Rafael Rodríguez-PongaAsociación Española de Estudios del Pacífico
Rafael Rodríguez-Ponga
PhD (Doctor en Filología - Lingüística)
Asociación Española de Estudios del Pacífico (www.aeep.es)
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Rafael Rodríguez-Ponga currently is president of Asociación Española de Estudios del Pacífico (AEEP). He's been professor and rector of Universitat Abat Oliba CEU in Barcelona. Rafael does research in language contact in the Pacific: Mariana islands and the Philippines, with a special attention to Spanish and Chamorro languages. He also writes about cultural policy, internacional relations and education. Member of the research group “Family, Education and Inclusive School (Trivium)”.
Additional affiliations
January 1992 - February 1996
September 1977 - June 1982
Publications (83)
El proyecto piloto del Departamento de Educación filipino significa que 17 escuelas públicas ofrecerán la asignatura optativa de español en secundaria. Esta oferta se suma a la de algunas escuelas privadas y universidades. España puede apoyar en formación de profesores, asesorías lingüísticas o aulas bilingües, como hace en otros países. Todo ello,...
Chamorro language shows many elements from Spanish. The main part of this work is a dictionary of loanwords. The author interviewed 32 native speakers in the 4 main islands. La lengua chamorra, hablada en las islas Marianas, presenta tal volumen de elementos españoles que puede considerarse una lengua mixta, hispano-austronesia, como consecuencia d...
Spanish and Malayo-Polynesian languages have been in contact for centuries. This book contains chapters about:
Word and reality: language contacts in the Pacific.
Former Spanish Oceania one century after 1898.
A case of lexical spreading: the word "soldado" in Micronesia, Philippines and South East Asia.
About Chamorro language:
First loanwords i...
Languages have changed because of the COVID-19 pandemic. We have new words and new meanings, as a response to health and social changes.
This paper includes new words and expressions, new vocabulary created in this pandemic year, in Spanish language.
The book includes an essay about the relationship between poetry and death, word and health, literature and resilience. Poetic language helps us to have resilience, to overcome dificulties. It includes commented poems by more than one hundred authors, from several countries and religions, in 16 languages. El libro incluye un ensayo sobre la relació...
Esta obra resulta de la actividad del grupo TRIVIUM «Familia, Educación y Escuela Inclusiva», enmarcada dentro del proyecto de investigación ANDREIA «Fomento de la resiliencia en la educación primaria: innovación y formación continua del profesorado» (PID2019-111032RB-I00), financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación del Gobierno de España...
La Agenda 2030 y sus objetivos de desarrollo sostenible son un gran paso entre los acuerdos de la comunidad internacional. Para comprender mejor su valoración, es necesario conocer el papel de la Santa Sede y su interpretación de la Agenda 2030.
The 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals are a great step among the agreements in the inter...
This paper analyses the poems by Guillermo Gomez Rivera, a Filipino writer who writes poems in Spanish, in the 21st century. Gomez Rivera is a poet, and as such, he is a witness of the evolution of the culture of the Philiippines in the last decades.
Este trabajo analiza los poemas de Guillermo Gómez Rivera, escritor filipino que escribe poemas en...
Este trabajo muestra la importancia de la Primera Vuelta al Mundo (1519-1522) como fuente de inspiración de materiales publicados recientemente, que están dedicados, en especial, al público infantil y juvenil. De esta manera, los niños y jóvenes pueden aprender historia y, al mismo tiempo, reforzar su capacidad para poder afrontar las adversidades...
This article studies the role of the languages used in the First Circumnavigation of the World, an international expedition that had crew members from twenty countries, who spoke different languages.
Communication required vehicular languages on board: Spanish and, in some cases, Latin and Sabir. During the tour, Portuguese —with its pidgins— and M...
The word Pacific (“Pacific Sea”) was used for the first time in the 16th
century. We can read it in the chronicle written by the Italian Antonio Pigafetta,
member of the Magellan & Elcano expedition, and in the last will of Elcano
himself. The geographical names Pacific sea and Pacific Ocean have been used
together with South Sea and South Seas.
Covid-19 pandemic has changed our language. In Spanish, new words and expression have appeared.
Words may help children and young people to understand the situation and may give them more resilience.
Literature and journalism are two forms of linguistic communication. Each one of them has its own way of communication between sender and receiver, in message, channel and code.
"El chamorro actual muestra su origen malayopolinesio
y sus transformaciones por contacto moderno
con el español y las lenguas filipinas. Hoy, convive
con la presión inevitable del inglés. Es una lengua extraordinaria
y única. Y viva." Disponible en https://www.libreria.culturaydeporte.gob.es/libro/i-estoria-ta-guam-las-marianas-y-la-cultura-chamor...
"Today’s Chamorro reveals its Malayo-Polynesian
origins and its transformations via more recent contact
with Spanish and with Philippine languages. Today, it
coexists with the inevitable pressure of English. It is an
extraordinary and unique language. And alive."
Avilable at https://www.libreria.culturaydeporte.gob.es/libro/i-estoria-ta-guam-the-m...
Today Spanish language is spoken by thousands of people in Australia, New Zealand and Hawaii. Considering its historical influence, today we can see its consequences in the Marianas and Earter Island. Available in Revista Filipina:
The most profoundly human problems can be informed by the dialogue between the sciences and the humanities, between scientific rigour and humanistic sensitivity,
between the health sciences and the Christian vision of life; and, in a broad
sense, between reason and faith. People’s health requires careful
attention be paid to their physical, mental...
Latin was an important language for communication in the First Round-the-World Tour in the 16th century. Some of those seamen from different origins and languages (Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, French, English, Irish, German, Greek,...) may have had Latin as a common code.
The International Platform of Cooperation and Migration (IPCM) was created by a group of social entities and NGOS of several countries. This paper studies the role of IPCM and its main activities and documents.
How Coronavirus pandemia has changed education.
Language and culture are important elements in international relations.
Several countries decided to have an official institute for the promotion of their language and culture.
EUNIC is the association of the national institutes for culture of European Union members.
Chamorro language has a role in business, trade, tourism, media, education, public administration and localo activities.
Some important enteprises have been established by Chamorros.
Available in
The fifth centennial of the Magellan & Elcano expedition has to be studied in the context of other international commemorations, such as the 4th centennial of Cervantes and Shakespeare.
Chamorro words and expressions for Christmas time
El valor del chamorro de las islas Marianas, a pesar de su reducido número de hablantes, puede considerarse también desde el punto de vista económico, tanto en su archipiélago originario como entre las comunidades de chamorros que viven en Estados Unidos.
Cultural policy in European relations is becoming more important every day. European institutions have the opportunity given by the association of European Union National Institutes for Culture (EUNIC). This network provides worldwide cultural activities, through institutes such as British Institute, Instituto Cervantes, Goethe Institute, Institut...
Mariana islands are in the middle of the Pacific ocean routes, as rtge Manila-Acapulco Galleon.
Their position is strategical.
Modern Chamorro language is the result of contact for centuries.
EUNIC European Union National Instituts for Culture association, challenges and oportunities in cultural international relacions
Devepment cooperation experiences in the Philippines and Dominican Republic
Contact varieties related to Spanish in the Philippine and Mariana islands
En 2013, se cumplen quinientos años de un hecho que resultó ser un acontecimiento histórico de primera magnitud: el descubrimiento del océano Pacífico. Es pues este año una ocasión propicia para recordar esa parte del pasado y, sobre todo, para valorar la relación actual. Por este motivo, en España, en Panamá y en otros países se están llevando a c...
History of Spanish navigations in the Pacific ocean.
The first vocabulary written of the Chamorro language of the Mariana islands is studied word by word.
Most of the words can be recognized today.
It's a unique text for history of Austronesian or Malay Polynesian languages.
El mundo camina hacia un multilingüismo cada vez mayor. Varios países han creado sus propios institutos nacionales, para la difusión de la lengua y la cultura.
Several countries have created their national institutes for promoting language and culture abroad
In 1565, a sailor wrote the first vocabulary of the island of Guam. It is an important text for the linguistic history of Austronesian languages.
The announcement by the Philippine government concerning the reintroduction of Spanish in secondary education offers new prospects. The new situation deserves consideration from the perspective of individual rights.
The pilot project by the Philippine Department of Education means that 17 state schools will offer Spanish as an optional language at...
The Carolinian language of Saipan (Northern Mariana Islands) is the result of a historical and social process
The Carolinian language of the island of Saipan, in the Marianas received some loans from Spanish.
In some cases, these words came also from Chamorro language.
First Spanish loanwords in Chamorro language, in the 16 th century
About the Spanish writer Alfonso Albalá (1924-1973)
Many people spek about the right to difference.
But differences are the facts in human life. More than a right, they are just a reallity.
The right we have is to be equal.
How many people are able to speak Spanish in the Philippines? Let's study the number of speakers of Spanish in the Philippines, according to different sources. With a reference to Chabacano, the Philippine Spanish creole language. The answer depends on what we want to measure: those who speak it at home or those who are able to speak in for cultura...
How many people are able to speak Spanish in the Philippines? Let's study the number of speakers of Spanish in the Philippines, according to different sources. With a reference to Chabacano, the Philippine Spanish creole language. The answer depends on what we want to measure: those who speak it at home or those who are able to speak in for cultura...
Chamorro language abandoned its ancient numeral system and adopted all the numbers from Spanish. Why?
Kinship relations are expressed in Chamorro language as a complete system of family organization, with words coming from different origins
This article defines "baguio" as a Spanish word from Filipino origin.
After this study, the Real Academia Española changed the etimology of "baguio" in the Diccionary.
What languages were spoken in Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands in the 19th century?
Chamorro, Spanish, English and others.
Only a small group of languages is spoken outside their original ethnolinguistic group. Spanish is one of them, spoken by people from very different origins in different countries and continents, as well as English, French, Portuguese, Arabic... Why? What has happened to these languages?
Some prepositions in the Chamorro language are taken from Spanish. Their functions may vary.
The language of the island of Pohnpei (Federated States of Micronesia) received some influence from Spanish.
This thesis is the result of the field work done in the Marianas.
The Chamorro phonology, orthography, and grammar are studied.
The main part is a dictionary of Chamorro words with some Spanish origin.
Study of names for hoopoe (Upupa epops) in different regions of Spain.
Information comes from linguistic atlas and other sources.
Names, etymologies and descriptions are analysed.
Published in Archivo de Filología Aragonesa