Rafina Naqiyya Qatrunnada

Rafina Naqiyya Qatrunnada
State University of Jakarta | Unj · Department of Chemistry



Questions (3)
i will do synthesis of coumarin using 10 mmol of salicylaldehyde and 10 mmol diethyl malonate using 10 mol% of catalyst L-proline. could anyone help me to count how much catalyst (in mg) should i use?
I did a dpph method and make a variety of concentration (400, 200, 100, 50, 25 ppm). I have done it by making 1000 ppm first and diluted them, I already did this 4 times but the results are always same. is there something wrong with my way in diluting the sample? or is there something wrong with my sample?
I don't use microplate, so I will make a dilution by volumetric flask. I also will do a triplo test, so can I do it all at once? like makin 3 times dilution of ascorbic acid and my 2 samples, incubated them together and check the abs together?