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Publications (42)
To better understand the role of hope among terminally ill cancer patients.
Qualitative analysis.
A tertiary specialized cancer centre in Canada.
Cancer patients in palliative care with an estimated remaining life expectancy of 12 months or less (N = 12) and their loved ones (N = 12) and treating phy...
Considering the importance of mother's support in the adaptation of a sexually abused child, it is relevant to determine if the mothers and children involved in an intergenerational cycle of child sexual victimization differ from dyads in which only the child has been abused. The purpose of this study was to compare mother-child dyads with sexually...
Background / Purpose: Awakening the “Sensible” Being (ASB) is a formative practice geared toward care giving and support. It examines how experiencing one’s own body and its movement stimulates the development of self-awareness and awareness of others, both of which are desirable qualities for healthcare professionals. To our knowledge, there have...
Background / Purpose: Awakening the " Sensible " Being (ASB) is a formative practice geared toward care giving and support. It examines how experiencing one's own body and its movement stimulates the development of self-awareness and awareness of others, both of which are desirable qualities for healthcare professionals. To our knowledge, there hav...
Background / Purpose: Awakening the “Sensible” Being (ASB) is a formative practice geared toward care giving and support. It examines how experiencing one’s own body and its movement stimulates the development of self-awareness and awareness of others, both of which are desirable qualities for healthcare professionals. To our knowledge, there have...
Background / Purpose: Awakening the “Sensible” Being (ASB) is a formative practice geared toward care giving and support. It examines how experiencing one’s own body and its movement stimulates the development of self-awareness and awareness of others, which are desirable qualities for healthcare professionals. To our knowledge, there have been no...
Les pratiques du Sensible (PS) constituent une approche corporelle expérientielle visant à enrichir la qualité d'attention et de perception de l'expérience du corps et de son mouvement interne. Ces pratiques conduisent au développement de la présence à soi ainsi qu'à l'autre; des qualités estimables pour des professionnels de la relation d'aide du...
Background: Developed in Europe in the 1980s, Awakening the “Sensible” Being (ASB) is a formative practice geared toward care giving and support. It examines how experiencing one’s own body and its movement stimulates the development of self-awareness and awareness of others, which are desirable qualities for healthcare professionals. To our knowle...
Background: Awakening the “Sensible” Being (ASB) is a formative practice developed in Europe geared toward care giving and support. It examines how use and movement of the body allow for the development of presence to oneself and to others, both of which are desirable qualities for health-care professionals. To our knowledge, there have been no stu...
Purpose: Developed in Europe in the 1980s, Awakening the “Sensible” Being (ASB) is a formative practice that examines how use and movement of the body allow for the development of one’s awareness, sense of self and of others, which are desirable qualities for healthcare professionals. Our goal was to explore if and how ASB training followed by heal...
Les Pratiques du Sensible (PS) étudient comment l’utilisation du corps et de son mouvement interne conduisent au développement de la conscience et de la présence à soi ainsi qu’à l’autre; des qualités enviables pour des professionnels de la relation d’aide du secteur de la santé.
Explorer, le cas échéant, comment une formation aux PS, suivie par de...
Background/Purpose: Developed in Europe in the 1980s, Awakening the “Sensible” being (ASB) is a formative practice geared toward care giving and support. It examines how use and movement of the body allow for the development of one’s conscience, sense of self and of others, which are desirable qualities for health-care professionals. To our knowled...
Background: Developed in Europe in the 1980’s, somatic psychopedagogy (SPP) is a formative practice geared toward care giving and support. Characterized as a type of mind-body medicine, it examines how the use of the body and its movement allows for the development of one’s conscience, one’s sense of self and of others, which are all desirable qual...
Background: Developed in Europe in the 1980’s, somatic psychopedagogy (SPP) is a formative practice geared toward care giving and support. Characterized as a type of mind-body medicine, it examines how the use of the body and its movement allows for the development of one’s conscience, one’s sense of self and of others, which are all desirable qual...
Background: Developed in Europe in the 1980’s, somatic psychoeducation (SPP) is a formative practice geared toward care giving and support. It examines how use of the body and its movement allows for the development of one’s conscience, sense of self and of others, which are desirable qualities for professionals within the health sector.
Purpose: T...
With each succeeding economic depression, the employment market becomes increasingly problematic. The situation is dramatic for young people without diplomas, who often must accept unattractive, low-wage jobs. In this context, the author sought to identify the professional-entry experience of new young workers who have left school more or less rece...
To explore terminally ill patients' perceptions of their own suffering in order to describe, from these patients' perspective, some elements of health care providers' response to suffering.
Qualitative study using content analysis methods suited to a grounded theory approach.
Teaching and nonteaching hospital oncology clinics, palliative care servi...
The essential mandate of medicine is the relief of suffering. However, the quest for an integrated model towards a conceptualization of suffering is still ongoing and empirical studies are few. Qualitative inquiry using 31 in-depth interviews and content analysis was carried out between 1999 and 2001 in 26 patients diagnosed with terminal cancer. T...
L'utilisation de plus en plus large de la recherche qualitative et de la recherche-action en sciences de l'éducation donne lieu, depuis quelques années, à un renouvellement des pratiques méthodologiques et à une meilleure adéquation de la recherche empirique à la complexité du champ éducatif. L'article qui suit se veut une contribution à ce mouveme...
Cet article presente en detail les etapes d’une methode d’analyse qualitative, l’analyse par theorisation ancree, qui est une adaptation-transformation de la grounded theory approach. La methode permet de theoriser un phenomene empirique a travers la codification, la categorisation, la mise en relation, l’integration, la modelisation et la theorisa...
The abstract for this document is available on CSA Illumina.To view the Abstract, click the Abstract button above the document title.
Les importants bouleversements socio-economiques des dix dernieres annees ont rendu problematique l'insertion des jeunes sur le marche du travail, en particulier dans le secteur manufacturier, touche profondement par la crise. L'auteur a voulu connaitre l'experience d'integration de jeunes nouveaux travailleurs plus ou moins recemment sortis du sys...
La recherche descriptive et exploratoire qui est présentée ici vise à cerner le mouvement d’études sur la paix dans les collèges et universités au Québec. On a principalement relevé les différents cours sur la paix offerts au Québec, à partir d’une problématique spécifique se démarquant de la problématique américaine jusqu’ici développée. Le...