Píndaro Díaz-Jaimes

Píndaro Díaz-Jaimes
National Autonomous University of Mexico | UNAM · Marine Ecology



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Publications (94)
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The Scalloped Hammerhead, Sphyrna lewini, is a large coastal pelagic shark species that inhabits tropical and subtropical waters around the world. It is listed as Critically Endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN, Red List). In the present study, we used nine nuclear microsatellite DNA markers and sequences of the co...
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The global water crisis affects water quality and aquatic ecosystems leading to shifts in the structure of microbial community that can be used for monitoring environmental change. The current study aims to use eDNA metabarcoding to elucidate the structure and diversity of microbial communities along a pollution gradient in a tropical river. Sampli...
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The apparent lack of physical barriers in the marine realm has created the conception that many groups have a constant gene flow. However, changes in ocean circulation patterns, glacial cycles, temperature, and salinity gradients are responsible for vicariant events in many fish species, including sharks. The bonnethead shark, Sphyrna tiburo, is an...
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Cownose rays Rhinoptera bonasus and R. brasiliensis , are species distributed along the coastal waters from eastern United States, Gulf of Mexico to Brazil. This study represents the most extensive evaluation to date of the genetic diversity and population genetic structure of R. bonasus across its distribution, and it is the first to investigate t...
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Sawfishes are considered one of the most threatened marine fish taxa globally, with major contractions in their geographic range documented over the last 50 years across all oceans. Two sawfish species used to be found in Mexico, but a historical lack of research and first-hand baseline information recently raised concerns about the fate of both sp...
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In the Tropical Eastern Pacific dolphinfish (TEP) Corypahena hippurus is part of commercial, recreational, and artisanal fisheries and is also caught incidentally by the tuna purse-seine and longline fisheries. Defining the existence of differenced populations in exploited species for being considered independent management units is crucial for con...
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Ophiothrix angulata (Say, 1825) is one of the most common and well-known ophiuroids in the Western Atlantic, with a wide geographic and bathymetric range. The taxonomy of this species has been controversial for a century because of its high morphological variability. Here we integrate information from DNA sequence data, color patterns, and geometri...
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Background The lack of barriers in the marine environment has promoted the idea of panmixia in marine organisms. However, oceanographic conditions and habitat characteristics have recently been linked to genetic structure in marine species. The Tropical Eastern Pacific (TEP) is characterized by dynamic current systems and heterogeneous oceanographi...
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Background The Brazilian cownose ray, Rhinoptera brasiliensis has undergone a global population reduction and is currently classified by IUCN as Vulnerable. This species is sometimes confused with Rhinoptera bonasus, the only external diagnostic characteristic to distinguish between both species is the number of rows of tooth plates. Both cownose r...
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Background Marine species constitute commercially important resources, and knowledge about mechanisms that shape phylogeographic patterns and genetic structure provides valuable information for conservation. The dolphinfish, Coryphaena hippurus , is one of the most important species caught in the Tropical Eastern Pacific (TEP). However, the lack of...
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Nursery areas are essential habitats for sharks, offering protection and increasing the survival of newborns. We conducted interviews with local fishers and collected data from artisanal fishery landings between January 2013 and December 2019 to investigate Chetumal Bay as a nursery area for the bull shark (Carcharhinus leucas) in the Mesoamerican...
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The population genetic structure and female philopatry to nursery grounds of the scalloped hammerhead shark (Sphyrna lewini) were studied in different mangrove estuaries along the Mexican Pacific coast containing putative nurseries. These nurseries were grouped into northern (Sinaloa-Nayarit), central (Jalisco), and southern (Oaxaca-Chiapas) region...
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In this study we report the first complete and annotated mitochondrial genome of the Mexican blind brotula, Typhlias pearsei, a troglobitic cavefish endemic to the Yucatán peninsula karst aquifer in southeastern Mexico. Genomic sequencing was accomplished via next generation sequencing (NGS). The resulting mitogenome is 16,813 bp long and, as in mo...
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The Brazilian cownose ray, Rhinoptera brasiliensis has undergone a global population reduction and is currently classified by IUCN as Vulnerable. We sequenced the complete mitochondrial genome of R. brasiliensis , resulting in a 17,759 bp genome size, featuring the typical vertebrate mitochondrial genome structure. The mtDNA genome contains 13 prot...
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Ophisternon infernale is one of the 200+ troglobitic fish species worldwide, and one of the two cave-dwelling fishes endemic to the karstic aquifer of the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico. Because of its elusive nature and the relative inaccessibility of its habitat, there is virtually no genetic information on this enigmatic fish. Herein we report the co...
Marine species that are widely distributed in the Tropical Eastern Pacific (TEP) has served as a model for studying biogeographic patterns resulting from the effects of intraregional habitat discontinuities and oceanographic processes on the diversification and evolution of cryptobenthic reef fishes. Tomicodon petersii, a clingfish (Gobiesocidae) e...
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The detection of threatened species, specially where they have been depleted, is key to their conservation but poses severe logistical challenges precisely because of their very low abundances. Sawfishes (family Pristidae) are among the most threatened marine taxa with globally-reported severe reductions in population size and disappearance from la...
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We report for the first time a highly divergent lineage in the Caribbean Sea for the bull shark (Carcharhinus leucas) based on the analysis of 51 mitochondrial DNA genomes of individuals collected in the western North Atlantic. When comparing the mtDNA control region obtained from the mitogenomes to sequences reported previously for Brazil, the Car...
• Sharks are a priority for conservation because numerous species, including small‐sized coastal species, are being heavily exploited by commercial and recreational fisheries. Understanding the genetic population structure of sharks is key to effective management, maximizing their evolutionary potential in a rapidly changing environment and prevent...
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Introduction: Isla del Coco is an important protected area for marine fauna in the Eastern Tropical Pacific. In this area, the species that inhabit the intertidal zone have been subject to few studies. One of the species inhabiting these areas is the clingfish Gobiesox adustus (Gobiesocidae). Objective: To analyze for the first time the mitochondr...
Aim Determine the evolutionary origin of the heretofore poorly characterized contemporary Great White Shark (GWS; Carcharodon carcharias ) of the Mediterranean Sea, using phylogenetic and dispersal vicariance analyses to trace back its global palaeo‐migration pattern. Location Mediterranean Sea. Taxon Carcharodon carcharias . Methods We have bui...
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The tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon is native to the Indo-West Pacific Ocean, covering the east coast of Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, Southeast Asia, Taiwan, China, the Sea of Japan, New Guinea and Australia. A new report was recorded on the capture in the wild of a female tiger shrimp P. monodon in conditions of reproductive maturity on the coast o...
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Molecular ecologists frequently use genome reduction strategies that rely upon restriction enzyme digestion of genomic DNA to sample consistent portions of the genome from many individuals (e.g., RADseq, GBS). However, researchers often find the existing methods expensive to initiate and/or difficult to implement consistently, especially because it...
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The Smooth Hammerhead Shark Sphyrna zygaena is a species with anti-tropical distribution in the eastern Pacific from California USA, to southern Chile with a remarkably gap in abundance in equatorial areas between southern Mexico and Central America. For temperate species, warm waters can represent oceanographic barriers limiting the gene flow betw...
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Molecular ecologists have used genome reduction strategies that rely upon restriction enzyme digestion of genomic DNA to sample consistent portions of the genome from individuals being studied (e.g., RADseq, GBS). However, researchers often find the existing methods expensive to initiate and/or difficult to implement consistently. Here, we present...
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We assessed the spatial pattern of genetic structure of smooth hammerhead shark Sphyrna zygaena in 10 localities from the Northern Mexican Pacific. A total of 35 haplotypes were identified in 129 sequences of the mtDNA control region. The results showed slight but significant genetic structure among localities (ΦST = 0.044, P < 0.001). In addition,...
• Anthropogenic activities have resulted in declines in many marine turtle populations. Their complex life cycle (e.g. female philopatry, hatchling migration, adult movements between breeding and foraging areas) makes it difficult to fully understand some of the biological implications of human impacts on their populations, but genetic tools can pl...
Nursery areas are critical for the reproductive cycle and biological requirements of Bull Sharks (Carcharhinus leucas) as they increase the survival of populations. Females tend to be philopatric to these areas as documented in estuaries from Australia, and inferred in the northern Gulf of Mexico and western North Atlantic Ocean, but not yet confir...
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Determining the relative influence of biotic and abiotic factors on genetic connectivity among populations remains a major challenge in evolutionary biology and in the management and conservation of species. North Pacific hake (Merluccius productus) inhabits upwelling regions in the California Current ecosystem from the Gulf of California to the Gu...
Table A. Collection dates and geographical coordinates of sampling sites. Table B. Genbank accession numbers for CYTB sequences of Merluccius spp. used to estimate divergence times. Table C. Estimates of null allele frequencies using the FreeNA program (Chapuis & Estoup 2007). Table D. Test of Hardy-Weinberg disequilibrium by locus. A. Probability...
Description of the ecosystems inhabiting the hake in the Northeast Pacific. (DOCX)
Fig A. Isolation by distance relationship. Scatter plot of pairwise genetic distance (linearized FST) vs geographic distances of eight microsatellite loci for Merluccius productus showing significant correlation between geographic and genetic distance. Fig B. General patterns of estimates of migration rates between Merluccius productus populations....
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Yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares; YFT) is an apex marine predator inhabiting tropical and sub-tropical pelagic waters. It supports the second largest tuna fishery in the world. Here, we review the available literature on YFT to provide a detailed overview of the current knowledge of its biology, ecology, fisheries status, stock structure and manag...
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The genus Rhinoptera is composed of eight species widely distributed in tropical, subtropical and temperate coastal waters, which inhabit bays, estuaries and river mouths. Cownose ray Rhinoptera bonasus has been reported to inhabit the Western Atlantic including the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean, whereas the Brazilian cownose ray R. brasiliensis...
Sawfishes, family Pristidae, occur in tropical and subtropical coastal marine, estuarine and freshwater ecosystems. The smalltooth sawfish (Pristis pectinata) has been wholly or nearly eliminated from large areas of its former range in the Atlantic Ocean by fishing pressure (trawl and inshore netting) and habitat modification. Here, we report the c...
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The genus Thunnus is composed of eight species, which are separated into two groups, the temperate subgenus Thunnus (bluefin tunas group) and the tropical subgenus Neothunnus (yellowfin tunas group). We obtained the mitochondrial genome for two species from the yellowfin group, Thunnus albacares and Thunnus atlanticus, and compared to those from ex...
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Numerous papers have reported that Pterois volitans and Pterois miles have invaded the Western Atlantic. Identification of Petrois sp. has been based in morphological differences. However, given their similarities, these are not enough to differentiate both species with certainty. Identifying these species by biological analysis faces difficulties...
Spanish mackerels are a highly diverse group consisting of 18 species distributed worldwide, most of them targeted by fisheries across its distribution range. We report the complete mitochondrial genome sequences of two mackerel species, Monterey Spanish mackerel, Scomberomorus concolor, and Pacific sierra mackerel, Scomberomorus sierra. A total le...
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Devil firefish Pterois miles (Bennett, 1828) is a species native to the Indo-Pacific that along with Pterois volitans (Linneaus, 1758) has been invading the western Atlantic since the 1980's. Morphological characters, life cycle, habits, and dispersal potential of this species are very similar to those of Pterois volitans, to such extent that its t...
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Devil firefish Pterois miles (Bennett, 1828) is a species native to the Indo-Pacific that along with Pterois volitans (Linneaus, 1758) has been invading the western Atlantic since the 1980’s. Morphological characters, life cycle, habits, and dispersal potential of this species are very similar to those of Pterois volitans, to such extent that its t...
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We present genetic and morphometric support for a third, distinct, and recently diverged group of Manta ray that appears resident to the Yucatán coastal waters of the Gulf of Mexico. Individuals of the genus Manta from Isla Holbox are markedly different from the other described manta rays in their morphology, habitat preference, and genetic makeup....
Joint peak locations and posterior probabilities for 25 models in L-mode IMa2. P-values obtained using 2LLR as Chi-Square statistic. Bold models were not rejected following LLR tests
AIC for models not-rejected following LLR tests from IMa2 L-mode run
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The genetic homogeneity of the Monterey Spanish mackerel Scomberomorus concolor population in the Gulf of California was confirmed using nine nuclear microsatellite loci in combination with mitochondrial cytochrome b gene sequences. Samples were collected from the upper and central Gulf areas, representing the two main biogeographical regions of th...
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We report for the first time, the complete mitochondrial genome sequence of the porbeagle shark, Lamna nasus, from a specimen collected from offshore waters of New England, USA in the western North Atlantic Ocean. The genome structure of this species is similar to the other reported shark mitogenomes. The genome sequence has a total length of 16,69...
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Juvenile white sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) spend their early years in coastal waters where they may be targeted by local fisheries or landed by-catch. Conservation of genetic resources for marine species becomes a main issue for apex predators such as sharks. We developed a protocol to extract DNA from teeth of mummified juvenile white shark he...
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Elasmobranchs are one of the most diverse groups in the marine realm represented by 18 orders, 55 families and about 1200 species reported, but also one of the most vulnerable to exploitation and to climate change. Phylogenetic relationships among main orders have been controversial since the emergence of the Hypnosqualean hypothesis by Shirai (199...
The structure of the mitochondrial genome for the Pacific red snapper, Lutjanus peru, and the spotted rose snapper, Lutjanus gutattus, of specimens collected in the eastern Pacific is similar to the reported for other teleosts and shares the same configuration with other members of the family Lutjanidae. It has a total length of 16 502 and 16 508 b...
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The population genetic structure of 251 bonnethead sharks, Sphyrna tiburo, from estuarine and nearshore ocean waters of the Western North Atlantic Ocean (WNA), was assessed using sequences of the mitochondrial DNA-control region. Highly significant genetic differences were observed among bonnetheads from 3 WNA regions; Atlantic coast of Florida, Gu...
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Abstract The hammerhead shark (Sphyrna zygaena) is listed as a "Vulnerable" species for the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Here we report the complete sequence for the mitochondrial genome of the hammerhead shark of a specimen collected from the eastern Pacific Ocean. The genome structure is quite similar to other reported m...
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The Isla Guadalupe white shark mitochondrial structure is similar to the one previously reported for a white shark individual from Taiwan with a total length of 16,745 and 16,742 bp respectively; the base composition of the genomes was as follow A (30.60%), T (28.67%), C (26.86%) and G (13.87%), contains 13 protein-coding genes and 24 tRNA genes an...
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Genetic structure of the populations of H. inornata was evaluated and the barriers for genetic flux and historic processes were investigated. Samples were collected trying to cover the distribution range of the species, from Mexico to northern Perú. Based on COI sequences, 118 haplotypes from 220 specimens were detected; the differences between suc...
Coryphaena hippurus is an economically relevant fish species that is highly exploited by commercial and sport fisheries throughout its geographical range. We tested a set of 30 primers derived from next generation sequencing and optimized conditions for amplification of sixteen polymorphic microsatellite loci. These were also tested for cross ampl...
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Abstract The bull shark mitochondrial structure is similar to that of other elasmobranchs; it has a total length of 16,100 bp, the base composition of the genomes was as follows: A (31.35%), T (31.35%), C (24.38%) and G (12.90%). It contains 13 protein-coding genes and 23 tRNA genes. The tRNA genes range from 70-72 bp. Gene order is the same as in...
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Abstract The silky shark mitogenome (GeneBank accession number KF801102) has a total length of 17,774 bp, the base composition of the genomes was as follows: A (31.36%), T (30.18%), C (25.27%) and G (13.17%), which demonstrated an A + T-rich feature (61.64%), similar to other elasmobranch mitogenomes. The mitochondrial genome contained 13 protein-c...
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Abstract The complete mitochondrial genome of the giant manta ray (Manta birostris), consists of 18,075 bp with rich A + T and low G content. Gene organization and length is similar to other species of ray. It comprises of 13 protein-coding genes, 2 rRNAs genes, 23 tRNAs genes and 1 non-coding sequence, and the control region. We identified an AT t...
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Abstract The complete mitochondrial genome of the dolphinfish (GeneBank accession number KF719178) structure is similar to that of other teleosts, has a total length of 15,733 bp, the base composition was as follows: A (28.78%), T (29.25%), C (25.45%) and G (16.50%), which demonstrated an A + T (58.04%) rich feature. It contains 13 protein-coding g...
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Due to the current status of the scalloped hammerhead shark (Sphyrna lewini) as a threatened species, the asseSSMent of genetic diversity, divergence, and demographic parameters of populations in the eastern Pacific Ocean may assist in developing appropriate strategies for sustainable fisheries and species conservation. We analyzed samples collecte...
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Multivariate analyses of morphometric data have been widely used to define independent fishing units for exploited species. In this study we analyzed the morphometric variability of 4 brown shrimp Farfantepenaeus californiensis (Holmes, 1900) locations from the Mexican Pacific to assess whether differentiation agrees with the geographical subdivisi...
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Multivariate analyses of morphometry data have been widely used to define independent fishing units for exploited species. In this study we analyzed the morphometry variability of 4 brown shrimp Farfantepenaeus californiensis (Holmes, 1900) locations from the Mexican Pacific to assess whether differentiation agrees with the geographical subdivision...
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The systematics of the marine catfish of the family Ariidae is controversial because at the present time the number of species and genera in the family, or their relationships, remain uncertain. Phylogenetic relationships among five representative species of marine catfish of the family Ariidae from both the Pacific and the Atlantic coasts of Mexic...