Piki Setri Pernantah

Piki Setri Pernantah
Riau University · History Education

Doctor of Social Studies Education


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Piki Setri Pernantah currently works at the History Education, Universitas Riau. Piki does research in Quantitative Social Research, Qualitative Social Research and Social Theory.
Additional affiliations
February 2019 - present
Riau University
  • Lecturer
August 2016 - April 2018
Sebelas Maret University
Field of study
  • History Education


Publications (65)
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Buku "Inovasi Pendidikan & Pembelajaran Multi Perspektif" mengulas berbagai pendekatan dan inovasi dalam pendidikan yang relevan di era digital. Buku ini dikompilasi dari hasil pemikiran sejumlah penulis dan praktisi pendidikan yang bertujuan untuk memberikan kontribusi terhadap kemajuan pendidikan di Indonesia.
The development of a social studies curriculum that is nature-oriented and makes nature a laboratory for social studies learning can be implemented as an effort to strengthen students' environmentally empathetic character. This effort provides an opportunity for students to study and understand the natural environment in depth to develop an underst...
Pandemi COVID-19 berdampak pada sektor ekonomi, termasuk usaha mikro kecil dan menengah (UMKM). Desa Kota Bangun, Kabupaten Kampar, Riau memiliki beberapa UMKM yang dapat menjadi potensi untuk menyokong perekonomian desa. UMKM tersebut diantaranya ialah UMKM tempe, tahu, donat, pengepul lidi sawit, serta Pujasera. Namun karena adanya pandemi Covid-...
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Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan penulis dalam menyusun pendahuluan pada 9 orang mahasiswa (awardee). Tim mengaplikasikan empat fitur/ indikator penyusunan pendahuluan untuk mengatasi masalah partisipan, masing-masing, 1) perkembangan variabel studi dan dampak kebermanfaatannya bagi perkembangan ilmu pengetah...
Pasien Covid-19 dapat memiliki gejala yang berkepanjangan setelah dinyatakan negatif SARS-CoV-2. Kondisi ini disebut sebagai long Covid. Kualitas kesehatan masyarakat penyintas Covid-19 tersebut perlu ditingkatkan. Kecamatan Rupat Utara merupakan salah satu daerah pesisir dan perbatasan di Kabupaten Bengkalis, Provinsi Riau. Lokasi tersebut menyeba...
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The research objective is to identify primary history students' readiness to use QR code-based e-job sheets in terms of knowledge, experience, and supporting facilities. The research material consists of digital technology devices, smartphones, internet networks, electronic worksheets, QR Code applications, and an assessment of historical learning....
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The research objective is to identify primary history students' readiness to use QR code-based e-job sheets in terms of knowledge, experience, and supporting facilities. The research material consists of digital technology devices, smartphones, internet networks, electronic worksheets, QR Code applications, and an assessment of historical learning....
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The research objective is to identify primary history students' readiness to use QR code-based e-job sheets in terms of knowledge, experience, and supporting facilities. The research material consists of digital technology devices, smartphones, internet networks, electronic worksheets, QR Code applications, and an assessment of historical learning....
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This research aims to analyze the reading attitudes of high school students in order to develop effective strategies to improve mastery of information through reading. The research was conducted using descriptive methods. The data source is students at the high school level with a limited sample of 31. The data collection technique is in the form o...
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This study aims to develop android-based digital teaching materials in local history courses at the University of Riau. This Android-based local history teaching material integrates the character values of Sultan Syarif Kasim II which are in accordance with the needs of history education students. This development research uses a 4D model, develope...
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History as a reconstruction of the past is expected to be able to rebuild past memories for the present and the future. Local history is part of national history whose scope is limited to a certain area. One example of local historical heritage that can be utilized in learning in the classroom is integrating heritage in Siak, namely the Syahbuddin...
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This study aimed to investigate the use of interactive learning in developing learning materials in Islamic Education in the Package C program. The methodology employed in this study was quantitative, with the survey as the instrument. There were thirty package C learners involved in this study. A survey set was distributed to participants, and dat...
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The State Palace of Siak Sri Indrapura, indeed has a lot of priceless cultural heritage objects as a reflection of the glorious history of Malay in the past. In addition to palace relics, there are other historical sites that have no less high historical value, such as the Syahbuddin Mosque, the Tomb of King Kecik, and the Dutch Barracks and many o...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi asesmen digital berbasis Kahoot yang dapat dijadikan pilihan dan inovasi penerapan asesmen berbasis digital. Selama ini evaluasi pembelajaran terkesan kurang menarik karena masih dilakukan secara konvensional Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif deskriptif. Penulis menggunakan ist...
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Strengthening character education is something that is still very much needed in the midst of a crisis of morals and cultural values in the era of society 5.0. The essence of character education in the context of Indonesian education is education based on the noble values of the Indonesian nation, including historical events that are locality. In t...
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Stunting terjadi karena anak kekurangan zat gizi selama seribu hari pertama. Masalah stunting di negara berkembang seperti Indonesia merupakan salah satu masalah kesehatan anak yang harus ditangani secara serius dan berkesinambungan. Karena masalah ini dapat menyebabkan gangguan ireversibel terhadap perkembangan fisik dan gangguan kapasitas kogniti...
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Desain pembelajaran project based terintegrasi kearifan lokal merupakan salah satu alternatif skenario pembelajaran yang melibatkan mahasiswa secara aktif dalam situasi pemecahan masalah yang luas. Pembelajaran berbasis proyek mampu melibatkan mahasiswa dalam investigasi konstruktif sehingga akan terlihat tanggung jawab dan kerjasamanya dalam mengh...
Education of values through the example of a figure who is also a national hero from Riau is still lacking. It is necessary to have values education based on historical figures so that students cannot forget their heroes and imitate Sultan Syarif Kasim II’s struggles. This research was conducted using a qualitative method with a descriptive-analyti...
This design was performed in the development of the Sliding Book learning media tool by utilizing an Arduino UNO R3-based microcontroller control system. The addition of sensors and controllers in the form of Photodiode sensors and infrared remotes is undertaken with the intention of creating a wireless control system. The data is retrieved in the...
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In universities in the social sciences and education clusters, the social studies education course is one of the important compulsory courses to be taught. In the Social Studies Education course, it is hoped that it can contribute to growing student national awareness, social insight, social spirit, and social sensitivity so as to foster good socia...
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Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk membahas tentang tradisi Bara’an masyarakat Bengkalis dan nilai-nilai karakter yang terkandung dalam ini dapat dijadikan sebagai sumber pembelajaran IPS, khususnya untuk sumber penguatan karakter pada anak didik di sekolah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan analisis-de...
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Peningkatan kualitas ketrampilan guru merupakan salah satu upaya peningkatan kualitas pembelajaran yang dapat dilakukan melalui pemanfaatan media pembelajaran berbasis teknologi. Salah satunya adalah penggunaan media pembelajaran berbasis teknologi mekanika elektronik yang berbasis kearifan lokal masyarakat melayu Riau. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarak...
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Pengabdian ini dilakukan pada situasi masyarakat yang masih dilanda pandemi COVID-19 dan menjadikan kesehatan sebagai prioritas utama agar hidup tetap berjalan secara new normal. Situasi saat ini membuat kesehatan menjadi faktor penting agar masyarakat terhindar dari virus yang berbahaya ini. Fenomena di lapangan dapat dilihat masih banyak orang ya...
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This research discusses local traditions that affect the solidarity and harmony of Delima communities, Tampan Subdistrict, Pekanbaru City. Delima society that is diverse both from ethnicity and religion is able to prioritize multicultural values through local traditions that are owned so as to develop socio-religious society. This research uses a q...
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Permasalahan perkuliahan jarak jauh yang cukup banyak, diharapkan dapat mendorong adanya pengembangan buku ajar berbasis digital flipbook sehingga dapat diakses secara mudah dan cepat oleh mahasiswa yang dapat membantu kelancaran kegiatan perkuliahan, khususnya pada mata kuliah pendidikan IPS. Alasan penting lainnya, bahan ajar berbasis digital...
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The implementation of interactive learning strategy in teaching-learning activities may encourage multiple interaction between tutors and learners to achieve their learning objectives. This study aims to identify the effectiveness of interactive learning strategy by tutors to formulate learning objectives among learners in Package C program. The me...
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This article aims to discuss the process of implementation of Limited Face-to-Face Learning (PTM) during the Covid-19 Pandemic and the obstacles faced and efforts made in the smooth implementation of limited face-to-face learning at SMA N 1 Kubu, Riau, Indonesia. The research method used is a descriptive-qualitative method with data collection tech...
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Eco Enzyme adalah cairan atau zat organic yang dibuat dengan proses fermentasi bahan organik, air, dan gula. Eco enzyme menggunakan sisa sayuran dan kulit buah buahan dalam proses pembuatannya. Walaupun memakan waktu yang cukup lama, prinsip dan penggunaan echo enzyme sangat bagus bagi perlindungan lingkungan yang berkelanjutan. Kegiatan pengabdian...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui implementasi pembelajaran tatap muka terbatas pada masa new normal ditengah pandemi Covid-19. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan subjek penelitian guru MTsN 3 Rokan Hulu. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian ini adalah bahwa pembelajaran...
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Penelitian ini mengenai gaya belajar peserta didik berprestasi pada mata pelajaran ekonomi di SMA Negeri 1 Belitang Kabupaten OKU Timur. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan gaya belajar peserta didik berprestasi pada mata pelajaran ekonomi di SMA Negeri 1 Belitang Kabupaten OKU Timur dilihat dari aspek akademik. Metode penelitian adalah pen...
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p> Sumpah Satie Bukik Marapalam is a concept of ideological order that contains a long historical meaning. This text is the local wisdom of the Minangkabau community that contains a moral message and high values to become the philosophy of life of the community. The values contained in the Sumpah Satie Bukik Marapalam can serve as the basis for cha...
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This research discusses local traditions that affect the solidarity and harmony of Delima communities, Tampan Subdistrict, Pekanbaru City. Delima society that is diverse both from ethnicity and religion is able to prioritize multicultural values through local traditions that are owned so as to develop socio-religious society. This research uses a q...
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Perangkat pembelajaran abad 21 berbasis merdeka belajar berorientasi pada peserta didik dan bertumpu pada kesiapan guru dalam menyiapkan perangkat pembelajaran. Penyusunan Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) oleh guru-guru rumpun IPS harus menyesuaikan pembelajaran abad 21 dengan paradigma merdeka belajar. Metode pelatihan dan praktek langsung d...
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Local wisdom has noble values that apply to community life, such as protecting and managing the environment in a sustainable manner. Human efforts in adapting, managing, and living in harmony with their environment are known as ethnoecology. The study aimed to analyze the conservation values of the Kasboyo lake ecosystem in Kampar district, Riau. T...
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In Indonesia's historical records, it was explained that pandemic events related to infectious diseases did not only occur in the Covid-19 era but also occurred in the past. An insight into the history of this pandemic supposed to be owned by the historical student so that it can be used as educational material and build a spirit of optimism that t...
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The siak weaving is a cultural heritage of Riau Malay. The motifs on the Siak Tenun have certain philosophical meanings. In addition, in the manufacturing process, there has been a development both from the materials and tools used. The study in this paper aims to describe the development of Siak weaving techniques based on the categories of materi...
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This study revealed the results of the validation of the Course Experience Questionnaire (CEQ) within the Bachelor degree students who undertook their undergraduate from a Western university with 50% of the classes conducted in Malaysia. The specific instrument has been used extensively in other contexts to investigate the teaching-learning environ...
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So that online learning can run well, teachers are expected to be able to take advantage of technology in their learning. One of the uses of technology is using learning application media. At SMA Negeri 3 Pekanbaru, they have used the Google Meet application, Google Classroom, and Whatsapp in the online learning process. From several observations i...
Limbah kulit nanas dapat diolah menjadi produk nata de pina sebagai salah satu komoditas pertanian yang bernilai ekonomis. Produk tersebut dapat menjadi diversifikasi produk untuk pengembangan usaha mikro. Kegiatan pengabdian ini dilakukan di Desa Tarai Bangun Kecamatan Tambang Kabupaten Kampar yang merupakan daerah yang menjadi penghasil buah nana...
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Permasalahan kerusakan hutan di Riau terjadi karena ulah manusia. Sikap peduli lingkungan masyarakat adat Kampar terhadap hutan larangan di Kenagarian Rumbio Provinsi Riau merupakan salah satu sumber nilai pendidikan karakter peduli lingkungan yang dapat di internalisasikan kepada peserta didik. Sumber belajar IPS ini dari budaya lokal dapat memben...
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The purpose of this research is to discuss the Bara'an tradition of bengkalis society and the character values contained in this can be used as a source of social science learning, especially for sources of character strengthening in students in school. research uses qualitative research methods with a descriptive-analysis approach. The research lo...
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Improving the quality of education and teaching is a must and absolutely for all elements of education in this country, not except for a teacher. Good teachers are teachers who understand and understand their responsibilities and obligations. The teacher is the key actor in the learning. Teachers must follow learning trends that are relevant to cur...
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Learning media can be used as tools or intermediaries to help early childhood play and receive understanding of new concepts. Mechatronic-based learning media has a role in improving early childhood literacy skills. This learning media development aims to produce an innovative early childhood learning media and to determine the feasibility of devel...
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Moral awareness is one of the students affective skill that able to become a successful indicator of history learning. It causes history learning has a purpose in building students attitude. The study intended to know the effectiveness of learning history by using problem based learning and value clarification technique for improving students moral...
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This article is a theoretical study using the method of literacy study. It aims to discuss and study historical learning in a new perspective. Learning of history should be oriented to provide historical knowledge and introduce the noble values of the nation. Because, those two things will not have meaning for the lives of students if they do not u...
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Desain of Active learning Scenario With The "MIKIR" Method on Social Studies Education. In the social sciences and education sciences in higher education, the subject of Social Sciences Education is one of the compulsory subjects that important is taught. The importance of Social Studies Education is expected to contribute to building student's nat...
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Sumpah Satie Bukik Marapalam is an invaluable great work for the religious, social and cultural life of the Minangkabau society. This great work has become the life philosophy of the Minangkabau society until it is still firmly held up to this day. Integrating the value of this local wisdom in historical learning is necessary to contribute in order...
Conference Paper
Sumpah Satie Bukik Marapalam is a concept of an ideological order and contains a longest historical meaning. This manuscript is a local wisdom of Minangkabau society containing the moral message and high values become a philosophy of life. The values contained in Sumpah Satie Bukik Marapalam can serve as a form of character building efforts. It is...
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History provides a valuable lesson. There are many diffecences, contradictions, and complex events that lead us to the gates of freedom. Therefore, teaching history in schools could be something very important. The current and furure challenge is on how we were able to fix all the problems occurred all this time in history lesson. The teacher shoul...
Conference Paper
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Minangkabau has a local indigenous wealth that greatly affects people's lives. Nan sakato is a local concept which is the basis of Minangkabau society to realize their desire to establish an ideal society form. A condition of society is secure, peaceful, prosperous and blessings, in accordance with the philosophy of life of people minang. The emerg...
Conference Paper
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Minangkabau region is a very feature area with the religion and culture of Islam. In the historical record is known a charter Sumpah Satie Bukik Marapalam very meaningful for the development of islam in Minangkabau. The charter of Sumpah Satie Bukik Marapalam is regarded as a synthesis of the dialogical process between the traditions group and the...
Conference Paper
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Character Building Living Value Vocation School Character building of students is implemented with the aim to produce a young generation who have norm and good character. Character building is certainly necessary nowadays considering the many cases of moral degradation of students both in big cities and in small town. To avoid this, the Vocational...
Conference Paper
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Indonesia is a nation of multi dimensional. The diversity of cultures, ethnic groups, religions, languages and races to become the embodiment of this nation, so that the integration aspect of the plurality of the nation of Indonesia kharakter becomes. At school it is always going on interactions between students with different backgrounds. Not a fe...
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Sejarah memberikan pelajaran yang amat berharga. Betapa perbedaan, pertentangan, pertukaran pikiran, dan peristiwa bangsa yang begitu kompleks itulah yang sesungguhnya mengantarkan kita ke gerbang kemerdekaan. Oleh karena itu, pelajaran sejarah disekolah dapat menjadi sesuatu yang amatlah penting. Tantangan saat ini dan ke depannya bagaimana kita m...
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