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Putu Mahardika Adi Saputra

Putu Mahardika Adi Saputra
Faculty of Economic and Business Brawijaya University · Economics



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Putu Mahardika Adi Saputra currently works at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Brawijaya University. Putu does research in International Economics, Development Economics, and Applied Econometrics. His current projects are 'Corruption perception and bilateral trade flows' and "The Spatial Effect in International Trade'.


Publications (52)
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Success in rural development lies in identifying and developing the appropriate factors to make development work. Finding the best way to achieve successful rural development is a question that is currently difficult to answer. This study aims to identify the factors that can influence the success of village development, by focusing on the variable...
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This paper estimates the effects of regionalism in South East Asia (AFTA), infrastructure, economic size, distance, and common border on the ASEAN trade flows. The trade flow evolutions of 97 ASEAN’s partner during 1990–2000 are considered in the analysis through the utilization of cross-sectional and panel gravity model. The results show that as a...
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Socioeconomic and cultural changes due to massive tourism development have presented a new paradigm for the existence and the decision to use water. This study explores the embeddedness and expectation of actors depicted in the socio-economic dynamics of economic development and management choices for Bali's Sacred Natural Sites (SNS) commodificati...
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This study aims to analyze the relationship between village infrastructure and the development performance of villages within the Central Java Province. The research provides crucial insights into the significance of comprehending the role of village infrastructure in enhancing village development performance. In this study, village infrastructure...
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The tourism industry suffered the worst impact due to the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. In this case, the Europe is the region whose tourism industry has been hardest hit globally. This study aims to analyze the relationship between the COVID-19 pandemic and the tourism industry in the Europe involving 19 countries with a period of about 514 day...
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Socioeconomic and cultural changes due to massive tourism development have presented a new paradigm for the existence and the decision to use water. This study explores the embeddedness and expectation of actors depicted in the so-cio-economic dynamics of economic development and management choices for Bali's Sacred Natural Sites (SNS) commodificat...
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This study aims to determine the effect of the fiscal decentralization component on poverty, directly or indirectly, through pro-poor expenditures in Special Regions of Yogyakarta. The Privileges of the Special Region of Yogyakarta mentioned what distinguishes it from the other provinces so that it is called a special region is the privilege to est...
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The purpose of this study is to determine how the influence of revealed comparative advantage, land area, exchange rate and economic growth on coffee exports of 4 world countries in 2010-2020. This study used a quantitative research approach. The results of the study said that each variable, namely revealed comparative advantage, land area, exchang...
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Indonesia as a country with very diverse regional typologies needs to pay attention to the effect of typological differences on the relationship between village administration human resources, village economic activities, and village development. This study examines the relationship between village administration human resources and village economi...
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The Mundell-Fleming trilemma hypothesis stated that a country could not simultaneously achieve exchange rate stability, financial integration, and monetary independence. The fixed exchange rate policy, free capital mobility, and monetary independence are trade-offs and impossible to run simultaneously. This research aims to identify the combination...
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Permasalahan yang dihadapi UMKM di kecamatan Turen adalah masih belum adanya perencanaan bisnis yang memperhatikan aspek yang luas seperti akses modal, pemasaran, hingga keterlibatan sumber daya lokal. Namun di sisi lain, kecamatan Turen didukung dengan keberadaan paguyuban UMKM yang menaungi aktivitas pengembangan usaha. Oleh karena itu kegiatan p...
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Land is an important part especially for the poor because land is able to provide opportunities for the poor to get out of poverty. Land redistribution is one of the policies aimed at reducing poverty levels. This study uses a literature study and descriptive statistic to see the effect of Land reform in the form of land redistribution on poverty....
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This study aimed to investigate spatial interdependence in bilateral trade activities of Tuna commodities in the ASEAN+2 countries and compare the gravity panel model and hybrid model in explaining the bilateral trade. The gravity panel model estimated the conservative “pushing and pulling the flows” factors, whereas the hybrid model was used to pe...
Conference Paper
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Water is an essential component of Balinese daily life, particularly in the spiritual realm, where holy water is required for rituals. This research employ descriptive analysis to describe water literacy among Hindu Balinese community, based on indigenous concepts related to sacred natural sites and sustainable groundwater management. To address th...
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The first goal of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is to eradicate poverty in quantity and reduce poverty in various forms. The problem of poverty is often seen as a unidimensional problem. However, the measurement of poverty which uses only a monetary point of view is not enough to explain the deprivation experienced by the poor. Using the...
The characteristics of imperfect markets are characterized by the presence of transaction costs. One sector that is an imperfect market is the agricultural sector. The purpose of this study was to analyze the structure of transaction costs and the implications of transaction costs on the benefits of hybrid corn farming. The research method uses tra...
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This study aims to determine the Indonesian fiscal sustainability condition by analyzing the impact of government debt on primary balance for the 1980-2018 period. Accordingly, we analyze the research data by using the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) method. The results show that government debt has a significant and positive effect on the pr...
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Policymakers in the world are concerned with carbon emission due to the risk of global warming. Many studies on Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) consider carbon emission as a proxy of environmental degradation. This study aimed to investigate the existence of EKC and identify variations of relationships between carbon emissions and GDP per capita...
Conference Paper
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The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of socioeconomic characteristics household on household poverty status with a multidimensional approach in each of the Regional Bakorwil East Java. Not everyone can convert their income for a better life, so measuring poverty only using income is not enough to explain the deprivation experienced...
Conference Paper
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The main objective of this research is to get analytical results about effect of natural resource share fund (NSF) on economic growth, unemployment and poverty in the natural resource producing regions in Indonesia by the mediation of capital expenditure. This research uses partial least square method to measure direct and indirect effect among a s...
Conference Paper
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This study analyzes the impact of the choice of monetary regimes, namely the inflation targeting (IT) and exchange rate targeting (ERT) on the behavior of bilateral trade in ASEAN-5 Countries and their main trading partners in Asia Pacific. By utilizing the augmented gravity panel model, the study also considers the effects of distance, national in...
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Multidimensional poverty measurement arises from dissatisfaction with measuring poverty using only a monetary perspective, where the measurement of monetary poverty is not enough to adequately reflect the situation that actually occurs in poor households. Using Susenas March 2018 and Podes 2018, this study aims to look at the effect of household so...
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Generally, fiscal policy is implemented through tax instruments (T) and governmental spending (G). This research aims at investigating and analysing the impact of the implementation of fiscal decentralization on the local economic growth and poverty in East Java. This study uses panel data across regencies and cities of East Java Province in the pe...
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This study aims to determine whether there is a causality relationship between international tourism and economic growth in Bali Island via Granger and Toda-Yamamoto methods as the technique for testing the causality. The findings of the study confirm that there is significant evidence of three hypotheses related to the causal nexus between interna...
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Business which is included in the category of Small-Medium Enterprises (SME) is the breath of regional and national economy. Some excellent business sectors in East Java are textile commodity manufacturing industries and textile products which are necessarily developed in order to be able to give national Foreign exchange for the sake of society in...
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This paper analyzes the level of the efficiency and competition (market structure) of ASEAN-5 banking industry from 2005 until 2016. Two methods were employed, i.e. Stochastic Frontier Analysis and Adjusted Lerner Index. The former is utilized to measure the bank efficiency in ASEAN-5 countries and the latter is applied to measure the bank competit...
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This paper analyzes the level of the efficiency and competition (market structure) of ASEAN-5 banking industry from 2005 until 2016. Two methods were employed, i.e. Stochastic Frontier Analysis and Adjusted Lerner Index. The former is utilized to measure the bank efficiency in ASEAN-5 countries and the latter is applied to measure the bank competit...
This paper studies the influence of some determinants of trade balance for Southeast Asia countries in dynamics perspective before the global financial crisis of 2008. Based on quarterly data (1980q1 to 2007q3), the investigation is carried out using VECM. The results show that in the long run: (i) income effect is found to be dominant in determini...
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This paper analyzes the change in distance elasticity of trade using bilateral trade data among China and Indonesia and their main trading partners. The empirical method used in this study derived from the gravity model that considers the effect of distance on trade activities behavior. Two causes of change in the elasticity of trade to distance wi...
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This study aims to examine the impact of corruption on bilateral trade flows in developed and developing countries by using an extension of the gravity panel model. The model reviews 30 countries among which 19 are developed countries and 11 are developing ones, during the period of 1995-2016. For the impact of corruption on export activities, it a...
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The exchange rate is one of the most essential factors of a country's economic stability measurement. In the world open market economy, the exchange rate shows how strong a country's bargaining of trade, which is precarious to determine cost and volume of goods n services to create a profit. This paper seeks to present macroeconomic variables that...
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Bali has two village governance systems: administrative-village and customary-village. Administrative-village is the extension of government’s authority in administrative aspects. Meanwhile, customary-village (pakraman village) denotes traditional institution that has a function to organize krama (residents) based on the awig-awig (customary law)....
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This study mainly examines the statistical analysis of Postal Network Data (PND) and Trade Data within ASEAN countries and beyond. In addition, based on the previous study on the global network structure, including postal network, as proxies for national well-being, we also assess how the PND can affect the other recent socioeconomic indicators amo...
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This research analyzes the dynamics of pro-poor growth in 9 regencies/cities of Bali province from 2007 to 2015. This research identifies pro-poor growth based on Poverty Equivalent Growth Rate (PEGR). The results show that the regions with agriculture leading sector tend to have pro-poor growth in reducing poverty and inequality but anti- poor in...
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Women in poverty discourse are considered as a highly vulnerable group. Women empowerment through micro-financing program is the appropriate way to solve the issue of woman poverty. Women, who often had difficult credit access in a formal financial institution, become facilitated in accessing capital to improve her business by the existence of woma...
Technical Report
This study mainly examines the correlation between Postal Network Data (PND) and Trade Data within ASEAN countries and beyond. In addition, based on the previous study on the global network structure, including postal network, as proxies for national wellbeing, we also assess how the PND can affect the other recent socioeconomic indicators among AS...
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This study applies Gravity and Malmquist index approach to investigate energy trade efficiency between Indonesia and East Asia Countries (i.e. Japan, South Korea, and China). Gravity model is employed to identify the inputs that will be used in computing the energy trade efficiency; meanwhile, Malmquist index approach to identify the energy trade e...
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The existence of coconut commodity abundance in the district of West Sei Kepayang of Asahan regency of North Sumatra province has not been utilized to the fullest. Though the potential of this commodity can be the basis of local economic development (LED). Of some its derivative products, coconut sugar has the economic potential to improve farmers...
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The purpose of research is to see how the effect of government spending on education, health, and infrastructure to increase HDI District / City in Maluku Province. The research method using path analysis (path analysis) with the test criteria at the level of 5% error to view the Maluku provincial government spending on education, health, infrastru...
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This study aims at investigating the phenomena of the middle-income trap found in developing Asian countries, such as China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand. The effects of some of the determinant variables of per capita income, such as government expenditure, investment expenditure, high technology exports, factors of hum...
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The objective of this study is to examine the effects of minimum wage policy on poverty of workers in Indonesia. Using National Labour Force Survey (Sakernas) data of 2011-13, specifically, this study examines how the minimum wage policy affects the probability of worker categorized as poor or non- poor. The finding shows that an increase in the mi...
This paper examines the technical efficiency of Indonesian manufacturing industry by estimating a stochastic production frontier and the constant returns to scale output-oriented data envelopment analysis approach. Using fixed effect model, this paper also analyses the determinants of export performance of the industry. The results show that compar...
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The aim of this research is to determine the progress of minimum wage policy inIndonesia, and their linkage to the 1945 Constitution article 27 act 2. The implemen-tation of minimum wage policy in accordance with that constitution, at least shouldbe a few things to do. This includes needs such as decent living as a component ofminimum wage determin...
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The aim of this research is to determine the progress of minimum wage policy inIndonesia, and their linkage to the 1945 Constitution article 27 act 2. The implemen-tation of minimum wage policy in accordance with that constitution, at least shouldbe a few things to do. This includes needs such as decent living as a component ofminimum wage determin...
Utilizing Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), this paper examines the technical efficiency level of Indonesian manufacturing industries during 1990 to 2001. Our model considers the evolution of 23 main Indonesian manufacturing industries (3-digit ISIC groups) with 74 their sub-industries (4-digit ISIC groups). Specifically, our DEA will refer to the C...
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The objective of this study is mainly to analyze factors that influence the amount ofpersonal income tax that collected by Batu tax service office in its work areas. Inorder to address the research questions, this paper utilizes the multiple regressionanalysis. Shortly, our findings conclude that the most dominant factor that influencesour dependen...
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The objective of this study is mainly to analyze factors that influence the amount ofpersonal  income  tax  that collected by Batu  tax  service office  in  its work areas.  Inorder  to address  the research questions,  this paper utilizes  the multiple regressionanalysis. Shortly, our findings conclude that the most dominant factor tha...
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Efficiency is an ideal condition that all kinds of institution strive to achieve. Based on this argument, the study is therefore aimed at, first, evaluating the relative efficiency of Property-Tax Offices in East Java and, second, searching factors behind of the efficiency. The study found that there were only two Property-Tax Offices (i.e: Surabay...
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The objective of this research is to analyze the influence of some determinant variables, such as external market conditions (world demand), the competitiveness, export diversification and the level of technology on three developing countries' export performance. Each country was analyzed in both terms, as an individual country and a country group....


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