Ramiro Néstor Curti

Ramiro Néstor Curti
National University of Salta | UNSa · Escuela de Agronomía

I am a biology scientist working at the intersection between agronomy, statistics, and environmental studies.


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Hi there, my name is Ramiro. I am a Lecturer in Statistics and Experimental Design at the School of Agronomy of the National University of Salta and a Research Associate of the National Research Council (CONICET) of Argentina. I am a biology scientist working at the intersection between agronomy, statistics, and environmental studies. Most of my research focuses on the development of crop physiological approaches to breeding analysis and the study of plant genetic resources
Additional affiliations
August 2012 - October 2017
National University of Salta
  • Professor
April 2014 - April 2016
National University of Salta
  • Postdoctoral fellow at CONICET
April 2014 - April 2016
National Scientific and Technical Research Council
  • PostDoc Position
March 2008 - March 2014
University of Buenos Aires
Field of study
  • Agronomia
March 2001 - April 2007
National University of Salta
Field of study
  • Ciencias Naturales


Publications (88)
Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) is one of the oldest crops in the American continent. It has been recognized as an extremely nutritious grain all over the world. The importance that quinoa could play in nutrition is being emphasized not only in developing countries but also in the developed world. This is the first study reporting the nutritiona...
AbstractA set of 34 quinoa populations from the Northwest Argentina region was characterised using quantitative and qualitative phenotypic traits in an experiment conducted in the province of Jujuy, Argentina. A selection of quinoa descriptors from the Bioversity International (former IBPGR) list was applied, and data were analyzed using descriptiv...
Background and objetives: The relative influences of genetic and environmental factors on seed composition traits as well as the interrelations among these attributes and seed yield are largely unknown in quinoa. These aspects are approached here through experiments conducted at a low elevation temperate environment with four quinoa genotypes sown...
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Chenopodium hircinum, the putative wild ancestor of quinoa, is a source of traits that could improve the tolerance of crop quinoa to high temperatures. However, seeds of C. hircinum have physiological dormancy (PD), which is an obstacle for plant propagation and use in breeding programs. We studied the intraspecific variability in morpho-anatomical...
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Genotype × environment (GxE) interaction effects are one of the major challenges in identifying cultivars with stable performance across agri-environments. In this study we analysed GE interactions to identify quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) cultivars with high and stable yields under different soil moisture regimes, representing control conditions, wa...
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Intraspecific variation in plant traits, such as leaf morphology, offers insights into local adaptation and the ecological niche breadth of species. Chenopodium hircinum, the wild ancestor of quinoa, is widely distributed across various ecoregions in Argentina. A detailed comparative analysis of leaf morphology across 23 populations covering its en...
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Pitseed goosefoot (Chenopodium berlandieri) is a free-living North American member of an allotetraploid complex that includes the Andean pseudocereal quinoa (C. quinoa). Like quinoa, pitseed goosefoot was domesticated, possibly independently, in eastern North America (subsp. jonesianum) and Mesoamerica (subsp. nuttaliae). To test the utility of C....
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La quínoa es una especie cultivada de origen Andino que recobró importancia durante las últimas décadas debido a su plasticidad fenotípica para tolerar diversos estreses abióticos y el excelente tenor proteínico de sus granos. El cultivo de quinoa se ha expandido mundialmente encontrando nuevos desafíos climáticos que, al estar ausentes en su área...
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La caracterización morfo-fenológica de los recursos fitogenéticos es el primer paso para su implementación en los programas de mejoramiento de los cultivos. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue describir mediante herramientas de análisis uni y multivariado un conjunto de 48 poblaciones de Chenopodium hircinum para el número de hojas y la duración d...
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En la búsqueda del mejoramiento genético de las especies, una de las finalidades es establecer relaciones entre caracteres fenotípicos de interés con la caracterización molecular. Es usual encontrar en la bibliografía mapeo asociativo para relacionar un conjunto de marcadores moleculares con una única variable fenotípica dependiente. En este trabaj...
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Context In quinoa, similar yields are found under a wide range of plant population densities due to its phenotypic plasticity. Aims This study aimed to identify optimal plant population densities for achieving attainable yields, in relation to the most adapted genotype for a given environment. Methods Andean (RQ252 and RQ420) and Coastal (Titicac...
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Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa), an Andean pseudocereal, attained global popularity beginning in the early 2000s due to its protein quality, glycemic index, and high fiber, vitamin, and mineral contents. Pitseed goosefoot (Chenopodium berlandieri), quinoa's North American free‐living sister species, grows on disturbed and sandy substrates across the No...
In this paper we tested the performance of the Species Distribution Models (SDMs) to provide reliable guidelines for planning a collection mission for quinoa’s wild ancestor, Chenopodium hircinum, across Argentina. A model was constructed by combining a prediction of the species’ geographic distribution based on bioclimatic variables and herbarium...
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La temperatura determina el fitness biológico de un organismo ya que controla el tiempo de los eventos de su desarrollo (fenología). Se ajustaron modelos lineales y no lineales segmentados con distinta complejidad para capturar la respuesta fenológica a la temperatura (alta, AT y control, CT) de 272 genotipos de quínoa. Se analizó el número de días...
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La selección de genotipos tolerantes a altas temperaturas (AT) requiere una clasificación de su respuesta a este factor. Se determinó que el modelo de regresión de 3 tramos con meseta resultó mejor para describir la respuesta en 191 genotipos de quínoa. Con base en los parámetros del modelo se hicieron dos clasificaciones. En la primera se evaluó s...
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Chia (Salvia hispanica L.) production worldwide has been encouraged due to its high essential fatty acid content that is effective for reducing cardiovascular affections. However, few studies have assessed the sowing density and row spacing to maximize chia grain yield (GY) and found controversial results. None of them reported effects on radiation...
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Context Cultivation of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) is rapidly expanding worldwide. Characterisation of populations of Chenopodium hircinum Schard., its wild ancestor, which thrives in some of the hottest environments in South America, may provide adaptations to new environments. Aims This study evaluated the developmental patterns of popula...
Thermal and hydrotime requirements for seed germination can vary with the species, environment in which the seeds developed and/or seed mass. We investigated seed germination responses to temperature and water potential of Aspidosperma quebracho-blanco, Bulnesia retama, Parasenegalia visco, Parkinsonia praecox, and Tecoma stans, all of which are na...
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Wild species related to crops are a source of genes for improving crop tolerance of biotic and abiotic stresses. Vasconcellea quercifolia and V. glandulosa are wild relatives of papaya (Carica papaya). They are the southernmost-distributed members of the genus and have traits related to tolerance of temperature and precipitation seasonality. Climat...
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Quinoa’s germplasm evaluation is the first step towards determining its suitability under new environmental conditions. The aim of this study was to introduce suitable germplasm to the lowland areas of the Faisalabad Plain that could then be used to introduce quinoa more effec-tively to that region. A set of 117 quinoa genotypes belonging to the US...
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Wild species related to crops are a source of genes for improving crop tolerance of biotic and abiotic stresses. Vasconcellea quercifolia and V. glandulosa are wild relatives of papaya (Carica papaya), are the southernmost-distributed members of the genus and have traits related to tolerance of temperature and precipitation seasonality. Climate and...
Sowing density (SD) and row spacing (RS) are management strategies that modify crop canopy, radiation capture, radiation use efficiency (RUE) and grain yield. The objective was to determine the combined effects of SD and RS on radiation interception, RUE and grain yield generation in chia. Two experiments were conducted during 2017 and 2018 using a...
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Quinoa has been promoted as a crop for marginal environments. Because of this and high international prices its cultivation was expanded to more than 100 countries in the last decades, and some of these new environments face high temperatures. This is accentuated by temperature increase as a consequence of climate change, making high temperatures a...
The aim of this experiment was to understand the physiological basis of genotype by environment by management interaction in quinoa. Experiments were carried out at four environments combining two locations (Valleys and Puna) and two years (2017 and 2019 for Valleys, 2018 and 2019 for Puna). Local genotypes (RQ252 from Valley and RQ420 from Puna) p...
Phenological studies of medicinal plants have been less explored especially for plants confined in the Himalayan region (India). Here we describe a detailed phenological stage of Megacarpaea polyandra Benth. ex Madden. This perennial species belongs to the family Brassicaceae and is commonly known as Barmola or Barmau, being a highly valued traditi...
Expansion into areas outside their centers of origin requires knowledge of quinoa’s physiology and its response to the environment concerning the determination of seed yield and its numerical components to facilitate crop management and breeding. The objectives of the current work were to analyze the determination of seed weight (SW) of different q...
Quinoa domestication studies based on seed’s morphological traits and conducted in the Central Andes region concluded that it occurred somewhere around Lake Titicaca before 3000 BC. Recent genetic studies showed quinoa (an allotetraploid) resulting from the fusion of two diploid species (carrying the A and B genomes), one Eurasian and one American...
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El mantenimiento y evaluación del material conservado en Bancos de Germoplasma son etapas indispensables para su posterior aprovechamiento. En los últimos años la caracterización agronómica y morfológica de recursos fitogenéticos se está complementando con caracterización molecular. Para contribuir a los procesos de mejora genética se espera establ...
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BACKGROUND There is renewed interest in quinoa as a potential source of vegetable oils; however, there is no information about how environmental conditions affect its fatty acid composition, a critical indicator of its oil quality. The fatty acid concentrations of four cultivars adapted to temperate environments were compared at three sowing dates...
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En los programas de mejoramiento de cultivos las recomendaciones varietales se realizan en función del valor genotípico. El valor genotípico se estima por medio de ensayos comparativos de rendimiento en múltiples ambientes (ECR). En los ECR es común encontrar varianzas-covarianzas heterogéneas debido a diferencias genotípicas y/o ambientales, por l...
Agricultural practices can reduce emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG). The definition of management practices toward mitigating GHG emissions could gain accuracy by integrating critical values of soil variables related to GHG fluxes. The aim of this study was to combine critical values of soil variables determining groups of GHG fluxes with similar...
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Effect of thermo-photoperiod conditions on pre-flowering phasic development, number of unfolded leaves, verticillaster dry weight at flowering (VDWFL) and grain yield were evaluated for chia (Salvia hispanica L.). The objectives of this study were to: (i) characterise the pre-flowering response of chia to thermo-photoperiod conditions during and pr...
Chia is a subtropical crop which recently reinforced its commercial value due to the high proportion of omega-3 in their grains. Although the growing demand for this crop, there is not a standardized scale to be used as a criterion to quantify their phenology. The aim of this study was to apply the Biologische Bundesanstalt, Bundessortenamt and Che...
White mould, caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de Bary, is one of the most threatening fungal diseases occurring across major bean production regions worldwide. In Argentina, under favourable weather conditions, up to 100% seed yield occur on susceptible common bean cultivars. The aim of this study was to characterize the diversity of S. sc...
The evaluation of changes in the fatty acid composition in Lupinus species after the debittering process is crucial to determine their nutritional implications. The aim of this study was to evaluate changes in the fatty acid composition in Lupinus albus and L. mutabilis after the debittering process. Lupinus species showed different fatty acid comp...
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Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) production is centred in the northwestern region of Argentina (NWA), where the incidence of root rot and stem diseases has increased considerably in recent years. This study aimed to analyse the genetic, morphological and pathogenic diversity of the Fusarium oxysporum and F. solani complexes (hereafter FOSC-FSSC), cau...
Conference Paper
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The goosefoot genus (Chenopodium) is circumpolar in distribution, with taxa native to all of the major continents as well as distant archipelago-endemics. The most famous species are C. quinoa or quinoa, the highly nutritious seed crop from the Andean region, and C. album or lambsquarters, a notoriously invasive agricultural weed. Quinoa is an allo...
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Quinoa can be used as a functional ingredient in food formulations. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects on proximate composition, stability during storage, texture and consumer acceptability of yogurts supplemented with quinoa flour at 1, 3 and 5 g 100 mL-1. A product without supplementation was used as control. Products were assessed...
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La quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd) es un pseudocereal que ha sido reconocido mundialmente por sus características nutritivas (fuente de aminoácidos, ácidos grasos esenciales, fibra dietética) y versatilidad para la formulación e incorporación en diversos alimentos. Asimismo, la demanda por productos alternativos a base de quinoa ha ido en ascenso...
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Nowadays, there is a renewed interest in quinoa because of the ethical and cultural appreciation of this ancient crop and considerations associated with its nutritional quality. The aim of this study was to evaluate the chemical composition of local (Argentinian variety) and commercial quinoa seeds, flours and their utilization in a fermented dairy...
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De acuerdo con las tendencias actuales en los cambios de estilos de vida, que predisponen a la generación de enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles, existe la necesidad de desarrollar nuevos alimentos con ingredientes funcionales para prevenirlas. En este sentido, hemos formulado yogures con la incorporación de diferentes concentraciones de harina...
Conference Paper
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Del universo de factores, el estrés hídrico ocasionado por la sequía al momento de la floración es quién más explica la variación del rendimiento de los cultivos en diferentes ambientes. Las complejas interacciones entre genotipos y ambientes, se interpretan a partir de ensayos comparativos de rendimiento que estimen la contribución genética y de i...
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The importance of grain weight lies in it being an attribute of commercial quality and as a yield component, so this trait is often used as a selection criteria for quinoa breeding. The main aim of this study was to analyze grain weight (GW) determination through the analysis of its components grain growth rate (GGR) and grain filling duration (GFD...
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Quinoa is an important Andean grain crop grown in a wide range of tropical and temperate environments. Time to flowering is an important trait determining grain yield. This work aimed to understand how responses to photoperiod and temperature might alter plant leaf and floral development. To assess the likely degree of G × E interactions, eleven qu...
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La humanidad hoy en día enfrenta uno de sus mayores retos: proveer de suficiente cantidad de alimentos saludables y nutritivos a una población en continuo crecimiento azotada permanente y negativamente por los cambios impredecibles del clima. Afrontar el desafío de producir más alimentos bajo este escenario de "tormenta perfecta", implicará realiza...
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In this paper we used species richness and endemism of Argentine cacti to select those provinces with highest priority for the conservation of this plant family in the country. The role of cactus diversity as a surrogate for dicot diversity was further analyzed. Species richness (number of species) and endemism (number of endemic species) were dete...
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En este trabajo se utilizó la riqueza de especies y el endemismo de las especies de cactáceas argentinas para seleccionar las provincias con la mayor prioridad para la conservación de esta familia de plantas en el país. Además, se evaluó el papel de la diversidad de cactáceas como sustitutos de la diversidad de plantas dicotiledóneas de Argentina....
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En este trabajo se utilizó la riqueza de especies y el endemismo de las especies de cactáceas argentinas para seleccionar las provincias con la mayor prioridad para la conservación de esta familia de plantas en el país. Además, se evaluó el papel de la diversidad de cactáceas como sustitutos de la diversidad de plantas dicotiledóneas de Argentina....
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The information gathered in the characterization and evaluation of germplasm collections provides knowledge of the type of genetic resources that is kept in the bank. This thesis deals with the morphological characterization, phenological evaluation and the analysis of genotype-by-environment interaction (G × E) effects for grain yield, its physiol...
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El cultivo de quinoa en el Noroeste de Argentina abarca un rango latitudinal y longitudinal estrecho en comparación con la distribución geográfica de la especie, pero un amplio rango altitudinal (2334-4012 msnm) acompañado de una muy alta variación climática. Un análisis de la variabilidad morfo-fenológica de una colección de germoplasma detectó cu...
Technical Report
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El objetivo del trabajo fue conocer la magnitud y distribución de la variabilidad genética actual de quínoa en el Noroeste Argentino y determinar las relaciones genéticas de estas poblaciones con germoplasma procedente de otras regiones del continente Americano. Se analizaron poblaciones nativas de quinoa representando la región del NOA y las difer...
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The objective of our work was to use the candidate gene strategy to investigate the degree of homology of grain weight determining genes, such as expansins and wall invertases, between quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) and other species and the degree of polymorphism of the amplified sequences in the genotypes studied. The conservation of sequences of ge...
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Conference Paper
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El Noroeste Argentino (NOA) representa un punto extremo en la distribución de lo que se conoce como el complejo Andino de Chenopodium quinoa (para diferenciarlo de materiales cultivados a Nivel del Mar, en Chile) y es actualmente una zona marginal en términos de la importancia local de su cultivo. Las accesiones nativas de quínoa se concentran en d...
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RESUMEN El método de Regresión por Mínimos Cuadrados Parciales (PLS) relaciona en un solo procedimiento los efectos de interacción genotipo x ambiente (GxA) como variable dependiente con respecto a variables externas ambientales como variables explicativas. En este trabajo se aplicó PLS a los datos obtenidos de ensayos multi-ambientales comparativo...
Conference Paper
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La variabilidad genética, su estructura, y asociación con la variabilidad morfológica para poblaciones de quinoa (C. quinoa Willd.) procedentes del Noroeste de Argentina (NOA) eran aspectos ignorados pocos años atrás, fuera de alguna información sobre un bajo número de accesiones argentinas conservadas en bancos de germoplasma en Bolivia y Perú, mu...
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El año Internacional de la Quinoa (AIQ) ha generado un gran revuelo a nivel país y provincia. Esto se tradujo en el incremento de in-centivos por parte de los produc-tores locales para producir este va-lioso grano andino en una de las regiones con mayor potencial de cultivo en el país (Noroeste de Argentina). No obstante, aún quedan muchos problema...
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En la provincia de Salta la quí-noa se cultiva en diferentes zonas agro-ecológicas comprendidas entre la Puna de Atacama (Depto. Los Andes) y las sierras Subandinas (Deptos. Iruya y Santa Victoria Oeste). En la Puna, la quínoa es un cultivo local destinado principalmente al autoconsumo familiar y, secun-dariamente a la alimentación animal. Por otra...
Conference Paper
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Los ensayos comparativos de rendimiento (ECR) multi-ambientales permiten evaluar la presencia de interacción genotipo por ambiente (GxA) en los programas de mejoramiento genético de cultivos. Las poblaciones nativas de quinoa del Noroeste Argentino (NOA) presentan una variabilidad genética y ambiental que determinarían la existencia de interaccione...