Pieterbas LallemanFontys University of Applied Sciences
Pieterbas Lalleman
Doctor of Philosophy
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My current focus is on nursing work, its history and leadership with a special interest in practice differentiation, policy, politics, governance, nurse executives, management and lobby. Practice theory, learning history and historic institutionalism help understand the dynamics in daily nurse work, now and in the past.
Publications (57)
Shared governance in hospitals promotes the inclusion of nurses' expertise, knowledge and skills in organisational processes, and nurses increasingly fulfil positions in organisational hierarchies. However, incorporating nursing expertise in strategic governance structures might be complicated, as these structures are primarily linked to managerial...
Aim(s): To understand how nurses experience their positioning amidst hospital crises.
Background: Nursing leadership literature is predominantly focused on the skills and competencies of nurses and less on the relations in practice with nurses. Nurses are often valued for bedside care but are overlooked in strategic decision-making during crises. F...
The nursing work environment is crucial for nurses' well-being and patients’ quality of care. Despite effective interventions to improve the nursing work environment, understanding the most effective types and integration mechanisms for nurses remain challenging. As nursing practices evolve amid complex care demands and staff shortages,...
This study aims to better understand how new future‐oriented nursing roles are enacted in a general hospital.
A learning history, that is, a participatory action‐oriented research design to explore and foster organizational learning.
Data collection consisted of a (historical) document analysis, the shadowing of different...
Decisions about nurse staffing models are a concern for health systems globally due to workforce retention and well-being challenges. Nurse staffing models range from all Registered Nurse workforce to a mix of differentially educated nurses and aides (regulated and unregulated), such as Licensed Practical or Vocational Nurses and Healt...
The persistence of multiple educational pathways into the nursing profession continues to occupy scholars internationally. In the Netherlands, various groups within the Dutch healthcare sector have tried to differentiate nursing practice on the basis of educational backgrounds for over 50 years. Proponents argue that such reforms are needed to reta...
Talk by members of executive hospital boards influences the organizational positioning of nurses. Talk is a relational leadership practice. Using a qualitative‐interpretive design we organized focus group meetings wherein members of executive hospital boards (7), nurses (14), physicians (7), and managers (6), from 15 Dutch hospitals, discussed the...
Nurse clinician-scientists are increasingly expected to show leadership aimed at transforming healthcare. However, research on nurse clinician-scientists' leadership (integrating researcher and practitioner roles) is scarce and hardly embedded in sociohistorical contexts. This study introduces leadership moments, that is, concrete events in practic...
Some nurses are responding rebelliously to the changing healthcare landscape by challenging the status quo and deviating from suboptimal practices, professional norms, and organizational rules. While some view rebel nurse leadership as challenging traditional structures to improve patient care, others see it as disruptive and harmful. These divergi...
Aims. To understand how nurses perceived the contributions of the Dutch Excellent Care Program, the development of nurses’ leadership, and their ability to positively influence their work environment. Background. Research shows that the nursing work environment influences job satisfaction, retention, and quality of care. Many countries have created...
This study aims to enhance understanding of the collaboration between chairs of nurse councils (CNCs) and members of executive hospital boards (BM) from a relational leadership perspective.
The authors used a qualitative and interpretive methodology. The authors study the daily interactions of BM and CNCs of...
Most nurse leadership studies have concentrated on a classical, heroic, and hierarchical view of leadership. However, critical leadership studies have argued the need for more insight into leadership in daily nursing practices. Nurses must align their professional standards and opinions on quality of care with those of other professionals, manageme...
In this article, we reconstruct a Dutch case in which policymakers, experts, and professional organizations proposed to amend a law so as to differentiate between different kinds of nurses and the work they do. In doing so, they specifically sought to support and reposition higher educated nurses. The amendment was met with fierce opposition from w...
In the Dutch nursing context, work remains in strengthening the voice of nurses serving as frontline health care providers and board members alike. Conceptual clarity of Public Opinion Leadership (POL) in nursing practice is needed to provide attributes, antecedents and consequences for nurses and nurse leaders so they can contribute in the public...
District nurses have a crucial position in healthcare provision and are expected to use leadership practices to ensure optimal quality patient care. To better equip them, a leadership program named the ambassador project was developed to support the development of a liaison role between policy and district nursing practice. This research aims to ev...
Een leergeschiedenis over het werk en de positie van de verpleegkundig onderzoeker in Isala. Aanscherping van de podcastreeks Uniform en Onderzoek van Blend FM. Te beluisteren op Spotify via; https://lnkd.in/eXATYYCW
De coronacrisis en de nasleep daarvan onderstrepen het belang van verpleegkundig leiderschap. Twee concepten zijn volgens ons cruciaal bij het verder ontwikkelen van dit leiderschap, namelijk het concept van Magnet Hospitals en het concept van rebels verpleegkundig leiderschap. Beide worden in dit artikel kort uitgelegd, om vervolgens stil te staan...
To identify and follow-up on the transition towards differentiated nursing practice among bachelor trained and vocationally trained nurses in Dutch hospitals.
A multiphase general qualitative interview study.
Fifty semi-structured interviews with project managers in charge of introducing differentiated nursing practice to their...
COVID-19 heeft veel impact gehad op de zorg en veel geëist van verpleegkundigen. Tijdens de eerste coronagolf lag de druk vooral bij de Intensive Care (IC)-afdelingen. Om aan de verpleegkundige zorgvraag te kunnen voldoen, werd er gewerkt met tijdelijke, wisselende teams waarin IC-verpleegkundigen samenwerkten met ondersteunende zorgpr...
To (1) give an overview of rebel nurse leadership by summarising descriptions of positive deviance, tempered radicals and healthcare rebels; (2) examine the competences of nurse rebel leadership; and (3) describe factors that stimulate or hinder the development of rebel nurse leadership.
Research shows nurses have lower intention t...
De ‘realist evaluation’ richt zich op de aanwezige context en de onderliggende mechanismen en probeert te verklaren waarom een complexe interventie werkt (of juist niet). Belangrijke vragen zijn dan ook wat werkt, voor wie, in welke mate, in welke context, over welke periode en waarom? Met een realist evaluation probeer je een antwoord te vinden op...
De learning history is een actiegeoriënteerde onderzoeksmethode afkomstig van MIT, Society of Organizational Learning. Deze methode helpt organisaties hun collectieve geheugen te organiseren, en zo beter te leren van in het verleden gemaakte fouten en behaalde successen. Met deze successen en fouten, ook wel remarkable findings genoemd wordt een ‘l...
Dit hoofdstuk helpt je verder na te denken over leiderschap en het uitoefenen van invloed op regionaal en nationaal niveau. We verkennen de begrippen invloed, macht en politiek. We staan stil bij en oefenen met verschillende beïnvloedingstactieken. Hierbij laten we verschillende invloedrijke verpleegkundig leiders aan het woord. Zij geven aan hoe z...
In dit hoofdstuk introduceren we de meest voorkomende leiderschapstheorieën en -modellen. We schetsen een korte geschiedenis van het denken over leiderschap en management en nodigen jullie uit dat ook te doen. Het hoofdstuk neemt je stap voor stap mee in het verkennen van dit voor de verpleegkunde in Nederland tot voor kort onontgonnen thema. We be...
The purpose of this study was to explore the experiences and impact of peer-to-peer shadowing as a technique to develop nurse middle managers’ clinical leadership practices.
A qualitative descriptive study was conducted to gain insight into the experiences of nurse middle managers using semi-structured interview...
Het thema verpleegkundig leiderschap is aan een ware revival bezig. Dat is de afgelopen veertig jaar wel anders geweest. Het recent verschenen boek ‘Verpleegkundig Leiderschap’ onder redactie van Hester Vermeulen markeert een kentering. Het thema wordt herontdekt. Maar wat is verpleegkundig leiderschap eigenlijk en voor wie is het bedoeld?
The purpose of this study was to explore the experiences and impact of peer-to-peer shadowing as a technique to develop nurse middle managers’ clinical leadership practices.
A qualitative descriptive study was conducted to gain insight into the experiences of nurse middle managers using semi-structured interview...
Verpleegkundig leiderschap
Dit boek nodigt de verpleegkundige uit om het thema verpleegkundig leiderschap te verkennen en eigen te maken. Door leiderschap kun jij invloed hebben op de patiëntgerichtheid, effectiviteit en veiligheid van zorg.
Verpleegkundigen zijn van cruciaal belang voor het leveren van kwalitatief hoogstaande zorg. Zeker in deze...
Nurse managers play an important role in implementing patient safety practices in hospitals. However, the influence of their professional background on their clinical leadership behaviour remains unclear. Research has demonstrated that concepts of Bourdieu (dispositions of habitus, capital and field) help to describe this influence. It...
A Magnet-related program has been recently adopted in the Netherlands. Support for staff nurses from nurse middle managers (NMMs) is a key component of such a program. A Bourdieusian ethnographic organizational case study in 4 hospitals in the Netherlands and the United States (Magnet, Magnet-related, and non-Magnet) was conducted to explore NMMs'...