Rafael Muñoz de Bustillo

Rafael Muñoz de Bustillo
University of Salamanca · Department of Applied Economics

PhD in Economics


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February 2013 - June 2013
Northeastern University
  • Visiting Schoolar
January 1981 - present
University of Salamanca
  • Professor of Applied Economics


Publications (167)
Technical Report
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The working paper explores the complex relationship between the digital and green transitions and analyses how these two transformations, although independent, influence each other. It discusses the potential positive effects of digitalisation in the fight against climate change, such as improved efficiency and coordination of production and the de...
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This study addresses the impact of illicit drug use on the labour market outcomes of men in Mexico. We leverage statistical information from three waves of a comparable national survey and make use of Lewbel's heteroskedasticity-based instrumental variable strategy to deal with the endogeneity of drug consumption. Our results suggests that drug con...
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Purpose This paper aims to explore the existence of convergence in non-monetary working conditions in Europe resorting to widely used definitions of this phenomenon and composite indexes of job quality. Design/methodology/approach The analysis relies on composite indexes, widely used in previous literature, for 207 regions in six different areas o...
A pesar de las complejas circunstancias de la presente legislatura, o quizás debido a ellas, el gobierno de coalición ha tomado una serie de iniciativas con impacto potencial sobre algunos de los problemas tradicionales de la economía española. Este artículo tiene como objetivo reflexionar, en “voz alta”, sobre hasta qué punto tales cambios han act...
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The evolution of the gender pay gap has received a great deal of attention from academia and public opinion alike, yet our understanding of the differences in non-monetary working conditions is much scarcer. Through the use of the European Working Conditions Survey and six composite indicators of job quality, this research aims to expand our knowle...
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El objetivo de este capítulo es llevar a cabo una evaluación —necesariamente preliminar, por los datos con los que la comunidad investigadora cuenta hasta el momento— del efecto de la crisis sobre la distribución de la renta de mercado y, en particular, sobre las des igualdades en el mercado de trabajo. Así, la primera sección ofrece un panorama ge...
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The aim of this paper is to present a novel proposal to define social classes from the economic perspective. This paper draws on a previous working paper (Muñoz de Bustillo and Esteve, 2022) that discusses the demise of the concept of social classes in economic analysis derived from the triumph of Neoclassical Theory, its substitution in recent tim...
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In February 2022, the Spanish Parliament approved a major reform of the labour market regulation that aimed at rolling back parts of the liberal reform of 2012 promoted by the conservatives and, simultaneously, confront the high rate of temporary employment that for decades has been one of the characteristics of the Spanish labour market vis a vis...
This chapter offers an up-to-date account of different alternative approaches to the measurement of job quality from a quantitative perspective. With that aim we review different theoretical strategies: subjective (job satisfaction) and objective methods, with different levels of aggregation, that can be used for the measurement of job quality, pre...
This Handbook offers an interdisciplinary and international benchmark text for anyone wanting to understand job quality. Job quality matters and has long done so. Debate about the future of work today centres on the impact of the new digital technologies, compounding existing concerns about the restructuring of employment and, importantly, prolifer...
The aim of this chapter is twofold. First, it is intended as a reflection about the interactions between innovation and job quality. The chapter argues that there are several different channels of transmission going from innovation to job quality and vice versa. In the first place, technological (and organizational) change leads to higher productiv...
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The purpose of this working paper, the first of a series of three aiming at studying social classes from an economic perspective, is to review the role played by social classes in economic analysis. With that aim, we will first discuss the use of the concept of social classes in the analysis of classical economists. Then we will present the reasons...
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En un mercado de trabajo como el español, aquejado de altas tasas de desempleo y baja calidad del empleo, la crisis de la COVID-19 ha acelerado el proceso de la revolución digital. Muy probablemente, las infraestructuras, tecnologías y prácticas introducidas durante la pandemia van a impulsar la digitalización de la actividad económica, con efectos...
In the past few decades, the world of work has been affected by many different vectors of change. These have called into question the standard employment relationship, understood as full-time, open-ended employment. Among these changes, very different in their nature, intensity and effects, we might mention the demise of full employment as an econo...
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This article documents the convergence in non-monetary working conditions in Europe. We compute composite indexes widely used in previous literature for 207 regions in six different areas of job quality drawing on survey data from 1995 to 2015. Our findings reveal the existence of a strong process of unconditional β-convergence and some evidence fo...
Technical Report
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This report aims to conceptualise universality in social protection and propose an actionable approach to measure it in a systematic and comprehensive way in the European Union. We propose to define the universality of a given Welfare State along three dimensions: the range of social needs addressed the degree to which the relevant population is co...
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En las quinientas páginas del libro Mitos y realidades del Estado de Bienestar, publicado en 2019, quedó pendiente la reflexión sobre el impacto que la crisis medioambiental, ejemplificada por el calentamiento global, pero con muchos otros frentes, podría tener sobre el futuro del Estado de Bienestar. De hecho, se podría decir que, en cierto modo,...
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This paper presents an analysis of two processes of convergence between European countries, in wage levels and wage distributions, and the extent to which they explain recent trends in wage inequality for the EU as a whole. The results show that wage convergence was the main driver behind wage inequality trends for the EU as a whole in the last dec...
Technical Report
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El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo estudiar la situación de la Comunidad Autónoma de Castilla y León en lo que se refiere al riesgo de pobreza al que se enfrenta su población, prestando especial atención a las implicacio nes que el aumento del trabajo a tiempo parcial pudiera tener en este ámbito.
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Whereas the evolution of the gender pay gap has received much attention from academic researchers and public opinion alike, our understanding of the differences in non-monetary working conditions is substantially scarcer. Exploiting the European Working Conditions Survey and using six composite indicators of job quality, this research aims to enlar...
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In the past few decades, the world of work has been affected by many different vectors of change. These have called into question the standard employment relationship, understood as full-time, open ended employment. Among these changes, very different in their nature, intensity and effects, we might mention the demise of full employment as an econo...
Extracto del Prólogo: El origen de este libro está en el interés despertado por la obra colectiva sobre El Estado de Bienestar en el cambio de siglo, que dirigí hace ya casi dos décadas. La buena acogida que tuvo, y mantuvo, con el paso de los años, me animó, hace cerca de una década, a volver a tratar el tema de la viabilidad, logros y limitacio...
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Is the Welfare State sustainable? How has it fared in the last few decades? What are the main challenges facing the Welfare State today and in the near future? This Working paper aims at offering the reader with elements to answer, if temporarily, this questions regarding the present and future of the European Welfare State. With that aim, the pape...
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This paper presents an analysis of two processes of convergence between European countries, in wage levels and wage distributions, and the extent to which they explain recent trends in wage inequality for the EU as a whole. The results show that wage convergence was the main driver behind wage inequality trends for the EU as a whole in the last dec...
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to present the stylised facts of over-education among European graduates over time (1998–2013), paying special attention to the measurement issues. Design/methodology/approach: The authors use two different sources, the Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies 2012, and the European Unio...
The Great Recession had a profound impact on the Spanish labour market. On the one hand, unemployment skyrocketed reaching 27% of the workforce at its highest. On the other hand, three different labour reforms were approved, aimed at deregulating and flexibilising the labour market. This paper explores the potential impact of one of such changes, t...
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p>El presente artículo tiene como objetivo realizar un recorrido sobre la utilización que Euskadi ha realizado de la política de cohesión de la Unión Europea desde la incorporación de España a la UE y reflexionar sobre el impacto que los cambios esperados de la misma tendrán a partir de 2021. Con esa finalidad y tras ofrecer un breve relato de la j...
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Este trabajo estudia las relaciones existentes entre inmigración y Estado de bienestar en España desde una triple perspectiva. En primer lugar, se analiza el papel que las prestaciones sociales hayan podido tener en la experiencia inmigratoria española, como factor de atracción de los inmigrantes. A continuación, se estudia de qué manera la inmigra...
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Labor deregulation is not something new in Spain. Since the enactment of the Labour Code (Estatuto de los Trabajadores) in 1980, the first compendium of Spanish labour law of the democracy, there has been more than 50 labour market reforms (Fundación 1º de Mayo 2012). The first one was approved by a social democratic government in the Orwellian yea...
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Taking as starting point the political, economic and social transformation on 1975-1984, this chapter intends to offer an account and analysis of the major changes produced in the labour market in the last four decades in Spain, and their implications for the different income categories, paying special attention to the middle income class. With tha...
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The purpose of the article is to study the strong existing connections between the welfare state and the middle class. It will be argued that, working through two different mechanisms – the provision of key public services and its major role as employer –, the development of the welfare state has contributed in a significant way to the development...
Technical Report
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e primary purpose of this comparative report is to review the role of minimum wage and collective bargaining institutions and their effects in a sample of major garment or textile producing countries. Part 1 of the report describes the institutional context of ten countries and Part 2 analyses the detailed character of policy and practice in the ga...
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This article presents for the first time a comparative study of the cost of disability for households in 31 European countries. In order to do so, we exploit the European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions, its special module on housing conditions for 2007 and 2012 and employ two alternative methodologies, one based on how difficult i...
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Tras reflexionar sobre el renacer del interés de los economistas en las cuestiones relacionadas con la desigualdad, y avanzar algunas razones por las que su estudio es importante, este trabajo analiza la situación y evolución de la desigualdad en España en el contexto de la Unión Europea. Para ello se analiza tanto el grado de desigualdad generado...
p>La crisis económica, su gestión y la post-crisis han tenido un efecto innegable sobre el desarrollo de los Estados de Bienestar en Europa. Las reformas estructurales desarrolladas han afectado gravemente la fortaleza del Estado de Bienestar ya sea por dirigirse directamente contra él, ya sea por los daños colaterales de la política de ajuste fisc...
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Using the recent Wage Structure Survey 2010, this article examines the public-private sector wage gaps in Spain along the whole earnings distribution and the incidence of the gender gap in both sectors of the economy. Firstly, we find that that there is positive wage premium to public sector employment that is not fully explained by employees’ obse...
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En un contexto de reforma permanente de los sistemas públicos de pensiones en la Unión Europea, en donde el famoso tercer pilar de los mismos, los planes privados de pensiones, parece estar llamado a tener un protagonismo creciente, este trabajo investiga las diferencias en importancia de este tipo de sistemas en la UE así como los factores que det...
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alaevolución delbienestar social enEspaña durante elauge y la recesión. El Índice FOESSA de Bienestar Social (IFBS) COORDINADOR Rafael Muñoz de Bustillo
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This article presents an analysis of the evolution of job quality from 2000 to 2010 in the European Union 15, using a newly developed composite measure of job quality that is applied to the European Working Conditions Survey. After a careful study of the evolution of job quality across the different dimensions and components of our index, and a dif...
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This paper analyzes the effect of private supplementary pensions (and the tax reliefs that aim to stimulate such plans) on national saving in Spain. It tries to test the alleged positive effects of private pension plans on savings. Using a longitudinal dataset and fixed-effects methods, we find that tax-favored contributions to a pension fund are n...
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The paper presents an account of the economic policy followed by Spain during the economic and financial crisis of 2009. After a first reaction based on the application of countercyclical policy, in 2010, following the directions and pressures of the European Commission and in a desperate intent to regain the confidence of the financial markets, th...
The aim of this chapter is to discuss the theoretical underpinning of the European institutions drive towards deficit reduction in a context of stagnation if not harsh recession. With that aim, section 2 reviews the economic rationale that lies behind the hypothesis of expansionary austerity, as it has come to be known the idea that austerity (unde...
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Job satisfaction is the degree to which people like their jobs. In other words, it refers to a subjective evaluation that the worker makes of her own job, either in its entirety or with respect to its different attributes. It is related to the sociological concept of alienation and the economic concept of the (dis)utility derived from work: with re...
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The aim of this article is to analyze the impact of the decentralization of the public national health system in Spain on citizens' satisfaction with different dimensions of primary and hospital care. Using micro-data from the Health Barometer 1996-2009 and taking advantage of the exogeneity of the different pace of decentralization across Spain us...
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Spain has one of the highest levels of early school leaving and educational failure of the European Union. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the anatomy of early school leaving in Spain and its characteristics. In order to do so, in the first part we discuss the measurement problems related with this concept and the evolution of drop‐out rate...
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La relación entre la demanda de protección social y mercado de trabajo se articula a lo largo de tres ejes: las prestaciones de desempleo, las acciones destinadas a mejorar el ingreso de los ocupados y las políticas activas de empleo. En este trabajo, se lleva a cabo una caracterización de estas intervenciones en nuestro país, poniéndolas en contex...
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The aim of this paper is to analyze how female migrants fare in the labor market in Spain, a country that has experienced impressive immigration flows during the last decade. Particularly, we explore the differential access to employment and the earnings penalty faced by this group considering the interaction between two potential sources of disadv...
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Although not historically unprecedented, Europe is going through a time of intense change in terms of both the intensity of immigration and the public perception of this demographic phenomenon. This chapter aims to analyse the labour market participation of immigrants in the European Union, both from a national comparative perspective and from a Eu...
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The main aim of this chapter is to enrich our analysis of changes of the employment structure in the EU during 1998–2007 by developing a new broad-based job quality measure to view those changes. Specifically, we formulate a multidimensional measure of job amenities 1 based on non-pecuniary job dimensions which derives from the sociological literat...
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This article for first time explores the relationship between immigration and poverty in Spain. Using recent Spanish household surveys, it is found, first, that both moderate and severe poverty are more acute among immigrants than among nationals and social transfers play no substantial role in reducing monetary deprivation in the case of foreign-b...
The team of authors are leading experts on European employment trends and policy and have produced an excellent study that proposes a new index of job quality for Europe. Given its depth and breadth of coverage of theory and already existing indicators, the book is likely to be a landmark study. Readers will enjoy the engaging review of past and pr...
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To consider quality of work a regulatory objective requires the development of a coherent concept of job quality and constructing indicators that allow monitoring its evolution and distribution. The aim of this paper is to offer a guided tour around the different indicators of job quality proposed in the literature. In order to do so, first, we ana...
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ResumenEl objetivo de este estudio es la evaluación ex ante del impacto de una reforma paramétrica del sistema de pensiones en España, concretamente el alargamiento del período utilizado para el cómputo de las prestaciones, que ha sido propuesta en numerosas ocasiones por distintos actores socioeconómicos. Este tipo de cambios graduales pertenecen...
AuszugDer vorliegende Artikel versucht, die Auswirkungen einer Parameter-Reform des spanischen Rentensystems im Voraus zu bewerten, die eine Verlängerung des Referenzzeitraums für die Berechnung der Renten vorsieht: Dies ist ein Ansatz, der von verschiedenen Akteuren des sozioökonomischen Umfelds mehrfach vorgeschlagen wurde. Eine solche schrittwei...
This article aims to offer an ex ante evaluation of the impact of a parametric reform of the Spanish pension system that would involve increasing the reference period used to calculate benefits, an approach proposed many times by various actors in the socioeconomic field. Such gradual change may be categorized as a non-structural reform of the pens...
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Spain has one of the highest levels of early school leaving and educational failure of the European Union. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the anatomy of early school leaving in Spain and its characteristics. In order to do so, in the first part we discuss the measurement problems related with this concept and the evolution of drop-out rate...
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This work assesses the impact of the minimum wage on youth employment, unemployment and education enrolment in Spain. Using a difference-in-differences approach, we take advantage of the fact that the minimum wage for people aged 16 and 17 years old, which was approximately two thirds the level of the standard minimum wage, was raised to reach full...