Rafael Alarcón

Rafael Alarcón
El Colegio de la Frontera Norte · Departamento de Estudios Sociales

Ph. D. in City and Regional Planning. University of California, Berkeley


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Publications (63)
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This article examines the processes by which Indian and Mexican engineers and scientists find employment in the high-technology companies of Silicon Valley. The quantitative and qualitative data used in this study come from the U.S. Census (1990 Public Use Microdata Samples) and from 20 case studies of Indian and Mexican professionals. There is a m...
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El gobierno de Estados Unidos, además de a los migrantes detenidos en el cruce fronterizo ilegal, deporta en la actualidad a un número creciente de ciudadanos mexicanos que son capturados en el interior de aquel país, a quienes se les califica de criminales. El objetivo de este artículo es analizar las causas de deportación que mencionaron 3,457 va...
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Making Los Angeles Home examines the different integration strategies implemented by Mexican immigrants in the Los Angeles region. Relying on statistical data and ethnographic information, the authors analyze four different dimensions of the immigrant integration process (economic, social, cultural, and political) and show that there is no single p...
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p>Este artículo examina la deportación de mexicanos desde Estados Unidos a partir del año 2000, destacando lo sucedido en el primer año del gobierno de Trump. Se analiza el impacto que ha tenido ésta sobre los planes futuros de los deportados de ciudades fronterizas de México, que incluyen intentar reingresar a Estados Unidos. Para tal propósito se...
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En el contexto del arribo masivo de personas de muchos países –especialmente de América Central – que llegan a las ciudades de la frontera norte de México para solicitar asilo al Gobierno de Estados Unidos, a finales de 2018, el Gobierno de México aceptó colaborar con el primero en el desarrollo del programa Protocolos de Protección de Migrantes (P...
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Este texto presenta las contribuciones de diversos colegas y amigos de Guillermo Alonso Meneses, fallecido el pasado mes de abril de 2023 a los 59 años, y quien era miembro del Comité Editorial de la revista Antrópica. Dichas contribuciones buscan ilustrar su destacada trayectoria como antropólogo y analista social, tanto en Europa como en México,...
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Como consecuencia de la pandemia del COVID-19, los trabajadores agrícolas en Estados Unidos fueron definidos por el Gobierno del expresidente Donald Trump como “trabajadores esenciales” a pesar de que la mitad de ellos son indocumentados. La mayor parte de estos trabajadores nacieron en México, y tanto los inmigrantes que ya residen en ese país com...
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El devastador terremoto que azotó a Haití en 2010 fue el detonante de una nueva fase de la emigración haitiana que ha encontrado nuevos destinos y nuevos procesos de deportación. El objetivo central de este artículo es analizar el proceso de deporta[1]ciones de ciudadanos haitianos que se han dado recientemente en Estados Unidos y la República Domi...
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En este artículo se analizan los factores legislativos, sociales y económicos que explican por qué un alto número de ciudadanos mexicanos han sido deportados formalmente de Estados Unidos bajo la acusación de conducir un vehículo bajo la influencia del alcohol. Para este fin, se analiza la transformación de la política de inmigración de Estados Uni...
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La deportación masiva de mexicanos de Estados Unidos hacia México, incluidas las personas adultas mayores, ha conmocionado la vida de millones de familias. El objetivo central de este artículo es analizar los factores sociodemográficos y migratorios que influyen en la reintegración económica y social de los mexicanos deportados envejecidos. Para es...
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The massive deportation of Mexicans from the United States, including aging adults, has shocked the lives of millions of families. The main purpose of this article is to analyze the sociodemographic and migratory factors that influence the economic and social reintegration of aging deported Mexicans. For this purpose, a mixed methodology is used, c...
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This article analyzes the legislative, social, and economic factors that explain why a high number of Mexican citizens have been removed from the United States under the accusation of driving a vehicle under the influence of alcohol. To this end, the recent transformation of United States immigration policy is analyzed to examine, through semi-stru...
Conference Paper
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Many people assume that the massive deportation of Mexican immigrants from the United States began with Trump, because during his campaign he promised he would deport all these ‘criminals and rapists’ that Mexico sends to the United States. But I will try to convince you today that the massive deportation of Mexicans from the US has a longer histor...
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El presente capítulo tiene como objetivo central analizar el volumen y algunas características sociodemográficas de los migrantes calificados mexicanos que ya residen en Estados Unidos, además de su especialidad educativa, su situación laboral y el uso que hacen de las visas de inmigrante y no inmigrante para evaluar cómo serían afectados por los p...
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En este trabajo se analiza el proceso de deportación masiva de inmigrantes de Estados Unidos a México. Se muestra la importancia numérica de las deportaciones a México y su peso en el conjunto de las mismas. Se analiza este proceso de legislación como maquinaria de deportación formal y el consecuente volumen de las deportaciones; así como los pelig...
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El objetivo central de este ensayo es analizar el papel que jugaron los gobiernos de Brasil, México y Estados Unidos en el desplazamiento masivo de migrantes haitianos que llegaron a la ciudad de Tijuana, en la frontera norte de México para solicitar asilo al gobierno de Estados Unidos en 2016.
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Este capítulo es resultado de un proyecto de investigación de colaboración entre El Colegio de la Frontera Norte y la Casa del Migrante de Tijuana para analizar a profundidad y desde una perspectiva comparativa el proceso de deportación de migrantes mexicanos de Estados Unidos a Tijuana. Para este fin se revisaron y actualizaron los cuestionarios d...
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En este capítulo se presenta una recopilación de los testimonios de migrantes mexicanos deportados, centroamericanos en tránsito y solicitantes de asilo de varias nacionalidades que se hospedaron en la Casa del Migrante de Tijuana entre 2013 y 2016. Los migrantes que decidieron compartir sus historias de vida lo hicieron de manera voluntaria y se l...
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This article's central aim is to analyze U.S. immigration policy with regard to the admissions of skilled Mexican immigrants. It analyzes the impact of the Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act, approved by the U.S. Senate in 2013. An analysis of the American Community Survey data suggests that skilled Mexican wor...
This chapter focuses on the social integration of Mexican immigrants. The immigrants interviewed in this study display an intense organizational life through participation in one or more associations of various sorts. Thus, the several dimensions of the process of social integration considered in this study—immigration status, families and family n...
This chapter examines the political integration of Mexican immigrants. The ninety Mexican immigrants interviewed here have participated in the political life of Los Angeles, although at varying levels. Those who are U.S. citizens have access to electing the officials who govern them. However, legal permanent residents and the undocumented are both...
This chapter focuses on public policies that impact the processes of integration. Although the chapter stresses some of the most controversial and negative immigration policies at the federal, state, and local levels, it is important to point out that California and especially the city and county of Los Angeles present a more favorable stance towar...
This book examines the different integration strategies implemented by Mexican immigrants in the Los Angeles region. In doing so, it provides an overview of Mexican migration and integration to the United States. Relying on statistical data and ethnographic information, the book analyzes four different dimensions of the immigrant integration proces...
This chapter discusses the theoretical perspectives underlying the analysis of the process of immigrant integration. These perspectives can be classified into two broad categories: those that take social integration as the objective to be achieved, and those that emphasize the pursuit of models for the management of difference, which is seen as a c...
This chapter presents the results of the descriptive statistical analysis of integration based on the American Community Survey of 2007, making use of the following indicators: level of educational attainment, English proficiency, naturalization, occupation, and home ownership. Only 39.4 percent of Mexican immigrants, 25 or older, have completed hi...
This chapter describes the economic integration of Zacatecans, Oaxacans, and Veracruzans in metropolitan Los Angeles. In spite of the solid regional economy of the 1960s and 1970s, the Zacatecan men and women began with insecure and low-paid jobs in restaurants, garment factories, agriculture, and canneries. Because of their extended presence in Lo...
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El objetivo central de este artículo es analizar el proceso de construcción del régimen de la deportación masiva de personas no ciudadanas como un instrumento que utiliza el gobierno de Estados Unidos para expulsar unilateralmente a gran cantidad de extranjeros que no tienen la ciudadanía estadounidense y la forma como este nuevo sistema de control...
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Ante la creciente criminalización de la inmigración en Estados Unidos, millones de personas que forman parte de familias inmigrantes mexicanas enfrentan miedo, angustia y precariedad social. En este artículo se analiza el impacto que ha tenido la deportación masiva de mexicanos en familias con estatus inmigratorio mixto. En primer lugar, se describ...
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En este artículo se analiza la inserción laboral de los migrantes calificados mexicanos en Estados Unidos. El trabajo se centra en el análisis del volumen y el perfil socio-demográfico de estos inmigrantes y en su inserción laboral en ese país. Los hallazgos sugieren que los mexicanos calificados residentes en Estados Unidos, desde una perspectiva...
This article analyzes the labor integration of skilled Mexican immigrants in the United States. The analysis focuses on the volume and social-demographic characteristics of these immigrants and their labor integration into this country. From a comparative perspective, findings suggest that skilled Mexican immigrants residing in the United States, h...
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The large population growth in states along the northern border of Mexico at the end of the 20th Century was mainly due to a significant immigration from other states within the country. This process was followed by a drop in the population growth rate that occurred as the result of a combination of reduced immigration and a growth of emigration in...
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Most undocumented Mexican migrants who seek employment in the United States are catholic, for this reason, they have incorporated into their patron saints devotions, the tribulations they experience in their journey from their home communities to the northern border, the dangers of the undocumented crossing, the search for employment and the possib...
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In his compelling piece, “Living in a Promiseland? Mexican Immigration and American Obligations,” Rogers Smith argues that the greater the degree to which the U.S. has coercively constituted the identities of non-citizens in ways that have made having certain relationships to America fundamental to their capacities to lead free and meaningful lives...
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Mexican migration to the United States has a century-old history. However, there is currently ample concern about its integration into the U.S. society due to its massive volume and high percentage of undocumented persons. Using data from the 2007 American Community Survey, this article examines the economic integration of Mexican immigrants in the...
Mexican migration to the United States has a century-old history. However, there is currently ample concern about its integration into the U.S. society due to its massive volume and high percentage of undocumented persons. Using data from the 2007 American Community Survey, this article examines the economic integration of Mexican immigrants in the...
Mexicans constitute the largest immigrant group in the United States. This article reviews history to examine the impact of U.S. immigration policy on the development of migration patterns from Mexico between 1882 and 2005. Despite the large number of Mexicans who have been admitted as immigrants, for several decades U.S. immigration policy sought...
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Mexicans constitute the largest immigrant group in the United States. This article reviews history to examine the impact of U.S. immigration policy on the development of migration patterns from Mexico between 1882 and 2005. Despite the large number of Mexicans who have been admitted as immigrants, for several decades U.S. immigration policy sought...
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Several Mexican state governments have created institutions and developed public policies to benefit their emigrants abroad following the federal government's lead. The main objective of this article is two–fold: first, to analyze the three sociopolitical factors that influenced the emergence of emigration policy at the state level, and second, to...
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Several Mexican state governments have created institutions and developed public policies to benefit their emigrants abroad following the federal government's lead. The main objective of this article is two-fold: first, to analyze the three sociopolitical factors that influenced the emergence of emigration policy at the state level, and second, to...
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In the future, the population of 60 years old or older will increase in absolute and relative numbers at a very rapid pace in Mexico. Using data from Censo general de población y vivienda 2000, Encuesta sobre migración en la frontera norte de México and Consejo Nacional de Población (Conapo), the purpose of this article is twofold: first of all, to...
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La política de inmigración de Estados Unidos ha sido un factor fundamental en el desarrollo del movimiento masivo de mexicanos a ese país. El objetivo central de este articulo es analizar el impacto que tuvo esta política en México entre 1920 y 1940, cuando en Estados Unidos se dio un fuerte esfuerzo restriccionista. Se examina el efecto de estas m...
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It is perhaps illusory to imagine a scenario of migration without borders when one is in the city of Tijuana, on the border between Mexico and the United States. The only and closest experience of migration without borders in the context of North America applies – in a distant manner – to skilled migrants from Mexico who can cross the borders of th...
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Money remittances between the United States and Mexico are in the process of evolving from the province of individuals and households toward the increasing involvement of Home Town Associations (HTAs). These associations are based on the social networks established by community members of the same rural locality of origin in Mexico, with the purpos...
Immigration and domestic industrial policies have been powerful instruments in the creation of immigrant "niches" in labor markets. While Indians have clustered in the information technology industry, Mexicans have formed niches in low-skilled industries such as agriculture. A review of the relationship between immigration policy and the requiremen...
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El objetivo de este artículo es analizar comparativamente la migración internacional que se origina en el ámbito regional. Para este fin se examinan los casos de tres localidades del bajío zamorano, ubicado en el noroeste de Michoacán. El barrio de El Carmen de la ciudad de Zamora alberga principalmente a trabajadores del sector; la localidad rural...
San Francisco, California. To determine the relative contributions of infection acquired in San Francisco and reactivation of tuberculous infection acquired elsewhere in Mexican-born persons who developed tuberculosis in San Francisco, and to determine the frequency of transmission leading to secondary cases of tuberculosis in other persons. The st...
We are greatly indebted to Delmira Iñiguez and Martha Cuevas for their research assistance. We also appreciate the valuable advice of Irma Jacome, Counsel for Community Affairs for the General Consulate of Mexico in Los Angeles and Carlos Vargas, President of the Federation of Home Town Associations of Jalisco in Los Angeles.
Thesis (Ph. D. in City and Regional Planning)--University of CAlifornia, Berkeley, Dec. 1998. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 198-210).
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This article examines the relationship between regional development and labor migration to the US in the context of NAFTA. The article develops two principal arguments. First, the current migration process between Mexico and the US is not only the result of push-pull economic factors, as is generally assumed, but also the result of well-developed s...
Conferència a càrrec del Doctor Rafael Alarcón Costa, Catedràtic i Investigador del Departament d'Estudis Socials del Col.legi de la Frontera Nord, Mèxic. Facultat de Dret. Universitat de València.Duración: 1H 27M


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