Ramzi Murziqin

Ramzi Murziqin
SCAD Independent | SCAD · Jurnal Ilmiah Peuradeun



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Publications (38)
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Many cases show that the preexisting human resource condition of teachers may potentially cause problems for an educational institution. Two possibilities arise: (1) if the number of teachers is lower than the ideal number and (2) if the number of teachers is more than the ideal number. Therefore, every institution must plan the human resources of...
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This study aims to determine the transformation of the Dayah Salafiyah curriculum in Aceh with the research parameter being Dayah Salafiyah MUDI Mesra Samalanga. This research is a descriptive qualitative research, which studies in depth and holistically with the type of field research and uses socio-phenomenological and humanism approaches. This r...
Karya ilmiah adalah penulisan yang terdiri dari masalah dan disajikan dengan metode ilmiah sesuai dengan aturan penulisan karya ilmiah tertentu. Makalah ilmiah berisi data dan fakta serta hasil penelitian seseorang yang ditulis secara berurutan dan sistematis. Buku ini disusun secara ringkas dalam bentuk modul, sehingga isi buku ini menyajikan desk...
Scientific work is writing that consists of problems and are presented with scientific methods in accordance with the rules of writing certain scientific papers. Scientific papers contain data and facts as well as the results of one's research which are written in a sequential and systematic manner. This book is arranged concisely in module form, s...
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Writing the essence is to arrange ideas with the help of words, sentences, and paragraphs. Words, sentences, and paragraphs are "containers" to convey ideas. The ideas are strung together in propositions which are then expressed in sentences and paragraphs. At the same time, we recognize facts, concepts, principles, and procedures. The results of t...
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Negara Indonesia dikategorikan sebagai negara lemah. Berbagai fakta dan alasan akan diungkap dalam makalah ini guna menjawab pernyataan tersebut. Pengambilan kesimpulan Negara lemah berdasarkan pada teori yang dinyatakan Robert I. Rotberg. Dalam teorinya dia menyatakan fungsi utama suatu Negara dan juga karakter suatu Negara dikatakan lemah. Dalam...
The modern era has led fiqh (Islamic law) in the problematic position and dilemma. Fiqh is not only difficult to solve various problems and social issues faced but still stutter defining selfhood, especially in the context of formulating a viable legal methods used to solve various problems such. In view of Coulson, this problem which is among the...
Possibilities for transforming contemporary prescriptive and semi-engineered design practices for timber light-frame building superstructures into fully-engineered design practices are discussed. Impetus for such change are increasing demand for construction of larger and taller buildings of the light-frame type; taking advantage of relaxation of f...
Despite much experience that low-rise wood buildings are vulnerable to damage by extreme wind events, few such structures have been tested in fullsize to understand how they respond to wind loads as a whole system. This paper presents a study that measured internal force flows throughout the framing of a typical North American single-story structur...
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Questions associated with analysis and design of wood light-frame buildings are addressed with emphasis on three-dimensional system analysis. Specifically, concepts for very detailed finite element model-ling are presented along with verification based on full system and substructure experiments. Such detailed modelling is not intended for applicat...
In the near future, new high-contrast imaging instruments dedicated to the direct detection of exoplanets at large orbital separations will be installed at the focus of large ground-based telescopes. Data obtained with these instruments optimized for very high contrast are strongly limited by the speckle noise. Specific observing strategies and dat...
Post-processing for exoplanet detection using direct imaging requires large data cubes and/or sophisticated signal processing technics. For alt-azimuthal mounts, a projection effect called field rotation makes the potential planet rotate in a known manner on the set of images. For ground based telescopes that use extreme adaptive optics and advance...
Direct detection and characterization of exoplanets with ground based telescope is one of the next important steps for a better understanding the formation and evolution of planetary systems, as well as the internal structure of large gaseous planets. Several instruments are currently being built to perform high angular and high contrast imaging fr...
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SPHERE is a second generation instrument for the Very Large Telescope (VLT) which will aim at directly detecting the intrinsic flux of young giant exoplanets thanks to a dedicated extreme adaptive optics system and coronagraphs. Exoplanet detection in the near-infrared will be performed in parallel with an integral field spectrograph and a differen...
This technical note describes how full-scale observations of external pressure coefficients for a single storey industrial building located in Quebec City, Canada compared with matched scale at 1:200 wind tunnel measurements. Wind pressure was measured by a grid of 20 pressure taps at wall and roof surfaces. Both mean and peak pressure coefficients...
Conference Paper
Direct imaging of exoplanets involves very low signal-to-noise ratio data, that need to be carefully acquired and processed. Multi-band devices enable the simultaneous record of images in different spectral bands. They can be used either for spectroscopy purposes or to improve detection capabilities. This work aims at detecting a potential source,...
Walls of low-rise wood light-frame buildings are commonly employed as the primary means for resisting damaging effects of horizontal forces caused by events like hurricanes and earthquakes. Here test data show how openings for doors and windows influence the in-plane shear stiffness and load capacity of light-frame wall panels sheathed with oriente...
The goal of work described is to predict how forces caused by wind flow through the fabric of prescriptively designed low-rise wood light-frame buildings. Primarily activities to date consist of non-destructive structural experiments on a complete building, non-destructive and destructive tests on isolated segments of wall, and creation and verific...
Material microstructure is a significant determinant of the tensile stress at which materials fail. Using a high-energy laser to drive shocks in thin slabs, we have explored the role material microstructure plays on the spall strength of high-purity and alloyed aluminum at strain rates of (2–7.5)×10<sup>6</sup> s <sup>-1</sup> . Slabs of pure recry...
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Exoplanet direct imaging involves very low signal-to-noise ratio data that need to be carefully acquired and processed. This paper deals with data processing for the VLT planet finder SPHERE, that will include extreme adaptive optics and high-contrast coronagraphy, and where field rotation will occur. First, we propose estimators of the intensity,...
Conference Paper
With the current development of astronomical instruments able to detect the direct light of exoplanets, such as the very large telescope instrument SPHERE, statistical tools need to be developed in order to make precise detection and estimation assessments. We propose a detection algorithm that delivers an estimation of the position and the intensi...
This paper describes structural monitoring experiments on a single storey wood light frame residential building located in Fredericton, NB, Canada. The test structure was used as a means to develop broad based understanding of the load paths and load sharing mechanisms in wood light frame structures, especially the non-structural components. The bu...
Notching glue laminated (glulam) timber beams at the tension side is a crucial decision that arguably should be avoided by design engineers because of the high stress concentrations that develop around such notches. However, it is done in practice to facilitate construction and to reduce the total necessary depth of floors and roofs. Timber design...
We conducted laser-induced spall experiments aimed at studying how a material's microstructure affects the tensile fracture characteristics at high strain rates (>106 s-1). We used the Z-Beamlet Laser at Sandia National Laboratory to drive shocks and to measure the spall strength of aluminum targets with various microstructures. The targets were re...
The VLT Planet Finder SPHERE (Spectro-Polarimetric High-contrast Exoplanet REsearch), that will include extreme adaptative optics (AO) and high-contrast coronagraphy, is under development. While observing exoplanets with one of the facilities of SPHERE --IRDIS (Infra-Red Dual-beam Imaging and Spectroscopy) in stabilized pupil mode-- the field of in...
An optical surface with convex parabolic shape over a large area has been created using a 12.7-mm-diameter annular pusher to deform a flat 25.4-mm-diameter mirror. The deformable mirror assembly has been modeled using finite element analysis software as well as analytical solutions. The measured parabolic surface deformation shows good agreement wi...
We have performed a series of experiments examining the properties of high Mach number blast waves. Experiments were conducted on the Z-Beamlet^1 laser at Sandia National Laboratories. We created blast waves in the laboratory by using 10 J- 1000 J laser pulses to illuminate millimeter scale solid targets immersed in gas. Our experiments studied the...
Conference Paper
We have improved deformable mirror approach to allow good parabolic deformation for efficient thermal lens compensation. Our design uses an annulus to push onto the back surface of a flat mirror substrate, simply supported at the outer edge, thereby creating a parabolic deformation within the encircled area. We built an assembly using a 25.4 mm dia...
Light-frame wooden buildings are highly complex and redundant structural systems that behave as assemblies of folded and interlocked rib-stiffened plate systems. This paper describes structural monitoring experiments on one such structure. A single storey industrial shed building located in Quebec City, Canada, was monitored to determine its displa...
Conference Paper
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This discusses the strategy, method and progress of an integrated series of studies aimed at rectifying major deficiencies in design of low-rise light-frame timber buildings. An industrial shed with an open interior is already being monitored to determine environmental forces applied to it, and how those forces flow from surfaces over which they ar...
This analysis presents of how friction in wood-to-metal interfaces can affect data from wedge-splitting tests on Double Cantilever Beam (DCB) spruce specimens. Cases evaluated were short cracks, and cracks emanating from a long notch. A numerical analysis is performed to clarify the influence of frictional characteristics at the wood-aluminium wedg...
A plasticity based constitutive compressive material model is proposed to model wood as elasto-plastic orthotropic according to the Hill yield criterion in regions of bi-axial compression. Linear elastic orthotropic material response is applied otherwise with maximum stresses taken as failure criteria. The model is implemented in the finite element...
The multi-channel laser probing Faraday rotation technique has been used for the measurement of the structure of megagauss-scale magnetic field in laser produced plasma created by the interaction of second harmonic of 2TW Z-Beamlet laser with solid target. The diagnostic is based on a three-channel polarointerferometer setup which allows us to reco...
Brittle failures are frequently encountered in wood bolted connections. Because of high localized stress concentrations, cracks initiate at the boundary of the bolt-hole and propagate parallel to the grain. This paper is intended to examine the attributes of fracture mechanics in predicting the brittle failure of such structural joints under short-...


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