Rakesh Kumar GangwarMain Rice Research Station Anand Agricultural University · Plant Pathology
Rakesh Kumar Gangwar
Ph.D (Plant Pathology)
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Publications (38)
Pyricularia oryzae is the major pathogen affecting primarily rice and many other graminaceous plants. Cultural, morphological and molecular identification was performed using the internal transcribed spacer (ITS). The pathogen was managed in vitro and in vivo using fungicides. Fungal growth was very slow on potato dextrose agar medium (PDA). Maximu...
The field experiment on morphological and biochemical basis of resistance against leaf folder in rice was carried out at MRRS, AAU, Nawagam during Kharif, 2021 and 2022. This study investigates the impact of various plant traits on resistance to leaf folder. At 45 DAT, all tested varieties exhibited <10% leaf damage, categorizing them as resistant...
The experiment was carried out on impact of weather parameters on incidence of green leaf hopper in rice at Main Rice Research Station, Anand Agricultural University, Nawagam during Kharif, 2021 and 2022. The incidence of green leaf hopper initiated at stem elongation stage of the crop (0.28 hopper/ hill) i.e., 37 th SMW; (2 nd week of September an...
Gene pyramiding is a vital strategy for varietal development in different crops. By using fewer generations than conventional breeding, molecular marker genotyping can streamline the gene pyramiding process. Enhancing the genetic foundation of resistance is crucial for reducing the burden of pesticide residues in the food chain, making it an effect...
The ten wheat varieties were correlated based on various morphological characters of seed during storage against Rhyzopertha dominica. Among various varieties screened, the lower number of adults emerged in GW 513, HI 1544, GW 206, GW 1 and LOK 1 whereas, it was higher in GDW 1255, GADW 3, GW 499, GW 496 and GW 451. The weight loss due to infestati...
False smut of rice caused by Ustilaginoidea virens is a worldwide serious disease of rice. Seven fungicides were evaluated against false smut disease of rice during kharif, 2019 and 2020 at two locations. The ready mix fungicide azoxystrobin 18.2 % + difenoconazole 11.4% w/w SC was used in three doses where as other fungicides were used in single d...
Plant diseases can reduce human food availability. Modern plant disease management faces problems due to climate change, fungicide resistance, pesticide residues and biodiversity loss. This review discusses problems and challenges in plant disease management and future research needs for effective management. Plant disease forecasting models can be...
Millets considered as nutri-cereals are collective group of small seeded annual grasses that are grown as grain crops, primarily on marginal land in dry areas of temperate, subtropical and tropical regions. India also celebrated National Year of Millets in year 2018, also proposed to United Nations for declaring 2023 as year of millets, which was s...
The experiment was conducted to test the bio-efficacy of insecticides against rice yellow stemborer and leaf folder at Main Rice Research Station, Anand Agricultural University, Nawagam during kharif 2019 and 2020 crop seasons. The experiment comprising seven treatments was laid out in randomized block design with three replications. The lowest per...
Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is the staple food for more than 60% of the world’s population. In India, rice occupies an area of 43.66 m ha with the production of 118.87 million tonnes and productivity of 2722 kg per ha. The production and productivity of rice is affected by several diseases like blast, sheath rot, false smut and bacterial leaf blight. Am...
The results showed that out of 60 rice genotypes including 2 susceptible checks (1 NC + 1 LC), none of the genotype was found immune towards the disease. Whereas only three genotypes wereshowed resistant reaction, ten genotypes were showed moderately resistant reaction and forty one genotypes showed moderately susceptible reaction, seventeen genoty...
Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is the most widely produced food crop in the world, providing sustenance for almost half of the world's population. The crop subjected to various biotic and abiotic stresses as a result of varying climatic and ecological conditions. Several microorganisms are considered to be the main cause of grain discolouration, which has...
Thrips parvispinus (Karny 1922) an invasive pest, which belongs to order Thysanoptera and family Thripidae. It is a polyphagous pest on mainly fruit, vegetable and ornamental crops. Recently this pest is reported from many states of India including Gujarat. Yield loss due to the pest is ranged from 40 to 80% in chilli. It passes through five stages...
Efficacy of some insecticides (pymetrozine 50WG, sulfoxaflor 24SC and imidacloprid 17.8SL) was evaluated against rice white backed plant hopper (WBPH) Sogatella furcifera Horvath. Sulfoxaflor 24SC @218.7 g a.i./ ha and pymetrozine 50WG @ 187.5 g a.i./ ha gave significantly results (7.57 and 7.82/ hill, respectively).However, highest grain and straw...
An experiment was conducted to identify efficient resistance source against leaf folder through field screening of rice genotypes during kharif 2016 and 2017 at Main Rice Research Station, AAU, Nawagam, Gujarat, India. Total of 18 and 16 rice genotypes were screened during kharif 2016 and 2017, following standard evaluation system (SES). The screen...
Rice production and productivity is affected due to several biotic and abiotic stresses. Among the major biotic stresses blast disease of rice caused by Pyricularia oryzae has the potential to causes annually yield loss as high as 70-80% when pre-disposing factors favour epidemic development. The use of resistant cultivars is the most cost-effectiv...
The present investigation on the importance of yellow stem borer and leaf folder indicated that the plot treated with chlorantraniliprole 0.4 GR, 40 g a.i./ha, chlorantraniliprole 0.5 + thiamethoxam 1.0 GR, 90 g a.i./ha and thiocyclam hydrogen oxalate 4 G, 500 g a.i./ha were found more effective for management of yellow stem borer and leaf folder w...
The experiments contained 22 rice genotypes along with check varieties viz.,
Suraksha, TN 1 and GR 11 were screened out to identify resistant against
yellow stem borer and leaf folder in rice crop during kharif, 2018 at MRRS, AAU,
Nawagam, Kheda, Gujarat. The results revealed that the rice genotype KAUPTB
0627-2-15 recorded lowest per cent damaged...
A field experiment was carried out to evaluate insecticides and fungicides, alone and in combination against yellow stem borer [Scirpophaga incertulas (Walker)] and leaf folder [Cnaphalocrocis medinalis (Guenee)] in rice during Kharif 2017 and 2018 at Rice Research Station, Anand Agricultural University, Nawagam, Kheda (Gujarat). All the nine treat...
Field experiments were conducted during kharif 2014–15 and 2015–16 seasons on Pusa Basmati 1121 to evaluate the efficacy and economy of granular insecticide against stem borer. The efficacy of 5 insecticides, viz., regent 0.3G (fipronil) @ 15 kg/ha, ferterra 0.4 GR (chlorantraniliprole) @ 10kg/ha, padan 4G (cartap hydrochloride) @25kg/ha, foratox 1...
The present experiment was carried out with an objective to find out the effect of surfactant on the efficacy of insecticides, because the use of insecticides for the control of onion thrips (Thrips tabaci Lindeman) is relatively less promising due to onion leaf pattern and texture. The minimum thrips population (6.48/plant) and thrips incidence (1...
Purple blotch of onion caused by Alternaria porri is an economically important disease. The field trials were conducted during three crop seasons in order to study the effect of surfactant on the efficacy of fungicides because the use of fungicides for the control of purple blotch of onion is less promising due to the waxy and smooth leaf surface,...
White grub (Holotrichia consanguinea Blanch.) has been reported to be a serious impediment for getting optimum yield of groundnut. The performance of nine insecticides as seed dresser and eight insecticides and a combination of two insecticides in the standing crop were evaluated in groundnut against white grub during kharif 2013 and 2014. The pool...
The studies focused on two major indicators of climate change-rain fall and temperature in the region. The results from the model predicted variability in climate by the end of the century .Trends of Climate Variability Climate data from 1980 to 2005 period has indicated an increase in the mean maximum temperature in Bundelkhand region by 0.28° C a...
Groundnut leaf spot disease is one of the important limiting factors for its productivity in India. Early and late leaf spots can cause considerable yield losses when unmanaged. The study was carried out to find out the association between weather factors and disease severity. The maximum temperature (33-35 C) and mean relative humidity (>80 per ce...
Collar rot disease of groundnut, caused by Aspergillus nigar is one of the major constraints for taking optimum production of groundnut crop in Rajasthan. An experiment was undertaken with seven treatments to find out effective seed treatment fungicides. All the treatments except seed treatment with Mancozeb recorded significantly more seedling eme...
Five seed dressers were evaluated against collar rot disease (Aspergillus niger van Tiegham) of groundnut under field conditions during Kharif'2008 and 2009. Two years pooled data revealed that both the doses of Vitavax Power (Carboxin 37.5% + Thiram 37.5%) @ 2.5 and 3.0 gm/Kg seed were found significantly superior over check in reducing pre emerge...
Four seed dressers were evaluated against collar rot disease (Aspergillus niger van Tiegham) of groundnut under field conditions during Kharif 2008 to 2010. Three years pooled data revealed that all seed treatments were found significantly superior over check in reducing pre and post emergence rot, increasing root and shoot length and pod yield. Ou...
The effect of different cultural practices and edaphic environment were tested against chickpea wilt caUsed by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. ciceri during two crop seasons. Six sowing dates started from 4th October to 8th November at weekly intervals showed that the disease incidence gradually decreased and crop yield gradually increased with postponin...