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Publications (146)
Previous articles have introduced the idea of LLC markets, their issues in the current electronic ecosystem, and their importance relative to future mega-trends such as AI/IOT. The fundamental issue is the intense churn of the supply chain generated by the consumer dominated semiconductor marketplace for LLC markets such as Aerospace and Defense. T...
Ken Ford is a well recognized expert in the field of artificial intelligence. In his talk “On Computational Wings: The Prospects & Putative Perils of AI,” Ken discusses the progress of flying machines and compares them to their natural cousins — birds. We all know that artificial flying machines (planes, helicopters) do not flap their wings, and th...
Preamble: Intermittently, I will be introducing some columns which introduce some seemingly outlandish concepts. The purpose is a bit of humor, but also to provoke some thought. Enjoy.
A previous article, “A Better Transportation Option Than A Tesla TSLA -0.7%,” compared the key performance characteristics of a Tesla around metrics such as autonomy...
Validation and Verification (V&V) of Artificial Intelligence (AI) based cyber physical systems such as Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) is currently a vexing and unsolved problem. AVs integrate subsystems in areas such as detection, sensor fusion, localization, perception, and path planning. Each of these subsystems contains significant AI content integra...
Over the last decade, automobiles have been morphing from stand-alone mechanical objects to highly connected systems with ever-increasing usage of electronics. Semiconductor supply disruptions (OEM factory shutdowns) caused by the recent situation with Covid and the political tensions and China have demonstrated the deep dependence of automobile in...
“The New Normal'' is a term which has been used to describe a fundamental change in the world situation. The notion is that there has been an inflection point and the world before and after this inflection point are materially different. While this inflection point can be a sudden event such as the “dot-com” crash, in many situations the new “norma...
Logistics is even more important today than it was in the early 1800’s. Further, the effectiveness of Defense systems is increasingly driven by sophisticated electronics. As the recent Ukraine conflict reveals, weapons such as precision munitions, autonomous drones, and other similar systems generate asymmetrical advantages on the battlefield. Howe...
Electronic Design Automation (EDA) is a critical industry which enables the development of electronic systems. Traditionally, EDA has been bifurcated into two distinctive market segments: Semiconductor and Systems (PCB). If one were to look at the EDA industry in the early 1970’s, one would find significant capabilities for the physical design of b...
Semiconductors sit at the heart of the electronics revolution, and the scaling enabled by Moore’s law has had a transformational impact on electronics as well as society. Traditionally, the relationship between semiconductor companies and their customers has been a function of the volume driven by the customer. In very high-volume markets such as t...
Product LifeCycle Management (PLM) systems have shown incredible value for integrating the enterprise with a single view of the product design, deployment, maintenance, and end-of-life processes. PLM systems have traditionally grown from the mechanical design space, and this still forms their strength.
Meanwhile, due to the revolution in semicondu...
A recent experience with managing the tenth anniversary version of a technical conference (www.iccve2022.org) triggered a process of reflection on the last decade of artificial intelligence. The first article in the series, Reflections On a Decade Of AI (forbes.com), explored the historical background of AI technology, the current successes of Mach...
A recent experience with managing the tenth anniversary version of a technical conference (www.iccve2022.org) triggered some reflection on the last decade of artificial intelligence technology. The previous article, Reflections On a Decade Of AI (forbes.com), explored the historical background of AI technology and the current success of Machine Lea...
Recently, I was asked to be the General Co-Chair for the IEEE International Conference on Connected Vehicles (ICCVE). Founded a decade ago with academic roots, the 2022 version extended beyond the academic model with a significant industry and regulatory emphasis, and concurrent physical locations in Shanghai, Pune, and Munich. Interestingly, the d...
Autonomous vehicles (AVs) rely on various types of sensor technologies to perceive the environment and to make logical decisions based on the gathered information similar to humans. Under ideal operating conditions, the perception systems (sensors onboard AVs) provide enough information to enable autonomous transportation and mobility. In practice,...
As automobiles morph from stand-alone mechanical objects to highly connected, autonomous systems with increasing amounts of electronic components. To manage these complex systems, some semblance of in-car decision-making is also being built and networked to a cloud architecture. This cloud can also enable even deeper capabilities within the broader...
The Autonomous Vehicle QuickStart Primer by Dr. Rahul Razdan is valuable for anyone connected to the transportation industry who wants a basic understanding of the impact of the new wave of electronics and software technology that’s about to transform this world. The book is aimed at professionals who seek insights into the fundamentals of AV techn...
Since the formation of the Electronic Design Automation (EDA) industry in the 1970s, Moore’s law has increased functionality onto a semiconductor die dramatically. In response, EDA tools for semiconductor design have also grown in functionality and the design processes for semiconductors have moved forward at a breakneck pace. Interestingly, during...
Electronics design mega-trends have been a transformational force for the world. As shown in blue in Figure 1, the first wave of electronics consisted of centralized computing and the leaders in the field included companies such as IBM, Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC), Wang, and others. Fundamentally, these technologies provided productivity so...
This report examines the current interaction points between humans and autonomous systems, with a particular focus on advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS), the requirements for human-machine interfaces as imposed by human perception, and finally, the progress being made to close the gap.
Autonomous technology has the potential to benefit perso...
Climate change is the main issue of the day. The most visibility activity on the issue has been in the political realm with the gyrations around the Paris accords. “Accelerating Technology Adoption is the Key to Solving Climate Change” argues that underneath the froth of politics are deep technology shifts which may well be more material to solving...
With billions of dollars of investment and events like DARPA’s Grand Challenges automated driving technology has been making its way toward commercialization. While the enabling technology for SAE Level 4 and 5 automated vehicles (AV) has not yet matured, specific restricted-use models such as “robo-taxis” and automated truck convoying show great p...
Background: The ideas in this article were significantly sharpened by a panel on “Life After Covid-19” held by Florida Polytechnic University’s Executive Leadership Initiative (ELI). Special thanks to Syd Kitson for explaining the vision behind Babcock Ranch.
Climate change has been on the forefront of the public consciousness for many decades. His...
Background: The ideas mentioned in this article were significantly sharpened by participation on a panel on sustainability held by Florida Polytechnic University’s Executive Leadership Initiative (ELI). Special thanks to my fellow panelists Sean Kidney (Climatebonds) and Michael Hawes (Fulbright) for a very interesting discussion.
Transportation t...
Previous articles have introduced the idea of LLC markets, their issues in the current electronic ecosystem, and their importance relative to future mega-trends such as AI/IOT. The fundamental issue is the intense churn of the supply chain generated by the consumer dominated semiconductor marketplace for LLC markets such as aerospace and defense. I...
Previous articles have discussed a segmentation of the electronics market called Long Life Cycle(LLC) Products. LLC products are those whose useful life is longer than five years. In a subsequent article, the current state of the electronics ecosystem, and the connection of the LLC market to the AI/IOT mega-trends were also discussed. Overall, LLC...
Limited access highways have been accepted as a mechanism to optimize transport for many years. According to the Transportation Research Board (TRB), limited access highways offer greater capacity; improved safety; reduced fuel consumption; less pollution; more positive impacts on motorists; and more positive impacts on neighborhoods. From the poin...
“LLC defined” highlighted an electronics market segment whose end products have an expected useful life over 5 years and “LLC electronics ecosystem” explored the challenges for the support for these products today. The technical challenges involve issues of reliability and obsolescence, but these are driven by business challenges of the relative si...
The automotive ecosystem is an almost $2T marketplace which consists of a large number of integrated markets. Beyond the automotive OEMs, these include rental companies, auto financing, auto insurance, gas stations (energy), media (radio, billboard in particular), maintenance services, public sector infrastructure, and even emergency services.
The article “Let’s define a new electronics market: Long Lifecycle (LLC) Markets” introduced the existence of a market segment consuming electronics content which needs to be viable over five years. Vertical markets such as aerospace and defense, industrial, and medical are examples of LLC. This requirement conflicts with the traditional consumer m...
The article “Great Ocean Explorers, Tobacco, Locomation And A Good Sign For AV Progress” discussed the positive implications of using the concept of convoying for trucks. “Musing About A New AV Profession: Convoy Operator” explored the concept of convoying for automobiles. The beauty of the convoying model is that the use-model for the autonomous t...
The article “Great Ocean Explorers, Tobacco, Locomation And A Good Sign For AV Progress” discussed the positive implications of using the convoying concept for logistics. The beauty of this approach is that the use-model for the autonomous trailing truck is significantly simplified and the solution has a higher potential for becoming technically vi...
A previous article “Christopher Columbus And Evaluating Autonomous Vehicles As An Investor” discussed the nature of the Autonomous Vehicle (AV) investment space. The article emphasized that true progress in the AV space is not driven by investments or partnerships. Rather, one must look for nuggets of progress which demonstrate actual technical cap...
In the early summer, the article “Measurable Safety, The Missing Ingredient To Demonstrating ADAS Value,” discussed the critical issues surrounding ADAS systems provided by the traditional automotive OEMs. As a followup, “Exploring The Three Elephants In The Autonomous Vehicle Room,” explores underlying elephants in the room for the industry. Just...
Market segmentation can often offer insights into a broad customer problem, and naming the market enables a discourse which can lead to the formation of solutions. With this objective in mind, a coming series of articles will discuss a market segment which is not often discussed: Long Lifecycle (LLC) electronics systems.
What exactly are LLC elect...
Since the days of the DARPA grand challenge, Autonomous Vehicle (AV) Technology has generated a great deal of excitement. Companies such as GoogleGOOGL +0.8% (now Waymo), TeslaTSLA +5.5%, and perhaps even AppleAAPL +4.7% have invested millions to develop this technology. The venture capital community has invested millions into a large number of sta...
The expression "elephant in the room" refers to an important question that everyone knows about but no one wants to discuss because it makes them uncomfortable. Today, in the area of Autonomous Vehicles (AVs), there are three elephants in the room which are worth exploring. Let’s get started.
Is it possible that the current Artificial Intelligence...
Lake Nona is a 17 square mile planned community south of Orlando, Florida which launched an autonomous vehicle program in September 2019. The initial route is 1.2 miles with three stops connecting Lake Nona Town Center Boxi Park, the Pixon Apartments, and The Laureate Park neighborhood village center. The service currently runs seven days a week wi...
In 2003, Louis Gerstner published “Who says elephants cannot dance?” The book described his role in transforming IBMIBM -0.8% from the brink of bankruptcy. He explained the title of his book by saying, “For much of my business career, it has been dogma that small is beautiful and big is bad… It isn’t a question of whether elephants can prevail over...
Skydiving is an extremely exciting hobby and of course the focus of the whole sport is to safely “nail” the landing. With modern ram-air (square) parachutes, one can control the landing quite precisely, and with training, one can land in a very safe manner. However, in the old days, everyone jumped with round parachutes which had much less control,...
Done well before the age of autonomy, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 or ADA is a civil rights law that prohibits discrimination based on disability. The act had three major parts: employment, public transportation, and public accommodation (commercial properties). The overall intent of the law is to introduce fairness for persons with...
As discussed in “Rethinking ESG Targets for companies like AmazonAMZN +0.9%, AppleAAPL -0.8%, and Analog DevicesADI -0.1% ,” sustainability is driven by a carbon pipeline consisting of demand for energy, efficient delivery of energy to the end user, and finally dealing with the consequences of the process in the form of pollution. Virtualization, e...
In the world of engineering, the current hot professions are fields such as computer science, artificial intelligence, and data mining. Electrical Engineering and specifically analog design has been seen as an “old” profession. In fact in the popular vernacular, analog is the opposite of digital. Analog products are old vinyl records and digital te...
Sustainability has been sufficiently elevated in the public consciousness that the investor community is aligning its products to cater to its customers. On the equity side, major investors such as BlackrockBLK -1.6% have announced their intention to use sustainability as an additional guide towards investment decisions. This push has also been ref...
In recent times, the news surrounding Autonomous Vehicles has been quite active. Examples include AmazonAMZN +0.7% acquiring Zoox for over a billion dollars, Mercedes and BMW joining forces to develop AV technology, Mercedes and BMW breaking up, Mercedes choosing another partner with NvidiaNVDA -1.8%, VW and Ford partnering to invest in Argo and ma...
The article “What Can Tesla +0.6%TSLA And Waymo Learn From A Human’s Ability To Focus,” discusses some of the important differences between human perception systems and those employed by modern Autonomous Vehicles (AV). Recently, MIT and Toyota took a step towards human-like perception with the introduction of the DriveSeg research dataset.
The article “Could Micro-tolling Be The Answer To The Gas Tax And Traffic Optimization?,” observed that the current transportation system is badly out of economic balance because there is no market mechanism which reconciles demand and supply. The predictable results are points of oversupply (”empty roads at 3 am”) and shortages (”rush hour congest...
Autism is defined by the GoogleGOOGL 0.0% dictionary as “a developmental disorder of variable severity that is characterized by difficulty in social interaction and communication and by restricted or repetitive patterns of thought and behavior.” As a computer scientist, this definition is a bit jarring because it is a pretty good description of an...
In “Tesla In Taiwan Crashes Directly Into Overturned Truck, Ignores Pedestrian, With Autopilot On,” Brad Templeton from Forbes discusses the recent Tesla highway accident. In his excellent analysis, Brad asks all the important questions relative to the accident. Why didn’t radar collision avoidance work? Would LIDAR have helped? What about the came...
“If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it,” said renowned management guru Peter Drucker. Drucker meant that one cannot declare success without defined metrics. With metrics, one can track progress and adjust development to produce positive movement. Without them, one is always in a haze of doubt. Interestingly, the lack of clear metrics not on...
In 1990, Arnold Schwarzenegger starred in a futuristic science fiction movie called Total Recall. The core of the movie was a typical action adventure with some classic Arnold wise-cracks. “Consider THAT a divorce,” said Arnold as he dispatched fake wife Sharon Stone. However, underneath the action adventure were some very interesting futuristic co...
The article “Is Progress In Autonomous Technology Gated By Research In Animal Communication” explored the not very well understood “low level” perception and communication which helps humans navigate through the physical world. Humans (and animals) innately evaluate the physical future behaviour of other actors in the environment by looking at fact...
Henry Ford famously said “Any customer can have a car painted any color that he wants, so long as it is black.” Of course, Ford used the standardization of the automobile to drive a revolution in the automotive industry. In this age of a wide variety of styles of cars and even more elaborate interiors planned for autonomous vehicles, what is the re...
As discussed in “Linux Beat IBM -1.2%IBM, Will Open-Source Software Beat Waymo And Tesla TSLA -0.7%,” the power of open source systems to crowd-source innovation across a community has been demonstrated with a whole host of IT applications such as linux, wordpress, and others. In the area of autonomous vehicles, “Will A Small Open-Source Effort Fro...
Recently, the US congress released a bipartisan draft of a new autonomous vehicle bill. A deeper analysis of the bill is available at “New AV Bill, Its Bipartisan, Is It Better ?” One of the most interesting aspects of the bill was its emphasis on cybersecurity.
For most consumers, cybersecurity is connected to their interactions with information...
During COVID-19 isolation, a youtube interview with Elon Musk on the excellent MIT Lex Friedman podcast provided some interesting conversation around AI, Tesla TSLA -0.7% and many other similar topics. The snippet of most interest was Elon’s description of the role of the upper and lower brain. The lower or the lizard brain consists of our core des...
Research in animal communications conjures up images of Jane Goodall studying the great apes in Tanzania. Indeed, a great deal of research in the field is on higher level functions such as social interactions, animal cognition, or even emotional life. However, underneath all the higher level functions, there is a much more basic elemental aspect of...
In technology, open-source environments have been one of the most important organizational models in the last 30 years. Perhaps the most successful of these has been the Linux operating system. Linux was born in a world of proprietary operating systems (remember OS2, Sun OS, and others?). Operating systems provide the interface between hardware dev...
The article “Linux Beat IBM, will open-source software beat Waymo and Tesla ?” introduced the power of the open-source organizational model and explored its application in the space of autonomous systems. “Open Source AVs: The story of AV Development in Estonia,” detailed a project by the Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech) which built a fun...
The article “Linux beat IBM will open-source software beat Waymo and Tesla ?” introduced the power of the open-source organizational model to crowdsource the innovation of a community.
Is it possible to build a functioning Autonomous Vehicle (AV) Shuttle with a small team by using open-source methods ?
A research team from the Tallinn University...
In the short term, we will solve COVID-19 from a healthcare point-of-view, but what will be the ultimate impact of COVID-19 in the longer term ?
The concept of social distancing is forcibly driving significant change in very fundamental ways in many key areas of our lives. The places for disruption include education, work, shopping, health care,...
The autonomous vehicles need to be validated with a reliable and repeatable methodology to be accepted by the public. In this paper, we present our methodology to develop a validation regime for the decision making system of an autonomous vehicle operating in a certain road network. The methodology starts with the thorough analysis of the selected...
In this paper, we introduce a novel automotive radar sensor design resilient to cyberattacks. The proposed design can be implemented at the firmware level of the system which provides faster detection of cyberattacks without adding hardware complexity or being computationally expensive. This approach can be combined with any predictive filtering ba...
“God does not play dice with the universe,” Albert Einstein is reported to have said about the field of Quantum Physics. He was referring to the great divide at the time in the physics community between general relativity and quantum physics. General relativity was a theory which beautifully explained a great deal of physical phenomena in a determi...
Industry Background:
Trucking has long been seen as a potentially interesting application for Autonomous Vehicle (AV) technology. According to Sam Bokher in his instructive article, “Segments of U.S. Trucking,” the overall industry is approximately $700B in size and makes up 70% of the overall freight transportation industry (air, water, rail, pip...
FCC manages electronics frequency spectrum as a public good. As a basic part of its operation, the FCC auctions off this spectrum for a range of services to private industry. This FCC Spectrum Allocation strategy is foundational to many private industries such as media and communication. With the guaranteed access to spectrum and enforcement from a...
With over 100 years of operation, the current automobile industry has settled into an equilibrium with the development of methodologies, regulations, and processes for improving safety. In addition, a nearly $2-trillion market operates in the automotive ecosystem with connections into fields ranging from insurance to advertising. Enabling this ecos...
Today’s automobile needs a great deal of infrastructure to be useful. A major part of the infrastructure is the civil transportation system consisting of roads, traffic control, and static signage. More recently, an information layer has been added to this infrastructure which consists of dynamic signage, metering systems, cellular coverage (enabli...
Preamble: Intermittently, I will be introducing some columns which introduce some seemingly outlandish concepts. The purpose is a bit of humor, but also to provoke some thought. Enjoy.
Historically, astrology has been a major component of the cultural life in many major civilizations. Significant events such as marriage, moving into a new home, or...
The use of wireless technologies is an integral part of modern life. Radio, TV, Wi-Fi and Cellular technologies are part of the backbone of the economy. However, even with these established technologies, there are issues with providing adequate coverage. Interference from both man-made and natural sources is a concern. Today, when issues occur, the...
Singapore is a dense city-state with a large growing population (approx 6M). In 2015, the Singapore government launched the Sustainable Singapore Blueprint (SSB) which had five strategic thrusts to build a sustainable city, and one of the key elements was “a car-lite” Singapore. Given the limited space, it is no longer possible to increase road inf...
In “Draft of bipartisan driverless car bill offered by House panel,” Jessica Wehrman from Roll Call reports on a new draft of an AV Bill in the US Congress. Readers of this column will recall that a previous bill draft was developed in the US House earlier this year. The previous version consisted of three parts: Definitions for AV Portions, Motor...
The current state of the $200 billion automobile insurance industry consists predominantly of sales to the consumer, either directly or through intermediaries, and the subsequent risk assessment of human drivers and their vehicles. As one of the original consumers of massive amounts of data, insurance companies such as Progressive and Geico have us...
Many industries connected to government operations have built a predominantly consulting model of operation. That is, the government entities provide high level management and procurement while the ecosystem of consulting companies provide services to the government entities. In situations of stability, this model may well work.
However, the buil...
Preamble: Intermittently, I will be introducing some columns which introduce some seemingly outlandish concepts. The purpose is a bit of humor, but also to provoke some thought. Enjoy.
Forbes recently reported that Tesla reached a market capitalization of $100B. It is an astounding achievement for a car company which has now successfully delivered...
Recently, a new director for the NSF has been announced. Dr. Sethuraman "Panch" Panchanathan hails from Arizona State University and is a computer scientist by training. He walks into a very important agency with a projected budget of over $8 billion dollars, and the ability to move the research community in a particular direction to solve importan...
Seaside is a small town on Route 30A in Florida’s Panhandle. It is best known for being the setting for the Jim Carrey movie, The Truman Show. Outside of the entertainment world, Seaside is very well-known in the world of architecture as an exemplar for the New Urban Movement. For those of you unfamiliar with such topics, a short 15-minute video on...
Late last year, Forbes contributor Brad Templeton wrote that “FCC Chairman Proposes Turning Vehicle-To-Vehicle Band To Unlicensed WiFi-Style Use.” The technical change was that the FCC approved a proposal to reallocate the lower 45 MHz of the 5.9 GHz band for unlicensed use (Wi-Fi), and allocate the remaining 30 MHz to transportation- and vehicle s...
While there has been a great deal of Autonomous Vehicle (AV) activity in the public eye related to private vehicles, such as robo-taxi tests from companies like Waymo or Uber, the City of Jacksonville has been charting its own course through the Jacksonville Transportation Authority (JTA) with the deployment of AVs for public transportation. The JT...
The current financial structure of the transportation system is based heavily on the gas tax. With electrification of the transportation fleet, the gas tax is under attack. Toll roads or lanes provide a revenue source, but the scope is limited. The current funding and usage model for the transportation system needs some reevaluation. From an econom...
Last week at CES, Secretary Elaine L. Chao introduced the latest guidance from the U.S. Department of Transportation on the topic of Autonomous Vehicles with the AV 4.0 Report. Forbes’s Richard Bishop provides an excellent overview of the report with his “unifying theme” article. Overall, AV 4.0 reads as a reasonable report which describes broad pr...
Recently, Embry-Riddle and Florida Polytechnic University entered into a research partnership (press release) where safety research initially developed for autonomous vehicles (AVs) will be applied to aerospace applications. This is a bit surprising given the rich history of autonomous systems in aerospace. (Full Disclosure: I initiated and built t...
While impeachment is dominating the headlines, Forbes reports that Congress is working on a new Autonomous Vehicle Bill behind the scenes. The bill is currently in the comment period and consists of three parts:
Definitions for AV Portions
Motor Vehicle Safety Standards
Relationship to Other Laws
Ever since Bridget Driscoll became the first person hit and killed by an automobile more than 120 years ago, there has been a need to develop a legal structure to manage the dispute between conflicting parties. Lawmakers and regulators developed that legal system around the fundamental assumption that a human was driving a car, and the state regula...
In today's world, an ever-increasing number of media outlets generate a
great deal of information and most of us do not have the bandwidth to
consume it all. Occasionally, we find an author who aligns closely with
our interests, and the exchange of ideas is very valuable. A key part of
this exchange is gaining an understanding of the author’s backg...
Autonomous Vehicle (AV) technology has the potential to fundamentally transform the automotive industry, reorient transportation infrastructure, and significantly impact the energy sector. Rapid progress is being made in the core artificial intelligence engines which form the basis of AV technology. However, without a quantum leap in test and verif...
Over the last 100 years, the automobile has become integrated in a fundamental way into the broader economy. A broad and deep ecosystem has emerged, and critical components of this ecosystem include insurance, after-market services, automobile retail sales, automobile lending, energy suppliers (e.g., gas stations), medical services, advertising, la...
The most expensive college degree is the one that is never used. A great deal of the issues with college debt can be traced to unfinished degrees. Both issues are symptoms of the fact that the current system for career discovery is completely inadequate for the task at hand. It starts in kindergarten and continues through high school, 12 years in w...
Lean software startups manage risk by developing products in short product cycles and through iterative product development. The "lean" part of the equation is to minimize cost while learning quickly so that precious capital resources are maximized. R&D costs are dominant for software startups, so a "lean" model around R&D compensation is also crit...
As every professional engineer knows, the skills required to succeed in the workforce are quite different than those they learn in academia. In academia, the primary focus is an individualistic pursuit of learning, and the academic infrastructure emphasizes this point. In industry, the primary focus is an enterprise executing to an overall mission....
Automated driving system (ADS) technology and ADS-enabled/operated vehicles - commonly referred to as automated vehicles and autonomous vehicles (AVs) - have the potential to impact the world as significantly as the internal combustion engine. Successful ADS technologies could fundamentally transform the automotive industry, civil planning, the ene...
Autonomous Vehicle (AV) technology has the potential to provide enormous value to society. Thus, there is an urgent need to build comprehensive testing technology to prove efficacy under all environmental conditions of interest. In this paper, we will present the first step towards developing a comprehensive testbed for autonomous vehicles (AV) sen...
Autonomous vehicle (AV) technology is a huge leap forward in capability for mobility. To be effective, the current human based vehicle safety infrastructure will have to be upgraded. A critical leg of this infrastructure is the automobile accident report. Conventional vehicle accident reports have evolved to a point where law enforcement have a rea...
Today, transportation planners are asked to optimize the transportation system such that every participant has minimal latency while the costs of the overall infrastructure are minimized. The tools at hand focus on road design, signage, and traffic light management. These tools are coarsegrained and must manage a variable degree of compliance from...
The conventional education paradigm consists of a craftsman-like delivery model. This model suffers from variable quality, system level inefficiency, high costs, and lack of scalability. Online and blended solutions can significantly address these issues, but at the expense of significant R&D-like expenses. Currently, these costs are product-like i...