Prischa ListiningrumUniversity of Brawijaya · Faculty of Law
Prischa Listiningrum
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Skills and Expertise
Publications (21)
Justice and sustainability are the foundation of fair and equitable biofuel development. Policies and practices are consequently necessary to support a just transition towards a low-carbon economy. Therefore, this study aimed to understand multi-actor perspectives on policies and practices relevant to the just transition in biofuel development. App...
Tulisan ini mengkaji regulasi yang berkaitan dengan upaya mitigasi dan adaptasi perubahan iklim pada sektor pertanian. Metode doktrinal digunakan untuk mengurai kewenangan pemerintah pusat dan daerah dalam mewujudkan pertanian berkelanjutan di tingkat perkotaan, terutama di kota Blitar, di mana pertanian telah terpengaruh secara negatif akibat peru...
Land is not only defined as an object of ownership by certain community groups, especially indigenous communities. Land has intrinsic value inherent in the way of life and culture, thus affecting the quality of life. This article examines the potential implications of the land acquisiton process in the prospected Nusantara Capital in regards to the...
This article delves into the regulation of municipal solid waste management (MSW) in Indonesia, viewed from the concepts of smart city and circular economy. The legal politics of Law Number 18 of 2008 on Waste Management has been restricted to the concept of 3Rs: reduce, reuse, and recycle. The idea of a circular economy refers to the principle of...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis potret penggunaan bukti ilmiah (scientific evidence) dalam putusan perkara pidana lingkungan hidup di Indonesia dan kesesuaian penggunaan bukti ilmiah dengan prinsip kehati-hatian pada pertimbangan Hakim dalam putusan perkara pidana lingkungan hidup. Permasalahan tersebut didasari pada pentingnya keberada...
This article examines the Nusantara capital city project and its sociological impact on individuals and groups’ rights in the East Kalimantan regions of Penajam Paser Utara (PPU) and Kutai Kartanegara. The Nusantara Act was enacted to legalize the building of this mega-project and was finalized within a period of only 43 days. Thus, the legitimatio...
Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) is a potential source of bioenergy but it is also known as one of the biggest emission's contributor from palm oil industry thus capturing the produced methane (CH4) is necessary in creating a sustainable energy for the environment. This article examines current regulations of generating electricity from POME. The ulti...
The freedom to express ideas and participate in the government is often manifested through democratic voting or involvement in general elections, but the processes taking place in elections cannot fully ensure that the members of the public can get their rights to the freedom of speech and participation in the government. With doctrinal legal metho...
International human rights law faces various critiques among scholars such as Mutua and Posner. Mutua claims that international human rights law fails to accommodate cultural values, while Posner demands about its effectivity. Referring to Langford, this paper uses critical analytic approach to evaluate Posner’s critique and Mutua’s main thoughts....
This research focuses on analysing the importance of amalgamation of local governments and critically examine the current neglect of the amalgamation of local governments in Indonesia. By using a case study approach, the investigation on the importance of local government amalgamation in Indonesia found that amalgamation is an alternative policy to...
Like many countries, Indonesia generates large quantities of food waste. Food waste is poorly managed due to inadequate treatment practices, which has a harmful impact on the environment. This paper demonstrates the high potential for food waste valorization in Indonesia and outlines the optimal valorization pathways to inform future decision-makin...
In Indonesia, the rights of people with disabilities (PwD) have not been fully fulfilled despite vigorous attempts to accommodate human rights for decades. Indeed, the Government has a commitment to fulfill the PwD rights in PwD Law 4/1997 and ratified the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. In practice, the Government could not...
The development of the palm oil industry (CPO) in Indonesia is often confronted by challenges coming from the international community, one of which is the rejection of Indonesian CPO exports declared by the European Union on the grounds of deforestation and land clearing, specifically forest burning, that are aimed to convert the forest areas to oi...
This article aims to explore the history of the existence of the Presidential Decree ("Perpres") in the hierarchy of laws and regulations in Indonesia. Inspired by the controversy over the position of the Perpres which had become a heated debate in the Special Committee Meeting (Draft Bill) concerning the Establishment of Invitation Laws. In fact,...
This article examines access to justice for victims of the Southeast Asian haze pollution within the legal system of Indonesia as the source-of-origin state. It argues that bringing civil claims against the polluting companies before Indonesian courts offers a more effective avenue towards justice than relying on resolution at the level of state to...
it shall be done in a certain threshold of necessity. In particular when the taken of life is done by the agents of states. This article examines the interpretation of article 2 by the European Court of Human Rights, especially when it is read in conjunction with state’s positive obligations under article 1. The discussion will proceed in three sec...