R. RadvanInstitute for Research and Development in Optoelectronics | inoe · CERTO
R. Radvan
Doctor of Engineering
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Publications (138)
Citation: Chirosca, G.; Rȃdvan, R.; Mus , at, S.; Pop, M.; Chirosca, A. Machine Learning Models for Artist Classification of Cultural Heritage Sketches. Appl. Sci. 2025, 15, 212. Abstract: Modern computer vision algorithms allow researchers and art historians to search for artist-characteristic contour extraction from sketches, thus providing accur...
This work presents the results of a complementary diagnostic investigation carried out on a late wooden panel painting attributed to world-famous Renaissance painter Lucas Cranach the Elder. The aim of this study was to characterize the pigments, ground layers and painting technique used in Cranach’s painting Madonna and Child by means of an integr...
This is an original manuscript of an article published by CRC Press in Lasers in the Conservation of Artworks XIII on 3 November 2023 available online: https://doi.org/10.1201/9781003386872-3
The present paper reports the multi-analytical approach for the removal of thick layers of metallic overpaints from a Brancovan iconostasis of the “Holy Trinity” church in Măgureni, România, which was built in 1694. After a restoration procedure at the beginning of the 20th century, the polychrome sculpture of the frame, which was initially gilded...
This study highlights the decomposing role through the hydrolytic activities of fungi isolated from natural environments represented by brackish and hypersaline lakes in Romania. Novel strains belonging to the Penicillium, Aspergillus, and Emericellopsis genera were isolated and screened for the ability to produce extracellular hydrolytic enzymes,...
This study evaluated both the possible fungal metabolites involved in the degradation of the commercial consolidant known as Paraloid® B72 and the national artisanal consolidant named transparent dispersion of casein and the deteriorative potential of melanised fungi. Fungi were found to have the capacity to produce organic acids, proteases and est...
Natural minerals and earths with coloring properties have been widely used as artistic pigments since prehistoric times. Despite being extensively studied, the complex chemistry of earth pigments is still unsatisfactory described with respect to their mineralogical and structural variability and origin. In this study, a large group of earth pigment...
The article presents a multi-analytic investigation of a severely degraded Jewish ritual parchment coming from a private collection. The main aim of the study was to obtain key information on the parchment manufacturing technique and original materials used, information that could help understand the historical context of the object. To this aim, a...
This study focuses on the investigation of certain bronze adornment objects from the First Iron Age (the so-called middle Hallstatt period), dating to the ninth–eighth c. BC. These objects are part of a bronze and iron hoard (labeled Cx 116) discovered in the present Romanian territory, at Tărtăria–Podu Tărtăriei vest archaeological site, in Alba C...
This paper presents a detailed comparative study between the two main methods of 3D digitization, photogrammetry and 3D laser scanning, regarding their performances with known difficult materials. For this study were selected two objects that were sculpted in two specific translucid materials: jade and candle wax. These types of materials are parti...
The paper aims to present a method of obtaining quantitative information from X-rays based on the shades of grey. Relative shades of grey in radiographs are obtained due to different acquisition parameters (tube voltage, tube current and exposure time) and material type and thickness. For this method, samples made from the same material, but with d...
Often associated with acts of vandalism, graffiti can also be identified with the so‐called street art movement. Moreover, in the historical context of visual arts from the 20th and 21st century, graffiti spray paints feature among the materials employed in the work of representative artists such as Lucio Fontana, Richard Hamilton, Yves Klein, or D...
Abstract The Peleș National Museum in Sinaia, Romania, includes within its collection of musical instruments a unique harpsichord of the Taskin workshop. The instrument is representative of the eighteenth century French harpsichords, finished in 1772 by Taskin Pascal, a master instrument-maker of his time. This paper presents the results of a compr...
In this study several non-invasive and minimally-invasive techniques were employed for the discovery of the original aspect of an old iconostasis belonging to a small wooden church in Vâlcea County (southern Romania). Preliminary examination of the iconostasis raised suspicions upon its actual age, the wooden carved decorations style pointing towar...
The International Symposium PRIOCHEM XV host a workshop. [...]
In this paper we are presenting our approach and workflow for macro photogrammetry as a complementary method for 3D digitization of polychromies on wood support. Macro photogrammetry can be used for detailed documentation of physical damages in painting layers, underlayers or support. For a better presentation of the context, a selection of typical...
This paper deals with the development of a multidisciplinary study on the current state of conservation of the facade of the Arciprestal Church of Santa María de Morella (Castellón, Spain), a work of the Gothic period of great historical and artistic value. The aim of this diagnosis was to undertake the preventive conservation actions required and...
This paper presents an optimized approach for the characterization of complex painting layers and for the evaluation of previous interventions on artworks. Focusing on the capabilities of hyperspectral imaging, which combines spectral and imaging data, this specific approach reflects also the importance of complementary methods and techniques, whic...
This article reports the first analytical study carried on some of the oldest surviving examples of Roman wall paintings, discovered so far on the Romanian territory. Dating back to the second century, these decorative polychrome wall painting fragments were found during an archaeological research carried at Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa, and represe...
In this paper we are synthesizing several aspects of the trend of multi- and inter-disciplinary strategies regarding both research and applications in the scientific documentation and conservation status monitoring of cultural heritage assets such as museum items, monuments, archaeological sites or even larger cultural landscapes, using modern tech...
A stone bead, part of a necklace found in a middle Hallstatt period—type of settlement—the Tărtăria site in Alba County, Romania, was investigated following a non-destructive approach, by means of energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The highly heterogenous object, found together with numero...
This paper presents an optimized approach for the characterization of complex painting layers and for the evaluation of previous interventions on artworks. Focusing on the capabilities of hyperspectral imaging, which combines spectral and imaging data, this specific approach reflects also the importance of complementary methods and techniques, whic...
The rapid qualitative and quantitative stratigraphic analysis of metal coatings is of substantial importance in modern industrial applications. Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) is presented as an attractive option to obtain fast and reliable stratigraphic results. There are still urgent optimization needs particularly in respect to metal...
The paper presents a comparative investigation on two icons, dated approximately 17–18th and 19th century, respectively, which are representative for the Russian Lipovan cultural communities. A non-invasive protocol was employed aiming to gain a wider perspective on this type of icons, which had not been studied so far through analytical means. Ima...
This paper presents two related aspects which reflect the interest in multimedia archive management and preventive conservation. First, an overview of the national program Folkmedia-Folkloric Multimedia Deposit is presented, in order to understand the context and the strategy developed for the Archive of the Institute of Ethnography and Folklore "C...
This paper presents an ongoing work within a national project regarding the scientific investigation of one of the most important archaeological sites in Romania: Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa. Although the project has many objectives, in this paper we will focus on the development work of a virtual archaeodrome for the archaeological park. In this r...
This paper presents a newly started demonstrative project regarding the implementation and validation of an interdisciplinary research model for the Aluniș-Bozioru (Romania) cultural landscape, with the development of an online interactive digital product. This digital product would provide complementary data about the historical monuments and thei...
This paper describes a project aimed to demonstrate the great potential of photogrammetry in realizing a detailed 3D digital model of an old Romanian traditional decorative textile piece, from a valuable collection, for 3D printing purposes. The challenge was to record with high precision the planar textile surface and then process the digital repl...
The textiles make up a fragile heritage, continuously exposed to erosion through the natural aging of the fibres, environmental conditions and human actions. The aim of the MYTHOS project is the development of textiles from natural fibers (flax and hemp) which are biologically and technologically similar to the textiles found in heritage collection...
Physico-chemical stability of various polymeric materials dedicated to the art market is being discussed as an analytic response under induced artificial ageing. On the basis of an extensive kinetic analysis, a series of correlation could be draw on regard the causes and mechanism of degradation affecting these class of materials by the use of Atte...
The paper presents a characterization of certain prehistoric bronze artefacts, part of Tartaria I hoard (Alba County, Romania), using X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy. Results indicated copper high input at the objects’ surface, in green-looking areas, as a consequence of corrosion processes, while darker, brown-looking areas had higher iron levels.
The Cultural Heritage is considered a valuable resource, with deep socio-cultural and economical significance. The textile heritage objects are subjected to the consequences of ageing, adverse environmental conditions and human pressure. The aim of the research was to develop reference materials of natural fibres, to be used in conservation and res...
The primary value of a heritage object is given by its temporal dimension: an object that was created centuries ago is the bridge to a cultural and social context that would otherwise be inaccessible. The age factor of an heritage object has two possible outcomes: it can amplify the cultural value of an object until it may become of inestimable val...
The current paper takes into study the microclimate conditions and their impact on the paper collection belonging to the archive of the Romanian Academy’s „C. Brăiloiu” Institute of Ethnography and Folklore, assessing the dynamics of t and RH during the course of a full yearly cycle. The microclimate data compared are collected for two scenarios: o...
In situ LIBS analyses of the metal surfaces of the Braila Fountain Ensemble were necessary in order to determine the conservation status and the proper restoration approach. The LIBS spectra provided an evaluation of the rust and paint layers present, as well as of the active corrosion products. Stratigraphy LIBS was also used in order to acquire a...
Ion Beam Analysis (IBA) and Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) are particularly useful tools for analysis of artworks, systematic characterisation of luster were performed using IBA and LIBS. Spatially resolved elements distribution obtained by area scans in addition to spot analysis provided detailed information about the glaze and luster...
Ion Beam Analysis (IBA) and Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) are
particularly useful tools for analysis of artworks, systematic characterisation of luster
were performed using IBA and LIBS. Spatially resolved elements distribution obtained
by area scans in addition to spot analysis provided detailed information about the glaze
and lu...
The present report is related to a running project on contemporary visual art conservation and is considering various case studies, involving different techniques. On one hand the research investigates by means of advanced optoelectronical methods a series of modern artworks, while on another approach is testing today's art materials stability by u...
The present paper reports preliminary results generated by a trans-disciplinary research concerning a modern multimedia archive design. The simple conservation norms’ implementation is mandatory, yet, this is not an easy work and there will never be sufficient efforts made. Despite the knowledge of so many physical and chemical mechanisms of degrad...
The present paper presents a comparative study on the experimental results collected applying LIBS on three certified reference material samples with different copper concentration. The main interest of the study is the tuning of the LIBS setup for onsite operation, as well as elaboration of documentation for future calibration protocols. The quali...
Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy is a valuable method for identification of elemental compositions of solid materials, LIBS has many advantages such as the ability to obtain rapid elemental analysis, possibility to work in situ, non-destructive. For its significance results, LIBS represented as a unique instrument in archaeology, in this articl...
Laser cleaning is a modern technique, appropriate to apply in many cases of artworks restoration, since it has certain advantages over conventional cleaning methods. Different types of laser sources are used for cleaning purposes. Some of the most commonly used are Nd:YAG, Er:YAG, CO2, excimers. We propose the use of another type of laser – the cop...
The paper was generated by the identified needs for improved conservation strategy and long life professional training, particularly for science conservators, art historians, restorers and conservators, and equally contributes to: i) new education instruments for on-line access to advances research infrastructure; ii) real-time monitoring of in sit...
Three dimensional recordings gained more and more applicability in the study of Cultural Heritage. Firstly, D laser scanning proved to be an efficient tool for shape recording of artworks. Fast recordings are one of the advantages offered by this technique, resulting in a digital model with high resolution and accuracy. In this paper several exampl...
Cercetarea în arheologie a evoluat spectaculos odata cu dezvoltările posibilităţilor tehnice de explorare. Investigaţiile radar sunt unanim acceptate ca fiind o soluţie eficienta de identificare a neomogenităţilor din sol, cu referire nu doar la obiecte îngropate ci chiar şi la variaţiile constantelor electromagnetice. In această lucrare este preze...
Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy is a technique that is proven its numerous advantages for different types of applications, and now its use range have been increased, giving us the possibility of making underwater investigation on cultural heritage objects, right in the environment where they are placed, without requiring any sampling or remova...
In această lucrare este prezentată o platformă de teleoperare prin Internet pentru un dispozitiv de investigare a fluorescenţei induse cu fascicul laser, utilizat în investigarea suprafetelor pictate ale operelor de arta. Partea hardware a sistemului este alcatuită din dispozitivul de investigare transportabil şi un calculator personal utilizat ca...
Restoration and conservation interventions are progressively more and more dependent upon benefits of newly developed techniques. Works carried out within the scopes of several restoration projects had evaluated such techniques based on, for examples 3D laser scanning, multispectral imaging or pigments identification by LIFS of LIBS etc and reporte...
Near Alchi, Ladakh region, from Jammu & Kashmir state - India, is Sasspol, a small village - not that well known location that hides beautiful cave-painted-Buddhist - temples. This paper presents activities regarding 3D laser scanning of two of the painted caves, a first temple in a good conservation and a second temple with a residential side in r...
LIBS este o tehnică analitică promiţătoare ce este folosită în detectarea compoziţiei chimice a materialelor. În lucrarea de faţă sunt prezentate rezultate preliminarii obtinute pe probe de metal în condiţii subacvatice, în vederea investigarii in situ a obiectelor arheologice, fără a le sustrage din microclimatul lor. Investigatiile au fost făcute...
This paper deals with laser scanning developed in Romania in the past 4 years, presented case studies refers to important monuments. Activities were performed under national or international research programs. A short overview of the existing 3D digitations techniques is presented followed by a short presentation of sites were laser scanning was ap...
The effects of the laser radiation (λ = I064nm and its 532nm harmonics at 2Hz) on the fluorescent characteristics of the parchment samples have been rendered evident with the aim of establishing the onset of the accelerated ageing process. The fluorescent characteristics pointing to the structural changes in the peptide chain were correlated with t...
This paper presents a study regarding the quality of particular painting techniques - grisaille, black and white colors on thick paper, in case of an about 200 years old artwork, using exclusively two analytical laser techniques: Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF) and Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS). The investigation aimed the identifica...
The paper presents the behavior of new parchment subjected to laser cleaning on the fluorescence spectral characteristics.
Cleaning procedures applied on organic substrates of artefacts can be challenging due to their high sensitivity to all external factors, their fragile nature demanding a high precision and accurate monitoring of the cleaning process. This paper reports researches about the effect that the laser restoration procedures (laser cleaning, mainly) induce...