Qi Shen

Qi Shen
Tongji University · English Department



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Shen Qi, Shanghai Shu Guang Scholar, is Professor and Ph.D supervisor of Applied Linguistics in English Department, School of Foreign Languages, Tongji University. His research focuses on the interrelationship between language policy and language education and on the sociology of multilingualism. Their most recent publication is 'Multilingualism and policy making in Greater China: ideological and implementational spaces'.
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July 2011 - October 2016
Shanghai International Studies University
  • Managing Director


Publications (25)
Linguistic landscape (LL), functioning as a form of health communication, offers a lens through which to examine whether the visual representation of languages in medical spaces ensures accessibility for all and communicates spatial justice. Recent studies on LL have primarily concentrated on elucidating LL as a cognitive and affective indicator of...
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Plain Language Summary Purpose: This article investigates how English competence is perceived and valued in China’s matchmaking market, paying special attention to how English proficiency is mentioned on matrimonial posters publicly displayed in the market. Methods: The study is qualitative by nature. Fieldwork was conducted in the market to obtain...
It is increasingly recognized that agency plays an essential role in shaping language-in-education policy (LEP) and influencing the learning process. Research on agency has not yet adequately engaged with the field of heritage language education and maintenance in diasporas. Drawing on Shohamy’s and Bonacina-Pugh’s conceptualization of declared, pe...
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This study, drawing on the theoretical model of investment, explores what motivates and encourages international students studying Chinese as a second language (CSL) to invest in their Chinese learning using Q sorting and interview data collected from 15 international undergraduate students studying in mainland China. The results reveal that: (1) C...
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Translanguaging practices in Chinese as a second language (CSL) classrooms have been a heated topic in recent years, despite the longstanding Chinese-monolingual ideology. Against this backdrop, we have explored the functions of translanguaging practices in CSL classroom and the interplay of translanguaging and learners’ participation, by comparing...
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Teachers’ emotions and professional identities in response to educational reforms play a key role in teacher development and policy implementation. However, little attention has been paid to the shifting emotions of teachers of LOTEs (languages other than English). Taking a social-psychological approach, this study examines the emotional reactions...
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Abstract: The academic evaluation of teachers of languages other than English (LOTEs) has been extensively researched, especially from the perspective of academic publications. However, little attention has been paid to another key performance indicator in teacher assessment, namely, external research funding. Focusing on German language teachers (...
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Shanghai, we call ourselves the "Shanghai alliance of multilingual researchers". The research group echoes Chinese scholars' enthusiasm for conducting research on multilingualism, as well as their dedication to graduate training in the field. The group consists of around 10 core members, and during the last five years of its development the group h...
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全球城市外语能力建设是国际化进程中城市治理的一项新议题。在全球化背景下,跨国跨地区的人员往来和人口流动日益频繁,为城市外语能力建设提出新要求。国内现有研究多以城市外语服务讨论为主,尚未从语言治理层面探讨全球城市外语能力指标体系构建问题。文本基于理论探索与国际实践两个维度分析城市外语能力指标体系的构成要素及经验做法,确定衡量城市外语能力的三大核心指标——外语资源、外语服务和外语战略,并在此基础上构建全球城市外语能力指标体系,以期为中国全球城市建设中的语言治理提供参照依据。 (Against the backdrop of globalization and informatization, this age is witnessing a growing number of cross-nat...
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This study examines how China's LOTE (languages other than English) students perceive English and their target languages as different types of linguistic capital with different values, and how they exercise their agency as micro level LPP (language planning and policy) actors in language learning. Data were gathered from in-depth interviews with 35...
This paper reports on a mixed method study that examined the motivation of 121 students in a 1-year intensive language course in German or French at a Chinese university. Drawing on Dörnyei’s (2009) theory of the L2 Motivational Self System (L2MSS), a survey was conducted to explore their motivation to learn German or French. Regression analyses re...
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This study draws on the model of language learning investment to explore China’s LOTE (Languages Other than English) students’ learning motivation. Data collected through in-depth interviews with 35 university students were analyzed in an inductive way. The findings show that: (1) the participants invested in learning LOTEs because they had enough...
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In recent decades, the commodification of the English language has aroused intensive research interest in the sociolinguistics on a global scale, but studies on the commodification of the Chinese language are relatively rare. Most studies take a critical approach in relation to its adverse impacts on minority rights and social justice. This study e...
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This paper reports on a study that used an ecological approach to explore family language policy and practice among Miao families in China. In the study, we surveyed 900 Miao families and interviewed 20 parents with regard to their language practices, ideologies, and management efforts, to identify what mediated their family language policy decisio...
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Recent years have witnessed a surge of interest in language planning in specific domains (e.g. business, courts, science, schools, communities, families, etc.). This paper reviews 356 articles on language planning in specific domains in four preeminent international journals and four leading Chinese journals to develop a portrayal of scholarly ende...
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In this opening commentary, we draw on Ruiz’s (NABE J 8:15–34, 1984) metaphorical representations of language to outline the ideological and implementational spaces for language policy making in Greater China. In particular, we highlight how the ‘resource’ orientation allows different stakeholders to negotiate the development of language policies t...
This paper examines the individual agency exercised by different actors in the process of language planning for multi-dialectism in Shanghai, China. Language acquisition planning is adopted as the analytical framework to identify the multiple roles individual actors have played in promoting the use and learning of the Shanghai dialect. Drawing on i...
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教育语言学兴起于20世纪60年代,在诞生之初与应用语言学领域内关于学科定义的争议直接相关,后来则发展成为以问题为导向、采用“超学科”研究范式的新型学科。本文旨在通过对近年内(2007-2017)国际核心期刊上发表的教育语言学研究文章的梳理,分析该学科近年来的研究趋势和发展前景。通过对相关文献信息进行了可视化呈现,得到关键词共现网络、作者合作网络以及发文量较高的期刊列表;另外还通过分析被引频次最高的14篇文章发现相关研究的主题和背景较为丰富、研究方法较为多样,理论性和实证性研究都取得了一定进展,总体而言体现了学科创始人Spolsky所倡导的“问题导向”原则和“超学科”研究范式。总而言之,教育语言学相对而言仍处于探索发展的阶段,还有不少值得发掘的研究空间。 (Educational lingui...
本文是对2016年由Robert Kirkpatrick主编、Springer公司出版的《亚洲英语教育政策》一书的述评。全球化背景下,英语既是世界范围内的通用语言,也是一种社会资本;英语教育则是世界各地教育规划的热点问题,相关区域国别研究也不断涌现,但在该书之前还未出现过较为系统的关于亚洲英语教育政策的梳理。该书结合亚洲13个国家和地区的社会历史背景,对其英语教育政策的实施和存在的问题进行了深入分析,并分别给出了具有针对性的解决方案,其总结的经验和教训对于我国的英语教育规划具有较高的参考价值。 (This is a review of the book English Language Education Policy in Asia edited by Robert Kirkpatrick...
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This paper examines the dynamic interplay between language policy and local stakeholders in the process of dialect planning in the city of Shanghai, in the context of social tensions surrounding the decline of Shanghai dialect in mainland China. A process-oriented Language Management Theory (LMT) model is adopted as the analytical framework to reve...
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This paper examines the linguistic security issues in " the Belt and Road Initiatives " and proposes strategic plans and policy suggestions. Linguistic security is an increasingly important topic in macro-sociolinguistics and can be crucial in the realization of " the Belt and Road Initiatives ". Drawing on an extensive survey of linguistic securit...


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