robust and accurate numerical strategies has significance in advancing the scientific understanding and engineering applications related with fluid‐driven fracture propagation. We present a fini...
We present a multi-resolution approach for constructing model-based simulations of hydraulic fracturing, wherein flow through porous media is coupled with fluid-driven fracture. The approach consists of a hybrid scheme that couples a discrete crack representation in a global domain to a phase-field representation in a local subdomain near the crack...
Many subsurface engineering applications involve tight-coupling between fluid flow, solid deformation, fracturing, and similar processes. To better understand the complex interplay of different governing equations, and therefore design efficient and safe operations, numerical simulations are widely used. Given the relatively long time-scales of int...
We present a hybrid mimetic finite-difference and virtual element formulation for coupled single-phase poromechanics on unstructured meshes. The key advantage of the scheme is that it is convergent on complex meshes containing highly distorted cells with arbitrary shapes. We use a local pressure-jump stabilization method based on unstructured macro...
A potential risk of injecting CO2 into storage reservoirs with marginal permeability (≲ 10 mD (1 mD = 10⁻¹⁵ m²)) is that commercial injection rates could induce fracturing of the reservoir and/or the caprock. Such fracturing is essentially fluid-driven fracturing in the leakoff-dominated regime. Recent studies suggested that fracturing, if containe...
Hydraulically fractured well productivity greatly depends on fracture conductivity, which itself is dictated by proppant transport and placement. To guide engineering design and evaluate performance of proppant placement, a full understanding of the underlying physics and robust numerical models are needed. This paper introduces a continuum approac...
The virtual crack closure technique (VCCT) is widely used for calculating energy release rates along crack fronts and modeling the propagation of cracks in solid materials. Although the VCCT formulation for smooth crack fronts has been sufficiently addressed in the literature, the application of VCCT to a nonsmoothed crack front with sharp corners...
In this work, we aim to verify the predictions of the numerical simulators, which are used for designing field-scale hydraulic stimulation experiments. Although a strong theoretical understanding of this process has been gained over the past few decades, numerical predictions of fracture propagation in low-permeability rocks still remains a challen...
This work aims to address a challenge posed by recent observations of tightly spaced hydraulic fractures in core samples from the hydraulic fracturing test site (HFTS) in the Middle Wolfcamp Formation. Many fractures in retrieved cores have subfoot spacing, which is at odds with conventional models in which usually one hydraulic fracture is initiat...
A potential risk of injecting CO2 into storage reservoirs with marginal permeability (≲ 10-14 m2) is that commercial injection rates could induce fracturing of the reservoir and/or the caprock. Such fracturing is essentially fluid-driven fracturing in the leakoff-dominated regime. Recent studies suggested that fracturing, if contained within the lo...
This paper describes a new modeling framework for microscopic to reservoir-scale simulations of hydraulic fracturing and production. The approach builds upon a fusion of two existing high-performance simulators for reservoir-scale behavior: the GEOS code for hydromechanical evolution during stimulation and the TOUGH+ code for multi-phase flow durin...
Many subsurface engineering applications involve tight-coupling between fluid flow, solid deformation, fracturing, and similar processes. To better understand the complex interplay of different governing equations, and therefore design efficient and safe operations, numerical simulations are widely used. Given the relatively long time-scales of int...
CO2 injection into a reservoir with marginal permeability (≲ 10⁻¹⁴ m²) could induce pressure high enough to fracture the reservoir rock and/or caprock. A pressure‐driven fracture can immensely enhance the injectivity and would not compromise the integrity of the overall storage complex as long as the fracture is contained vertically. Conventional m...
In fractured natural formations, the equations governing fluid flow and geomechanics are strongly coupled. Hydrodynamical properties depend on the mechanical configuration, and they are therefore difficult to accurately resolve using uncoupled methods. In recent years, significant research has focused on discretization strategies for these coupled...
We present a hybrid mimetic finite-difference and virtual element formulation for coupled single-phase poromechanics on unstructured meshes. The key advantage of the scheme is that it is convergent on complex meshes containing highly distorted cells with arbitrary shapes. We use a local pressure-jump stabilization method based on unstructured macro...
In fractured natural formations, the equations governing fluid flow and geomechanics are strongly coupled. Hydrodynamical properties depend on the mechanical configuration, and they are therefore difficult to accurately resolve using uncoupled methods. In recent years, significant research has focused on discretization strategies for these coupled...
Methane hydrates, widely found in permafrost and deep marine sediments, have great potential as a future energy source. Conventional production schemes perform poorly for challenging hydrate reservoirs with low permeability. We propose an efficient production scheme by combining hydraulic fracturing from horizontal wells and hot water circulation t...
This work aims to address a challenge posed by recent observations of tightly-spaced hydraulic fractures in core samples from the Hydraulic Fracturing Test Site (HFTS). Many fractures in retrieved cores have sub-foot spacing, which is at odds with conventional models where usually one fracture is initiated per cluster. Since it is unrealistic to ex...
The advection-dispersion equation for scalar transport is essential for the numerical modeling of many fluid dynamics problems. However, solutions from numerical schemes always suffer from numerical diffusion and/or oscillation. In this study, we develop an Intra-Cell Advection Tracking (ICAT) scheme to minimize numerical diffusion and preserve mon...
The height growth of a hydraulic fracture is known to be affected by many factors that are related to the layered structure of sedimentary rocks. Although these factors are often used to qualitatively explain why hydraulic fractures usually have well–bounded height growth, most of them cannot be directly and quantitatively characterized for a given...
The Hydraulic Fracturing Field Test (HFTS) project, fielded within the Wolfcamp Formation in the Permian Basin, provides an excellent opportunity to further develop our understanding of the geomechanical response to hydraulic stimulation and associated fluid transport in shale lithologies. In addition to a full set of geophysical and tracer observa...
Hydraulic fracture height containment is a critical issue in the development of unconventional reservoirs. The extent of fracture height growth depends on a variety of factors, particularly stress and stiffness contrasts between adjacent layers. Accurate simulation of fracture growth and containment requires a reliable fracturing criterion. The vir...
Hydraulic fracturing has proven to be an essential technique for enhancing oil, gas and heat recovery from subsurface reservoirs. Accurate characterization of stimulated hydraulic fractures has significant scientific and practical value but remains practically challenging. We propose a novel templated electrical resistivity tomography (TERT) method...
The analysis of microseismic events is one of a few tools available for characterizing processes that occur within the subsurface. We have developed a method for modeling microseismic activity in the subsurface that allows us to model microseismic events at the reservoir scale. By embedding this method in a fully coupled hydromechanical numerical c...
A fully coupled finite-element/finite-volume code is used to model 3D hydraulically driven fractures under the influence of strong vertical variations in closure stress interacting with natural fractures. Previously unknown 3D interaction mechanisms on fracture-height growth are revealed. Slipping of a natural fracture, triggered by elevated fluid...
Reservoir depletion and its influence on subsequent hydraulic fracture propagation are studied using a three-dimensional fully coupled geomechanics, fluid flow and hydraulic fracturing code. Pressure change and resultant stress alteration are captured through a rigorously developed poroelastic model, validated against analytical solutions. In the c...
A hydraulic fracture's height growth is known to be affected by many factors that are related to the layered structure of sedimentary rocks. While these factors are often used to qualitatively explain why hydraulic fractures usually have well-bounded height growth, most of them cannot be directly and quantitatively characterized for a given reservo...
To enable fast uncertainty quantification of fluid flow in a discrete fracture network (DFN), we present two approaches to quickly compute fluid flow in DFNs using combinatorial optimization algorithms. Specifically, the presented Hanan Shortest Path Maxflow (HSPM) and Intersection Shortest Path Maxflow (ISPM) methods translate DFN geometries and p...
Engineered geothermal system (EGS) involve creating permeability by hydraulic fracturing in hot, dry and virtually impermeable rocks by creating open and connected fractures or by activating existing
fractures. These fractures then form heat exchangers in which cold water is circulated and heated up for generating electricity at the surface. The mo...
Two computational approaches are proposed in the paper to model dynamic fracture opening by explosive products. The first method assumes that the fractures may be modeled using flow elements embedded along the mesh lines. This method models crack opening in a straightforward way by splitting the nodes of the computational grid. It can account for c...
To enable fast uncertainty quantification of fluid flow in a discrete fracture network (DFN), we present two approaches to quickly compute fluid flow in DFNs using combinatorial optimization algorithms. Specifically, the presented Hanan Shortest Path Maxflow (HSPM) and Intersection Shortest Path Maxflow (ISPM) methods translate DFN geometries and p...
Fracture height control is an important concern in stimulation design. Existing knowledge of interaction mechanisms between hydraulic fractures, natural fractures, and source rock fabric has been largely obtained from 2D or pseudo-3D models. The recent advances in full-3D hydraulic fracture modeling capabilities reveal previously-unknown 3D interac...
In this work, we present the application of a fully-coupled hydro-mechanical method to investigate the effect of fracture heterogeneity on fluid flow through fractures at the laboratory scale. Experimental and numerical studies of fracture closure behavior in the presence of heterogeneous mechanical and hydraulic properties are presented. We compar...
Conventional principles of the design and operation of geologic carbon storage (GCS) require injecting CO2 below the caprock fracturing pressure to ensure the integrity of the storage complex. In nonideal storage reservoirs with relatively low permeability, pressure buildup can lead to hydraulic fracturing of the reservoir and caprock. While the GC...
In traditional hydraulic fracturing stimulation, the effective conductivity of low permeability rock is increased by generating/activating fractures through injection of pressurized fluid. One possible extension of traditional hydraulic fracturing is to increase the loading rate that the driving fluid applies on the formation. Methods that use dyna...
In-situ hydraulic fracturing has been performed on the decameter scale in the Deep Underground rock Laboratory (DUG Lab) at the Grimsel Test Site (GTS) in Switzerland in order to measure the minimum principal stress magnitude and orientation. Conducted tests were performed in a number of boreholes, with 3–4 packer intervals in each borehole subject...
We develop a local, implicit crack tracking approach to propagate embedded failure surfaces in three-dimensions. We build on the global crack-tracking strategy of Oliver et al. (Int J. Numer. Anal. Meth. Geomech., 2004; 28:609–632) that tracks all potential failure surfaces in a problem at once by solving a Laplace equation with anisotropic conduct...
This paper describes a fully coupled finite element/finite volume approach for simulating field-scale hydraulically driven fractures in three dimensions, using massively parallel computing platforms. The proposed method is capable of capturing realistic representations of local heterogeneities, layering and natural fracture networks in a reservoir....
Heterogeneous aperture distributions are an intrinsic characteristic of natural fractures. The presence of highly heterogeneous aperture distributions can lead to flow channeling, thus influencing the macroscopic behavior of the fluid flow. High-fidelity numerical simulation tools are needed for realistic simulation of fracture flow when such featu...
Analyses of production logs of multiply fractured horizontal wells in unconventional plays show that only a small percent (~30%) of perforation clusters contribute to production. We present in this paper one possible approach to mitigating this problem, based on use of a fully 3-D numerical model of fracture propagation through a heterogeneous medi...
An embedded mesh method using piecewise constant multipliers originally proposed by Puso et al. (CMAME, 2012) is analyzed here to determine effects of the pressure stabilization term and small cut cells. The approach is implemented for transient dynamics using the central difference scheme for the time discretization. It is shown that the resulting...
We propose a weighted Nitsche framework for small-sliding frictional contact problems on three-dimensional interfaces. The proposed method inherits the advantages of both augmented Lagrange multiplier and penalty methods while also addressing their shortcomings. Algorithmic details of the traction update and consistent linearization in the presence...
This paper describes verification of a fully three-dimensional, massively parallel, finite element based simulation framework (GEOS) for addressing the fully coupled, hydro-mechanical behavior of jointed and fractured unconventional reservoirs to hydraulic stimulation. Unlike many common engineering tools, GEOS is not restricted to planar or single...
We propose a stabilized approach based on Nitsche's method for enforcing contact constraints over crack surfaces. The proposed method addresses the shortcomings of conventional penalty and augmented Lagrange multiplier approaches by combining their attractive features. Similar to an augmented Lagrange multiplier approach, the proposed method has a...
A fully coupled thermomechanical model of the nanoscale deformation in amorphous SiO2 due to laser heating is presented. Direct measurement of the transient, nonuniform temperature profiles was used to first validate a nonlinear thermal transport model. Densification due to structural relaxation above the glass transition point was modeled using th...
Here we describe both a sequential, hierarchical multi-scale approach for designing scale-dependent constitutive models at different levels of refinement in the problem as well as an open-source, massively parallel software platform (GEOS) used for implementing the approach. General cross-scale coupling is achieved through a variety of terms, which...
A new approach for treating the mechanical interactions of overlapping finite element meshes is presented. Referred to as embedded mesh methods here, these overlapping mesh methods typically include a foreground solid mesh and a background Euler fluid grid or solid mesh. A number of different approaches have been used in previous work to characteri...
Conventional displacement-based methods for estimating stress intensity factors require special quarter-point finite elements in the first layer of elements around the fracture tip and substantial near-tip region mesh refinement. This paper presents a generalized form of the displacement correlation method (the GDC method), which can use any linear...
Jan 30-Feb 2, Palo Alto, CA.
Fractures in wellbore cement and at the cement-host rock interface are potential leakage pathways for long-term carbon sequestration sites. Portland cement exposed to carbon-dioxide-rich brine undergoes a series of diffusion-limited reactions that form distinctive reaction fronts adjacent to the cement surface. This paper outlines a joint experimen...
Hydraulic fracturing has become an increasingly important technique in
stimulating reservoirs for gas, oil, and geothermal energy production.
In use commercially since the 1950's, the technique has been widely
lauded, when combined with other techniques, for enabling the
development of shale gas resources in the United States, providing a
Embedding cohesive surfaces into finite element models is a widely used technique for the numerical simulation of material separation (i.e. crack propagation). Typically, a traction–separation law is specified that relates the magnitude of the cohesive traction to the distance between the separating surfaces. Thus the characterization of fracture i...
Man-made islands have recently been considered as possible new construction sites for a variety of facilities. The performance of the seawalls bounding these islands when subjected to seismic loading is an important aspect of design. To obtain data on the performance of such structures when founded on a medium dense sand seabed and supported by an...