Ralf Jaumann

Ralf Jaumann
Freie Universität Berlin | FUB



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Publications (1,857)
Conference Paper
Introduction: The current NASA's Mars 2020 mission is exploring the Jezero crater that was once filled with water. Since it is widely acknowledged that access to liquid water is essential for life, studying the fluvial activity in Jezero can aid in the crater’s habitability assessment. We examined ten water-related processes using water and sedimen...
Conference Paper
Jezero crater, which once contained a paleolake, is the investigation site of the current NASA's Mars 2020 mission. We modelled 9 water related processes in Jezero: 1) western inlet valley carving, 2) northern inlet valley carving, 3) crater flooding by only northern inlet and 4) by both northern and western inlets, 5) erosion of the eastern rim fo...
Conference Paper
Minimum timescales for water-related processes the Jezero crater are obtained using flow discharge and sediment transport models by Kleinhans (2005), new measurements and data from the Perseverance rover.
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Plain Language Summary Asteroid (16) Psyche is the largest known metal‐rich asteroid and is a relic of the building blocks of the planets from the early solar system. We hypothesize that it is either an exposed metallic core of an asteroid or unmelted metal‐rich material. NASA's Psyche mission, launched in October 2023, aims to explore Psyche to un...
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The image data of the Context Camera (CTX) of the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter require a flat‐field correction that is currently available as a plain text file in the Planetary Data System “Calib” folders for all CTX Enhanced Data Record releases or automatically implemented as part of the ctxcal application of the Integrated Software for Images and...
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Chaos terrains are geologically young and extensively disrupted surface features of Europa, thought to be an expression of the subsurface ocean interacting with the surface. The most prominent examples of this terrain on Europa are Conamara Chaos, and Thera and Thrace Maculae, all prime targets for the upcoming JUICE and Europa Clipper missions to...
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The ever changing transparency of the Martian atmosphere hinders the determination of absolute surface colour from spacecraft images. While individual high resolution images from low orbit reveal numerous striking colour details of the geology, the colour variation between images caused by scattering off atmospheric dust can easily be of greater ma...
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Faults and fractures may emplace fresh material onto Europa's surface, originating from shallow reservoirs within the ice shell or directly from the subsurface ocean. Ménec Fossae is a region of particular interest as it displays the interaction of several geological features, including bands, double ridges, chaotic terrains, and fossae, within a r...
Conference Paper
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Introduction: The "jitter_solve" program was recently introduced by NASA Ames Stereo Pipeline (ASP) software [1] as a possible solution "to reduce the effect of unmeasured perturbations in the linescan sensor as it acquires the data" [2]. "Jitter_solve" program reminds the work of the "bundle_adjust" program , but it adjusts each individual camera...
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Chaos terrains are geologically young and extensively disrupted surface features of Europa, thought to be an expression of the subsurface ocean interacting with the surface. The most prominent examples of this terrain on Europa are Conamara Chaos, and Thera and Thrace Maculae, all prime targets for the upcoming JUICE and Europa Clipper missions to...
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The Hayabusa2 mission provided a unique data set of asteroid Ryugu that covers a wide range of spatial scale from the orbiter remote sensing instruments to the returned samples. The MASCOT lander that was delivered onto the surface of Ryugu aimed to provide context for these data sets by producing in situ data collected by a camera (MasCam), a radi...
Conference Paper
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After 20 years of image release activity we want to make HRSC data products easily accessible for scientists and the public using Mapservers.
Conference Paper
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Virtual reality based on Mars image data (HRSC, CTX, HiRISE) showing Jezero Crater and surrounding area.
Samples of the carbonaceous asteroid (162173) Ryugu were collected and brought to Earth by the Hayabusa2 spacecraft. We investigated the macromolecular organic matter in Ryugu samples and found that it contains aromatic and aliphatic carbon, ketone, and carboxyl functional groups. The spectroscopic features of the organic matter are consistent with...
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Perseverance's Mastcam-Z instrument provides high-resolution stereo and multispectral images with a unique combination of spatial resolution, spatial coverage, and wavelength coverage along the rover's traverse in Jezero crater, Mars. Images reveal rocks consistent with an igneous (including volcanic and/or volcaniclastic) and/or impactite origin a...
Perseverance’s Mastcam-Z instrument provides high-resolution stereo and multispectral images with a unique combination of spatial resolution, spatial coverage, and wavelength coverage along the rover’s traverse in Jezero crater, Mars. Images reveal rocks consistent with an igneous (including volcanic and/or volcaniclastic) and/or impactite origin a...
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The objective of the NASA Psyche mission gravity science investigation is to map the mass distribution within asteroid (16) Psyche to elucidate interior structure and to resolve the question of whether this metal-rich asteroid represents a remnant metal core or whether it is a primordial body that never melted. Measurements of gravity will be obtai...
Context. After landing on C-type asteroid Ryugu, MASCOT imaged brightly colored, submillimeter-sized inclusions in a small rock. Hayabusa2 successfully returned a sample of small particles from the surface of Ryugu, but none of these appear to harbor such inclusions. The samples are considered representative of Ryugu. Aims. To understand the appare...
Conference Paper
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Explore the landing site of the Mars 2020 Perseverance rover in an interactive hiking map loaded with orbital imagery, terrain data and virtual 3D panoramic views of Jezero crater and its surrounding area! The map allows fast zooming and panning for the exploration of the available data in several magnitudes of scale levels from far away until cent...
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Pitted impact deposits (PIDs) on Vesta have been shown to exhibit distinct spectral characteristics with respect to their surrounding host deposits and other typical Vestan areas regarding the first major pyroxene absorption near 0.9 μ m. The PIDs, especially those in the ejecta blanket of the large crater Marcia, show higher reflectance and pyroxe...
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The study of the cratering history of asteroid (16) Psyche is one of the investigations to be performed by the NASA Psyche mission. A dedicated Relative Ages Working Group will carry on these investigations using primarily imaging and topographic data, and complement the interpretation of these data with theoretical models (hydrocodes to simulate i...
MASCOT (‘Mobile Asteroid Surface Scout’) is a 10 kg mobile surface science package part of JAXA’s Hayabusa2 sample return mission. The mission was launched in December 2014 from Tanegashima Space Center, Japan. The Hayabusa2 spacecraft reached the target asteroid in summer 2018. After a mapping phase of the asteroid and a landing site selection pro...
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Detailed mapping of topography is crucial for the understanding of processes shaping the surfaces of planetary bodies. In particular, stereoscopic imagery makes a major contribution to topographic mapping and especially supports the geologic characterization of planetary surfaces. Image data provide the basis for extensive studies of the surface st...
Conference Paper
The Near-Earth Asteroid (162173) Ryugu has been investigated by the JAXA Hayabusa2 mission. Hayabusa2 successfully returned samples from two sites of Ryugu’s surface to Earth in December 2020. Part of this mission was the deployment of the MASCOT lander which studied Ryugu’s surface in detail. Ryugu is a rubble-pile asteroid covered in boulders and...
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The near-Earth asteroid (162173) Ryugu, the target of Hayabusa2 space mission, was observed via both orbiter and the lander instruments. The infrared radiometer on the MASCOT lander (MARA) is the only instrument providing spectrally resolved mid-infrared (MIR) data, which is crucial for establishing a link between the asteroid material and meteorit...
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In response to ESA’s “Voyage 2050” announcement of opportunity, we propose an ambitious L-class mission to explore one of the most exciting bodies in the Solar System, Saturn’s largest moon Titan. Titan, a “world with two oceans”, is an organic-rich body with interior-surface-atmosphere interactions that are comparable in complexity to the Earth. T...
MASCOT (‘Mobile Asteroid Surface Scout’) is a 10 kg mobile surface science package part of JAXA’s Hayabusa2 sample return mission. The mission was launched in December 2014 from Tanegashima Space Center, Japan. The Hayabusa2 spacecraft reached the target asteroid in summer 2018. After a mapping phase of the asteroid and a landing site selection pro...
Context. After landing on C-type asteroid Ryugu, MASCOT imaged brightly colored, submillimeter-sized inclusions in a small rock. Hayabusa2 successfully returned a sample of small particles from the surface of Ryugu, but none of these appear to harbor such inclusions. The samples are considered representative of Ryugu. Aims. To understand the appare...
MASCOT has been selected to be integrated on board the JAXA Hayabusa2 mission, with a suite of 4 instruments: a camera MASCam, a radiometer MARA, a magnetometer MASMag and MicrOmega, a hyperspectral near infrared microscope, designed to characterize the composition of Ryugu surface materials down their grain scale (25 μm large). A joined article (H...
Conference Paper
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Since 2010 new HRSC multi-orbit data products have been generated, which have been developed into a global mapping program organized into MC-30 half-tiles, since 2014 [4,5]. Based on continuous coverage of an area, regional DTMs and orthomosaics can be produced by combining image data from multiple orbits using specifically adapted techniques for b...
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Dust and melt ponds have been studied on planetary bodies including Eros, Itokawa, and the Moon. However, depending on the nature of the regolith material properties and the location of the planetary body, the formation mechanism of the ponded features varies. On Eros and Itokawa, ponded features are formed from dry regolith materials whereas on th...
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The goal of Project GAUSS (Genesis of Asteroids and evolUtion of the Solar System) is to return samples from the dwarf planet Ceres. Ceres is the most accessible candidate of ocean worlds and the largest reservoir of water in the inner Solar System. It shows active volcanism and hydrothermal activities in recent history. Recent evidence for the exi...
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We imaged a set of carbonaceous chondrites from the CM2, CO3, CV3, and CK4 groups using the qualification model of MasCam, the camera on board the asteroid lander MASCOT, which touched down on asteroid Ryugu in 2018 October. A CI1 meteorite was also imaged but excluded from the analysis due to prominent terrestrial weathering. Following the methods...
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The JUpiter Icy moons Explorer (JUICE) will investigate Ganymede's and Callisto's surfaces and subsurfaces from orbit to explore the geologic processes that have shaped and altered their surfaces by impact, tectonics, possible cryovolcanism, space weathering due to micrometeorites, radiation and charged particles as well as explore the structure an...
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Crater morphology and surface age of asteroid (162173) Ryugu are characterized using the high‐resolution images obtained by the Hayabusa2 spacecraft. Our observations reveal that the abundant boulders on and under the surface of the rubble‐pile asteroid affect crater morphology. Most of the craters on Ryugu exhibit well‐defined circular depressions...
Crater morphology and surface age of asteroid (162173) Ryugu are characterized using the high-resolution images obtained by the Hayabusa2 spacecraft. Our observations reveal that the abundant boulders on and under the surface of the rubble-pile asteroid affect crater morphology. Most of the craters on Ryugu exhibit well-defined circular depressions...
The occurrence of pitted impact deposits (PIDs) and widespread OH-bearing minerals on the differentiated asteroid Vesta shows that volatiles delivered by exogenic sources play an important role for surface appearance and processes on airless bodies. The young, large crater Marcia features widely spread PIDs in its crater-fill and ejecta deposits. I...
Conference Paper
MASCOT (‘Mobile Asteroid Surface Scout’) is a 10 kg mobile surface science package part of JAXA’s Hayabusa2 sample return mission. The mission was launched in December 2014 from Tanegashima Space Center, Japan. The Hayabusa2 spacecraft reached the target asteroid in summer 2018. After a mapping phase of the asteroid and a landing site selection pro...
Conference Paper
At 01:57:20 UTC on October 3rd, 2018, after 3½ years of cruise aboard the JAXA spacecraft HAYABUSA2 and about 3 months in the vicinity of its target, the MASCOT lander was separated successfully by from an altitude of 41 m. After a free-fall of only ~5m51s MASCOT made first contact with C-type near-Earth and potentially hazardous asteroid (162173)...
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We analyze images of a rock on Ryugu acquired in situ by MASCam, the camera on the mascot lander, with the aim of identifying possible carbonaceous chondrite (CC) analogs. The rock’s reflectance ( r F = 0.034 ± 0.003 at phase angle 4.5 ∘ ± 0.1 ∘ ) is consistent with Ryugu’s average reflectance, suggesting that the rock is typical for this asteroid....
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We have analyzed mass wasting features, their distribution and deposit geometry on the two largest main asteroid belt objects—protoplanet Vesta and dwarf planet Ceres—and compared their geomorphology and mobility. Both asteroids have similar surface accelerations, but different surface compositions. Based on our observations and previous studies, w...
Technical Report
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Mars Polar Science is an integrated, compelling system that serves as a nearby analogue to numerous other planets, supports human exploration, and habitability. Mars possesses the closest and most easily accessible layered ice deposits outside of Earth, and accessing those layers to read the climate record would be a triumph for planetary science.
Conference Paper
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For more than 17 years, the High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) onboard Mars Express (MEx) has acquired image data of the Red Planet on a global scale and at high resolution. Although outmatched in spatial resolution by the Context Camera (CTX), the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) and more recently by the Colour and Stereo Surf...
Conference Paper
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Since 2003 the High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) experiment on Mars Express is in orbit around Mars. Besides the obligatory “Earth Farewell” and “Mars Approach” releases, created during transit of the spacecraft, the first surface-images were sent to Earth on January 14th 2004. On January 19th these images were released featuring Hydraotes Chaos...
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We report a previously unnoticed annually repeating phenomenon consisting of the daily formation of an extremely elongated cloud extending as far as 1,800 km westward from Arsia Mons. It takes place in the solar longitude (Ls) range of ∼220°–320°, around the Southern solstice. We study this Arsia Mons Elongated Cloud (AMEC) using images from differ...
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We report a previously unnoticed annually repeating phenomenon consisting of the daily formation of an extremely elongated cloud extending as far as 1800 km westward from Arsia Mons. It takes place in the Solar Longitude (Ls) range of ~220-320, around the Southern solstice. We study this Arsia Mons Elongated Cloud (AMEC) using images from different...
After 3.5 years of cruise, and about 3 months in the vicinity of its target, the MASCOT lander was deployed successfully on 3rd October 2018 by the Hayabusa2 spacecraft onto the C-type near-Earth asteroid (162173) Ryugu. After a free-fall of 5 min 51 sec from an altitude of 41 m MASCOT experienced its first contact with the asteroid hitting a big b...
Conference Paper
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Much of our knowledge about the history and evolution of the Moon stems from orbital and laboratory analyses of volcanic materials. Pyroclastics are our best source of information about lunar mantle composition and mineralogy, P/T conditions, and volatiles in the interior. The volatiles in pyroclastic glasses are also relevant for in situ resource...
Conference Paper
Mastcam-Z is a high-heritage imaging system aboard NASA's Mars 2020 Perseverance rover that is based on the successful Mastcam investigation on the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) Curiosity rover. It has all the capabilities of MSL Mastcam, and is augmented by a 4:1 zoom capability that will significantly enhance its stereo imaging performance for sc...
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Mastcam-Z is a multispectral, stereoscopic imaging investigation on the Mars 2020 mission’s Perseverance rover. Mastcam-Z consists of a pair of focusable, 4:1 zoomable cameras that provide broadband red/green/blue and narrowband 400-1000 nm color imaging with fields of view from 25.6° × 19.2° (26 mm focal length at 283 μrad/pixel) to 6.2° × 4.6° (1...
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The Mars Express (MEX) mission has been successfully operated around Mars since 2004. Among many results, MEX has provided some of the most accurate astrometric data of the two Mars moons, Phobos and Deimos. We present new ephemerides of the Mars moons benefitting from all previously published astrometric data to the most recent MEX SRC data. Obser...
Hayabusa-2, a JAXA mission, reached C-type asteroid (162173) Ryugu in June 2018. Hayabusa2 carried MASCOT (Ho et al., 2016), a small lander developed by DLR and CNES. The goal of MASCOT was to perform in situ measurements on the surface of the asteroid by means of its four scientific instruments, substantially contributing in this way to the overal...
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Alteration processes on asteroid and comet surfaces, such as thermal fracturing, (micrometeorite) impacts or volatile outgassing, are complex mechanisms that form diverse surface morphologies and roughness on various scales. These mechanisms and their interaction may differ on the surfaces of different bodies. Asteroid Ryugu and comet 67P/Churyumov...
Conference Paper
We investigate the spectral behavior of Vesta-like materials upon heating to different temperatures for different time spans in order to understand the spectral characteristic of the pitted terrains' material on Vesta.
Table 2: Mean (ν) and standard deviation (σ) on separation s and position angle p (multiplied by the separation) in seconds of degrees for each satellite. N is the number of observations by satellite (one number per coordinate). The year appearing next to each observatory name corresponds to the observed Mars opposition. Table 3: Mean (ν) and stand...
We analyze images of a rock on Ryugu acquired in situ by MASCam, camera of the MASCOT lander, with the aim of identifying possible carbonaceous chondrite (CC) analogs. The rock's reflectance ($r_{\rm F} = 0.034 \pm 0.003$ at phase angle $4.5^\circ \pm 0.1^\circ$) is consistent with Ryugu's average reflectance, suggesting that the rock is typical fo...
Alteration processes on asteroid and comet surfaces, such as thermal fracturing, (micrometeorite) impacts or volatile outgassing, are complex mechanisms that form diverse surface morphologies and roughness on various scales. These mechanisms and their interaction may differ on the surfaces of different bodies. Asteroid Ryugu and comet 67P/Churyumov...
Both observations of C-type near-Earth asteroids and laboratory investigations of carbonaceous chondritic meteorites provide strong evidence for a high microporosity of C-type asteroids. Boulder microporosity values derived from in-situ measurements at the surface of the rubble-pile NEA (162173) Ryugu are as high as 55 %, which is substantially hig...
Conference Paper
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The ESA-Russia Rosalind Franklin (ExoMars 2022) rover, with its unique 2m drill, will address key questions in the search for life on Mars. PanCam will establish the surface context, with other instruments, providing geology, atmospheric science and 3D vision. PanCam uses a pair of Wide Angle Cameras (WACs), each with an 11 position filter wheel, a...
The Mars Express (MEX) mission has been successfully operated around Mars since 2004. Among many results, MEX has provided some of the most accurate astrometric data of the two Mars moons, Phobos and Deimos. In this work we present new ephemerides of Mars' moons benefitting from all previously published astrometric data to the most recent MEX SRC d...