Ralitsa Simeonova-Ganeva

Ralitsa Simeonova-Ganeva
Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" · Faculty of Economics and Business Administration



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Research areas: macroeconomics, labour economics, human capital, SMEs/entrepreneurship, economic history, etc. Current projects: macroeconomic forecasting, skills formation and skills mismatch, labour market forecasting, economics of disabilities, entrepreneurship under the communist regime, etc.
Additional affiliations
August 2008 - May 2009
American University in Bulgaria
  • Adjunct Lecturer
  • Econometrics, Time Series Analysis, Panel Data Econometrics, Microeconomics
May 1993 - December 2000
Survey work and technical support
  • Freelance consultant
  • Confederation of the Bulgarian Trade Unions, Institute of Sociology at the Bulgarian Academy of Science, Ministry of Finance, etc.
May 2011 - present
Sigma Hat
  • Managing Partner
  • Products: forecasts, stress testing and net impact assessment models, analytical reports, strategic documents --- Clients: Official institutions, consulting companies, marketing agencies, financial institutions
October 2012 - July 2014
Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski
Field of study
  • Strategic Management
January 2002 - April 2006
Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski"
Field of study
  • Economics/ Statistics
October 1997 - February 1999
Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski
Field of study
  • Statistics and Econometrics


Publications (162)
This study examines how digital technologies affect the international expansion of female‐led small and medium‐sized enterprises (SMEs). Digital technologies have the potential to democratize entrepreneurship by providing access to international market knowledge and facilitating interactions with customers and partners. Building on the original Pen...
We evaluate a political market mechanism for siting nuclear waste repositories to local communities. This mechanism consists of a local referendum and economic incentives offered to the local population. Using a randomized choice experiment, we find that the political market mechanism decreases the Not-In-My-Backyard opposition in the case of nucle...
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Here we consider currency reforms, or the compulsory currency exchanges by governments, which were quite common in the first half of the twentieth century. We analyse the effects on inflation of the three currency reforms implemented by the communist regime in Bulgaria after WWII, and of the one that took place during the transition. We provide new...
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In this paper we explore the long-term developments of consumer prices in Bulgaria for the period 1750-2020. The discussion draws on a component-based index of consumer prices constructed by the authors. We consider both nominal price-level time series and real prices of selected essentials (bread, meat, sugar, tobacco, alcohol, and construction go...
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In this study, we consider real prices, real wages, real pensions, purchasing power, and consumption in Bulgaria during communism, transition, and EU integration. We focus on a range of essential goods representative of Bulgarian household consumption. We compile the corresponding data series based on official publications by the Bulgarian statisti...
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Реални цени, реални доходи и покупателна способност през комунизма, прехода и евроинтеграцията
Conference Paper
Economic forecasting in turbulent times is a challenge requiring utilization of innovative methods. Here we present a model from computational neuroscience and show its usefulness for macroeconomic forecasting. We compare its accuracy with that of the European Commission toolkit, used to prepare the macroeconomic outlook for EU27 countries during t...
Conference Paper
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A neuro-computational AI model, implementing insights into human and animal reactions in response to abrupt changes, is employed to forecast macroeconomic indicators. In turbulent years of pandemic and war, the model achieves good accuracy on GDP, Imports, and Exports. Using only a few previous data points, it outperforms the benchmark linear-fit m...
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В доклада представяме кратка информация за констуираните от нас три дългосрочни индекса на потребителските цени в България: компонентен индекс, базиран на постоянна потребителска кошница, композитен индекс, базиран на наличните официални ценови индекси, и комбиниран индекс, който съчетава първите два, така че да бъде обхванат периода 1750-2020 годи...
Conference Paper
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We analyse the effects of currency reforms in Bulgaria on inflation. We provide new evidence on the implemented currency exchanges and figures on the quantity of money in circulation in communist Bulgaria. We also discuss the role of the currency reform during the transition. Finally, we present an algorithm for converting values across different p...
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Development of entrepreneurship before and after Bulgaria's accession to the European Union
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Книгата представя историята на българското предприемачество през няколко периода: преди и след Освобождението, комунистическия режим, прехода и членството в ЕС. Тя съдържа оригинална интерпретация на добре познати и нови факти от гледна точка на съвременните разбирания за предприемачеството.
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The chapter explores the skill-formation processes in Bulgaria over four periods: two periods of the communist regime, the transition to markets and EU integration. For all of them, it reviews the sizable human capital imbalances faced by governments and their policy responses for the long term. The issues inherited from central planning regarding...
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This paper explores the effectiveness of youth employment measures in Bulgaria during the period 2000 – 2019. Firstly, the underlying factors affecting formulation and implementation of such policies are discussed including institutional context, macroeconomic environment, and labour market development. The policy response to the rising youth unemp...
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We evaluate a political market mechanism for allocating nuclear waste repositories to local communities. This mechanism consists of a local referendum and economic incentives offered to the local population. Using a randomized choice experiment, we find that the political market mechanism potentially solves the Not-In-My-Backyard problem of nuclear...
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The following research is the first attempt in the Bulgarian-language literature to quantify the drivers behind the internal migration of the population in Bulgaria after 1878, which according to some authors (Palairet, 1997) is of key importance for the established post-liberation economic and social model. So far, hypotheses concerning migration...
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Economic forecasting is always difficult and in turbulent periods becomes nearly impossible: Time-series are short and nonstationary while theoretical underpinning is limited. The brain, however, has mechanisms to deal with that kind of challenges, and neuroscience has uncovered some of them. Here we show how a neural circuit model for emotion gene...
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The following research is the first attempt in the Bulgarian-language literature to quantify the drivers behind the internal migration of the population in Bulgaria after 1878, which according to some authors (Palairet, 1997) is of key importance for the established post-liberation economic and social model. So far, hypotheses concerning migration...
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The objective of the presented evaluation report is to assess the effectiveness, efficiency and impact of measures co-funded by the ESF and YEI under the OP HRD 2014-2020 in Bulgaria. The relevant operations covered are Youth Employment, Active, Ready for Work, and Training and Employment for Young People. The data used include Employment Agency re...
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Методология за прогнозиране: Дългосрочното прогнозиране на пазара на труда в България води началото си от 2013–2014 г., когато беше разработен Прогностичен модел за пазара на труда в България. Моделът е в съответствие с добрите между-народни практики в областта. Включва мате-матически и статистически инструментариум, и е реализиран в специализирана...
Technical Report
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Моделът е изготвен по задание на Министерство на финансите на Република България. Основната задача на конструирания модел е да позволи оценяването на ефекти от проявлението на шокове върху ключови променливи на икономическата среда. Една част от тези ефекти касаят основни макроикономически агрегати и бюджетни показатели, а друга се отнася до изричн...
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Тенденции в заетостта и основни фактори, оказващи влияние върху развитието на пазара на труда
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Обобщени резултати от средносрочните и дългосрочните прогнози за развитието на пазара на труда в България за периода 2018-2032 г.
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Обобщени резултати от прогнозите за заетостта в избрани ключови сектори за периода 2018-2032 г.
В настоящата статия е направен преглед на методологичната рамка и иконометричните модели, които са използвани за оценка на въздействието на активната политика на пазара на труда (АППТ) на индивидуално ниво в България. Разгледаните оценки обхващат периода 2000-2017 г. и са проведени от различни академични или приложно-изследователски екипи за целите...
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The objective of the study is to determine a possible configuration of key work-related factors with respect to safety and health in the SMEs. Main research question is: By what mechanism do work time, work place, wellbeing and health affect accidents and incidents? A set of key work-related factors for accidents and incidents was identified based...
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Заетост на хората с увреждания в България Човешки капитал и хората с увреждания Публичните политики за включване на пазара на труда Нетни ефекти от политиката Основни въпроси пред формулирането на по-ефективни политики
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The variety of existing work schedules offers advantages and disadvantages for workers, as well as for their employers. While some flexibility in working hours is oriented to the needs of workers 1 (beyond the minimum standards required for the protection of the employed), another is focused on meeting the needs of businesses (in the literature con...
Technical Report
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English Version: https://www.eufunds.bg/images/SIBILA_2_methodological_frameworkand_technical_documentation_en.pdf
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Настоящият доклад е разработен в изпълнение на проект „Извършване на последваща оценка на приноса на активната политика на пазара на труда за изменение на избрани показатели, характеризи-ращи икономическото и социално развитие на страната за периода 2000–2011 г.“, финансиран по ос 6 на ОП РЧР със средства от ЕСФ от МТСП и реализиран в периода 2014–...
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This report was developed within the project "Preparing an Ex-post Assessment of the Contribution of the Active Labor Market Policy for the Dynamics of Selected Indicators Characterizing the Economic and Social Development of Bulgaria for the period 2000-2011" funded by Axis 6 of OP HRD by ESF by MLSP and implement-ed in the period 2014-2015. Activ...
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Основната цел на доклада е да бъде изведена дефиниция на доброто управление на концептуално, оперативно и политическо ниво. За да бъде постигната тази цел, на първо място е направен обстоен преглед на формулировките на доброто управление в европейската и международната практика. На второ място е направен сравнителен анализ на използваните дефиниции...
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Education and Labour Force in Bulgaria: 1944 -2004 /Вариант на доклада на български език/
Conference Paper
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What is the human capital in Bulgaria today? Is it true that Bulgaria had well-developed human resources in the communist period, or is it just a myth? And to what extent the present problems of the human capital are due to the transition? These questions and many others regarding the real status of the human capital with which the country has ente...
Agency of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises BARDA
Family businesses constitute an important part of the economies in Central and Eastern Europe. However, there is a lack of understanding about differences between family and non-family businesses in this context. This study investigates differences in management practices between Bulgarian family and non-family SMEs. To detect real rather than samp...