Preeti Singh

Preeti Singh
Indian Agricultural Research Institute | IARI · School of Natural Resource Management

Doctor of Philosophy(Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry)
Visiting Scientist at Biology Centre, Czech Academy of Science, Czech Republic


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Working on Carbon sequestration, Soil Organic Matter, Restoration, Soil Health, GIS based Soil Mapping, Nutrients dynamics in Soil- Plant System


Publications (58)
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Millets, a varied collection of small-seeded crops from the Poaceae family, are re-emerging as a viable alternative for sustainable food and nutritional security in the context of climate change. Historically a staple in India, millet consumption declined during the Green Revolution due to emphasis on rice and wheat. However, their nutritional enri...
Rising greenhouse gases like CO2, N2O, and CH4 emission from different agriculture are a matter of concern, and we are bolstered to concerted effort to battle its fallouts. Fertilizers have become an essential part of our global food supply chain and are necessary to sustain our growing population. Improper use of fertilizers can have a detrimental...
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Meeting the growing demand for baby corn necessitates the development of dual-purpose hybrids that are both high-yielding and genetically stable. Accordingly, the present study aimed for multi-location testing of twelve newly crossed elite baby corn hybrids along with one check CMVL BABY CORN-2 across four environments during Rabi 2021-22. Analysis...
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Although molecular characterization of soil organic carbon is crucial forunderstanding its dynamics, studies on reclaimed coal mine soil are com-paratively limited. Therefore, the primary objective of this study was toascertain the influence of tree species on the soil organic carbon contentand molecular characteristics of soil organic carbon in a...
Experiment Findings
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Herbicide use may pose a risk of environmental pollution or evolution of resistant weeds. As a result, an experiment was carried out to assess the influence of different non-chemical weed management tactics (one hoeing (HH) at 12 DAS followed by (fb) one hand weeding at 30 DAS, one HH at 12 DAS fb Sesbania co-culture and its mulching, one HH at 12...
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An experiment was conducted during the rainy (kharif) season of 2022–23 at the ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Hazaribagh, Jharkhand to assess how well nano- urea performs in maize under different field conditions and investigate its compatibility with other N sources. Results showed that root weight (fresh and dry), partial factor pro...
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The consequences of global warming on climate change (CC) are now evident to all. The escalating level of greenhouse gases is the root cause of global warming is the increase in greenhouse gases (GHGs). As per reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) the levels of current GHG, especially CO 2 have increased drastically about...
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An overview of the current fodder scenario and the potential for improving fodder productivity through genetic interventions in India. Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology, 23: 631-644. Fodder crops are cultivated to feed livestock in the form of forage, silage and hay. The total area under cultivated fodders in India is 8.4 mha on individual crop...
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The symbiotic association of pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.) with rhizobia plays a pivotal role in plants' growth and development. The present study was carried out at Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh during 2018-2020 to explore the diversity of rhizobia present in the Cajanus cajan root u...
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Meeting the growing demand for baby corn necessitates the development of dual-purpose hybrids that are both high-yielding and genetically stable. Accordingly, the present study aimed for multi-location testing of twelve newly crossed elite baby corn hybrids along with one check CMVL BABY CORN-2 across four environments during Rabi 2021-22. Analysis...
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This article discusses the importance of commercial crops (e.g., sugarcane, cotton, potato, tobacco, and their product and by-products) in developing a green economy in India. The recent increase in investments in agricultural infrastructure (irrigation facilities, warehousing, and cold storage), cultivation of commercial crops, and their diversifi...
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Soils vary in their characteristics from one place to another place due to interactions of soil forming and processes. Assessment of spatial and temporal variation of characteristics is needed for any mean or use it's crucial to take into account the diverse spatial differences in soil properties, which has long in this context. Geographic informat...
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A field experiment was conducted during kharif 2022 for exploring the effect of planting density and N management on hybrid maize (Zea mays L.) in eastern India at the experimental farm of ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Gauria Karma, Jharkhand. The treatments comprised of three planting densities viz., 67.5 cm × 20 cm (D 1), 67.5 cm x...
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Endophytes live inside the plant in a non-pathogenic way and develop a mutualistic relationship. Endophytes help in the adaptation of plants against biotic and abiotic stresses. They produce secondary metabolites, which protect plants against pathogens and pests. Some endophytes produce growth hormones like IAA, ethylene, and cytokinin. These micro...
Technical Report
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झारखण्ड में एकल संकर मक्का बीज उत्पादन की तकनीक
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Phosphorus is associated with complex energy transformations in plants. Adding phosphorus to soil low in available phosphorus promotes root growth and winter hardiness, and often hastens maturity. Similarly, sulphur (S) is an essential element in forming proteins, enzymes, vitamins, and chlorophyll in plants. Sulphur is also important in photosynth...
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Several anthropogenic factors including mining cause land degradation. The negative impacts of coal mining in accentuating the greenhouse effect may include carbon dioxide (CO) emission from fell biomass and mineralization 2 of soil organic matter (SOM) exposed by land disturbance. SOM content declines drastically in soils disturbed by mining. Thus...
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Loss of topsoil and mechanical mixing of soil horizons of mining land causes depletion of huge amounts of carbon (C). Biological reclamation of the soils of mining land helps in soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration. Therefore, to quantify the quality and quantity of soil organic carbon sequestered through biological reclamation, a chronosequence...
Reclamation of post mining soils by planting trees is of great research interest due to its potential to stabilize mine soils and sequester atmospheric carbon (C). However there are knowledge gaps regarding the effect of different litter quality and biomass on the C sequestration vis-à-vis molecular characterization of soil organic carbon (SOC) in...
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Ten typical pedons representing major landforms in semi-arid and subtropical ecosystem of Mirzapur district of Uttar Pradesh viz., plains, mid lands and uplands developed from alluvium parent material under varying land uses were studied for their morphological characteristics, physical and chemical properties and soil classification. The colour of...
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Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) is the common natural auxin which extensively affects pants physiology. Tryptophan (L-trp) is physiologically a precursor of auxin biosynthesis in higher plants and microorganism. Fifteen bacterial isolates in this study were screened for IAA production out of which thirteen isolates showed the ability to produce indole a...
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The Bradyrhizobium and endophyticstrains isolated from the root nodules of pigeon pea plants were tested in-vitro for phosphate solubilization activity on pikovskaya media. Out of total 15 strains, ten strains tested (S1, S3, S5, S6, S8, S9, S10, S11, S12 and S13) positive for phosphate solubilization ability by making halo zones around colony on m...
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Reclamation of mined soil improved soil quality and SOC sequestration. A chronosequence study consisting of 8 and 25years old reclaimed mine soils under Azadirachta indica, Gmelina arborea, Dalbergia sissoo and recently dumped soils in Gevra, Chhattisgarh, India was initiated to quantify the quality and quantity of carbon pools. MBC (microbial biom...
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Potato being input efficient important food crop with future promise has great potential for the use of precision agriculture. PA provides the ability to utilize crop inputs more effectively including farm equipment, seeds/seedlings, fertilizers, pesticides and irrigation water. With the growing concern of economic viability and environmental susta...
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The Nitty-Gritty of Soil Organic Carbon: Status and a New Prediction Method For Soils of Uttar Pradesh
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Transport of phosphorus (P) from agriculture often causes eutrophication of surface water systems, which is particularly a concern in alluvial soil regions because of coarse texture and intermediate water and cation exchange capacity. Organic residues are increasingly being applied to soil because of their ability to increase soil organic carbon th...
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Energy is needed for economic growth and more than 70% of the energy generation capacity in India is by using coal. The production of coal was 430.83 Mt out of which opencast contributed to around 373 Mt in 2006 with an estimated overburden removal of 600 million m3. In India, opencast mining is most prominent method of coal excavation. However, ea...
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Mining of mineral resources results in extensive soil damage, altering microbial communities and affecting vegetation leading to destruction of vast amounts of land. Reclamation is the process to restore the ecological integrity of these disturbed mine land areas. It includes the management of all types of physical, chemical and biological disturba...
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Energy is needed for economic growth The production of coal was 430.83 Mt out of which opencast contributed to around 373 Mt in 2006 with an estimated overburden removal of 600 million m each year hundreds of acres of pristine forest and productive agricultural land are brought in the gambit of open cast coal mining. Moreover, open cast mining leav...
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Over exploitation and mismanagement of natural resources have resulted in adverse effects such as degradation, biomass deterioration and siltation of tanks. Increasing food needs of growing population demands the efficient use of natural resources in a comprehensive manner. In addition, the low per capita availability of land, erratic and uneven di...
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Energy is needed for economic growth and more than 70% of the energy generation capacity in India is by using coal. The production of coal was 430.83 Mt out of which opencast contributed to around 373 Mt in 2006 with an estimated overburden removal of 600 million m3. In India, opencast mining is most prominent method of coal excavation. However, ea...
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A green house experiment was conducted in the net house of the Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi (U.P.) during kharif, 2013 to find out the effect of biochar on availability of heavy metals in soil amended with sewage sludge. There were nine treatments, cons...
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A green house experiment was conducted in the net house of the Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi (U.P.) during kharif, 2013 to find out the effect of biochar on availability of heavy metals in soil amended with sewage sludge. There were nine treatments, cons...
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Mining causes soil disturbance and creates a huge load of overburden that disturbs the ecosystem and poses environmental problems. Restoration of overburden dumps by planting trees is an economical process of soil conservation that stabilizes the soil. The study was made on an overburden chronosequence of the largest coal mining project of Asia to...
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Mining results in the formation of huge amount of overburden materials which results in soil degradation, pollution and loss of economic wealth. Reclamation of overburden soils by planting trees can stabilize the spoil and accelerate the pedogenic processes influencing soil physical, chemical and biological properties. Selected soil physical proper...
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Mining is an important economic activity of our country fuelling our economic growth also leaves a serious impact on top fertile soil, ecology and vegetation as a whole, producing a lot of overburden that exacerbates the local environmental degradation and livelihood insecurity and hence need to be reclaimed. The present study attempts to assess th...


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