Piotr DługoszUniversity of the National Education Commission, Krakow
Piotr Długosz
Implementation of the project: War trauma among Ukrainian refugees and its psychosocial conditioning.
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Piotr Długosz is the Head of the Department of Social Research Methodology and the Director of the Centre for Youth Research, which he established himself. His research interests are focused on the issues of youth, education, psychosocial effects of changes, social inequalities and socio-cultural trauma. He is the author of 10 monographs and the editor of 6 books as well as more than 150 publications in journals.
Skills and Expertise
April 2006 - April 2006
Publications (139)
This report presents the results of survey research on attitudes towards Ukrainian war refugees in the Visegrád Group countries. The study was conducted using the Computer-Assisted Web Interview (CAWI) method. The research sample included 728 respondents in Poland, 743 in the Czech Republic, 742 in Slovakia, and 749 in Hungary. The results indicate...
Numerous studies on the attitudes of Poles towards Ukrainians indicate that young women aged 18–39 have the least favourable attitudes towards their neighbours from beyond the eastern border. To explain this phenomenon, a qualitative study was conducted among female university students representing the young generation of Polish women. The collecte...
This year’s secondary school graduates are a unique generation. They have lived through the pandemic, the war in Ukraine, and the resulting uncertainty and threat. They will enter adulthood in highly unstable and dangerous times. The conducted research aimed to explore their psychophysical condition. Data were collected using an innovative method c...
Since Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Poland has become a frontline state due to its shared borders with Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia. From the onset of the war, both the Polish state and society have provided military and humanitarian aid to their embattled neighbour. According to the estimates, Poland’s humanitarian and military...
Distance education was introduced on a mass scale upon the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. Numerous studies into this subject matter, which mainly use the CAWI survey method, have been conducted to date. This paper aims to answer the question regarding the course of distance education inrural areas of the Visegrád Group. With the use of...
Since Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Poland has become a frontlinestate due to its shared borders with Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia. From the onset of thewar, both the Polish state and society have provided military and humanitarian aid to theirembattled neighbour. According to the estimates, Poland’s humanitarian and militaryass...
The aim of the chapter is to present the results of research into the psychological
well-being of female Ukrainian war refugees in Poland. The issue of
mental health among forced migrants is crucial due to the social functioning
of refugee women in a new social environment. Longitudinal research
conducted in 2022 and 2023 using the online survey me...
This volume is dedicated to Ukraine on Fire, the Ukrainian Heroes, who stood up to fight for the freedom and independence of Ukraine and to resist the Russian occupiers when the rest of the world believed in the embedded myth that the Russian army was the 'second army in the world.' The book relates the legendary courageous fighting and resistance...
This year’s secondary school graduates are a unique generation. They have lived through the pandemic, the war in Ukraine, and the resulting uncertainty and threat. They will enter adulthood in highly unstable and dangerous times. The conducted research aimed to explore their psychophysical condition. Data were collected using an innovative method c...
Socio-demographic characteristics
In the studied group of women, three-quarters (3/4) lived in large
cities (over 500,000 inhabitants) before the war, with only 6%
residing in rural areas. The majority of refugees originate from
the Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovsk and Kiev Oblasts. The average age
was 44. More than half of the surveyed group was aged betwe...
2 роки в Польщі Незабаром виповниться 2 роки з початку війни між Росією та Україною. Конфлікт змусив мільйони українських громадян шукати притулку за межами країни. Частина воєнних біженців прибула до Польщі. Тому в рамках Міждисциплінарної лабораторії вивчення війни в Україні ми провели опитування, яке покаже, як біженці дають собі раду в нашій кр...
Female Ukrainian war refugees: two years in Poland It will soon be the second anniversary of the outbreak of the war between Russia and Ukraine. The conflict has forced millions of Ukrainian citizens to seek shelter beyond their country's borders. Part of the war refugees have arrived in Poland. In this context, within the framework of the Interdis...
Upon a mass influx of Ukrainian war refugees to Poland, initially positive attitudes were gradually accompanied by negative stances. This article aims to characterize the attitudes of the Polish society towards Ukrainian war refugees, and identify the areas where dysfunctions emerge due to the arrival of a large group of war refugees. The study als...
The aim of this article is to characterise Russian youth living in a country which has been at war with neighbouring Ukraine since 24 February 2022. Considering the difficulty of directly reaching the target group, a non-invasive research method was applied, namely, secondary data analysis. The analyses included representative survey studies conduc...
Upon a mass influx of Ukrainian war refugees to Poland, initially positive attitudes were gradually accompanied by negative stances. This article aims to characterize the attitudes of the Polish society towards Ukrainian war refugees, and identify the areas where dysfunctions emerge due to the arrival of a large group of refugees. The study also de...
The article aims to present social practices of secondary school students from Przemyśl and Kraków. The conducted analyses allow for comparing the two groups of young people inhabiting centres and peripheries, as well as for determining the impact of different habituses, fields on social practices. The research was conducted with the use of the sur...
The Russian military aggression against Ukraine resulted in a humanitarian crisis. There was a mass exodus of war refugees. More than 17 million people have left Ukraine since the war broke out. The refugees who came to Poland and other countries have experienced war trauma. The study aims to assess mental health of Ukrainian war refug...
Objectives: The Russian military aggression against Ukraine resulted in a humanitarian crisis. There was a massexodus of war refugees. More than 17 million people have left Ukraine since the war broke out. The refugees whocame to Poland and other countries have experienced war trauma. The study aims to assess mental health ofUkrainian war refugees...
The question of Ukrainian war refugees in Poland has sparked a discussion in the scientifi c and journalistic discourse. Researchers focus on their future plans and problems with adaptation. The question of war trauma experienced by refugees since the outbreak of war is ignored. The conducted study aims to demonstrate the sources of war trauma and...
Prezentacja z konferencji pt. Wojna w Ukrainie i jej społeczne, psychologiczne oraz polityczne konsekwencje.
The article aims to present the social memory of revolutions occurring in Ukraine over the last three decades. The Revolution on Granite, the Orange Revolution, and the Revolution of Dignity constitute examples of young people’s
revolutions, in which the students played a leading role in their initial stages. The research material was collected usi...
The aim of this article is to show social reactions to the refugee crisis caused by the war in Ukraine. The analysis conducted is intended to show whether the inhabitants of “eastern Poland” in the voivodeships bordering Ukraine are more likely to help and get involved in supporting war refugees. The research was carried out by the Union of Polish...
Od ponad roku trwa pełnoskalowa wojna na Ukrainie. Polska jako wschodni sąsiad udzielający największego wsparcia jest w dużym stopniu zagrożona dzianinami hybrydowymi przez Federację Rosyjską. Sytuacja ta nie jest bez wpływu na polskie społeczeństwo.
Niniejszy artykuł pokazuje kondycję psychospołeczną polskiego społeczeństwa.
Celem organizowanej konferencji jest uzyskanie wiedzy na temat różnych aspektów działań wojennych prowadzonych przez Federację Rosyjską w perspektywie interdyscyplinarnej.
Konferencja dofinansowana ze środków budżetu państwa w ramach programu Ministra Edukacji i Nauki pt. ,,Doskonała Nauka”.
The Russian military aggression against Ukraine resulted in a humanitarian crisis. There was a mass exodus of war refugees. More than 17 million people have left Ukraine since the war broke out. The refugees who came to Poland and other countries have experienced war trauma. The study aims to diagnose mental health disorders with the use of the RHS...
Distance education among primary school students from rural areas in East-Central Europe Distance education was introduced on a mass scale upon the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020. Numerous studies into this subject matter, which mainly use the CAWI survey method, have been conducted to date. This paper aims to answer the question regardi...
The article presents the results of research aimed to identify the predictors of psychological distress among Poles 7 months after the occurrence of the first case of COVID-19. In order to gather the research material, the CAWI on-line survey method was applied and carried out within the framework of the Ariadna Research Panel on the sample of 1,07...
The question of Ukrainian war refugees in Poland has sparked a discussion in the scientific and journalistic discourse. Researchers focus on their plans for the future and problems with adaptation. The question of war trauma experienced by the refugees since the outbreak of war is ignored. The conducted study aims to demonstrate the sources of war...
Social reactions to the refugee crisis among the inhabitants of Rzeszów and Lublin after the outbreak of the war in Ukraine The article aims to present social reactions to the refugee crisis caused by the war in Ukraine. The conducted analyses aim at verifying whether the inhabitants of "Eastern Poland" from the regions bordering Ukraine will be mo...
The aim of the article is to analyse the phenomenon of distance education
from the perspective of Pierre Bourdieu’s theory of educational field. By
referring to the well-known concept of the French sociologist, the author
perceives distance education as the performance of actors in the educational
field, conditioned by the habitus and capitals they...
The aim of the article is to analyse the phenomenon of distance education from the perspective of the Pierre Bourdieu’s theory of educational field. By referring to a well-known concept of the French sociologist, distance education is perceived as the performance of actors in the educational field, conditioned by the possessed habitus and capitals....
The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly disrupted the functioning of society. Issues of deteriorating health were among the main problems resulting from restrictions such as self-isolation, social distancing, and remote education. The aim of this research was to attempt to probe the psychophysical condition of students after more than a year of rem...
Background: All over the world, the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on children’s and adolescents’ mental health has been observed. The conducted research aims to verify whether returning to school, to education inside the classroom in the company of their peers, improved or undermined the students’ mental health. Methods: The study was ca...
Abstract: The war in Ukraine, started by the invasion of the Russian aggressor, has forced approximately 7 millions of Ukrainians to flee their country. This is the world’s largest migration crisis observed in the recent years. The vast majority of Ukrainians
escaping from the war have come to Poland. In this regard, survey research aiming at deter...
The aim of the conducted research was to examine the psychosocial situation of Ukrainian war refugees seeking refuge in Poland. The further aim of the research was to determine their plans for the future and their level of integration with the Polish society. The research was conducted with the use of the survey method (CAWI). The research was carr...
Religiousness has a positive effect on the mental health of an individual and social groups in many difficult situations. In the conducted research, we wanted to check, inter alia, whether religiosity and social support are positively related to the mental health of students during the COVID-19 pandemic in Poland and Ukraine. The research was condu...
Метою дослідження було визначення соціально-психологічного станy українських біженців, які перебувають в Польщі. Іншим наміром було дізнатися про плани українських біженців на майбутнє та рівень їх інтеграції в польському суспільстві. Дослідження проведено методом опитування (CAWI). Дослідження проведено у квітні-травні 2022 року на вибір...
Abstrakt: Celem prowadzonych badań było poznanie sytuacji społeczno-psychologicznej ukraińskich uchodźców wojennych szukających schronienia w Polsce. Kolejnym zamiarem było też poznanie ich planów na przyszłości i poziomu integracji z polskim społeczeństwem. Badania zostały zrealizowane za pomocą metodologii sondażu (CAWI). Badania były prowadzone...
Celem prowadzonych badań było poznanie sytuacji społeczno-psychologicznej ukraińskich uchodźców wojennych szukających schronienia w Polsce. Kolejnym zamiarem było też poznanie ich planów na przyszłości i poziomu integracji z polskim społeczeństwem. Badania zostały zrealizowane za pomocą metodologii sondażu (CAWI). Badania były prowadzone w okresie...
The conducted research aims to verify whether returning to schools, to the education inside the classroom in the company of their peers, improved or undermined the students’ mental health. The study was carried out on a sample of students inhabiting rural areas in a borderland region. The research sample was collected using purposive sampling
and c...
Prowadzone badania miały dać odpowiedź na następujące pytania: jakie są strategie życiowe młodzieży po obu stronach granicy, czy są one podobne czy też różnią się między sobą; w jaki sposób kapitały indywidualne kształtują strategie życiowe i na ile zasoby są powiązane z pozycją klasową. Ponadto: czy korepetycje są narzędziem wspomagającym adaptacj...
Distance education is perceived as a negative phenomenon leading to educational losses and competence gaps. As a reaction to this problem, the first representative study carried out during distance education which presents the students’ opinions on this subject-matter was conducted. The study was carried out on a sample of 1000 students
in Poland...
Celem realizowanych badań była próba odpowiedzi na pytanie dotyczące skutków wprowadzenia zdalnej edukacji na terenach peryferyjnych. Systematyczne obserwacje mają dostarczyć wiedzy na temat sytuacji młodzieży wiejskiej, zamieszkującej małe miasteczka, która może być narażona na wykluczanie cyfrowe, edukacyjne i kulturowe. Zdalne nauczanie mogło na...
Background: All over the world, the negative impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on children and adolescents' mental health is observed. The conducted research aims to verify whether returning to schools, to the education inside the classroom in the company of their peers, improved or undermined the students' mental health. Metods: The study was carrie...
Knowledge during remote education was efficiently acquired by about half of the respondents. Every fifth student did not have the technical ability to fully participate in remote lessons. It is worth adding that the long duration of remote learning has created negative habits thate ffectively hinder functioning in the post-pandemic reality. Dark sc...
Knowledge during remote education was efficiently acquired by about half of the respondents. Every fifth student did not have the technical ability to fully participate in remote lessons. It is worth adding that the long duration of remote learning has created negative habits that
effectively hinder functioning in the post-pandemic reality. Dark sc...
Звіт за результатами дослідження стосовно української молоді в Кракові. Головною метою дослідження було дослідити особливості перебування української молоді в Кракові, спроба отримати відповіді на основні питання стосовно різних сфер життя. Дослідження стосувалося питань самопочуття та рівня задоволеності життям молодих людей, окремий блок питань с...
Raport prezentuje wyniki badania dotyczące ukraińskiej młodzieży w Krakowie. Głównym celem badań było określenie specyfiki ukraińskiej młodzieży w Krakowie, próba uzyskania odpowiedzi na podstawowe pytania w odniesieniu do różnych sfer życia. Badania dotyczyło samopoczucia i poziomu zadowolenia z życia młodych ludzi, odrębna grupa pytań dotyczyła s...
Wyniki badań pokazują, co się działo z uczniami oddalonymi od dużych miast.
The article presents the results of research on the psychosocial condition among Polish and Ukrainian students during lockdown. The research aimed to verify the impact of the pandemic and its accompanying phenomena on the well-being of youth. To achieve this goal, the CAWI online survey method with double measurement was used. The first measurement...
The article presents the results of research into the effects of distance education among Polish and Ukrainian students. The study aims to show the conditions in which distance education was carried out in the school year 2020/2021. Yet another aim of the paper is to diagnose educational, social and psychological consequences of distance education....
The article presents the results of research on the sociocultural trauma
induced by the coronavirus pandemic. The research was conducted on
a sample of 650 inhabitants of Kraków. The CAWI survey (ComputerAssi
sted Web Interview) was used in the research. The pandemic and concurrent
phenomena resulted in a decrease in living standard. It is re...
This study sought to investigate the risk factors of poor psychosomatic health among
students during the quarantine of the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. A survey was conducted on-line, on a sample of 1978 respondents in Poland. The study was carried out towards the end of the summer 2020 semester. The questionnaire used in the study was desi...
Что может затруднить возвращение учеников в школу после многих месяцев дистанционного обучения в Польше и Украине? В среду, 1 сентября, около 4,6 миллионов школьников в Польше пошли в школы после длительного перерыва, вызванного пандемией COVID-19, 4,2 миллиона - вернулись в школы в Украине. В ходе дистанционного обучения, которое было вновь введен...
Co może utrudniać uczniom powrót do szkoły po wielu miesiącach zdalnej edukacji w Polscei na Ukrainie? Odpowiedzi na to pytanie poszukiwali naukowcy z Polski i Ukrainy podkierownictwem dr. hab. Piotra Długosza z Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego w Krakowie. W środę 1 września w Polsce do szkół po długiej przerwie wywołanej pandemią COVID-19poszło około 4...
What may make it difficult for students to return to school after many months of remote education in Poland and Ukraine? The answers to this question were sought by scientists from Poland and Ukraine under the supervision of Dr. hab. Piotr Długosz from the Pedagogical University in Krakow. On Wednesday, September 1, about 4.6 million students in Po...
On the eve of returning to school, the educational, social and psychological effects of remote education and the pandemic among Polish and Ukrainian students were examined in order to assess potential barriers and develop recommendations for eliminating them. It should be noted, that this is methodologically advanced research study aimed at reachin...
This article presents the results of a research survey, which shows the relationship between neuroticism and the coronavirus pandemic, which was performed among students in Poland and Ukraine. The survey was conducted online, on a sample of 1,978 respondents in Poland and 411 in Ukraine. The results indicated that average and high levels of neuroti...
Objective The study aims to investigate the risk factors of bad psychosomatic health among students in quarantine during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. Method:The survey was conducted on-line, on a sample of 1,978 respondents in Poland. The study was carried out by the end of the summer semester. The questionnaire was designed in a way wh...
The article aims to analyse the trauma of post-communism, which emerged among the citizens of Ukraine upon the collapse of the Soviet Union. The unstructured interview method was used to conduct the research into the trauma of post-communism. The research was conducted within the whole territory of Ukraine, including the uncontrolled territories. T...
The aim of the article is to determine the predictors of mental health among Polish society. Research was conducted after the first wave of the pandemic. Due to such an approach, it was possible to determine whether the secondary effects of the pandemic have impacted on mental health, in addition to socio-demographic and psychological factors. In o...
Wstęp 9
Rozdział 1
Socjologia pandemii? 19
1.1. Specyfika subdyscypliny 19
1.2. Praktyka badawcza 24
1.3. Program badawczy 30
Rozdział 2
Trauma i jej socjologiczne implikacje w pandemicznym społeczeństwie 35
2.1. Trauma i jej znaczenie 35
2.2. Trauma pierwotna 36
2.3. Trauma wtórna 40
2.4. Traumy aktualne 42
2.5. Od traumy biologicznej do traumy zb...
The article presents the results of research aimed to identify the predictors of psychological distress among Poles seven months after the occurrence of the first case of COVID-19. In order to gather the research material, the CAWI on-line survey method was applied and carried out within the framework of the Ariadna Research Panel on the sample of...
The aim of the article is to determine the predictors of mental health among Polish society. Research was conducted after the first wave of the pandemic. Due to such an approach, it was possible to determine whether secondary effects of the pandemic have impact on mental health, apart from socio-demographic and psychological factors. In order to ga...
The aim of the article is to determine the predictors of mental health among Polish society. Research was conducted after the first wave of the pandemic. Due to such an approach, it was possible to determine whether secondary effects of the pandemic have impact on mental health, apart from socio-demographic and psychological factors.
In order to g...
The article presents the results of research aimed to identify the predictors of psychological distress among Poles seven months after the occurrence of the first case of COVID-19. In order to gather the research material, the CAWI on-line survey method was applied and carried out within the framework of the Ariadna Research Panel on the sample of...
The article presents the results of research aimed to identify the predictors of psychological distress among Poles seven months after the occurrence of the first case of COVID-19. In order to gather the research material, the CAWI on-line survey method was applied and carried out within the framework of the Ariadna Research Panel on the sample of...
The report presents the results of research into Polish and Ukrainian students staying at home during the lockdown.
The main research goal was an attempt to answer the question how the students cope with the threat of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The question whether there are any differences between Polish and Ukrainian students in terms of their attitu...
Анотація: У Звіті за результатами соціологічного дослідження стосовно польської та української учнівської молоді
під час перебування на карантині. Головною метою дослідження була спроба отримання відповіді на питання, як учні
шкіл справляються із загрозою пандемії COVID-19. Чи є відмінності між польською та українською учнівською молоддю
стосовно с...
The article aims to show the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on mental health of American youth. It also aims to identify factors that have an impact on the mental health maintenance of young Americans. The conducted analyses are an attempt at explaining the influence of high psycho-social stress on the mental health of young people.
The article aims to show the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on mental health of American youth. It also aims to identify factors that have an impact on the mental health maintenance of young Americans. The conducted analyses are an attempt at explaining the influence of high psycho-social stress on the mental health of young people.
Abstract: The article aims to present the advantages and disadvantages of dis-tance learning among students from rural areas. The methodology of qualitative research was used to carry out the research. With the use of 14 free-form inter-views with primary and secondary school students, the conditions in which the students were participating in dist...
The article presents the results of research on psychosocial condition among Polish and Ukrainian students during the quarantine. The aim of the research was to verify the impact of the pandemic and its accompanying phenomena on the well-being of youth. In order to achieve this goal, the CAWI on-line survey method with double measurement was used....
Objective:The article aims to show the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on mental health of American youth. It also aims to identify factors that have an impact on the mental health maintenance of young Americans. The conducted analyses are an attempt at explaining the influence of high psycho-social stress on the mental health of young people. Meth...
The article presents the results of research on neuroticism among students in Poland and Ukraine, which has been contributed to by the coronavirus pandemic. The research was conducted on-line, on a sample of 1,978 respondents in Poland, and 411 in Ukraine. The results of this research indicate that average and high levels of neuroticism were observ...
В статье представлены результаты исследова-ний нейротизма студентов в Польше и Украине, вы-званные пандемией коронавируса. Исследование прово-дилось с помощью метода онлайн опроса на выборке 1978 студентов в Польше и 411 в Украине. Шкала нейротизма состояла из 8 пунктов. В ее состав входили следующие симптомы: головные боли боли в животе головокруж...
The article aims to show the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the mental health of American youth. Secondary data from representative research conducted among the inhabitants of the United States of America on the sample of 10,139 respondents were used in the analysis. Data are derived from the Pew Research Center, American Trends Panel. The data...
У статті представлено результати досліджень стосовно нейротизму студентів в Польщі та Україні, спричинені пандемією коронавірусу. Дослідження проводилося за допомогою методу онлайн опитування на вибірці 1978 студентів у Польщі та 411 в Україні. Результати досліджень показують, що середній та високий рівні нейротизму спостерігалися відповідно 61% у...
The aim of the scientific article is to clarify the intentions of Ukrainian students during quarantine measures
to counter the spread of the Covid-19
pandemic and compare them with the intentions of Polish students, as
well as to identify ways to prevent destructive attitudes of young people in crisis epidemiological situations.
The research use...
The article inquiries into the influence of age on the adaptation to changes among post-soviet societies. The analysis of secondary data from survey research conducted in representative research samples in post-soviet republics was used in the research. Survey data from Russia (N=992), Belarus (N=1034), Moldova (N=970) and Ukraine (N=1000) was anal...
The report presents the results of the second wave of research conducted among the students of the Pedagogical University of Kraków. The research method was an on-line survey (CAWI) on the sample of 1927 respondents. The comparison of responses from both surveys indicates that the change in attitudes and mental condition of the respondents occurred...
The report presents the results of the second wave of research conducted among the students of the Pedagogical University of Kraków. The research method was an on-line survey (CAWI) on the sample of 1927 respondents. The comparison of responses from both surveys indicates that the change in attitudes and mental condition of the respondents occurred...
The article presents the results of research into the trauma of the coronavirus pandemic among Polish students. The research was conducted with the use of the on-line survey method (CAWI) on the sample of 3533 respondents selected using purposive sampling. The results of analyses show that Polish youth are under the influence of the coronavirus pan...
The report presents the results of research on the socio-cultural trauma induced by the coronavirus pandemic. The research was conducted between 14th April 2020 and 10th May 2020. The research was conducted on a sample of 650 inhabitants of Kraków over 18 years of age. The CAWI survey (Computer-Assisted Web Interview) was used in the research. The...
The report presents the results of research conducted among secondary school students from Kraków. The subject matter of the research are the psychosocial effects of the quarantine experienced by the students. Issues related to the students’ interest in the pandemic and their knowledge about it have been studied in the research. The respondents eva...
The conducted analyses show that Kraków students are interested in the coronavirus pandemic, they are constantly tracking information on the number of the infected and the dead. Almost ¾ of the respondents believe that the coronavirus constitutes a serious threat to health and lives of residents of Poland. The students are convinced that the virus...
The aim of the article is to apply Raymond Boudon's theory of educational inequalities to the analysis and explanation of educational inequalities in Poland. The theory of primary and secondary effects of stratification was tested among the groups of middle school students (N = 1787) and secondary school leavers (N = 1168). The results of the analy...
Youth’s Attitudes Towards Neighbouring Countries in the Borderlands in Poland, Ukraine, and Hungary
The article presents the youth’s attitudes towards different nations. The research was conducted using the survey method. The auditorium questionnaire was carried out among secondary school students. The research sample was selected using quota samp...
The article aims at presenting social effects of education reform which introduced middle schools
(gymnasium) in 1999. Survey research conducted in the middle period of the new system of education (2009)
was used to determine the aforementioned effects. The survey method and the auditorium questionnaire
was used to collect data. 1767 third-graders...
The primary purpose of the work entitled Life strategies of young people on the Polish-Ukrainian border was to describe and explain the processes of adaptation used by youth on both sides of this border. The research was intended to provide insights into the impact of social change on the young people’s life strategies. Another task was to see how...
The article presents the results of research into socio-cultural trauma in Central
Eastern Europe. In order to verify the theory of trauma, representative survey data
obtained in Belarus, Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, Poland, Russia and Ukraine were
used. The conducted analyses have shown that post-communist societies negatively
evaluate changes in t...
W społeczeństwach nowoczesnych nierówności społeczne są trwale wbudowane
w system społeczny. Szczególnym przypadkiem są kraje postkomunistyczne,
w których dochodzi do przyśpieszonej modernizacji. Mimo zmian edukacyjnych
poprawiających strukturę wykształcenia nie uległy likwidacji bariery i nierówności
szans życiowych, gdyż te są warunkowane w znacz...
W społeczeństwach nowoczesnych nierówności społeczne są trwale wbudowane
w system społeczny. Szczególnym przypadkiem są kraje postkomunistyczne,
w których dochodzi do przyśpieszonej modernizacji. Mimo zmian edukacyjnych
poprawiających strukturę wykształcenia nie uległy likwidacji bariery i nierówności
szans życiowych, gdyż te są warunkowane w znacz...