Rafael Chávez-LópezNational Autonomous University of Mexico | UNAM · School of Higher Studies (F.E.S.) Iztacala
Rafael Chávez-López
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Actually, our projects are focused on fish population and communities from bar-choked estuaries, next year will begin to work in Morro Lagoon, located 40 miles northward to Veracruz Port.
Publications (55)
The composition of fish assemblages in the Alvarado Lagoon System was updated with information collected between 1966 and 2008, divided into nine collection periods. A temporal analysis of the variation in species richness, species richness indices, rarity, and composition of ecological and trophic guilds was also carried out. A total of 113 specie...
RESUMEN Se actualizó la composición de los ensamblajes de peces en el Sistema Lagunar de Alvarado con información recopilada entre 1966 y 2008, dividida en nueve períodos de colecta; también se hizo un análisis temporal de la variación de la riqueza de especies, los índices de riqueza de especies, rareza y la composición de los gremios ecológicos y...
Presencia de microplásticos en tracto digestivo de Anchoa hepsetus (Cupleiformes: Engraulidae) obtenidos de la pesca ribereña del municipio de Alvarado, Veracruz Presence of microplastics in digestive tract of Anchoa hepsetus (Cupleifromes: Engragulidae) obtained from the artisanal fishing of the municipality of Alvarado, Veracruz
Seguramente en tus viajes por las costas de nuestro país has observado numerosos ríos que se encuentran con el mar; estas zonas acuáticas se conocen como estuarios, en estos se combinan las aguas dulces del continente con el agua salada del mar, lo que hace que estas zonas de transición acuática sean peculiares, porque ni son cuerpos de agua dulce...
Se realizó una caracterización sedimentológica del sistema lagunar de Mandinga, Veracruz, durante el periodo 2007-2015. Se extrajeron muestras de 20 estaciones donde se obtuvieron en porcentaje las fracciones de arena, lodo, grava y carbono orgánico total. La textura del sedimento se clasifica como arena lodosa con huellas de grava. En general la a...
This is the first contribution about aquatic fauna from an oligohaline estuary with sporadic communication to the sea in Gulf of Mexico. The sampling was made in Laguna El Güiro from 2015 to 2016, this estuary showed an oligohaline regime until 6 UPS, despite the sand berm in estuarine inlet did not open since 2012. Twenty-six fish species and six...
Abstract We evaluated the composition, distribution, and abundance of the decapod genera at different developmental stages of larvae and adult macro-crustaceans along the coastline of the Parque Nacional Sistema Arrecifal Veracruzano, SW Gulf of Mexico. Collections were made using light traps. Temperature, salinity, oxygen, and pH were measured in...
La pesquería de camarón de altura es la actividad económica más importante en el Golfo de México. La especie objetivo es el camarón café (Farfantepenaeus aztecus) y se captura principalmente en los estados de Tamaulipas, Veracruz y Campeche. En el arrastre camaronero también se extraen organismos no ob-jetivo denominadas como fauna de acompañamient...
The objective was to analyse the relative growth and size structure of Achelous spinicarpus associated with trawling in Veracruz. The organisms came from shrimp trawls carried out in July 2013. There were 45 trawls organized in two depth intervals (B: 22 to 46 m and C: >46 m) and 14 fishing quadrants. Abundance, mean and standard deviation, by sex...
The objective was to analyse the relative growth and size structure of Achelous spinicarpus associated with trawling in Veracruz. The organisms came from shrimp trawls carried out in July 2013. There were 45 trawls organized in two depth intervals (B: 22 to 46 m and C: >46 m) and 14 fishing quadrants. Abundance, mean and standard deviation, by sex...
Mangroves are considered as ecosystems that provide shelter, food and breeding grounds for many groups of inhabiting fauna. Much of the fauna present are organisms in different stages of their life cycle, mostly juveniles. The three-dimensional structure of the mangrove roots and the combination of the aquatic and terrestrial environments are facto...
The objective of this study was to analyze the brachyuran crab assemblages associated with shrimp fishing on the central-southern coast of Veracruz. Information was collected using 46 trawls organized within nine fishing quadrants. The total catch shrimp, bycatch, and discard were recorded and standardized (CPUE kg h-1). Value index by species, spe...
Background. The Parque Nacional Sistema Arrecifal Veracruzano (PNSAV) is in the southern Gulf of Mexico
and supports an important shrimp fishery based on three species of Dendrobranchiata: the brown shrimp,
Penaeus aztecus, the white shrimp, P. setiferus and the pink shrimp, P. duorarum. Objective. Analyze the
distribution and abundance of P. aztec...
En esta contribución se registra por primera vez a Poecilia mexicana en un estuario ciego bajo condiciones de hiperhalinidad en el golfo de México y se analizan diversas características ecológicas de la especie. Los especímenes, 170 en total (128 hembras y 42 machos), se recolectaron en mayo de 2013 en el estuario Laguna El Llano, Veracruz, México,...
This study presents the changes in the agonistic behavior of the crab Callinectes rathbunae parasitized by Loxothylacus texanus, collected in Alvarado Lagoon, Mexico. Alive parasitized crabs were observed in the laboratory for their behavior. Hepatopancreas of the parasitized crabs were fixed for examination. Both crabs with virgin and mature exter...
Estuaries are coastal ecosystems that contribute with different natural services to the organisms inhabiting them,
but the ecological research on seasonally closed inlets by sand bars are scarce; in this contribution the fish assemblages
from El Llano Lagoon estuary in May 2013 and May 2014 are described. We performed 9 monthly samplings,...
p>Arroyo Moreno (AM) is an estuarine water flow located between Boca del Río and Medellin municipalities from Veracruz State; although this estuarine habitat is situated in a state natural reserve, their environmental conditions had been altered in last decades by anthropogenic activities, which had caused changes on biotic communities including fi...
In this report are described abundance, size structure, and relative growth in Callinectes sapidus young stages from the Laguna El Llano blind estuary, Veracruz State (Mexico). Blue crabs were sampled in eight sampling sites since May 2013 to May 2014; four sites were located in un-vegetated, sandy bottom, and clear waters locations near to estuari...
The brown shrimp (Penaeus aztecus) fishery is the most important in the Gulf of Mexico. This fishery takes non-target species or by-catch fauna, mainly teleost fishes, which are incidentally captured. Some of the by-catch species has commercial use and the rest of them are discarded. Therefore, it is important to describe the composition of the dis...
The brown shrimp (Penaeus aztecus) fishery is the most important in the Gulf of Mexico. This fishery takes non-target species or by-catch fauna, mainly teleost fishes, which are incidentally captured. Some of the by-catch species has commercial use and the rest of them are discarded. Therefore, it is important to describe the composition of the dis...
Como parte de su historia, la disciplina acuática del estudio de los estuarios ha estado en una condición de ignorancia respecto a la ecología dulceacuícola y a la ecología marina por la facilidad que les ha implicado a sus seguidores afirmar que estos cuerpos de agua son meras zonas de paso entre las bocas de los ríos y las entradas a los océanos,...
Recibido el 10 de abril de 2015; aceptado el 28 de agosto de 2015 Disponible en Internet el 26 de febrero de 2016 Resumen En este estudio se analizaron las variaciones espacio-temporales de la estructura del ensamblaje de macrocrustáceos de la playa arenosa de Villa Rica, Veracruz. Se tomaron en cuenta ciclos nictemerales relacionados con las fases...
The shortfin molly Poecilia mexicana Steindachner, 1863, has a wide distribution in southeastern Mexico where it inhabits rivers and coastal lagoons. In the Alvarado Lagoonal System, Veracruz, it is distributed towards the northeast in Camaronera Lagoon. The shortfin molly shows an affinity for oligohaline to mesohaline sites with submerged vegetat...
The shrimp fishery is the most important in the Gulf of Mexico taking into account the economic value and the infrastructure used. This fishery generates biological and socio-economic impacts, which have not been comprehensively evaluated. One way to facilitate the assessment of fisheries is through comparative studies using indicators of the Ecosy...
La Guía de Identificación de Isópodos Acuáticos Continentales Mexicanos es un compendio de las especies de uno de los grupos más diversos de crustáceos malacostracos de México. Esta obra se posiciona como un material de apoyo y de gran utilidad para estudiantes de Biología, Taxonomía, Ecología y restauración de los ecosistemas naturales de diferent...
Ancinus jarocho n. sp. described from mesolittoral zone of sandy beaches in Veracruz State, Mexico, is the eighth species of the genus and the second record for the Gulf of Mexico coast. The new species is characterized by an antennular flagellum of 11-16 articles, single aesthetasc in 9 distal flagellar articles, uropodal endopod styliform, lightl...
Ancinus jarocho n. sp. described from mesolittoral zone of sandy beaches in Veracruz State, Mexico, is the eighth species of the genus and the second record for the Gulf of Mexico coast. The new species is characterized by an antennular flagellum of 11–16 articles, single aesthetasc in 9 distal flagellar articles, uropodal endopod styliform, lightl...
The present contribution integrates a species list of the aquatic isopods found in continental waters of Mexico with original taxonomic references, synonymies, type locality, and distributional data. The list comprises six families and 49 species, ten of which are epigean while the remaining 39 are hypogean, recorded from thermal springs and caves...
The present contribution integrates a species list of the aquatic isopods found in continental waters of Mexico with original taxonomic references, synonymies, type locality, and distributional data. The list comprises six families and 49 species, ten of which are epigean while the remaining 39 are hypogean, recorded from thermal springs and caves...
Identificación y ecología de peces
This paper describes the spatial and temporal variation of aquatic invertebrate assemblages associated with root masses of
Eichhornia crassipes collected at 12 sites between July 2000 and June 2002 in the Alvarado Lagoonal System (ALS), Veracruz, Mexico. A total of
96 taxa were registered; acari showed the highest species richness with 15 taxa foll...
This study evaluated the highest recruitment time of Callinectes sapidus (Rathbun, 1896) megalopae and the relation of megalopae density with temperature, salinity, velocity and direction of cunent flow in three inlets of the Southwestern portion of the Gulf of Mexico. Collections were made at night, using for the capture a conical 243-mm mesh net....
The prevalence, fecundity, and size distribution of the isopod, Elthusa alvaradoensis, parasitizing the inshore lizardfish, Synodus foetens on the continental shelf off central Veracruz, Mexico, were studied. A total sample of 136 fish with a 46.3% prevalence of E. alvaradoensis was obtained during a survey cruise in February, 1996. The isopods wer...
Elthusa alvaradoensis n. sp. is described and figured. The species, a branchial parasite of the inshore lizardfish, Synodus foetens (Linnaeus, 1766), was collected on the coast of central Veracruz, Mexico. E. alvaradoensis is characterized by: the wide pleon and pleotelson being notably wider than the pereon, the relatively acute pleonite lateral m...
Ten monthly collections, distributed among three seasons, were taken from July 2000 to June 2001 in the Alvarado lagoonal system, Veracruz, Mexico. Variables measured in situ included dissolved oxygen, salinity, and water temperature. Water samples were collected to determine concentrations of ammonium, nitrates, nitrites, orthophosphates, total ph...
The Mayan cichlid, Cichlasoma urophthalmus, has a wide distribution in southeastern Mexico where it inhabits rivers and coastal lagoons. In the Alvarado lagoonal system, Veracruz, it is distributed towards the north in Camaronera Lagoon. The Mayan cichlid shows an affinity for oligohaline to mesohaline sites with submerged vegetation well-oxygenate...
The diet of demersal piscivorous fishes captured as bycatch of the commercial shrimping fleet off the Alvarado lagoonal system, Veracruz, Mexico, was studied. Nine collections distributed throughout the nortes (windy), wet, and dry seasons were made from November 1993 to January 1995. Sampling yielded a total of 646 fishes representing 10 families...
The fish assemblages of Alvarado Lagoon Estuary (a complex of coastal lagoons in the state of Veracruz, Mexico) have been surveyed intermittently by different researchers over the last 40 years. Assessing long-term trends in fish assemblage composition for this ecosystem is problematic due to differences in sampling efforts among the survey periods...
Dormirator maculatus (n=184) was collected in the Alvarado Lagoon, Mexico during a year period (Oct. 1993-1994). In the helminthologic review, the presence of Clinostomum complanatum (82.3%), Neoechinorhynchus golvani (76.1%), Spiroxys sp. (21.3 %), and Camallanus sp. (6.2%) was registered. Reduction of the hematocrit caused by such infection is si...
Ejemplares del pez Dormitator maculatus (n=184) fueron recolectado en la laguna de Alvarado, México durante el período de un año (octubre 1993- 1994). El análisis helmintológico permitió registrar la presencia de Clinostomum complanatum (82.3%), Neoechinorhynchus golvani (76.1%), Spiroxys sp. (21.3 %), y Camallanus sp. (6.2%). La redución del hemat...
We compared the diets of Atlantic needlefish, Strongylura marina, and redfin needlefish, Strongylura notata, in the Alvarado lagoonal system, Veracruz, Mexico, and analyzed diet breadth and trophic overlap between the species. All fishes were collected monthly from June 2000 to July 2001 at twelve sampling stations. A total of 74 intestinal tracts...
Fishes are important hosts of helminths with aquatic life stages, yet little information is available on host-parasite relationships in tropical low salinity ecosystems. In this paper we report helminth parasites of the fat sleeper, Dormitator maculatus, in the Alvarado lagoon system, Veracruz. Mexico. Four parasite species were recorded from D. ma...
Se describe la migración larval de las cercarias y metacercarias del tremátodo Clinostomum complanatum en el pez Dormitator maculatus de la Laguna de Alvarado, Veracruz. Se procesaron órganos de 37 peces hospedero, como branquias, corazón, hepatopáncreas e intestinos, en los cuales se registro presencia de C. complanatum. Estos hallazgos permitiero...
El presente estudio resume la información existente sobre las comunidades de peces, presentes en la laguna de Tamiahua, Veracruz, México desde 1973 hasta 1987. El análisis incluye los resultados obtenidos por los autores e el período de 1983 a 1987, en el cual se capturaron 19190 organismos pertenecientes a 82 especies; en total riqueza específica...