Rajarshi ChakrabortyErnst & Young
Rajarshi Chakraborty
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July 2018 - December 2022
May 2007 - July 2018
August 2006 - May 2007
September 2004 - August 2006
Publications (22)
The present study looked at the presence and distribution of red pandas in Pangchen Valley, Tawang District, Arunachal Pradesh, including parts of two Community Conserved Areas, based on the field studies carried out between 2009 and 2013. Priority areas were identified by conducting village interviews, followed by field surveys documenting presenc...
The present record provides one of the highest documented presence information of red pandas in India, in remote parts of western Arunachal Pradesh. The record came in the form of carcass of a Red Panda which was accidentally caught in an animal snare in remote sub-alpine mountain slopes at 4325m above sea level inside a Community Conserved Area in...
A pair of Smooth-coated otters was sighted in remote temperate parts of the Nyamjang Chu valley (Chu = River) in westernmost part of Tawang district, Arunachal Pradesh on 1 st April 2014. The otters were photographed basking on a riverside rock and identified based on their morphological features. There were no previously published records of Smoot...
Asiatic black bear (Ursus thibetanus) is one of the largest carnivores of Senchal Wildlife Sanctuary (WLS). This 38.97 km² sanctuary is known to have 19 villages along its periphery and inside it and incidents of human wildlife conflict in these villages is common. However, information on conflict related to Asiatic black bear is very less. Further...
The article traces an almost decade long period of field observations and research focusing on the habitat and ecology of red pandas (Ailurus fulgens) in Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh. Red pandas continue to be one of the most threatened species of mammals in the Eastern Himalaya, despite of being considered as an indicator species for the overall h...
Four species of sympatric predators, wolf(Canis lupus pallipes), fox(Vulpes bengalensis) , hyena(Hyaena hyaena) and jackal(Canis aureus) inhabit Kutch. The aim of the present study was to determine their food habits and overlaps in their trophic niche. The food habits were determined by scat analysis. Scat samples were collected from Abdasa taluka...
A male hybrid between a Falcated Duck Mareca falcata and
Gadwall M. strepera was spotted at 1647 hours, on 25 March
2016 in Kaziranga National Park (henceforth, KNP), Assam,
India. The bird was spotted [38] in an open wetland (26.61°N,
93.34°E) belonging to the central range (Kohora) of KNP. At the
time of observation, the bird was feeding in a sha...
Leopard cat Prionailurus bengalensis, one of the most widespread and adaptable small felid in Asia, is generally living in a variety of habitats, except high alpine areas with deep snow cover. We camera trapped a leopard cat in remote highlands of Bhagajang Wetland Complex, Tawang district, Arunachal Pradesh, India, at 4,250 m, in a rhododendron-ju...
The Himalayan state of Arunachal Pradesh harbours 1672 high altitude wetlands and these wetlands play a significant role to maintain hydrological, ecological as well as cultural values. The present study aims to document the floral and faunal biodiversity as well as to understand dependencies and patterns of anthropogenic activities in the Bhagajan...
Black-necked crane locally called 'Tcha Tung-Tung' has been often reported from the cold desert region of North Sikkim in past by the local nomadic residents. This species also made a failed breeding attempt in the Lhonak Valley (Ganguli-Lachungpa 1998), which to some extent was instrumented by the disturbances associated with the human settlements...
T he Red-necked Phalarope Phalaropus lobatus is a widespread wader distributed across Europe, Asia, and North America, which winters in warm tropical oceans. The breeding adult has a white throat, and a red stripe down the side of its neck, while the non-breeding adult is mainly pied with dark grey upper parts and a black eye mask (Grimmett et al....
ed panda is the state animal of Sikkim and its population in the wild is highly vulnerable globally. Very little is known about red panda from Sikkim. With this background in mind the present collaborative survey by WWF-R India and Forest Environment and Wildlife Management Department, Government of Sikkim was initiated since 2005 to understand red...
Der Rote Panda ist erst vor wenigen Jahren zum " state animal " von Sikkim erklärt worden. Damit will der kleine Bundesstaat im Nordosten Indiens zeigen, dass der Erhalt seiner einzig artigen Natur weit oben auf der politi schen Agenda steht. Wie notwendig und dringend dies ist, zeigt diese Studie über den aktuellen Status des Roten Panda in Sikk...