Raj K Yogi

Raj K Yogi
Indian Council of Agricultural Research | ICAR · Section of Social Science



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Presently working at Indian Council of Agricultural Research-Directorate of Rapeseed Mustard Research, Bharatpur and dealing with impact assessment and market research on Natural Resins and Gums. Published about 50 research publications in National and International Journals / Conferences and also an active member of various professional societies of national and international repute.
Additional affiliations
July 2012 - December 2021
Indian Institute of Natural Resins and Gums
  • Researcher
December 2021 - present
Directorate of Rapeseed and Mustard Research
  • Researcher
January 2011 - June 2012
Agricultural Technoogy Application Research Institute
  • Researcher


Publications (82)
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The study conducted to examine the trends, growth and instability in the production of an insect-based natural resin in India. Study is designed with sampling and Focused Group Discussions (FGDs) based primary data as well as secondary data. District-level time-series data of Jharkhand state for 50 years from 1970-71 to 2019-20 was used. Time serie...
Technical Report
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For effective policy making and analysis, availability of reliable and accurate statistics assumes significant importance. Recent studies show that NWFPs still form the basis of lives and livelihoods in many parts of the world and play a much more significant role in food and nutrition than previously thought. Gums, resins and latexes are among...
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The value chain is a sequence of activities in which products pass through all in order and through each activity, the product gains some value. The major problem of Rajasthan's forest management is a challenging endeavor due to the harsh climatic and edaphic conditions, as well as the severe biotic pressure and growing demand and supply gaps for f...
Shellac is a physically refined form of lac resin, a natural biopolymer of animal origin obtained from tiny insects feeding on the sap of specific host trees. Shellac, in its basic form, is a polyester macromolecule composed of inter and intra esters of polyhydroxy aliphatic and sesquiterpene acids. It has been used in several industries for ages d...
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भारत प्रकृति प्रदत्त स्रोतो व सं साधनो ं के ं क्षेत्र में सं सार में विशेष महत्व रखता है। हमेशा से ही भारत एक कृ षि देश रहा है, जहां कृ षि क्षेत्र, देश की 70 प्रतिशत आबादी के जीवन-यापन का स्रोत है। यह सही है कि भारत जैसे कृ षि प्रधान देश को कृ षि क्षेत्र के विकास के लिहाज से बुनियादी ढांचे, परिवहन व सिं चाई प्रणाली के बेहतरीन माॅडसि को विकसित...
Technical Report
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In this issue, content is presented in five major headings covering introduction; methodology; production, processing and trade; policy implications and conclusions. Information on market trend is essential for better organization of Indian producing states to meet the demand through better organization of their local/regional/national commercia...
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भारत विशाल विविधताओं का देश है। विविध जलवायु और भौतिक कारकों के कारण, यहां सभी प्रकार की वनस्पतियां जैसे कि उष्णकटिबंधीय, उपोष्णकटिबंधीय, समशीतोष्ण और पर्वतीय पायी जाती हैं। देश के विविध प्रांतों में भिन्न-भिन्न प्रकार के वन पाए जाते हैं। लकड़ी, वनों का मुख्य उत्पाद है, लेकिन इसके अलावा वनों से प्राप्त अन्य उत्पाद जैसे कि पफल, पूफल, पत्तियां, गोंद,...
भारत विशाल विविधताओं का देश है। विविध जलवायु और भौतिक कारकों के कारण, यहां सभी प्रकार की वनस्पतियां जैसे कि उष्णकटिबंधीय, उपोष्णकटिबंधीय, समशीतोष्ण और पर्वतीय पायी जाती हैं। देश के विविध प्रांतों में भिन्न-भिन्न प्रकार के वन पाए जाते हैं। लकड़ी, वनों का मुख्य उत्पाद है, लेकिन इसके अलावा वनों से प्राप्त अन्य उत्पाद जैसे कि पफल, पूफल, पत्तियां, गोंद,...
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With the advent of artificial insemination in cow and buffalo, the need of fertile bulls with good quality semen doses get much more importance now a days. Bull fertility depends upon various factors such as genetics, environment, season and nutrition. Among these nutrition plays significant role to maximize the potential of bull fertility. Balance...
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Jharkhand is leading state in lac production. Marketing support in terms of Minimum Support Price (MSP) is emerged as recent policy intervention by the government of India.
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This study is aimed to estimate the cost of cultivation/collection of Non-Wood Forest Products (NWFPs) and assessing Minimum Support Price (MSP) for stabilizing the farm price. NWFPs are produced or collected by the forest dwellers from remote forest or agro forestry areas. Local markets of NWFPs in Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Odisha, Madhya Pradesh,...
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A special project on Lac Cultivation and Processing was implemented in Balod divi-sional forest area of Chhattisgarh states by the Chhattisgarh State Minor Forest Produce Ltd. (CGMFP) Raipur. The aims of the project were to provide required input materials like broodlac, pesticides, tools and implements, capacity building programme on scientific la...
Technical Report
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Documentation of reliable and updated data on a major production and market related information would be helpful for the stakeholders to plan their operation in time for collection and disposal of the produces. This publication covers comprehensively the Natural Resins and Gums (NRGs) in India, focusing on their existing markets and potential. It w...
Both carotenoids and methionine independently act as antioxidant and immune-modulator. As captive pheasant's diets are deficient in these nutrients, supplementation of either of these nutrients alone or in combination could be expected to be beneficial. Hence, this experiment was conducted to study the effect of supplementing lutein and DL-methioni...
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The present study was carried out to understand the existing marketing mechanism disposal pattern of natural resins and their marketing efficiency in a agro-climatic sub zone of Central and North Eastern Plateau of India.
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A wide variety of Non-Wood Forest Products (NWFPs) are collected by forest dwellers and India is traditionally the largest producer of Lac, guar gum and gum karaya. In recent years, due to ‘back to the nature’ trend, there has been a revival of interest in natural resins and gums extracted from forests by forest dwellers to sustain their livelihood...
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Commercial utility of Ber (Ziziphus mauritiana): A mean for livelihood security. In: Dutta AK and Mondal B (Eds.) 2017. Fruits for Livelihood: Production Technology and Management Practices"
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Fruit farming and sustainable livelihood security: E resources. In: Dutta AK and Mondal B (Eds.) 2017. Fruits for Livelihood: Production Technology and Management Practices
Technical Report
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In this issue, content is presented in five major headings covering introduction; methodology; production, processing and trade; policy implications and conclusions. Information on market trend is essential for better organization of Indian producing states to meet increasing demand through better organization of their local/regional/national comme...
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The present study was undertaken to analyze the present scenario, identify the gaps and devise the viable strategic plans at the state level for doubling farm income. To ascertain the major bottlenecks in farm sector, the primary data were collected from1000 households. Garrett's ranking technique was used to identify and prioritize the major const...
Natural gums are polysaccharides of natural origin, capable of causing a large viscosity increase in solution. These are found as exudates from woody elements of plants or in seed coatings. In the food industry these are used as thickening, gelling and emulsifying agents and stabilizers. These are also used as adhesives, binding agents, crystal inh...
A study was undertaken in two districts (Khunti and Ranchi) of Jharkhand through questionnaire and personal interview among the selected sample of twenty lac cultivators (55, 30 and 15% households belong to small, medium and large categories, respectively), five traders (40, 40 and 20% belong to lower, medium and higher categories, respectively) an...
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The present study was carried out at Rania block of Khunti district of Jharkhand during 2016. The study is based on the data collected from randomly selected 63 households (trained and untrained) through well-structured questionnaire and personal interview method. Out of total 63 identified households, 41% and 32% households belonged to small and m...
Resins are valued for their chemical properties and associated uses such as the production of varnishes, adhesives and food glazing agents. These are also prized as an important source of raw material for organic synthesis and as constituents of incense and perfume. This group of natural resins includes lac secreted by an insect K. lacca (Kerr) and...
the hub of tribal community, accounting for 28.82 % of geographical area for lush green forests, earns their livelihood mainly by lac cultivation. Jharkhand is characterized by several, socioeconomic and technological constraints which include unfertile barren land, lack of irrigation facilities, low risk bearing capacity of farmers, small holding...
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The collection of various non-wood forest products (NWFPs) is largely influenced by the interest of forest dwellers and the initiatives of forest department/state government. This study is based on the information collected from the stakeholders including forest dwellers, traders, processors, retailers and consumers. The whole value chain was selec...
In order to study the effect of feeding graded levels of green vegetables on egg production performance and egg yolk antioxidant status, 27 female golden pheasants (GP) were randomly distributed into three groups of nine each in an experiment based on completely randomized design. The diets of the birds in groups T1 , T2 and T3 contained 1.4%, 2.7%...
Twenty four male golden pheasants were divided into 4 groups of 6 each. First group basal diet contained no supplementary lutein or DL-methionine (M0C0). The diet of the birds in group M0C1 were supplemented with lutein (40 mg/kg DM) without supplementary DL methionine, whereas those in group M1C0 were supplemented only with DL-methionine (1.5g/ kg...
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Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) including lac, form valuable means of subsistence, employment, cash income to growers and collectors and serve as a raw material for a number of industries. They also play a vital role in ecological balance and sustainable development. Production of such natural products is greatly influenced by vagaries of weathe...
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Natural resins and gums (NRGs) including lac form valuable means of subsistence, employment, cash income to growers / collectors and serve as a raw material for a number of industries. Production of such natural products is depends on the interest of forest dwellers. Further, collection is in hands of unorganized sector for nationalized items as we...
This experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of feeding different levels of green forages on feed consumption, nutrient and mineral utilization in Golden pheasants (GP). Twenty-seven female GP (BW 617–635 g) were randomly distributed into three groups of nine birds each in an experiment based on completely randomized design (CRD). Birds in...
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लाख (Lac) एक प्राकृतिक राल है जो मादा लाख कीट द्वारा मुख्य रुप से प्रजनन के पश्‍चात स्त्राव के फलस्वरुप बनता है। लाख कीट की दो प्रजातियां होती हैं जिन्हें कुसमी और रंगीनी कहते हैं। प्रत्येक प्रजाति से वर्ष में दो फसलें ली जाती हैं लेकिन पष्चिम बंगाल के कुछ समुद्री क्षेत्र के आस-पास बिलायती सिरिस पर एक वर्ष में तीन फसलें भी ली जाती हैं।
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ICAR-Indian Institute of Natural Resins and Gums Ranchi, Jharkhand-834010 (India) izkÑfrd laEinkvksa ds vR;f/kd nksgu dk vlj vc iwjs fo'o esa /khjs&/khjs ifjyf{kr gksus yxk gSA Xykscy okfeZx ;kfu fo'oO;kih c<+rh xehZ dk vlj u dsoy 'kgjksa esa cfYd izk xzkeh.k {ks=ksa esa Hkh fn[k jgk gSA 'kgjksa esa xxupqEch bekjrksa dh c<+rh la[;k rFkk isM+&ikS/k...
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Agri rural development through extension
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Lac extension activities
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Impact of scientific lac cultivation in West Bengal
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Impact of field visits under My Village My Pride Yojna
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Crop Insurance Yojna: A Risk Mitigation Strategy for Farmers
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Soil testing:An approach for Integrated Nutrient Management
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Gum Karaya (Sterculia urens):current scenario and future prospects in India
Conference Paper
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Lac is mainly produced in India, Thailand, Indonesia, parts of China, Myanmar, Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia etc. and India is the largest producer of lac in the world. In 1950s, the average production of lac in India was about 42320 tons and onward decline trend in lac production during 1970s (52 %), in 1980s (19 %) and 1990s (4 %) was observed....
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कुसुम वृक्ष पर लाख की खेती
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India is the largest producer, processor and exporter of lac in the world. The dynamic complex of lac host plants like ber (Ziziphus mauritiana), kusum (Schleichera oleosa), Palas (Butea monosperma) and semialata (Flemingia semialata) and lac insect (Kerria spp.) are an important means of life support system for tribal communities across the major...
Estimation of lac production is required by the Government, lac-based industries, lac traders, production entrepreneurs and exporters. The cultivation of lac on a large number of hosts of different kinds, its collection by numerous small growers, the variations in the yield, depending on the type and size of the host, the cultivation practices and...
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Lac is a natural resin secreted by an insect Kerria lacca (Kerr.), which thrives on the tender twigs of specific host trees viz., palas (Butea monosperma), ber (Zizyphus mauritiana), kusum (Schleichera oleosa), Flemingia semialata, Ficus spp. etc. The raw lac is the source of three valuable, natural and renewable products i.e. resin, dye and wax. R...
Lac is a natural resin secreted by an insect known as Kerria lacca (Kerr.) which thrives on the tender twigs of specific host trees viz., palas (Butea monosperma), ber (Zizyphus mauritiana), kusum (Schleichera oleosa), Ficus spp. etc. Three natural, renewable, non-toxic and eco-friendly products i.e. resin, dye and wax are derived from the raw lac....
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Model Training Courses " (MTCs) scheme has been implemented since 1996 by Directorate of Extension, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India. Its major emphasis is demand driven capacity building of extension managers, marketing managers and extension functioning of State development department. These training programme are organized on priorit...
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ICAR-Indian Institute of Natural Resins and Gums (IINRG), Namkum, Ranchi, Jharkhand has offered One to One programme(OTOP) in a form of consultancy services to different stakeholders of lac. In this programme the farmers were in direct (one to one) interaction with the experts of Institute on different aspects of lac. The objective of this paper is...
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Model Training Courses" (MTCs) scheme has been implemented since 1996 by Directorate of Extension, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India. Its major emphasis is demand driven capacity building of extension managers, marketing managers and extension functioning of State development department. These training programme are organized on priority...
Chhattisgarh State Minor Forest Produce Ltd. Raipur (CGMFP), Govt. of Chhattisgarh has implemented a special project on Lac Cultivation & Processing in Chhattisgarh states. This project was aimed to train the tribal people for scientific lac cultivation practices, to provide required input materials like broodlac, pesticides, tools and implements a...
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An experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of zinc coated urea supplementation on feed consumption and growth performance in crossbred calves for the period of 90 days. For this purpose fifteen crossbred calves were randomly divided into three groups G 1 , G 2 and G 3, having 5 replica in each group. All the calves were fed ad libitum mixed...
Chhattisgarh State Minor Forest Produce Ltd. Raipur (CGMFP), Govt. of Chhattisgarh has implemented a special project on Lac Cultivation & Processing in Chhattisgarh states. This project was aimed to train the tribal people for scientific lac cultivation practices, to provide required input materials like broodlac, pesticides, tools and implements a...
Technical Report
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The present publication, ‘Lac, Plant Resins and Gums Statistics 2014: At a Glance’ contains statistics on geographical distribution, production, price, processing, export and import of natural resins and gums including lac, pine resins, guar gum, karaya gum, dhawda gum, etc. The details of area, production and yield of guar seed are also presented....
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The lac insect during its whole life cycle spends only a few hours of active mobility and thereafter, spends a complete sedentary life. Being immobile after settlement, the lac insect is susceptible to a horde of enemies which include vertebrate and insect predators, parasites and diseases. The insect becomes an easy sitting prey for the predators...
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The lac is a cash crop and its cultivation has been traditionally carried out on naturally occurring tree-hosts viz., kusum, ber and palas mostly found in forest areas under rainfed conditions. Deforestation and indiscriminate cuttings of tree-hosts due to social, industrial and mining activities have caused gradual shrinking of tree-host populatio...
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The lac hosts are used for culturing lac insects. These plants are most important biotic associates of lac insects from which they draw their nourishment for growth and development as they thrive on succulent shoots and suck the sap through their proboscis. Successful cultivation of lac, therefore, depends on the proper management of host-plants an...
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Natural resins and gums (NRGs) are commodities produced in arid, semi-arid, plateau and hilly region of the country that help to improve the livelihood of local communities. These also contribute to the amelioration of environment degradation through sustainable lac cultivation on host trees besides foreign exchange earnings. NRGs have a wide varie...
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Indian Institute of Natural Resins and Gums (IINRG), Namkum, Ranchi is unique and only one of its kind in the world being devoted exclusively on all aspect of lac its production, processing, product development, training, information repository, technology dissemination & other natural resins & gums. The Institute is a unit of Indian Council of Agr...
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Indian subcontinent is the major hub of biodiversity of fauna and lora. Several forest produces have signiicant importance in social and economic life of tropical lands. These forest produces are classiied into wood and non –wood forest produces (NWFP). NWFP includes natural resins, gums and exudates, leaves (tendu), turpentine from pines, and perf...
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When an entrepreneur plans to start an enterprise, the most important aspect is that the potential entrepreneur has adequate irst-hand knowledge and skills required for the particular enterprise. Understanding the technical skills and technology is a crucial component in developing a successful enterprise. Entrepreneurs may play an important role i...
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Lac is a natural resinous substance of profound economic importance in India. It is the only resin from animal origin lending itself to diverse applications e.g. as a protective and decorative coating in the form of thin ilms, adhesives and plastics. It makes a small but signiicant contribution to the foreign exchange earning of the country, but th...
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Small ruminants in developing countries are mainly kept by local pastoralists under low-input production systems. The livelihood of the flock holders can be enhanced by the technical and institutional interventions. In this study, effect of bio-economic traits including age (Ag), live body weight (Bw), milk production (Mp), order of lactation (Or),...
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Model Training Courses " (MTCs) scheme has been implemented since 1996 by Directorate of Extension, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India. Its major emphasis is demand driven capacity building of extension managers, marketing managers and extension functioning of State development department. These training programme are organized on priorit...
A substantial gap exists in our understanding of the actual functioning of rural economies and the extent of rural poverty, unemployment and income disparity. By explicitly incorporating natural resin (lac) in household income accounting, this paper examines the role and significance of lac cultivation in triggering the profitability of poor househ...
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Since lac will be increasingly consumed for applications related to food, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, etc, demand for organic lac is also foreseen for use in such specialty application areas, albeit at a higher price. Impact of global warming is bound to have its impact on lac insect populations and associated biotic complex, which can be seen in t...
Technical Report
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Natural resins and gums (NRGs) including lac form valuable means of subsistence, employment, cash income to growers and collectors and serve as a raw material for a number of industries. These are consumed directly as food, fodder and medicine. These also play a vital role in ecological balance and sustainable development. Production of such natura...
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A study was carried out with a view to examine the utilization pattern of lac host trees across different categories of households and its relationship with various socioeconomic characteristics of lac farmers in the Jharkhand. The study was based on primary data for the agriculture year 2012-13 and collected from 100 farmers from Ranchi, Khunti, J...
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The study was undertaken in Alwar District of Rajasthan with the objectives to examine the input-output relationships and assess the resource use efficiency in milk production. The study covered 75 cooperative member milk producers and 75 non-cooperative member milk producers. The results of Cobb-Douglas production function revealed that concentrat...


Questions (5)
Good Morning to All RGs
For food producers (Farm to Fork)
Indian government aimed to double the farm income by 2022,If you have any recommendation/innovation/practice/method/tools/planting material/stock/case study/success story, etc. to enhance the productivity per unit of input (water, labour, soil, etc.). Plz. give only viable and eco-friendly research outputs to support food producers (farming community).
Thanking you for your interest to support the farming community!
Hope research efforts will enable them and support in big way!
Please give your suggestion with a link for details!
How to differ science and technology?


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