Radoslaw SpiewakJagiellonian University | UJ · Department of Experimental Dermatology and Cosmetology
Radoslaw Spiewak
Prof. dr habil. med., Professor of Jagiellonian University
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Practicing dermatologist and allergist, professor in experimental dermatology, lecturer in cosmetology and aesthetic medicine within the curriculum in cosmetology (Master of Science).
Additional affiliations
June 2010 - present
May 2005 - February 2009
May 2003 - April 2005
September 1987 - June 1993
Publications (492)
Caffeine has recently attracted attention as a potential remedy for hair loss. In the present review, we look into the molecule’s possible mechanisms of action and pharmacodynamics. At the molecular level, it appears that the physiological effects of caffeine are mainly due to the molecule’s interaction with adenosine pathways which leads to an inc...
Placentae and their derivatives have been used in both traditional and modern medicine, as well as in cosmetic sciences. Although hair loss is frequently mentioned among problems for which the placenta is supposed to be a remedy, the evidence seems rather scarce. The aim of this study was to highlight the clinical evidence for the efficacy of place...
The aim of this study was to optimize a basophil activation test in the detection of allergy to the house dust mite Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus in children with allergic respiratory diseases. This study involved 32 cases, 13 girls and 19 boys aged 4-17 years, with perennial asthma or allergic rhinitis caused by D. pteronyssinus. The control grou...
Eksperci są zgodni, że obecnie jedyną wiarygodną metodą wykrywania alergii kontaktowej są testy płatkowe z haptenami. W związku z dużą liczbą znanych haptenów (ponad 5200) konieczne jest testowanie w pierwszym rzędzie tych, które są najczęstszą przyczyną alergii kontaktowej w danej populacji. Serie podstawowe do testów płatkowych są odpowiedzią na...
Konieczność uwzględnienia leków w rutynowo wykonywanych testach płatkowych wynika z częstości występowania alergii kontaktowej na te hapteny oraz ich obecności w składzie wielu popularnych preparatów. Aktualna Polska Seria Podstawowa do testów płatkowych obejmuje 7 leków testowanych indywidualnie (siarczan neomycyny, siarczan gentamycyny, budezonid...
Co trzeci mieszkaniec Polski ma uczulenie kontaktowe (alergia kontaktowa, reakcja nadwrażliwości typu IV według Gella i Coombsa). Najczęstszą chorobą na podłożu uczulenia kontaktowego jest alergiczny wyprysk kontaktowy. Według statystyk co najmniej raz w życiu chorował na niego co dziesiąty Polak, natomiast co setny ma objawy tej choroby w tym mome...
Introduction Despite numerous efforts to define and categorize scientific events, a consensus remains elusive, complicating the understanding and classification of such events. The current study aims to establish clear, consensus-based definitions for various types of scientific events by examining their definitions and purposes from the perspectiv...
Patch testing is the only clinically applicable diagnostic method for Type IV allergy. The availability of Type IV patch test (PT) allergens in Europe, however, is currently scarce. This severely compromises adequate diagnostics of contact allergy, leading to serious consequences for the affected patients. Against this background, the European Soci...
There is growing number of trichological schampoos on the market. The producers and distributors of such products frequently indicate on certain “active ingredients” which, as they assure, would have beneficial effects against hair loss. Our preliminary search in the medical literature has demonstrated that for many of these “active ingredients” no...
Na rynku pojawia się coraz więcej produktów trychologicznych przeciw wypadaniu włosów. Producenci i dystrybutorzy takich produktów z reguły podkreślają obecność „składników aktywnych”, które według ich zapewnień mają przeciwdziałać wypadaniu włosów. Wstępne analizy wykazały, że w odniesieniu do wielu spośród takich substancji w literaturze medyczne...
Researchers active in the field of inflammatory skin diseases from the spectrum of dermatitis and eczema are well aware of a considerable overlap in the clinical pictures and proposed sets of diagnostic criteria for these diseases, which can hardly be overcome through the clinical or epidemiological research. In effect, patients are included in stu...
The aim of the current study was to develop an in silico model to predict the sensitizing potential of cosmetic ingredients based on their physicochemical characteristics and to compare the predictions with historical animal data and results from “omics”-based in vitro studies. An in silico model was developed with the use of WEKA machine learning...
Occupational skin diseases have led the occupational disease statistics in Europe for many years. Especially occupational allergic contact dermatitis is associated with a poor prognosis and low healing rates leading to an enormous burden for the affected individual and for society.
To present the sensitization frequencies...
The common use of isothiazolinones as preservatives is a global cause of allergic contact dermatitis. Differences in allowable concentrations of methylisothiazolinone (MI) exist in Europe, Canada, and the US.
To compare the prevalence of positive patch test reactions to the methylchloroisothiazolinone/methylisothiazolinone (MC...
The European baseline series was last updated in 2019. This article discusses the reasoning behind a further iteration of the series for 2023.
Results of preventative emollient therapy on atopic dermatitis and food allergy trials are inconsistent. In addition to the ingredients considered beneficial, the moisturizers may contain potentially harmful haptens. This study aimed to assess the prevalence of haptens in moisturizers used in studies to prevent atopic dermatitis or foo...
Hand eczema is a common inflammatory skin disorder. Health care providers need continuously updated information about the management of hand eczema to ensure best treatment for their patients.
To update the European Society of Contact Dermatitis guideline on the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment on of hand eczema.
In patients with drug hypersensitivity reactions, confirmation of causality frequently facilitates decision on a continuation or withdrawal of a given treatment. Unfortunately, identification of the culprit drug often proves difficult. In vivo methods possess well-known disadvantages like low sensitivity of skin tests or the risk of relapse during...
Irritant contact dermatitis (ICD) is caused by the acute locally toxic effect of a strong irritant, or the cumulative exposure to various weaker physical and/or chemical irritants.
To describe characteristics of patients with ICD in the population patch tested in the European Surveillance System on Contact Allergies (ESSCA; w...
The basis for development of atopic dermatitis are genetic, immunological and microbiological abnormalities as well as epidermal barrier defects. The course of the disease includes periodic exacerbations and remissions. Its development and course are influenced by numerous environmental and individual factors. In recent decades, in industrialized c...
Atopic dermatitis (AD) is secondary to genetic, immunological, and microbiological disorders as well as epidermal barrier defects, which are the main targets of therapy. The disease proceeds with periodic exacerbations. Its development and course are influenced by numerous environmental and individual factors. In recent decades, in industrialized c...
Angioedema is a non-inflammatory edema of the subcutaneous tissue and/or mucosal membranes. It commonly coexists with urticaria and is considered a deep form of urticaria. Less commonly, it occurs as an isolated disease in one of two basic forms: acquired angioedema and hereditary angioedema. Four types of acquired angioedema and seven types of her...
Clinical surveillance of the prevalence of contact allergy in consecutively patch tested patients is a proven instrument to continually assess the importance of contact allergens (haptens) assembled in a baseline series.
To present current results from the European Surveillance System on Contact Allergies (ESSCA), includi...
Angioedema is a non-inflammatory oedema of the subcutaneous tissue and/or mucosal membranes. It most commonly coexists with urticaria wheals and is considered to be a deep form of urticaria. Less commonly, it occurs in isolation and can take two basic forms: acquired angioedema and hereditary angioedema. Currently, there are 4 defined types of acqu...
Hypersensitivity reactions to drugs are not uncommon. The skin is by far the most frequently affected organ. Reactions can have a variety of clinical pictures. The diagnosis of cutaneous drug hypersensitivity reactions can be difficult due to the many possible differential diagnoses. Accurate classification is therefore crucial for correct diagnosi...
The treatment goal in atopic dermatitis is eliminating clinical symptoms of the disease, preventing exacerbations and complications, as well as improving patients' quality of life. In cases of severe atopic dermatitis and lack of response it is recommended to introduce systemic therapy. Patients ofter require multi-specialist consultations, and occ...
Atopic dermatitis is a chronic and recurrent inflammatory dermatosis with concomitant intensive pruritus, and is diagnosed both in children and adults. Atopic dermatitis-patients are predisposed to have bacterial, viral and fungal skin infections; they also suffer from an increased risk of developing food allergies (especially, at an infantile age)...
Wiele produktów kosmetycznych dostępnych na rynku określanych jest jako „ekologiczne”, „organiczne”, „naturalne” lub „bio”. Konsumenci mogą ulec przekonaniu, iż używanie produktów „naturalnych” zapewnia mniejsze ryzyko pojawienia się działań niepożądanych. Cel: Porównanie składu pomadek i balsamów do ust określanych przez producentów jako: „natural...
Due to the growing problem of hair loss (alopecia) in modern society, increasingly people hear the declarations of producents who describe their products as a "remedy for hair loss". From both points of view: the consument and a purely research approach, very intresting seems to be the case of scientific proves in literature of statements regarding...
Many cosmetic products available on the market are currently named as "ecological", "organic", "natural" or "bio". Consumers may be convinced that usage of "natural" products provides a lower risk of undesirable activities. Aim: Comparison of the composition of lipsticks and lipbalms declared by manufacturers as "natural", "ecological", "biological...
W związku z nasilającym się problemem łysienia we współczesnym społeczeństwie coraz częściej słyszy się deklaracje producentów, którzy określają swoje produkty jako „remedium na wypadające włosy”. Zarówno z punktu widzenia konsumenta jak i czysto badawczego spojrzenia, ciekawa jest kwestia pokrycia w literaturze naukowej deklaracji producentów odno...
The treatment goal in atopic dermatitis is eliminating clinical symptoms of the disease, preventing exacerbations and complications, as well as improving patients' quality of life. In cases of severe atopic dermatitis and lack of response it is recommended to introduce systemic therapy. Patients ofter require multi-specialist consultations, and occ...
Atopic dermatitis is a chronic and recurrent inflammatory dermatosis
with concomitant intensive pruritus, and is diagnosed both in children
and adults. Atopic dermatitis -patients are predisposed to have bacterial, viral and fungal skin infections; they also suffer from an increased risk of developing food allergies (especially, at an infantile age...
Drug hypersensitivity reactions (DHRs) are common, and the skin is by far the most frequently involved organ with a broad spectrum of reaction types. The diagnosis of cutaneous DHRs (CDHR) may be difficult because of multiple differential diagnoses. A correct classification is important for the correct diagnosis and management. With these guideline...
Present screening methods to rapidly detect release of nickel and cobalt ions from metallic surfaces involve colorimetric dimethylglyoxime (DMG)- and disodium-1-nitroso-2-naphthol-3,6-disulfonate-based spot tests with a cotton bud. There is a risk of false-negative test reactions because test outcomes are dependent on the pressure, are...
The method of choice and gold standard in the diagnosis of delayed-type hypersensitivity is patch testing; therefore, patch testing for metal allergy has become routine. Most national and international baseline series for patch testing contain nickel, chromium and cobalt. There are numerous metals of increasing medical importance that are not on ro...
Polysensitization, defined as being allergic to three or more haptens from the European baseline series, is considered to reflect increased susceptibility to developing a contact allergy, and is likely to be associated with an impaired quality of life.
To evaluate the prevalences of polysensitization across Europe and to...
In clinical practice, reliable tools for monitoring specific immunotherapy (SIT) are of utmost importance.
To assess the usefulness of the basophil activation test (BAT) in monitoring SIT in paediatric patients with allergy to house dust mites (HDM).
Material and methods
Thirty-one children qualified for SIT with HDM, of whom 21...
Introduction and objective
Farmers are at high risk of occupational skin diseases which may start already during vocational training. This study was aimed at identification of risk factors for work-related skin diseases among vocational students of agriculture.
Material and methods
The study involved 440 students (245 males, 195 females aged 17–21...
Wstęp: Skóra noworodków i niemowląt wykazuje niepełną dojrzałość, stąd szczególnie ważne wydaje się stosowanie w tej grupie preparatów bezpiecznych i wolnych od składników uczulających. Cel pracy: Analiza składu dostępnych na polskim rynku preparatów kosmetycznych przeznaczonych dla noworodków i niemowląt pod kątem występowania składników o znanym...
Work-related skin diseases (WSD) are caused or worsened by a professional activity. Occupational skin diseases (OSD) need to fulfil additional legal criteria which differ from country to country. OSD range amongst the five most frequently notified occupational diseases (musculoskeletal diseases, neurologic diseases, lung diseases, dise...