Rahul Jaiswal

Rahul Jaiswal
National Institute of Hydrology · Water Resources

Doctor of Engineering
Presently working in the field of irrigation water management, climate change, rainfall-runoff modeling and dam break


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September 1991 - present
National Institute of Hydrology
  • Researcher
  • Research work in the field of water resources and hydrology


Publications (108)
Groundwater drought is caused by reduced recharge from deficient rainfall, affecting water availability and regional economic activities. A newly proposed modified groundwater drought index (MGWDI) was evaluated and compared with the conventional groundwater drought index (GWDI) using seasonal groundwater level data from the Shipra river basin in C...
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Modelling at the basin scale offers crucial insights for policymakers as they make decisions regarding the optimal utilization of water resources. This study employed the MIKE HYDRO Basin model to analyse water demand and supply dynamics in the Parvati Basin of Rajasthan, India, for the period 2005–2020. The MIKE11 NAM model showcased strong alignm...
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Irrigation is one of the major consumers of fresh water but crops consume only a small part of supplied water and huge quantities emerge downstream as rejuvenated flow and recharge groundwater. The assessment of these flows is cumbersome due to dependence on multiple factors; hence a fixed percentage is assumed by government agencies for designing...
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Climate change has a significant impact on water resources, particularly on runoff. In the present study, impact of climate change on runoff under different shared socio-economic pathways (SSPs) of CMIP6 is analysed over the Parvati catchment of Rajasthan using MIKE11 NAM model. The ensemble of best 3 global climate models (GCM) out of 13 GCMs is t...
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As the water demand is increasing with each passing day, it is necessary to focus on conventional water management especially on the management of surface water resources to subjugate the demand and supply of water. Runoff is intimately related to precipitation, a key component of the hydrologic cycle. Integration of GIS and the SCS-CN approach cou...
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The Bah River Basin (BRB) requires special attention in the management of the water resources for sustainability in agriculture and the diminution of flood hazards. The hydrological modeling tool, the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) was selected and set up in the Bah River Basin, Madhya Pradesh. The calibration was done using the model on a d...
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The periodic assessment of the revised capacity is essential and conventional techniques through bathymetric surveys and inflow-outflow techniques are time and resource intensive. The application of optical remote sensing data is practiced for a long time to compute the revised capacity of the reservoir but has the limitation of selecting threshold...
A methodological framework has been proposed that consists of six different modules to compute and analyze the dynamics of climate-related extremes on irrigation water requirement (IWR) using machine learning techniques. These modules interactively supply information to compute irrigation water requirement, extreme indices, selection of appropriate...
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Soil Water Retention (SWR) is an important process in drainage, surface, and groundwater partitioning, hydrological modeling, water supply for irrigation, etc. Assessment of SWR characteristics is complex and difficult to conduct spatially in varied locations. Therefore, Pedotransfer Functions (PTF) which are empirical relations with easily availab...
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The periodic assessment of the revised capacity is essential and conventional techniques through bathymetric surveys and inflow-outflow techniques are time and resource intensive. The unsupervised classification of optical remote sensing data is practiced for a long time to reduce the cost of the survey but has the limitation of selecting threshold...
Satellite-based data, information, and indices have been very efficient and useful for rapid assessment of drought situations. They can be proven even more effective if tested using appropriate indicators derived from physically observed ground station-based climatic data. This chapter examines the effectiveness of satellite data in drought charact...
Soil erosion is a natural process that affects land productivity and is considered one of the most significant environmental hazards. The climate, landscape and land cover, and conservation practices are the factors that are accountable for the rate and quantum of erosion which varies spatially and temporally. The geographic information system (GIS...
Extreme climate events and seasonal rainfall are crucial variables in figuring out the amount of irrigation water needed for a crop. The seasonal rainfall and a few selected extreme rainfall and temperature indices were analyzed to understand the variability of climate and their impact on irrigation water requirement (IWR) in the Mahanadi basin (Ri...
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Satellite as well as reanalysis-based datasets are widely available and useful in detecting spatial and temporal variability of rainfall at a finer resolution. These products have been widely used in weather forecasting and hydrological and climate studies. However, the accuracy of satellite products varies spatially and across different datasets....
Timely and optimal supply is key to the success of irrigation projects in the modern period of limited availability of water. The dry region of India where water availability in reservoirs is not sufficient all the years and project authorities try to take utmost care to reduce losses and works on the principle of more crop per drop need regular as...
Satellite-based as well as reanalysis-based datasets are widely available and useful in detecting spatial and temporal variability of rainfall at a finer resolution. These products have been widely used in weather forecasting, hydrological and climate studies. However, the accuracy of these satellite products varies spatially and across different d...
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The computation of flood magnitude and its likely occurrence to design different hydraulic structures are major challenges to the research community. The present study has been carried out to identify the homogeneous regions in the Mahanadi basin in Chhattisgarh part (data from 26 gauge/discharge sites) of India using conventional and clustering-ba...
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Watershed prioritization involves the identification of critical areas that are vulnerable to soil erosion and produce higher sediment yield. These areas need conservation activities on a priority basis. The soil erosion and subsequent yield from different watershed areas depend on multiple factors, so the selection of watershed based on a single f...
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The capability of open-data sources in cloud computing was explored in rainfall–run-off modelling through the Soil Conservation Services curve number (SCS CN) model. The Google Earth Engine (GEE) has a petabytes catalogue of global remote sensing and GIS datasets, numerous functions and algorithms to manipulate and visualize datasets rapidly. In th...
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Runoff estimation is of immense importance in hydrological analysis for water resource planning and management. The developing countries cannot afford to establish a large number of gauging sites due to huge initial and operating expenditures. Hydrological modelling is an alternative solution to simulate the catchment response to extreme events und...
The climate uncertainties, data scarcity, and socio-techno challenges pose significant threats and options respectively to the future planning of complex water projects in developing countries. This paper attempts to develop a decision support system (DSS) framework to classify uncertainties and management options using participatory scoping for sc...
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Soil erosion is caused due to the dynamic action of erosive agents, mainly water, and is a major threat to the environment. Primary aim of the present study was to study the soil loss dynamics, and identify the environmental hotspots in Madhya Pradesh to aid decision-makers to plan and prioritize appropriate conservation measures. Universal Soil Lo...
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The computation of flood magnitude and its likely occurrence to design different hydraulic structures are major challenges to the research community. The present study has been carried out to identify the homogeneous regions in the Mahanadi basin in Chhattisgarh part (data from 26 gauge/discharge sites) of India using conventional and clustering-ba...
India is an agrarian country where more than 70% of population depend largely on agriculture and agro-related business. The projected scenarios of precipitation from climate models predict decrease in some region and increase in others, albeit with large uncertainty in most of the places. The Chhattisgarh state which is called rice bowl of India ha...
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The ‘Normalized Antecedent Precipitation Index (NAPI)’ model developed based on water balance equation was found capable to predict runoff yields from ungauged catchment when its parameters estimated from the gauged catchment are updated using the linear relationship of geomorphologic parameters of an ungauged to that of the gauged catchment, and c...
A framework comprising of four interdependent modules has been developed to analyse demand–supply scenarios under future uncertainties of climate change in an irrigation command where any mismatch can affect sustainability and wellbeing of the rural population. In the absence of runoff records, the water balance module of framework computes daily r...
Multi-criteria decision support (MCDS) was developed and demonstrated for a complex reservoir system for a comprehensive assessment of performance for a complex reservoir system. A management model for the Tandula complex system in India was developed in MIKE HYDRO Basin. This system has three interconnected reservoirs, three irrigation commands, a...
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Soil is a backbone for human livelihoods and plant growth. In present scenarios, soil erosion becoming a worldwide environmental calamity for impends the natural environment, agriculture, and aquatic life. Consequently, it's very important to evaluate the erosion quantity and prepare the map of the erosion-prone area for sustainable planning and ma...
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Trend analysis is performed to find the pattern that prevails in Nagwan watershed area located in Hazaribagh district of Jharkhand (India) having very high average annual rainfall in the range of 1146 mm. The study aims to investigated the impacts of global warming by examine precipitation and temperature change over a period. Non-parametric MK tes...
The present study has been carried out to explore the possibility of development of regional oedotransfer (PTF) and analytical models for soils in two adjoining commands of Central India. The soil water retention at different suction heads for soil samples from seventeen sites were determined using pressure plate apparatus and fitted by PTFs and an...
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This study presents the application of analytical hierarchical process based multi-criteria decision support tool for prioritization of critical areas of Andhiyarkhore catchment for soil and water conservation (SWC) and management works. Fourteen different soil and water management parameters were calculated for each of the fifty-one delineated wat...
The declining baseflow and drying up of river during the lean period are important issues in major rivers systems in India. In recent times, more focus has been given to formulate an action plan for river rejuvenation. The present study aims at the assessment of declining flow regime in Shipra river in the Madhya Pradesh state of India. Long-term d...
The water availability assessment is an important aspect for planning and management of water resources in the basin; however, non-availability of observed runoff is an important issue often found in the developing countries. The farmers of irrigation projects incur more expenditure due to assured supply and suffer huge economic loss in dry years....
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Abstract The design of water resource structures needs long-term runoff data which is always a problem in developing countries due to the involvement of huge cost of operation and maintenance of gauge discharge sites. Hydrological modelling provides a solution to this problem by developing relationship between different hydrological processes. In t...
Dams or reservoirs have proven to be very beneficial for the sustained development of human beings since its evolution. The usefulness of dam depends upon its capacity to store water. Sedimentation is a process which involves deposition of silt carried by flowing water from erosion of soil of upstream catchment area. Sedimentation has proven to be...
The temporal and spatial variability of rainfall is a critical element of semi-arid atmospheres due to its severe impact on water availability, livelihood and environment. The present investigation of rainfall is to examine precipitation over a long-period of time for wide region, identifying potential trends and evaluating their significance. The...
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It is a well-known fact that it is not all possible to avoid droughts, but droughts can be managed to minimise the hardships of the local population. For this purpose, understanding of the supply-demand scenario is of utmost importance to understand the overall hydrology and planning needs of any watershed. It is in this direction, the comprehensiv...
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Morphometric analysis of any basin with the help of geospatial technology gives appropriate results to understand the configuration of earth surface, shape and dimension of its landform. At present Remote Sensing (RS) and Geographical Information System (GIS) techniques are being effectively used as tools to characterize the basin geometry and hydr...
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Identification for planning of land and water resource management based on efficient decision-making tool is very important for providing appropriate weightage in stressed site. In the present study, fuzzy analytical hierarchy process (FAHP) with different erosion hazards parameters (EHPs) have been used as a pronouncement for identification of nat...
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Rainfall-runoff estimation plays a main role for watershed as these values have vital importance in most of hydrological analysis for water resource planning. Runoff estimation of catchment is very serious for the hydrologist in developing countries where most of the watersheds are ungauge. There are various models available for runoff estimation....
The precipitation is the principle input of hydrological cycle affect availability of water in spatial and temporal scale of basin due to widely accepted climate change. The present study deals with the statistical downscaling using Statistical Down Scaling Model for rainfall of five rain gauge stations (Ambagarh, Bhanpura, Balod, Chamra and Gondli...
The future projected climate parameters obtained from using generalized circulation models (GCMs) cannot be used directly on regional or basin scale because of coarse resolution. The dynamic or statistical downscaling procedures are used to convert global scale output to regional scale condition. The statistical downscaling because of its less comp...
The unsaturated soil hydraulic properties may be considered the key factors governing the partitioning of rainfall and irrigation into soil water storage, evapotranspiration, and deep drainage. The understanding of regional parameters of soil water retention process with the most appropriate model is necessary for better understanding of water move...
Climate, soil, vegetation, topography, and man are the factors that affect soil erosion, and out of these vegetation and soil to some extent are the only factors which man can control. Fertile soil by carrying erosion fills dam reservoir and reduces dam’s economical life, hence economy of country get debilitated big amount. To specify hazard and da...
The paper deals with the projected rainfall for eight rain gauge stations located in the upper Mahanadi catchment in Chhattisgarh state of India and corresponding changes on the water availability in few reservoirs of the catchment. Rescaled predictors obtained from NCEP were used and statistically tested for selection of best-fit set of predictors...
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Assessment of reservoir sediment and its distribution are essential for irrigation releases, reservoir operation and assessment of soil conservation measures in the catchment. The empirical area reduction method suggested by Borland and Miller, 1960 is commonly used to determine sediment prediction based on limited data from reservoirs in USA. In t...
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Time series modeling is necessary for the planning and management of reservoirs. More recently, the soft computing techniques have been used in hydrological modeling and forecasting. In this study, the advantages of neuro-fuzzy system in monthly inflow forecasting are examined by developing and comparing reservoir inflow prediction models, based on...
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Hydrologists are mainly concerned with evaluation of catchment response in order to plan, develop, manage and operate various water resources schemes. There is continuous circulation of water between earth and atmosphere. This is signified by different phases in the “Hydrologic Cycle” which is the fundamental principle of hydrology. The hydrologica...
Conference Paper
The fast growing development and ignorance of catchment area treatment plan during and after implementation of water resource project accelerating rate of sedimentation and disturbing the ecological balance in reservoirs and watersheds. While it is not possible to totally avoid or stop siltation, one way to reduce the siltation of the reservoirs an...
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In a modern scenario, reservoir sedimentation is vital problem as every reservoir are bound to suffer a loss in their storage capacity potential because of silt load, for short or long period of time. For water resources planning and land & water management system, computation of soil erosion, sediment conveyance and its deposition in reservoir, ir...
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Among all the different types of extreme events drought is considered to be the most hazardous in terms economic losses and number of people being affected by its impacts, mainly due to the various complexities involved. Since it is rather difficult to predict and forecast droughts with a reasonable degree of certainty, the drought management aspec...
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Water resource management is an important element of irrigation and crop production. Efficient irrigation systems and water management practices can help maintain farm profitability in an era of limited, higher-cost water supplies. The present study aimed to analyse scenarios based demand-supply assessment in Harsi command of Madhya Pradesh (India)...
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Decision makers face multifaceted challenge in characterizing drought climatology for appropriate water resources-related drought management strategies. This paper focuses on understanding and quantifying the drought vulnerability of Bearma basin in the Bundelkhand region of central India, which is one of the prominent climate extremes that the reg...
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The water is an essential and vital element for the development of human society. The most of the urban and rural population of India depend mainly on groundwater for irrigation of rabi crops and drinking water in summer season. The uneven distribution of rainfall, increasing population and change of landuse due to fast growing development and indu...
Conference Paper
Climate, soil, vegetation, topography and man are the factors that affect soil erosion, and out of these vegetation and soil to some extent are the only factors which man can control. Fertile soils by carrying erosion fills dam reservoir and reduces dam’s economical life, hence economy of country get debilitated big amount. To specify hazard and da...
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A number of water quality indices based on classification criteria, sub-indices and aggregation function have been developed by the researchers for categorizing the water quality for different uses. In the present study, a general Overall Water Quality Index (OWQI) is developed to classify the surface water into five categories, viz. excellent, goo...
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Groundwater monitoring networks, which are primarily used for observing the water levels and water quality, are necessary for the assessment and regulation of resource, control depletion, protection from geogenic and anthropogenic pollution and sustaining river flows during lean season. These networks support the monitoring process over a long peri...
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Considering the importance of climatic variability on availability of water, irrigation demand, crop yield and other areas of life, an assessment of change detection and trend on monthly, seasonal and annual historical series of different climatic variables of Raipur, a capital city of newly created Chhattisgarh state of India, have been carried ou...
The water availability in a river influence significantly due to change in flow regime because of water transfer from external sources or regulated operations like river diversion, construction of dam, on-stream uses, etc. The assessment of impact of water transfer on water availability in the river is imperative for the planning of water allocatio...
Abstract The article presents an efficient multi-criteria decision support model (MCDSM) to prioritize susceptible areas in a watershed for soil conservation measures based on impact analysis of topography, climate, morphology, soil, land cover, management and conservation factors. The MCDS model has been developed based on fuzzy analytical hierarc...
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River/stream’s catchment area, which is the source of endowment for water resource projects, is generally developed without giving much emphasis on protection against soil’s erosion from catchment that results into loss of beneficial storage, breach of banks, loss of nutrients and many other environmental problems. The prioritization of sub-watersh...
Water resources management in arid and semiarid regions is a hydrologically challenging proposition for the decision makers and planners as they are more susceptible to drought. The Bundelkhand region is under the limelight due to continuous droughts resulting in acute water scarcity leading to large-scale out-migration of people. The effective dro...
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The evaluation of meteorological and hydrological drought characteristics including the dry spell analysis for planning of supplemental irrigation has been carried out for Bearma basin in Bundelkhand region of Central India. The Bundelkhand region has been under a spell of recurrent droughts. In the last decade, widespread droughts were felt during...
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In this study, MIKE BASIN has been used as a decision support tool for irrigation management and water sharing of Rangawan reservoir, an interstate project of Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh in India. The water sharing and optimum irrigation releases have been analyzed by developing two separate models in decision support tool; the first model com...