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Publications (119)
In the dynamic realm of financial industries, regulatory compliance is crucial for organizational stability and credibility. However, encountering the rigidity of regulatory frameworks alongside rapid technological advancements presents significant challenges for maintaining agility and competitiveness. This calls for organizations to develop resil...
Robotic Process Automation is an established technology in organizations. In the last years, it has also received considerable attention in scholarly research with publications, special issues, and academic conferences dedicated to the topic. Given that Robotic Process Automation has now moved beyond the initial hype, we can ask what research shoul...
This study describes a training approach to enhance Business Process Management (BPM) capabilities through heterogeneous and inter-organizational consortia, aiding collaborative process optimization and automation. Traditional BPM education focuses on methodological and IT-related skills. However, the complexity and diversity of skills and experien...
With the increasing proliferation of Robotic Process Automation and
other low-code approaches in automating business processes come new challenges for reusing automation artifacts. Business logic is implemented in multiple technologies and developed decentrally across the organization. Especially citizen developers, who do not have extensive progra...
IT has an enormous potential to democratise, equalise and decolonize development aid; however, the right IT governance is needed to actualize this potential. Such governance must align with the general efforts in development work to decolonize and eradicate adverse power imbalances. Power imbalances are at play when donors from the Global North fin...
To investigate opinions and attitudes of medical professionals towards adopting AI-enabled healthcare technologies in their daily business, we used a mixed-methods approach. Study 1 employed a qualitative computational grounded theory approach analyzing 181 Reddit threads in the several subreddits of r/medicine. By utilizing an unsupervised machine...
Telework technologies have been known since the 1970s, yet their adoption levels remained low until Covid-19-related lockdowns and curfews. The known rational and non-rational technology acceptance theory and biases cannot fully explain this effect. One of the possible answers to fill this gap could be availability bias which has probably also affe...
Rapid technological advancements, especially in artificial intelligence, robotic process automation, and large language models, have significantly transformed information systems and business processes. These shifts are characterized by the automation of tasks, reshaping traditional human-centric operations, and consequently redefining human roles...
Despite substantial innovations in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) that could benefit non‐governmental organizations (NGOs), NGOs are not using ICT yet to their full potential – especially compared to the ICT use in the private sector. Such behavior appears counterintuitive as one would expect NGOs to use every available resource t...
The benefits of reusing software and its prerequisites reach from faster implementation time to higher software quality and reduced maintenance effort through fewer artefacts to be maintained. However, in the context of BPM projects and automation, systematic reuse has not been adequately incorpo-rated, resulting in missed opportunities. This resea...
Reusing business process models and process-related artefacts is deemed an essential factor in BPM initiatives by researchers and practitioners. The reuse of corresponding artefacts has been researched and practiced for almost 40 years. Yet, with the growing adoption of component-and platform-based information systems, a current review of how we vi...
This study presents an online experiment to analyse two measures (success stories and additional information) to overcome a potential status quo bias towards adopting robotic process automation (RPA) in the nonprofit sector using 150 participants and two treatments. Data is analysed using PLS-SEM. Our findings indicate that the adoption of RPA tech...
Current research suggests culture as a driving force of successful digital innovation (DI) that may not only built an organization's capability to digitally innovate but also reduce impeding factors within the organization. Only few empirical accounts support this hypothesis so far. Details of how culture supports DI are yet under-researche...
Artificial intelligence (AI) holds tremendous potential for healthcare, as has been demonstrated across various use cases ranging from automated triage to assisted diagnosis. However, the limitations of AI must also be carefully considered in a fact-based debate on optimal use scenarios. In light of the prominent discussion around trust...
Die komplexen Strukturen der vorhandenen Krankenhaus-Patient*innen-Schnittstelle sowie zugehörige IT-Systeme, eingesetzte Speichermedien und die dezentralen Kontaktkanäle begründen häufig hohe administrative Aufwände im Gesundheitswesen. Diese Schnittstelle und die Kontaktkanäle für Patient*innen sind meist unabhängig voneinander or...
The information systems, e-business, and e-government literature has unanimously shown that trust and risk are antecedents of the use of information technology and technology-based services. However, a deeper understanding of the relationship between trust and risk, especially when taking into account the extensive knowledge created in fields such...
Robotic Process Automation opens up new possibilities for organizations to automate processes that were previously not worth automating for technical or financial reasons. Furthermore, the fact that RPA does not require deep IT skills allows for the development within business departments. However, RPA, and lightweight IT in general, not only creat...
Scholarly literature discusses several goals companies pursue with robotic process automation. These goals include both instrumental and humanistic objectives, such as increased process efficiency or higher job satisfaction. However, single case studies often focus only on single goals – not on the full spectrum of goals. An overview and critical r...
The Status Quo Bias (SQB) describes an individual's preference to avoid changes and maintain the current situation. In today’s world, technological advances require nearly constant change within organizations. Thus, SQB can become an issue when it hinders progress. Therefore, it is crucial to understand how this effect can be reliably measured and,...
In a recently published study on business process management (BPM) capabilities in the view of digitalization, project management was not named as a core capability by the corresponding Delphi panel. However, earlier (pre-digitalization) research suggests that project management is a key success factor for BPM. This contradiction could have severe...
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a comparably new phenomenon in process digitalization and automation. Prior research has identified a clear need to analyze Critical Success Factors (CSF) for RPA. In this study, we set out to derive a corresponding framework. Based on a structured review of the literature and an analysis of 19 expert interviews,...
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a comparably new way to automate business processes in organizations. It has been heavily adopted by practitioners, especially within the accounting discipline. However, scientific research seems to be lacking behind. There is no clear definition and no uniform understanding of advantages and disadvantages of RPA...
Business process management (BPM) drives corporate success through effective and efficient processes. In recent decades, knowledge has been accumulated regarding the identification, discovery, analysis, design, implementation, and monitoring of business processes. This includes methods and tools for tackling various kinds of process change such as...
Business process management (BPM) drives corporate success through effective and efficient processes. In recent decades, knowledge has been accumulated regarding the identification, discovery, analysis, design, implementation, and monitoring of business processes. This includes methods and tools for tackling various kinds of process change such as c...
Organizations around the globe are faced with digital transformation. However, many of these organizations, especially small- and medium-sized enterprises, lack the corresponding individual skills as well as the organizational capabilities to implement digital process innovations and change the corresponding organizational routines. This research-i...
Digital technologies, particularly the internet, led to unprecedented opportunities to freely inform oneself, debate, and share thoughts. However, the reduced level of control through traditional gatekeepers such as journalists also led to a surge in problematic (e.g., fake news), straight-up abusive, and hateful content (e.g., hate speech). Being...
Due to technological advances, IT is increasingly introduced and managed outside of (or even hidden from) an organisation's IT department. As a result, researchers and practitioners have created multiple concepts describing different facets and trends of this development. While the individual concepts typically focus on different aspects, there are...
Durch die Covid-19-Pandemie und die entsprechenden „Lock-Downs“ wurde der digitale Lehrbetrieb an Hochschulen weiter in den Vordergrund gerückt. Die in den vergangenen Jahren und Jahrzehnten gesammelten Erfahrungen im E‑Learning und Blended Learning-Bereich sind zwar hilfreich, für die jetzt geforderte rein digitale Lehre in den mei...
Business process management (BPM) drives corporate success through effective and efficient processes. In recent decades, knowledge has been accumulated regarding the identification, discovery, analysis , design, implementation, and monitoring of business processes. This includes methods and tools for tackling various kinds of process change such as...
The current Covid-19 pandemic has tremendous effects on labour markets worldwide. While we observe a rapid change to work from home, an increase in unemployment is expected, too. This research article reports on results of a research project on the effect of the pandemic on the public sector labour market. We systematically study public sector job...
Technologies such as Robotic Process Automation or Artificial Intelligence are becoming increasingly recognized as essential elements and engines of digital transformation in businesses today. However, especially in the professional sports industry, the adoption of these technologies appears to be lagging behind. This paper aims to provide a deeper...
Organizations around the globe are faced with the digital transformation. However, many of these organizations, lack the corresponding individual skills and mindsets as well as the organizational capabilities to drive digital transformation. This short paper reports on preliminary results of an action research study. We conceptualize organizational...
A plethora of theoretical perspectives on the phenomenon of IT outside of the IT department exists. One recent perspective is lightweight IT as introduced by Bygstad [1]. It is interesting as it takes a positive view on this phenomenon and contrasts lightweight from heavyweight IT. To reflect on the current understanding of lightweight IT this pape...
With the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, multiple organizations are experiencing cuts and changes in existing business concepts and face the challenge of adapting to the new circumstances. This short paper discusses preliminary results of a mixed methods based study on business process management capabilities. Using an existing BPM capability fram...
Krisen erfordern flexibles Handeln und schnelle Anpassungen sowohl von Menschen als auch von öffentlichen Institutionen. Die öffentliche Hand und insbesondere die deutschen Gesundheitsbehörden sind während der Covid-19-Pandemie, beginnend im März 2020, massiv herausgefordert. Die Bewältigung des teilweise exponentiell wachsenden Pro...
This article used case study research to explore the possibility of autonomous development of process automation, by the end user in healthcare. To this end, a qualitative case study was conducted to understand what factors influence the ease of use, intention to use and usefulness of such solutions. The results suggest that in the execution of aut...
The perception of emerging technologies such as Robotic Process Automation (RPA) goes through the phases of emergence, growth, and maturity. In the emergence phase, potential users of the technology naturally have unrealistic expectations of high performance. The expected positive impact of the technology drives the subsequent growth phase. Later,...
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) bezeichnet eine Technologie, die die einfache Erstellung von Computerprogrammen (sogenannten Bots) zur Automatisierung von IT-gestützten Geschäftsprozessen über die graphische Benutzeroberfläche ermöglicht. Aktuelle Forschungsbemühungen im Themenfeld RPA haben gezeigt, dass der erfolgreiche Einsatz v...
Organizations continuously optimize their processes to improve measures such as efficiency, effectiveness, or customer satisfaction. Today, many organizations consider using robotic process automation as a means to deliver result quicker-or to deliver process optimization on steroids. This article describes results from an in-depth case study which...
The “standing on the shoulders of giants” metaphor is often used to acknowledge the work of others when undertaking research and, in particular, stresses the importance of literature reviews in scientific inquiry. Though the significance of literature reviews has never been in doubt, researchers, especially novice researchers, still struggle with d...
Citizen involvement in public sector innovation is ubiquitously called for. However, public administrations are still hesitant to adopt such practices. We identify key issues in citizen involvement from the government perspective on the basis of related work and a survey among German local authorities (n = 358). First, we find that public administr...
Service firms need to continuously innovate their service offerings in order to remain competitive in constantly changing market conditions. Successful innovators utilise current information technology (IT) to access service innovation capacity and knowledge which can be located internal or external to their organisation. In this paper, we develop...
Die Quadromo-Methode vereint vier Perspektiven auf das Service Design: Nutzen, Prozesse, Ressourcen und Finanzen. In diesem Kapitel werden die vier Perspektiven vorgestellt und somit Grundlagen für die Anwendung der Quadromo-Methode gelegt.
Die Quadromo-Methode bietet ein systematisches Vorgehen für das Service Design. Sie folgt einer Philosophie, die eine grundlegende Struktur, eine Arbeitsrichtung, verschiedene Ebenen sowie die Zeilenorientierung und die Prozessorientierung als Leitlinien vorgibt. In diesem Kapitel werden diese Leitlinien dargestellt und am Beispiel einer konkreten...
Das Service Design bezeichnet einen bewusst durchgeführten Dienstleistungsinnovationsprozess mit dem Ziel, bislang ungenutzte Wertschöpfungspotenziale zu erschließen. Hierbei unterstützt die Quadromo-Methode. Das Kapitel leitet in das Thema mit einer kurzen Darstellung von Dienstleistungen ein, beschreibt dann die Besonderheiten von Dienstleistunge...
Das Service Design wird Sie vor neue Herausforderungen stellen. In diesem Kapitel werden sieben Erfolgsfaktoren vorgestellt, die Ihnen dabei helfen, diese Herausforderungen zu meistern.
Verschiedene Unternehmen haben die Quadromo-Methode bereits erfolgreich eingesetzt. Dieses Kapitel gibt drei reale Anwendungsbeispiele und erläutert so spezifische Herausforderungen, Erkenntnisse und Varianten in der Methodenanwendung.
Business process management (BPM) is a topic that has received immense attention in information systems research and practice. While the existing literature comprehensively covers BPM methods, techniques, and tools, the development of BPM capability in organizations remains under-researched. Existing studies mainly present maturity models with gene...
Dieses Buch führt in den Bereich der Dienstleistungsinnovation ein und stellt mit der Quadromo-Methode einen praxistauglichen Ansatz für das Service Design vor. Zahlreiche Anwendungsbeispiele aus der betrieblichen Praxis zeigen, wie sich Prozessgestaltung und Geschäftsmodellinnovation ergänzen und verbinden lassen. Checklisten und Umsetzungstipps u...
Business Process Management (BPM) is a holistic management approach towards changing an organization’s business processes (Armistead and Machin 1997, 1998; Pritchard and Armistead 1999; Rosemann et al. 2006; Zairi 1997). Following Becker and Kahn (2010), business processes can be defined as time-logical sequences of activities that are conducted to...
In order to answer the introduced research questions, a multi-method research approach was employed (Creswell 2003). Multi-method research is increasingly used and accepted in social sciences (Bryman and Bell 2011) and is considered as being valuable for IS research for three main reasons.
In this SpringerBrief, a theoretical framework for process-oriented dynamic capabilities was developed. This framework is able to serve as a basis for understanding and analyzing BPM and service innovation from a theoretical perspective. Thus, it is a valuable step in closing the existing research gap of a missing theoretical understanding of both...
In the exposition (Sect. 4.1), a research gap with regards to the theoretical understanding of BPM and service innovation was outlined. In order to show the existence of this gap and, thus, to prevent an unintended repetition of work that has already been done, a literature review was conducted (Niehaves and Plattfaut 2011).
This SpringerBrief offers several contributions to theory in accordance with the three research questions that are presented in the following.
– Business process management (BPM) is a key concept in information systems (IS) research that helps to connect business strategy with the use of technology in an organization. Contemporary BPM research is no longer only about methods, procedures, or tools for managing or modeling processes but about assessing and developing BPM capability...
Service Innovation has become a focal point of attention for managers. Hence, organizations need to implement a convenient innovation strategy to remain competitive in constantly changing market environments. To identify, design and implement possible service innovation, organizations already successfully cooperate with external partners, suppliers...
Service concept development is an important step in developing new services. A quality criterion for new service concepts is creativity, that is, the degree to which a service is novel and useful. This study focuses on the role of creativity support systems (CSS) in developing creative service concepts. We analyse how service organisations assess t...
In today’s networked service society, service innovation becomes increasingly important. In 2012, the creation of new services was among the top five global business strategies (Gartner Inc. 2012).
In light of current challenges that modern societies are facing (e.g. demographic change, financial budgetary constraints, and demand for individualized public services), public administrations need to find innovative ways to deliver public services more efficiently. One possible solution to the dilemma of shrinking resources and increasing demands...
Information technology (IT) allows members of the growing elderly population to remain independent longer. However, while technology becomes more and more pervasive, an age-related underutilisation of IT remains observable. For instance, elderly people (65 years of age and older) are significantly less likely to use the Internet than the average po...
Business Process Management (BPM) is a topic of greatest relevance to government innovation. While the concept originally stems from the private sector, public sector organizations have established BPM capabilities and are in the move of developing these further. Despite the importance of the phenomenon, literature does however not yet provide a co...
Business models are of great importance for business innovation. They can be understood as conceptual models that describe how organizations create and deliver value. Their creation is increasingly supported by information technology artifacts, as information technology facilitates information sharing, allows for continuous modification, and suppor...
Business modeling tools provide IT support in the complex process of business modeling. Little research exists on the evaluation of business modeling tools. We interpret business modeling as a creative process and evaluate a specific business modeling tool (OctoProz) by assessing its potential for fostering creative performance. We draw on literatu...
This chapter introduces the process-oriented business model framework (Octoproz) and its application in an innovation workshop in a real life scenario of a printing industry case company. It reports on the merits and drawbacks of Octoproz for creating business models. The chapter also introduces related work on business modeling and briefly present...
For many organizations, business process innovation (BPI) is a crucial factor to ensure competitiveness. BPI can be characterized as a dynamic capability, since it facilitates change in operational processes. Moreover, it involves creative activity, since new and purposeful business processes are created. In this context, choosing and implementing...
The purpose of this study is to identify the impact of individual differences on service channel selection for e-government services. In a comparative survey of citizens in Germany and Australia (n=1205), we investigate the impact of age, gender, and mobility issues on the selection of personal or mobile communication as channels for service consum...
Business Process Management (BPM) has become an established management practice. Current literature in this field identifies maintaining a process-aware IT landscape and managing boundary-crossing relations as important functions in BPM. Regarding the former, we understand "BPM range" as the level of process-awareness in the IT landscape. As for th...
Organizations have to continuously align their value propositions with changing market requirements. Business modeling is an established approach for capturing new business ideas that deliver value to customers. Business model frameworks are an instrument for structuring business models. However, existent frameworks disregard the process as central...
E-government is beneficial for both citizens and public administrations. However, there are great differences in citizens' e-government usage and, thus, there exists a gap between adopters and non-adopters of e-government services. Most related studies explore e-government acceptance on the basis of the entire population, while investigation of onl...
Verwaltungsdienstleistungen sind über verschiedene Kanäle nutzbar. Der klassische Weg des Behördenbesuchs wurde in den letzten Jahren um mobile Bürgerdienste erweitert. Diese sollen insbesondere Senioren und Personen mit eingeschränkter Mobilität Zugang zu den Dienstleistungen erleichtern. Neben den mobilen Bürgerdiensten werden zunehmend digitale...
Business process management (BPM) networks have become an important theme in both research and practice. Drawing from governance theory, this paper seeks to provide a theoretical understanding of BPM networks and introduce three types of BPM governance: market, network, and hierarchy. Subsequently, it aims to study the impact of BPM maturit...
Both incremental and radical business process change are undoubtedly core tasks of Business Process Management (BPM) and, thus, organizational design. The competence to successfully pursue such BPM initiatives represents an important capability which is needed by organizations exposed to a dynamic business environment. While the term BPM is omnipre...
The success of many new technologies and technology-based applications relies heavily on considering social factors. Contemporary models for technology acceptance either neglect social aspects or cover them in a superficial way. In our study we develop a better understanding of social aspects in technology adoption. We analyze and combine items rel...
In today's dynamic market environments, service organizations face the need to improve existing and create new services. While practice and research acknowledge the importance of this phenomenon, it is yet understudied with regard to understanding relevant resources for service innovation. Based on the resource-based view and dynamic capability the...
Both financial pressure and customer and service-quality orientation force governments to “innovate their processes.” With
governmental processes affecting a large variety of stakeholders both inside and outside the government sector, involving
these stakeholders in process innovation becomes an important means of increasing know-how, capacity, and...
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the status quo with regards to business process management (BPM) and collaboration and to show potential fields of future research in the area of collaborative BPM.
To obtain results, authors employ the method of a systematic literature review using relevant existing guide...
Service organizations face the challenge of offering their customers continuously improved or completely new services and, hence, require service innovations to sustain themselves in the market. We interpret the design and implementation of new or enhanced service offerings as a dynamic capability because the service organization is required to sen...
The service sector has experienced a remarkable growth in most advanced economies over the last decades. Services are processes that transfer inputs into outputs through interaction between customer and provider. The performance of service processes can be measured in terms of service productivity. Service productivity, expressing the relationship...