Przemysław SzwałkoKrakow Municipal Greenspace Authority
Przemysław Szwałko
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Publications (50)
The “Poviat programme for increasing the forest coverage of the city of Krakow for the years 2018–2040”, based on the Resolution of the City Council of Krakow, through the preservation of existing forest communities and the creation of new ones, is part of the broadly understood protection of biodiversity of the environment of the city, as habitats...
Krakow, compared to larger Polish and also similar Central European cities, had until recently one of the lowest proportions of forest cover, exceeding slightly more than 4% of the land area. The "Poviat programme for increasing the forest coverage of the city of Krakow for the years 2018-2040" was developed based on the Resolution of the City Coun...
This research aims to extend the existing knowledge on air quality improvement by the arboreal–shrub heritage. The PM accumulation (PM10–100, PM2.5–10, and PM0.2–2.5 (µg·cm−2)) was measured with consolidated gravimetric techniques during spring, summer, and fall for 2160 leaf samples belonging to the basal, median, and apical part of the crown of 1...
The project “Innovative technological platform to improve management of green areas for better climate adaptation” – LIFE URBANGREEN is to a large extent a continuation of the project “Integrated monitoring system of spatial data to improve air quality in Krakow’’ – MONIT-AIR, implemented in 2014–2016 out of concern for air quality and green areas....
The study was carried out in the years 1991–1993 and 2006–2008 (complementary observations) within selected oak stands or those with oak dominance – located in southern Poland, where increased oak decline has been observed (Forest Districts Niepołomice and Dębica, as well as the urban forest situated in Kraków – Uroczysko „Las Wolski”). The main ob...
Bajorek-Zydroń K., Wężyk P. (red.), 2016: Atlas pokrycia terenu i przewietrzania Krakowa. Urząd Miasta Krakowa, Wydział Kształtowania Środowiska, Kraków 2016, 522 ss.
Błażejczyk K., 2013: Wpływ czynników klimatycznych, orograficznych i pokrycia terenu na jakość powietrza. W: B. Degórska, M. Baścik (red.). Środowisko przyrodnicze Krakowa...
First cartographic part of the "Atlas pokrycia terenu i przewietrzania Krakowa [=Land Cover and Ventilation Atlas of Cracow]" includes copyrighted images of DigitalGlobe, Inc. (map background). All Rights Reserved.
Second cartographic part of the "Atlas pokrycia terenu i przewietrzania Krakowa [=Land Cover and Ventilation Atlas of Cracow]" includes copyrighted images of DigitalGlobe, Inc. (map background). All Rights Reserved.
Third cartographic part of the "Atlas pokrycia terenu i przewietrzania Krakowa [=Land Cover and Ventilation Atlas of Cracow]".
Fourth cartographic part of the "Atlas pokrycia terenu i przewietrzania Krakowa [=Land Cover and Ventilation Atlas of Cracow]": Three remaining maps (1 : 100,000 scale). The 1st map shows the spatial distribution of the city areas into 5 categories with different natural value (mainly based on plant communities). The 2nd and 3rd map show (in the fi...
Topography and land cover, apart from, quantity and physical and chemical properties of pollutants released to atmosphere and weather conditions in particular period of time, have relevant impact on aerosanitary conditions. Topography of Kraków and surrounding area prompts concentration of dust and gas air pollutants increasing at the same time dep...
Topography and land cover, apart from, quantity and physical and chemical properties of pollutants released to atmosphere and weather conditions in particular period of time, have relevant impact on aerosanitary conditions. Topography of Kraków and surrounding area prompts concentration of dust and gas air pollutants increasing at the same time dep...
The WebGIS portal Green Krakow is the result of two years of interdisciplinary work on the so
called Vegetation map of the City of Krakow. The technology used in the project includes: UMN
MapServer, PHP MapScript and the MySQL data base. Two services WMS and WFS running in the
Green City application meet the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) s...
Results are presented for (137)Cs, (90)Sr and plutonium activity concentrations in more than 20 samples of terrestrial invertebrates, including species of beetles, ants, spiders and millipedes, collected in the highly contaminated area of the Chernobyl exclusion zone. The majority of samples were collected in Belarus, with some also collected in th...
The present study focused on analyzing samples of bones, livers and kidneys of European white-tailed eagles (Haliaëtus albicilla) and lesser-spotted eagle (Aquila pomarina). Bone samples were collected for both species, from 7 and 2 individuals, respectively, whereas liver and kidney samples
for white-tailed eagle species only, 2 and 1 individuals,...
Osmoderma eremita (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Cetoniinae) en Europa.¿ La investigación, el control y el desarrollo de estrategias de conservación de especies amenazadas en peligro de extinción están habitualmente confinadas por fronteras nacionales aunque sería más apropiado una perspectiva más global. En este trabajo se recogen datos sobre la prese...
We are 28 co-authors representing 25 European countries, who have collected data on a threatened beetle associated with tree hollows. Osmoderma eremita (SCOPOLI, 1763) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). This project has arisen from our own initiative, based on the belief that entomology and nature conservation would do better with stronger co-operation be...
Research, monitoring and development of preservation strategies for threatened species are often limited by national borders even though a global perspective would be more appropriate. In this study, we collected data on the occurrence of a threatened beetle, Osmoderma eremita, associated with tree hollows in 2,142 localities from 33 countries in E...
Research, monitoring and development of preservation strategies for threatened species are often limited by national borders even though a global perspective would be more appropriate. In this study, we collected data on the occurrence of a threatened beetle, Osmoderma eremita, associated with tree hollows in 2,142 localities from 33 countries in E...
Results for 137Cs, 40K, 90Sr, 238,239+240Pu, 241Am and 243+244Cm measurements in plant, insects and forest litter samples collected at three sites in Poland are presented. New results are compared with some existing data for locations examined during previous studies. Insect samples were introduced now for the first time. Relatively high activities...
Results for 137Cs, 40K, 90Sr, 238,239+240Pu, 241Am and 243+244Cm measurements in plant, insects and forest litter samples collected at three sites in Poland are presented. New results are compared with some existing data for locations examined during previous studies. Insect samples were introduced now for the first time. Relatively high activities...
Adults of the geotrupine beetle Anoplotrupes stercorosus
(Coleoptera, Geotrupidae), a common European forest insect species, were used in the role of bio-monitors for mainly man-made radionuclides in a forest environment. Activities of 137Cs, 40K, 238Pu, 239+240Pu, 90Sr and 241Am were studied. Samples originated from four areas in Poland, two from...
The Hermit beetle Osmoderma eremita (Scopoli, 1763)(Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea) in Poland - occurrence, threats and protection: On the basis of published data, a survey of old collections, and field investigations conducted lately in some parts of Poland, the distribution of Osmoderma eremita and the current state of its population have been evaluat...
Abstract: A history of coleopterological investigation is presented. Review of the most important taxa of beetles (including the endemic Eastern Carpathian species) is given. Beetle associations in the main Bieszczady habitats are described. An inventory table of near 2000 recorded species is listed.
Original Polish title: Chrząszcze (Coleoptera)...
Studies were conducted during 1994-95 in selected Scots pine stands 20-40 years of age, growing on fresh coniferous forest site in Proszków and Tułowice forest districts (Katowice Region of State Forests, Silesian Lowland). Their aim was to determine the effect of biopreparation Foray and juvenile antihormone Dimilin (used in 1994 to control nun mo...
The hermit beetle is a cariophagous beetle inhabiting old deciduous hollow-trees. In many regions of Europe the species has become extinct . In Poland it occurs locally over almost a whole area of the country. O. eremita often is threatened by loss of habitat (cutting of mouldering tress, burning of hollows in trees or filling them with concrete)....
A description of a larva of the genus Acalles SCHONHERR is reported here for the first time. Host plants have been specified and a description of the feeding pattern of the larva of Acalles pyrenaeus is provided. The present state of knowledge about the ecology and distribution of this species have been reviewed.
Micropeplus marietti, found on 3 X 1990 in Magura Spiska Mts. (Western Carpathians) and Olisthaerus substriatus, found on 2 V 1991 in Białowieża Primeval Forest (NE Poland) are new to the Polish fauna.
[unpublished translation from Polish:] The scarabaeid beetles (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) of Roztocze.
The relatively good initial state of cognition of the Scarabaeidae fauna is due to the coleopterological studies carried out in Roztocze at the beginning of this century, especially by Szymon Tenenbaum. This makes it possible to capture the chang...
New Polish localities (Fig.) of Aphodius arenarius (Oliv.), A. maculatus Sturm, A. contaminatus (Herbst), A. rotundangulus Reitt., A. borealis Gyll., Diastictus vulneratus (Sturm) and Pleurophorus caesus (Panz.) with some other data are given.
Cacopsylla breviantennata (Fl.), found in valleys of West Tatra, is new to the fauna of Poland.
Imago and larvae of Xylotrechus rusticus (L.) (Col., Cerambycidae) were found on a fir (Abies alba Mill.) at Barwinek (UTM - EV57) near Dukla, Beskid Niski Mts., Poland. X. rusticus feeding grounds are described. The mentioned species has not been hitherto found on coniferous trees.
English title:
Study on the effect of grouping of pheromone pipe-traps baited with "Linoprax" on their efficiency in catching the ambrosia beetle - Trypodendron lineatum (Ol.) (Col., Scolytidae) in the Krynica Forest Experiment Station (Beskid Sądecki Mts., Southern Poland) [In Polish with English and Russian summary]
The study was conduc...
The character of the occurrence of Oxythyrea funesta (Poda) in Poland is discussed against the background of its general distribution, historical data and new Polish localities. The habitats in which the beetels were collected do not confirm the steppe origin of this species. The author proposes to accept O. funesta as a southern element periodical...
The paper presents general distribution and new Polish localities of the following species rarily occurring in Poland: Aphodius scrutator (Herbst), A. zenkeri Germ., A. conspurcatus (L.), A. pictus Sturm, A. contaminatus (Herbst), A. porcus (Fabr.), A. rotundangulus Reitt., A. lividus (Ol.). Interesting notes on bionomy of some species are given.