Piotr SliżUniversity of Gdańsk | UG · Department of Organization and Management
Piotr Sliż
Doctor of Business Administration
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Publications (71)
The development of modern organizations is determined by the generation of a system state in which they will leverage the advancement of modern information and communication technologies (ICT). Artificial Intelligence (AI) stands out as a game changer in this regard. Concurrently, organizations striving for market dominance tend towards ambidexteri...
Purpose-The aim of this article is to develop an efficient method for the assessment of business process management (BPM) maturity, which identifies the present maturity level in the organization, as well as integrates itself with the methodology of implementing BPM and systemically eliminates the identified limitations of existing BPM maturity mod...
The article investigates the differentiation of business processes in contemporary organisations based on their dynamics (predictability). It presents and summarises research on the nature of business processes in Industry 4.0/5.0 conducted by researchers from 7 Polish universities. The study combines a systematic literature review based on the SCO...
Every organization’s changing and increasingly complex environment poses increasingly serious challenges for BPM. Many processes are difficult to design, which reduces the chance of their predictability. Investigating the nature of processes and increasing efforts to support unstructured and knowledge-intensive processes becomes necessary. Therefor...
Diagnoza i rekomendacje w obszarach prawnym i ekonomicznym dla założeń systemowych ewaluacji jakości działalności naukowej w Polsce Opracowanie objęło diagnozę, ocenę i autorskie rekomendacje dla fundamen-talnych ram w obszarach prawnym i ekonomicznym systemu ewaluacji jakości działalności naukowej w Polsce oraz tego, jak wpływa on na grupowe i jed...
W artykule podjęto analizę społecznych i technologicznych uwarunkowań ewaluacji jakości działalności naukowej w Polsce. Autorzy postawili pytanie badawcze dotyczące roli społecznych i technologicznych czynników otoczenia jako katalizatorów procesu ewaluacji w jednostkach naukowych. Proces badawczy oparto na metodach mieszanych, w tym na przeglądzie...
Współczesne organizacje muszą dbać o doskonalenie procesów zachodzących w działalności operacyjnej, zarządzanie projektami oraz aktualność wdrażanych i stosowanych technologii. Do oceny stopnia ich zaangażowania w obszar działań z powodzeniem stosuje się modele dojrzałości zarówno procesowej, jak i projektowej. Niezwykle rzadko jednak odnosi się je...
This paper critically assesses Business Process Management (BPM) education in Poland and provides evidence-based recommendations for improvement. Through a survey of 44 BPM educators, the study evaluates BPM lifecycle coverage, IT tool utilization, and incorporation of the Six Core Elements of BPM. The findings reveal a focus on process modeling an...
Pandemia COVID-19 wpłynęła na funkcjonowanie wielu grup społecznych w Polsce. W publikacjach naukowych dotyczących tej problematyki w dziedzinie nauk społecznych koncentrowano się przede wszystkim na sytuacji organizacji w kontekście pracy zdalnej i na przemianach technologicznych związanych z nowymi wyzwaniami wynikającymi z izolacji. Przeprowadzo...
The COVID-19 pandemic impacted the functioning of many social groups in Poland. Scientific publications addressing this issue in the field of social sciences focused primarily on the situation of organisations in the context of remote work and technological transformations associated with new challenges arising from isolation. The literature review...
Turbulentny charakter zmian w otoczeniu gospodarczym, determinuje konieczność poszukiwania elastycznych formuł zarządzania organizacją. Nie bez znaczenia pozostaje także koncentracja na działaniach zmierzających do uwzględnienia w projektowaniu i realizacji procesów biznesowych aspektów środowiskowych i społecznych. Generuje to stan, w którym przed...
Purpose: The advancements in deep learning and AI technologies have led to the development of such language models, in 2022, as OpenAI's ChatGPT. The primary objective of this paper is to thoroughly examine the capabilities of ChatGPT within the realm of business-process management (BPM). This exploration entails analyzing its practical application...
The results published in the literature on the maturity of BPM in organisations, taking into account both the degree of implementation of process management and process orientation, indicate that the majority of the organisations surveyed in Poland exhibit a low level of maturity. Despite the increasing number of studies attempting to assess organi...
Ambidextrous Business Process Management (ABPM) is a strategic approach that aims to balance innovation and efficiency in managing business processes. This concept recognizes the need to simultaneously exploit existing processes and explore new opportunities for improvement. However, there is a need for a conceptual understanding of how changes in...
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) has gained increasing significance in recent years. RPA leverages software bots to automate repetitive business processes traditionally performed by humans, making it one of the easiest, least invasive, and fastest automation approaches. Publications on the topic are scarce, however, and concerns regarding job loss...
Prymat działalności usługowej w strukturze produkcji zagregowanej jest im-manentną cechą nowoczesnych gospodarek. W krajach z wysoką stopą wzrostu gospodarczego sektor usług zwyczajowo ma tendencję do wypierania rolnictwa i przemysłu ciężkiego. W Polsce sektor usług odpowiada już za ponad 2/3 całej produkcji kraju, a ponadto wykazuje cechy stabiliz...
The paper focuses on presenting the concept of two-dimensional modeling of passenger car reliability during the warranty period. The main objective of this paper is to detect the regularity in the intensity of the number of first failure reports during the warranty period. The two-dimensional distribution of the time and mileage of failure-free exp...
Purpose: The purpose of the article is to present the results of a PEST analysis of the legal, economic, social and technological determinants of hard coal market development in the European Union from 1990 to 2030.
Design/methodology/approach: The research process was carried out with the use of four methods: analysis and synthesis (1) critical re...
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the potential of ambidexterity as a strategy for the development of public universities. The study aims to identify the benefits of adopting ambidexterity in public universities and highlight the importance of integrated management concepts and methods in the transformation of traditional universiti...
Purpose: This paper explores the challenge of balancing exploitation and exploration in finance shared service center (SSC) from a process-project organization perspective. The study aims to identify strategies for achieving ambidexterity in German SSC and emphasizes the role of process-project oriented organization in facilitating this balance. De...
The fast-growing job market for Business Process Management (BPM) specialists and the need to teach the basics of BPM to students of technical, economic, and even medical faculties pose unique challenges to academic institutions that want to equip students with appropriate skills and knowledge. This article uses a two-pronged methodological approac...
This article explores the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic on the business models of automotive-sector organizations, specifically authorized passenger car dealerships in Poland. The research aims to determine how business models were transformed during the pandemic. The research methods used include a literature review and opinion polls. The articl...
Sliż, P. i Szelągowski, M. (2023). Dyskusja nad pojęciem ambidexterity w zarządzaniu pro-cesami. e-mentor, 1(98), 4-12. https://doi.org/10.15219/em98.1595 2023, nr 1 (98)
Purpose: The main research objective entails identification of the project excellence manifestations in project-immature organizations as well as delineation of the areas of excellence positively affecting the PMMM-model-accordant organizational project maturity. Design/methodology/approach: To achieve the research objective, the methods of bibliom...
The main purpose of this article is to identify the fields of convergence, if any, between two management concepts and business practices, namely Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Project Management (PM). To achieve the formulated goal, systematic literature review (SLR), including bibliometric analysis, LOESS regression analysis, and text...
Purpose: The main objective of the article is to present the concept of assessing the level of an organization's utilization of its potential for transformation towards process orientation, using a practical implementation example. Design/methodology/approach: The structure of the research procedure was based on the theoretical assumptions regardin...
Purpose: The main objective of the article is to identify selected ICT technologies supporting higher levels of organizational process maturity. Design/methodology/approach: The research was conducted with the use of the following methods: bibliometric analysis, literature review and statistic methods. The empirical procedure was carried out on a n...
The main aim of this paper is to present the results of a process-project maturity assessment of large organizations in Poland. The paper consists of two main parts: a theoretical part, which primarily outlines the rationale supporting the prospects and the need for an orientation towards process and project organizations, and an empirical part, pr...
The COVID-19 pandemic, caused by the spread of the SARS-COV2 virus, has necessitaed a shift from stationary work to teleworking. Implementation of a remote form of work has resulted in increased interest in teleworking among representatives of the academic community and the management practitioners. The article's main objective is to ident...
Głównym celem tego rozdziału jest zarysowanie struktury efektów procesów usługowych generowanych przez organizacje, które zadeklarowały wykorzystywanie technologii sztucznej inteligencji. Przegląd struktury usług został zrealizowany na próbie 810 organizacji funkcjonujących w 12 krajach Europy Środkowej i Wschodniej (CEE). W wyniku badania zaobserw...
The positive impact associated with the implementation of process solutions in private-sector organizations has been signaled in the literature on the subject. From the cognitive perspective, assessment of the vulnerability of BPM and BPM Governance implementation in public sector organizations, with particular emphasis on public universities, is o...
Purpose: The main purpose of the work is to present the results of the customer retention level in the automotive sector based on the proposed measurement indicators: “serviced and sold” (SESO) and “sold and serviced” (SOSE).
The main purpose of the article is to identify the factors limiting the achievement of higher levels of maturity in the implementation of process orientation elements on the example of automotive sector organizations in Norway. The study uses a systematic review of the literature and opinion poll carried out using the CAWI technique of 48 car deale...
The main goal of the article was to present the pre-sales of the customer service process using process mining, i.e. assessing the course of activities related to establishing contact with the customer and presenting the sale offer. As a result of the completed proceedings, it was noticed that the examined pre-sales process requires optimization du...
Turbulentny charakter otoczenia współczesnych organizacji zdeterminowany jest zmianami o charakterze ekonomicznym, technologicznym, społecznym, a także epidemicznym generującymi stan, w którym przedsiębiorstwa powinny ogniskować swoje działania na projektowaniu wysoce elastycznych formuł systemowych zarządzania. Jednym z rozwiązań tego problemu jes...
Wzrastająca koncentracja rynku prosumentów na proekologiczny wymiar wytwarzania produktów i usług stanowi asumpt do poszukiwania rozwiązań umożliwiających projektowanie procesów wytwórczych z uwzględnieniem aspektów proekologicznych. Jedną z koncepcji umożliwiających rozwiązanie tego problemu jest implementacja podejścia Green Lean, którym zaintere...
The aim of this article is to examine the macroeconomic and external microeconomic determinants of demand for luxury cars in the Pomeranian Voivodeship in Poland. This article was based on available literature and uses data collected from the sale of new automobiles at an authorized premium car service station during 2010-2018. The results indicate...
The paper focuses on issues related to selected automotive brakes with the aim of applying the proposed methodology to other structural systems of this type. The main aim of the paper is to identify the factors that differentiate the course of wear and occurrence of a fault in brake system components of passenger cars and light commercial vehicles...
This study investigates the operational efficiency and effectiveness of the regulated automotive after-sales repair processes in Poland. We add quantitative analysis to an area that has been understudied but impacts a great number of businesses and customers. This research investigates the depth of research in the process area of the automotive aft...
The main goal of the article is to reproduce and present the results of the pre-sales analysis of the after-sales customer service process on the example of 67 authorized car service stations in Poland. Realization of the basic goal was assigned to partial goals intersecting in the epistemological (TA) and empirical (EA) planes. TA: Presentation of...
Purpose: The basic aim of the article was to recreate the service processes architecture in the selected financial and accounting shared services centre. Two auxiliary goals (CC) have been assigned to this goal. CC1: Approximation and definition of the current state of knowledge regarding process management on the example of SSC providing accountin...
Introduction/background: The research problem was formulated by asking two research questions (RQ): RQ1: What are the similarities and differences in startup activity as observed in Poland and Israel? RQ2: What characteristics of a startup allow it to be treated as an AI-organisation? The conducted literature review allowed us to identify a certain...
Developing new technologies pose challenges for modern organizations, including service organizations. The main goal of the article was to present the results of exploration of the passenger car repair process using the Celonis Snap program in the example of an authorized service station. Realization of the main goal was assigned to a partial goal,...
Praca zdalna identyfikowana w literaturze jako elastyczna forma zatrudnienia jest przedmiotem zainteresowania zarówno badaczy, jak i przedstawicieli praktyki gospodarczej. Wyrażone jest ono przede wszystkim rosnącym trendem liczby publikacji, ale także nagłym wzrostem popularności hasła ‘praca zdalna’ wśród osób poszukujących takiej formy pracy. W...
Purpose: The main purpose of the article was to present the results of the analysis of the after-sales service process using data mining on the example of data gathered in an authorized car service station. As a result of the completed literature review and identification of cognitive gaps, two research questions were formulated (RQ). RQ1: Does the...
The basic objective of the article was to identify inference algorithms (rules) in the diagnosis process of high
pressure pumps (HP) on the example of gasoline engine units, designated as EP (THP). For the needs of the
main objective, a partial goal was assigned. It was to characterize the symptoms and diagnostic codes
indicating the malfunction of...
The main goal of the article was to present the results of the process maturity assessment of organizations using artificial intelligence technology on the Israeli market. As a result of the theoretical study, an empirical gap was identified, resulting from the lack of studies addressing the issues of process maturity in organizations using artific...
The main goal of the article is to present the results of the customer satisfaction evaluation study of after-sales services in the automotive sector and to compare them with the results of the organization’s process maturity assessment. The first part of the article presents the overview of the current literature and the results of the bibliometri...
The main goal of the article is to present the results of the study relating to the assessment of data mining process maturity on the example of Polish organizations. Several partial objectives were added to the main goal. CT1: To diagnose the current state of knowledge regarding the data-mining process in the discipline of management sciences. Att...
The purpose of this article is to assess the process maturity of logistics organizations in Poland. The article describes the management of the knowledge resource, defined as a key factor in the implementation of the process approach in the organization management. Two research questions (RQ) have been formulated based on the problem discussed. RQ1...
The main goal of the article was to present the results of the preliminary assessment of the
process automation potential on the Polish labor market. The partial objective was to determine the existing state of knowledge regarding the robotic process automation. The research
objectives formulated in the article were implemented using such research...
The main goal of the article was to present the results of the fault analysis on the example of one model of a passenger car “X” during the two-year warranty peri-od. The partial goal was to present the possibilities of using data generated in the mega-process of after-sales service and warranty multi-process in order to stream-line production proc...
The article presents problems and challenges in the area of monitoring of smart specializations considered as priority areas of Regional Innovation Strategies for Smart Specializations (RIS3) on the example of the Pomeranian Region of Poland. In the article general assumptions of designing of a monitoring system as well as international recommendat...
The main objective of the article was to present the results of the assessment of the process maturity of the shared services centre (SSC) from the perspective of four functional areas. The research problem was formulated in the form of questions (RQ). RQ1: What is the level of process maturity of the shared services centre? RQ2: What are the simil...
Aim/purpose - The aim of this article is to present the concept of a multicriteria model of process maturity assessment (MMPM), which allows to assess the degree of implementation of process solutions with respect to three dimensions: short-term, long-term and systemic. Design/methodology/approach - The characteristics of the model presented in the...
Celem artykułu jest ocena dojrzałości procesowej hoteli i obiektów noclegowych w Polsce z wykorzystaniem metody sondażowego badania opinii. W artykule przybliżono pojęcie
dojrzałości procesowej organizacji oraz przedstawiono autorów wybranych modeli oceny
stopnia implementacji elementów podejścia procesowego w zarządzaniu, scharakteryzowanych w pol...
The main goal of the article was to characterize the concept of transformation strategy of an organization that is functionally manager into a process organization on the example of authorized car dealerships. The auxiliary purpose was to present the results of the empirical study on the process maturity assessment of authorized dealerships in Pola...
Abstract: The main goal of the article was to characterize the concept of transformation
strategy of an organization that is functionally manager into a process organization on the
example of authorized car dealerships. The auxiliary purpose was to present the results of the empirical study on the process maturity assessment of authorized dealershi...
W artykule podjęto próbę przybliżenia pojęcia multiprocesu biznesowego. Następnie zdefiniowano pojęcie dojrzałości multiprocesowej sieci i przedstawiono charakterystykę opracowanego modelu pozycjonującego dojrzałość procesową organizacji. W dalszej części artykułu podsumowano wyniki międzynarodowego postępowania empirycznego dojrzałości multiproces...
W artykule podjęto próbę przybliżenia pojęcia dojrzałości procesowej oraz dotychczasowych wyników badań, w których znajduje ono zastosowanie. Następnie przedstawiono charakterystykę opracowanego modelu pozycjonującego dojrzałość procesową organizacji. W dalszej części artykułu przedstawiono wyniki empirycznej weryfikacji dojrzałości procesowej auto...