Przemysław Mroczek

Przemysław Mroczek
Maria Curie-Skłodowska University · Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences

Dr hab.


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October 1999 - March 2021
Maria Curie-Skłodowska University
  • Dr hab.


Publications (126)
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In 2019, new excavations were carried out at Doroshivtsi III site, dated to the Last Glacial Maximum. Ten identifiable archaeological levels belong to the Gravettian technocomplex. In the article, detailed data about the faunal remains is presented. The remains of reindeer, horses, mammoths, a wolf, a vulpine, and also a crow have been identified....
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This research utilizes electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) in geophysical surveys conducted in the vicinity of a Magdalenian (Upper Palaeolithic) site in Wilczyce, Poland, focusing on loess covers and their litho- and pedological formation in relation to bedrock. The study yields several key findings: ERT effectively determines the depth of the...
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The study examines sedimentology, stratigraphy, and the impact of wildfires on aeolian and soil processes during the Late Glacial Termination in the Korzeniew site, central Poland. The site, within a parabolic dune's central and lee-slope area, presents stacked aeolian sand units intermixed with six charcoal-enriched palaeosols. Thirteen optically...
The results of previous researches conducted across the upland territories of Central Europe reflect a considerably close correlation between the settlement by prehistoric agricultural societies and the ranges of the local loess covers. This correspondence – caused mainly by the high utility value of the territories in question, especially the pres...
The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between coarse and fine material in sediments at four archaeological sites in Central Asia, which share a common characteristic of coarse clasts dispersed within a silty matrix. By using micromorphology and grain size analysis, the study aims to understand the microscale processes that have a...
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Wierzawice 31 site is one of the easternmost Magdalenian sites, situated in the south-eastern corner of the Kolbuszowa Plateau surrounded, to the east, by the broad San River valley and, on the south, by the sub-Carpathian ice-marginal valley. This archaeological site lies in an area with surface deposits developed as periglacial stratified silty-s...
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This paper discusses the problems associated with determining the chronology of Palaeolithic settlements in the Podillian region and presents possible solutions to this issue, based on studies of the natural environment in two Palaeolithic centres: Buhliv and Ternopil (BPC and TPC, respectively). Problems arise from the local stratigraphic diversit...
Bakhmutov and Hlavatskyi (2022) (BH) in their comment on our paper (Łanczont et al., 2022) focus on issue of the magnetostratigraphy of the whole loess-palaeosol sequence at Roxolany. However, we analysed only the formation conditions of the upper part of this sequence, which we believe to be of the Late Pleistocene. Its exceptionally large thickne...
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XXI Terenowe Seminarium KORELACJA LESSÓW I OSADÓW GLACJALNYCH POLSKI I UKRAINY Interdyscyplinarne Seminarium Naukowe GLACJAŁ I PERYGLACJAŁ EUROPY ŚRODKOWEJ pod tytułem Metodyka rekonstrukcji zmian klimatu i środowiska zapisanych w pokrywach lessowych dedykowane pamięci wybitnych badaczy lessów Prof. Adama Malickiego i Prof. Henryka Maruszczaka...
Recent studies along the southern Baltic Sea coast have revealed sedimentary records of catastrophic storm surges that significantly exceed the magnitude of storms documented by instrumental measurements. The present study aimed to apply heavy mineral analysis for storm surge deposits along coasts of Gulf of Gdańsk (southern Baltic), as well as for...
Environmental studies based on analyses of fluvio-aeolian successions with paleosols in central Poland, forming the central part of the European Sand Belt, are presented. Paleogeographic reconstruction was based on high-resolution analyses of four sites using sedimentological and paleopedological methods as well as forty-four optically stimulated l...
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Settlement processes in Europe during the LGM period are a hotly debated issue. In Eastern Europe we observe several major settlement centres including the camp at Doroshivtsy III located in the Middle Dniester valley. It is one of the very important sites to understand the settlement processes at LGM and the importance of refugia, as well as studi...
Conference Paper
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The contemporary landscape of the Middle Dnieper Valley is characterized by pronounced asymmetry on both sides of a wide flood plain now occupied by dam reservoirs. The high and steep right bank – the edge of the hilly plateau of the Dnieper Upland, contrasts with the left bank – gently sloping and low of the Dnieper Terraced Plain. In this area, l...
This paper presents 66 radiocarbon (14C) dates obtained at 33 key sites from the Polish part of the European Sand Belt. These calibrated dating results were compared to 34 high-resolution 14C dates obtained from a fluvial-aeolian sediments to identify pedogenic phases from the late Pleniglacial interval to the early Holocene. These identified pedog...
The study focuses on the loess–palaeosol sequence at Roxolany, exposed in the cliffs on the left bank of the Dniester Liman in the Black Sea Lowland. The sequence is one of the longest and most complete terrestrial records of Quaternary climate change in Ukraine. The Pleistocene sequence, i.e. loess, soil and fluvial units, is quite thick, i.e. abo...
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New research at the Doroshivtsi site in Ukraine has provided data that allow fresh insights into a well-known and important Gravettian site in the Middle Dniester Valley.
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Gamma-ray spectrometry (GRS) is a widely applied method in geological research, useful in, e.g., stratigraphical correlation, determination of basic lithological features, and weathering processes. This paper aims to put a new perspective on the handheld gamma-ray spectrometry method, concentrated on application to the glaciogenic depositional syst...
The lowest section of the Upper Dniester River Valley (DRV), located between the uplands of Opillia and Eastern Subcarpathians, was a separate and specific Pleistocene geoecosystem, interesting for the hunter-gatherer communities. This is evidenced by three main (Yezupil, Mariampil and Halych), and a dozen or so additional Palaeolithic open-air sit...
Conference Paper
Pokrywy lessowe powszechnie uznaje się za jedno z podstawowych lądowych źródeł informacji o zmieniającym się klimacie plejstocenu. Sekwencje lessowo-glebowe Chińskiej Wyżyny Lessowej i Wojwodiny wskazują na ciągłość depozycji pyłu lessowego i bardzo dobrze korelują się z zapisem głębokomorskim, potwierdzając następstwo globalnych, cyklicznych zmian...
Conference Paper
Sekwencja lessowo-glebowa w Wołoczysku uznawana jest za kluczowy profil północnej części Podola. Ze względu na swoje położenie stanowisko to może stanowić ważny punkt odniesienia dla analiz geochemicznych prowadzonych na obszarze lessów polskich w centralnej części północnego sektora Europejskiego Pasa Lessów. Należy zaznaczyć, że dostępność danych...
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Marine, lacustrine and terrestrial records from many sites located in various regions of the world suggest that the climate amelioration at the end of MIS-6 (Late Saalian) was interrupted by the short-termed cooling just prior to the MIS-6/MIS-5e boundary (Saalian/Eemian). This climatic event might be similar to the transition between interstadial...
The role of environmental change in the evolution of cultural traits is a topic of long-standing scientific debate with strongly contrasting views. Major obstacles for assessing environmental impacts on the evolution of material culture are the fragmentary nature of archaeological and – to a somewhat lesser extent – geoscientific archives and the i...
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This paper presents the results of excavations conducted at the Late Gravettian site of Lubná VI in 2012 and 2018. This site is an exceptional example of a short-term Late Gravettian campsite, occupied between 27.5 and 27.1 ka cal BP. Due to the specific location of this site, in an area situated far from lithic raw material sources, the archaeolog...
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Early agricultural colonisation of peripheral areas of loess uplands: new data from Sandomierz Upland, Poland - Marcin Szeliga, Radosław Dobrowolski, Przemysław Mroczek, Jacek Chodorowski, Mirosław Furmanek, Irena Agnieszka Pidek, Maria Lityńska-Zając, Daniel Makowiecki, Katarzyna Gawryjołek-Szeliga, Piotr Bartmiński, Marcin Siłuch, Piotr Demczuk
The paper presents the results of the newly discovered Epigravettian site situated in the San river valley in the Carpathian foreland close to the Przemyśl Gate – sub- and cross-mountain route. The site lies at the edge of that culture's post-LGM re-settlement of that area. It is a unique remnant documenting the presence of an Epigravettian Culture...
Trenčianske Bohuslavice Gravettian site has been known since the early 1980s, with possibly the longest sequence of Upper Palaeolithic human occupation in the region, including a peculiar assemblage of lithic tools composed of bifacial leaf points. This paper presents the results of the 2017 excavation season that produced new data on the absolute...
W artykule zaprezentowano wyniki geoarcheologicznych badań przeprowadzonych w obrębie oraz otoczeniu dwóch wielokulturowych stanowisk archeologicznych w Tominach i Zawadzie (południowo-wschodnia część Przedgórza Iłżec-kiego), w bezpośrednim sąsiedztwie północnej krawędzi pokrywy lessowej Wyżyny Sandomierskiej. Ich zasadniczych celem była kompleksow...
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The investigation was conducted in the eastern part of the Nałęczów Plateau, a region of the Lublin Upland, in eastern Poland. The loess cover of this region was formed mainly during the last glaciation, and loess accumulation lasted until 15,000-12,000 BP. The undulating loess plateau with numerous oval-shaped closed depressions (CDs) is the main...
The Baltic Sea is commonly viewed as a region with a low frequency of coastal hazards such as tsunamis or extreme storm surges. However, historical sources indicate that in the past, several catastrophic storm surges resulted in coastal floods and related casualties. Their sedimentological records and reconstructions of paleostorminess were so far...
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Loess areas used for agriculture are susceptible to soil erosion. The intensive process of soil erosion in Polish loess areas began with the onset of the Neolithic and has continued intermittently until today. This work presents the results of soil erosion from simultaneous use of the ¹³⁷ Cs and ²¹⁰ Pb ex methods on an agricultural field located on...
The article presents the results of research on the formation conditions and the age of glaciogenic deposits left by the Scandinavian ice sheet in the Eastern Carpathian Foreland, in its part drained by the Dniester River and its tributaries (Black Sea basin). These deposits (till, erratics, glaciolacustrine and glaciofluvial sediments), preserved...
Nowa Biała 1 is a unique site of the Federmesser culture in the area of Carpathian Mountains, and also one of the few Final Palaeolithic sites known from this territory. From taxonomic point of view the artefacts represent the Federmesser culture as an element of Arch-backed points technocomplex (APT) – well known from the European Plain and practi...
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The article raises the issue of the nature, intensity and environmental conditions of the settlement processes occurring on the borderline of the loessic Sandomierz Upland and the sandy-clay areas of the Iłża Foothills, between the end of 6th and the beginning of the 4th millennia BC. The results of previously conducted research confirm the high se...
The Volochysk site belongs to important and unique loess sites in the Podolia Upland (W Ukraine) because it contains relatively well-developed loess deposits representing the last and penultimate glacial cycles. This loess–palaeosol sequence consists of pedocomplex S1 (MIS 5) developed on loess L2, and loess L1 (MIS 4-2) with the palaeosols of lowe...
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Litho-, pedo- and palynological analyses constrained by radiometric dating of two loess-palaeosol sequences, Nahirne and Velyka Andrusivka, exposed in a cliff at the eastern edge of the Dnieper Upland, Ukraine, document regional environmental changes in the western marginal zone of the Dnieper lobe. The postglacial loess sedimentation cycle was ini...
In the well-known settlement micro-region of the Małopolska Upland - known for extensive studies into the Neolithic agricultural anthropopressure - the authors have re-examined three selected Holocene soil-sediment sequences derived from soil erosion by water. The macroscopic features of both colluvium and proluvium (deposits of gully erosion) from...
Based on the results of geoarchaeological investigations carried out at the Czermno site (eastern Poland), which is associated with Cherven, i.e. the mediaeval capital of the Cherven Towns, we reconstructed the main stages of environmental changes and human impact in the surroundings of the site. The site is of great archaeological importance due t...
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The main research purpose was to reconstruct the conditions of the formation of Luvisols in the post-glacial period, encompassing the Late Glacial and the Holocene, in the loess uplands in southern Poland. The investigations were conducted based on detailed micromorphological studies of profiles of surface and fossil soils at the selected, represen...
The subject of interdisciplinary studies was the Magdalenian archaeological site and its vicinity situated in the SE part of Kolbuszowa Plateau (Sandomierz Basin, SE Poland). The results of geoarchaeological analysis were not limited only to the area of archaeological excavations, but also include a wider background. From palaeogeographical point o...
Closed depressions are reported in loess landscapes in various parts of Europe. The anthropogenic and natural origin of closed depressions is highly debated in literature. Closed depressions are an important component of the landscape in loess areas of the Lublin Upland. Furthermore, they perform the role of local closed sediment basins, creating u...
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The aims of the project will be implemented on the basis of interdisciplinary studies involving archeology, geology, paleontology, palynology, anthracology and physical and geochemical examinations, including radiocarbon dating and isotope analysis. Realization of this project is supported by National Science Center, Poland (grant decision No. DEC-...
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This paper presents the results of a large-scale fieldwork project of interdisciplinary studies on the Middle Paleolithic settlement in the western Tian Shan piedmont. A complex of newly discovered "loess Paleolithic" open-air sites near Yangiobod (Uzbekistan), Katta Sai, was excavated. The excavations allowed identification of a new variant of hum...
The Positron Annihilation Lifetime Spectroscopy (PALS) was used to investigate properties of selected Phase Change Materials (PCMs) as a function of temperature from 123 K to 333 K. Three different PCM microcapsules investigated in this work were built of n-eicosane filling and a siloxane polymer as a shell material. It has been found that the prop...
Eight soil profiles in Brodnica Lake District and Chełmno Lake District were described and sampled. The profiles were divided into four pairs (study areas) dissimilar in lithology, relief or land use. Each pair of profile contained soil located on the crest or upper slope (exposed to erosion) and back slope (slightly exposed to erosion) positions....
Although debris, loams and clays are usually regarded as typical cave sediments, loess and loess-like sediments are common among clastic cave deposits in the near-entrance facies of caves and rock shelters. Late Weichselian loess layers are very common in caves from the Kraków-Czestochowa Upland and were recognized in almost each excavated cave and...
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The western-most part of Volhynian Upland belongs to Poland. It is a macro-region with a number of natural features typical for Eastern Europe. It consists of three sub-latitudinal arranged mezoregions. Two of them are typical lands with upland relief - Horodło Ridge-Plateau and Sokal Ridge-Plateau. Their common feature is the cover loess represent...
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The archaeological site at Czermno (Hrubieszów Basin, SE Poland) comprises the main stronghold, situated on a well-drained holm at the confluence of two rivers (Huczwa (tributary of the Bug) and its small tributary – Siniucha), and a group of open settlements on the marshy bank of the Huczwa. The stronghold went out of use during the second half of...
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Hillfort complex at Czermno - geoarchaeological studies
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The article describes the mechanics and dynamics of the contemporary development of gully. It dissects a sandy side of the Bug River valley (eastern Poland) up to a depth of 10 m, along a 100 m long fragment of the boundary of the “Szwajcaria Podlaska” Nature Reserve. The development of the gully has been observed since the appearance of its initia...
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Closed depressions have been reported in loess landscapes, in various parts of Europe. Studies conducted so far, document both the natural and anthropogenic origins of these forms. Two closed depressions, located in an agricultural area, were chosen for detailed study. Sediments in filling these closed depressions were subjected to detailed physico...
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The Jaksice II Gravettian site was occupied when the landscape was a mosaic of steppe, tundra, and parkland (having rare groups of trees). Results from new excavations show that the site was part of a hunting camp inhabited by groups of Late Gravettian hunters 24,000e20,000 14 C BP. Archaeological and palaeontological assemblages consist of, among...
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The Kraków Spadzista open-air site, situated in the loess belt in southern Poland, belongs to the best-known Gravettian sites of Europe. Many years of archaeological studies revealed a wealth of faunal remains (especially mammoths) as well as numerous Aurignacian, Gravettian and Epigravettian stone artefacts in several cultural layers. Field pedoge...
Clay cortex from the contact zone between the host rock (chalk) and infilling deposits were examined in paleokarst forms (pockets, pipes, and dolines of different age) from the Lublin–Volhynia chalk karst region. In light of the sedimentological and micromorphological analyses, it seems possible to work out a model as the basis for genetic and stra...
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Położone na wschodnich peryferiach Polski Polesie Lubelskie, to obszar wyjątkowy pod względem przyrodniczym, nie tylko w skali kraju, ale i kontynentu. Wyróżnia go występowanie zwartej grupy jezior krasowych lub/i termokrasowych (mającej cechy pojezierza), rozległych obszarów mokradłowych o zróżnicowanej genezie oraz kontrastujących z nimi izolowan...