Poccard-Chapuis René

Poccard-Chapuis René
Cirad - La recherche agronomique pour le développement | CIRAD · Unité Mixte de Recherche Systèmes d’Élevage Méditerranéens et Tropicaux (Selmet)


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Publications (135)
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Forest conservation on privately owned lands is a cornerstone of the Brazilian environmental policy framework. Brazilian legislation requires that all farms in the country maintain and protect forest areas known as Legal Reserves. Since Legal Reserves have major implications for forest conservation and agricultural production, it is key that we und...
Livestock in the Amazon is mainly limited by the lack of forage biomass production in the dry season. The sensitivity of pasture to drought depends on pasture management and on certain natural factors that enable the grass cover to stay green for longer under low rainfall. The sustainability of livestock production systems depends on identifying th...
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Beyond reducing deforestation, the control of forest degradation, the promotion of forest restoration, and the improvement of agricultural practices in the Brazilian Amazon are becoming increasingly important for sustainable development. To enable farmers and authorities to organize their landscapes and optimize both agricultural practices and the...
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Les études réalisées en matière de politiques agricoles et de développement rural territorial à l’échelle de l’Amérique latine montrent la diffusion à l’image du Brésil et de l’Argentine de politiques de développement rural territorial. Celles-ci associent trois types d’intervention : des outils de régulation territoriale (zonages économiques-écolo...
O desmatamento na Amazônia parou de declinar a partir de 2013, questionando a comunidade científica quanto as causas dessa persistência. O artigo apresenta uma metodologia original de análise dos dados oficiais de desmatamento, com foco territorial e baseando-se no conceito sistêmico marcha pioneira. Os autores elaboram uma tipologia municipal, ond...
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A extração da drenagem utilizando dados de elevação representa etapa importante em diversos estudos ambientais. A topografia é usualmente manipulada nos Sistemas de Informações Geográficas (SIG), na forma de um Modelo Digital de Elevação (MDE). Na década de 1980, foi consolidado método para extração da drenagem a partir do MDE, baseado em correção...
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Jurisdictional approaches have become popular in international forums as promising strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions caused by deforestation and to guarantee sustainable commodity supply. Yet, despite their growing popularity, up to now, there is little consensus on how such approaches should move forward in specific jurisdictions. In t...
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Assumindo a importância da produção leiteira na composição dos sistemas agrícolas familiares de base camponesa, assim como as controvérsias sociais e ambientais que a envolvem, este artigo busca refletir sobre a existência e a prática de sistemas agroecológicos nesta atividade no estado do Pará. A metodologia de trabalho utilizada foi a leitura e r...
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The livestock sector contributes around 14.5 percent of total anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Developing mitigation strategies is a serious challenge, especially if we anticipate a rapid growth in the consumption of animal products in Low-Income (LI) and Lower Middle-Income (LMI) countries. Across the planet, livestock systems are hig...
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Sustainable food production requires approaches that reconcile agricultural production with the conservation and sustainable use of natural resources, biodiversity and associated ecosystem services. While the contribution of agriculture to the provision of individual ecosystem services has received considerable scientific attention, little is known...
The aim of this paper is to present the results of the land use dynamic simulations in the municipality of Paragominas-PA. The simulation is based on models built from past land use data and spatial variables of the natural environment and infrastructure. Two spatial units were analyzed: the central area of commercial agricultural production and th...
This paper analyzes the role of the main spatial determinants of land use dynamics and simulates past and future scenarios of land use in Paragominas, an old agricultural frontier in Amazonia. Deforestation rates have been reduced since 2007-2008 but soybean cropping and tree plantations are currently undergoing intense expansion. During this trans...
Os números de ocorrências de focos de calor têm crescido nos últimos anos no Brasil, evidenciando um quadro preocupante na dinâmica de ocupação. O emprego adequado destes dados de monitoramento pode subsidiar políticas de gestão locais que sejam eficazes e coerentes a uma nova ordem ambiental global. O objetivo deste artigo foi avaliar o emprego do...
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Monitoring forest–agriculture mosaics is crucial for understanding landscape heterogeneity and managing biodiversity. Mapping these mosaics from remotely sensed imagery remains challenging, since ecological gradients from forested to agricultural areas make characterizing vegetation more difficult. The recent synthetic aperture radar (SAR) Sentinel...
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L’agroécologie propose un cadre théorique pertinent pour concevoir des systèmes agricoles à la fois productifs, autosuffisants, efficients et résilients. Dans ce travail, nous questionnons dans quelle mesure, les systèmes mixtes agriculture-élevage (SMAE) les plus intégrés sont-ils aussi plus performants. Par l’analyse comparative de dix-sept étude...
A paisagem é de uso recorrente no meio científico, funcionando como método de análise do espaço palco de interações dinâmicas entre os meios físicos-bióticos-humanos, interagindo de maneira dialética. A paisagem geossistêmica, conceito desenvolvido na França, tenta determinar as variáveis mais importantes para delimitação de unidades de paisagem. P...
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Livestock production systems in the Amazon have caused substantial environmental damage. With the pressure to improve and increase production on limited lands, and the new ways of evaluating systems, farmers are looking for alternatives to livestock production. The scientific community began to promote incorporating trees as a component of livestoc...
This paper proposes an analysis of the mutations in the links between the livestock sector and its related territory. With reference to the “commons theory”, the article aims to show whether in some cases the livestock sector is managed as a complex “commons”, aggregating the enhancement of products and preservation of the environment. Four case st...
Conference Paper
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No contexto das frente pioneiras os recursos naturais têm sido abordados de diversas maneiras. Especificamente na Amazônia, boa parte dos modelos explicativos não exploram com profundidade o papel dos aspectos fisiográficos pois estes frequentemente têm pouco poder explicativo com relação ao desmatamento, processo em que a maioria dos estudos se fo...
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Characterizing and understanding the complexity of numerous interactions occurring in mixed farming systems is still a methodological challenge. We hypothesize that farm functioning features in terms of crop-livestock integration practices impact the agroecological performance of the system, which will be also affected by the farm context. In order...
In the Brazilian Amazon, extensive cattle ranching expansion has been the main driver of deforestation since the last four decades and led to large extent of degraded lands. Great expectations have been placed in land use intensification through the restoration of degraded pastures, improving livestock performance and conserving forest. Despite suc...
The objective of this work was to analyze the relationship between the natural resources (soil, topography and hydrography) and the land use dynamics in an area in eastern Amazonia between 2004 and 2013. The spatial variables used were soil texture, topographic wetness index, slope and drainage distance. We used the method of weights of evidence to...
Conference Paper
The objective of this work was to analyze the relationship between the natural resources (soil, topography and hydrography) and the land use dynamics in an area in eastern Amazonia between 2004 and 2013. The spatial variables used were soil texture, topographic wetness index, slope and drainage distance. We used the method of weights of evidence to...
Technical Report
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Progress and remaining challenges to sustainable cattle intensification Key messages • A governance approach, combining public policy and private initiatives was effective in slowing down deforestation, but was unable to support a transition to more sustainable production systems. • New technical intensification models must be identified for low-pr...
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New forms of private governance are being implemented to mitigate the negative consequences of large-scale agricultural investments. These strategies encompass corporate social and environmental responsibility (CSR) and responsible investment, voluntary standards and sustainability certifications, moratoriums, and ‘zero deforestation’ agreements. W...
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We present a 1:100,000 scale soil texture map of Paragominas county (Pará, Brazil), covering 19,330 km². The method allows rapid production of a soil texture map of a large area where the strength of a duricrust controls the relief. It is based on an easily accessible explanatory variable, topography, which is represented using a Digital Elevation...
Conference Paper
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From an agroecological perspective, MCLS can be characterized according to two main properties: i) diversity of production as a structural property and, ii) crop-livestock integration (CLI) as a functional property of the farming system. The aim of the study is to assess resilience of a range of CLI configurations at system level. We conducted this...
A pecuaria bovina apresentou rapido e exponencial crescimento em diversas regioes da Amazonia Oriental brasileira nas ultimas decadas, sendo marcada pelo aumento quantitativo dos rebanhos e de areas de pastagens, notadamente em algum estagio de degradacao. O objetivo desse trabalho foi caracterizar a condicao socioeconomica de 61 familias de pecuar...
Résumé De nouvelles formes de gouvernance privée sont mises en œuvre pour pallier les conséquences négatives des investissements agricoles à grande échelle. Ce sont les stratégies de responsabilité sociale et environnementale (RSE) et d’investissement responsable, les standards volontaires et les certifications de durabilité, les moratoires ou enco...
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En Amazonie, la production laitière est considérée comme une opportunité pour améliorer la viabilité des petites fermes du fait de la double fonction (production de lait et de veaux) de cette activité qui est favorisée par le fort potentiel fourrager dû au climat chaud et humide. Mais la production laitière ne dépend pas que du fourrage, la questio...
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The advance and growth of grassland deterioration pastures areas in Amazonia were described in the 80 ́s and 90 ́s as a process resulting from the low socioeconomic conditions of family cattle breeders. These studies showed the ratio between abandonment, followed by the sale of degraded pasture lands and by the migration of the families to resettle...
The advance and growth of grassland deterioration pastures areas in Amazonia were described in the 80‘s and 90‘s as a process resulting from the low socioeconomic conditions of family cattle breeders. These studies showed the ratio between abandonment, followed by the sale of degraded pasture lands and by the migration of the families to resettle i...
Conference Paper
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The aim of this paper is to present the results of the land use dynamic simulations in the municipality of Paragominas-PA. The simulation is based on models built from past land use data and spatial variables of the natural environment and infrastructure. Two spatial units were analyzed: the central area of commercial agricultural production and th...
The globalization of the economy boots a strong development of an agribusiness model based on the integration of intensive and specialized farming systems in agribusiness companies driving input supply, technique and economic aspects through global trade channels. This model draws new patterns of local development where farmers and local people int...
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Au Brésil, alors que la dégradation des ressources amazoniennes focalise toutes les attentions, les dynamiques spatiales en jeu sont encore mal comprises. Au croisement des modèles classiques de l’Amazonie des routes et des fleuves, de nouvelles dynamiques territoriales se dessinent. Afin de caractériser ces évolutions, les trajectoires et les dyna...
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Extensive livestock farming was the driver of agricultural colonization and territorial structuring in the Amazon. Since 2008, Amazonian agriculture has been facedwith radical changes in Brazilian policies concerning agricultural land use and the preservation of forest areas. The very viability of livestock systems is threatened and there is thus a...
Deforested areas of the Amazon rainforest in western Brazil have been converted into intensively managed Brachiaria bryzantha-dominated pastures characterised by poor productivity. However, such systems may be spurring ecological intensification, which would unlock the tremendous agricultural and ecological potential of such lands and encourage inn...
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Since the 1960s, the dairy industry has become progressively more international, which has had consequences for local production systems and the natural environment. We compared the dynamics of livestock farming in 6 dairy-producing regions and evaluated farm sustainability by examining 4 forage system approaches. In Uruguay, Brazil, Senegal, and F...
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Often considered as archaic, grass farming is once more a subject of debate and has spurred renewed interest, in part brought about by the health, economic and ecological crises and deadlocks faced by livestock farmers, deadlocks that are exacerbated by the globalization of the farm economy. Back to the theme of this special issue, this article pro...
The Brazilian Amazon Region is best known for his forest for its pasture. Yet their expansion is permanent, after five decades of a cattle ranching colonization process, something unique in the rangeland world. Along deforestation frontier, farmers are going on, they occupy public or indigenous land, beginning the emergence of new region. The autho...
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Land use governance in the Brazilian Amazon has undergone significant changes in the last decade. At the national level, law enforcement capacity has increased and downstream industries linked to commodity chains responsible for deforestation have begun to monitor some of their suppliers' impacts on forests. At the municipal level, local actors hav...
Conference Paper
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This work evaluates the spatial variability to geoestatistical methods for pasture degradation class in Marabá (PA, Brazil) and verify spatial correlation with slope class and soil class. Sampled 174 points georeferenced, grid aleatory was used in the pasture and defined 3 class (degraded, medium degraded and no degraded) for indicator pasture degr...
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Since the 1960s, the dairy industry has become progressively more international, which has had consequences for local production systems and the natural environment. We compared the dynamics of livestock farming in 6 dairy-producing regions and evaluated farm sustainability by examining 4 forage system approaches. In Uruguay, Brazil, Senegal, and F...
«Nourrir le Monde» ! «Respecter l'environnement et le bien être animal !» «Se préoccuper des goûts et de la santé du consommateur !» L'élevage est l'objet d'injonctions sociales et politiques parfois paradoxales que la mondialisation accentue chaque jour davantage, et qui visent particulièrement les manières d'élever et de nourrir les bêtes. Au nor...
Ouvrage papier édité en Décembre 2015.Existe également en ouvrage électronique
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Dans ce chapitre, nous comparons la dynamique de plusieurs bassins laitiers en nous focalisant sur l’émergence des bassins et leur développement, de manière à rendre compte des interactions avec la dynamique territoriale. Nous donnons ainsi à voir sur quelles conditions territoriales repose l’interaction entre dynamique du bassin et dynamique terri...
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A redução do desmatamento na Amazônia brasileira é alvo de numerosas políticas públicas, buscando promover formas mais sustentáveis de desenvolvimento territorial. Os sistemas atuais de monitoramento proporcionam excelente quantificação do desmatamento, porém continuam pouco eficientes na parte qualitativa de análise dos processos que levam à remoç...
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Integrated crop–livestock systems in the tropical region are diverse and not well characterized. To better understand the conditions and potential of these systems, we characterized the spatial and social arrangement of integrated systems within a landscape context. Integrated systems are defined by biomass and nutrient flows, linking crop, livesto...
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In this text we analyze some elements that reproduce and/or increase socioeconomic inequalities in rural areas, resulting from the occupation of the Amazon model. The text is based on the study conducted from interviews and observation along the families who migrated to a region of agricultural frontier in the Brazilian Amazon from the years 1970....
Conference Paper
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Between globalization and territorialisation, milk sector is changing. For instance, since World War II we can notice in Western Europe a decreasing of small size farms and of small processing units. In the same time very large enterprises have developed, taking advantage of the world wide dimension of agro- food systems and new technologies. As a...
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Theproduction ofpalmoil, which representsan interesting alternativefordecentralizedproduction anduseof biodiesel, wouldalsoan appropriate solutionfor therecovery ofdegraded areasinAmazonia, especiallysouthofBelem ? Theheartofthedemonstration ishereratherthe territorial impact ofplantationsand on the territorialitiesthat are being implementedwiththe...
Conference Paper
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Extensive livestock represents around 93% of cattle production in Brazil and pasture is its main food source. For this reason, the sector considers pasture degradation an important problem, being responsible for economic and environmental losses. Several sources indicate that more than 60% of the 160 million hectare of Brazilian pastures shows some...
Nas fronteiras agrícolas da Amazônia brasileira, a ausência do ordenamento territorial dificulta a apropriação sustentável dos recursos naturais. Usando informações de campo de diferentes instituições sobre a fronteira agrícola de São Félix do Xingu, no Estado do Pará, este estudo visou automatizar, por meio de geotecnologia, a identificação e o mo...
Conference Paper
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he Changes affecting farming, operating between local and global, are important concerning milk processing. How these changes express themselves locally? What consequences concerning strategies of processing firms and concerning livestock farming systems? Developing diachronic studies we analyze interactions between marketing strategies of milk pro...
L'élevage au Brésil, 1er exportateur mondial de viande, serait responsable de plus de 75% des déforestations et 19% des émissions nationales de gaz à effet de serre (GES). L'objectif de notre étude est de mettre au point une première méthode de calcul d'efficacité énergétique et d'émissions de GES des systèmes d'élevage amazoniens, en se basant sur...