Pierre-Jean BenghoziÉcole Polytechnique · CRG Centre de Recherche en Gestion
Pierre-Jean Benghozi
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September 2008 - present
Publications (256)
In recent years, attention towards the Cultural and Creative industries (CCIs) has been largely renewed. It has become a focal point in management researches for their weight in the economy as well as for their laboratory nature of creativity and innovation practices. Nonetheless, it is not clear whether the present attention towards the CCIs emerg...
Ces dernières années, l’attention portée aux industries culturelles et créatives (ICC) s’est largement renouvelée. Celles-ci sont en effet devenues un point focal des recherches en économie et gestion du fait de leur poids dans la société ainsi que par leur caractère de laboratoire des modes de créativité et d’innovation. On peut néanmoins s’interr...
Video games: from a technical to a cultural industry
The video game industry is the latest addition to cultural industries and is digital from the outset. If it has been built on the traditional principles of the cultural industries, it differs from them in many essential ways. In this respect, the video game industry is a pioneer in general trends...
Festivals are one of the most diffused examples of living production in cultural and creative industries. In recent years, festivals have attracted increased attention and have increased in number. While several studies focus on music and film festivals, which are the most traditional festivals, few examine festivals related to other sectors, inclu...
In recent years, attention towards the Cultural and Creative industries (CCIs) has been largely renewed. It has become a focal point in management researches for their weight in the economy as well as for their laboratory nature of creativity and innovation practices. Nonetheless, it is not clear whether the present attention towards the CCIs emerg...
The cultural and creative industries (CCIs) were among the first to be disrupted by the digital revolution. General lessons can thus be learned from the strategies they adopted in the digital age. Alongside a reversal model and a differentiation policy, CCI companies now face a new alternative between two main strategies, which cannot easily be cla...
Traditional editorial houses are now confronted with the emergence of the online diffusion of e-books. This phenomenon has forced publishing houses to also make their catalogue of printed books available as digital versions. However, it would be inaccurate to envision and report on the digital strategies of publishing houses in a global way since d...
Abstract: Cultural and creative industries (CCIs) are based on regular capacity for innovations. Yet, recent technological dynamics support disruptive ways to conceive, deploy and make value from innovation. While most part of the existing literature addresses the disruptive change in consumers’ practices and business models of CCIs, this article i...
Le développement du numérique s’est accompagné, dans les industries culturelles, comme dans tous les autres secteurs, de transformations profondes. Le plus souvent, cette révolution est présentée comme celle des modes de consommation (dé-linéarisation et dématérialisation), des formes de monétisation (gratuité, abonnement) et des chaînes de valeur....
In recent years, the attention towards the Cultural and Creative industries (CCIs) has been largely renewed. Nonetheless, it is not clear whether the actual attention towards the CCIs emerged as a consequence of internal sector dynamics or has to be considered as the result of targeted institutional and political care. Understanding the origin of t...
Festivals are one of the most diffused examples of living production in the field of cultural and creative industries. In recent years, Festivals attracted an increased attention also because of their remarkable increase in number. While several scholars have recently investigated various music or film Festivals, the most traditional ones, very few...
Numérique de naissance, en l’espace de deux décennies le jeu vidéo est en passe de devenir la première industrie culturelle. À travers des usages qui désormais traversent les genres et les générations, elle touche un public mondial. À la fois locale et internationale, elle vise tous les marchés et multiplie les lieux de création à l’image de la mon...
Cultural and creative industries (CCIs) are usually associated to “creativity” while high-tech industries are usually linked to “innovation”. This distinction determines a sort of forgetfulness of the fact that also CCIs rely always on various series of updated technologies. As a consequence, the issue of innovation in CCIs is seldom dealt with. No...
The e-book revolution impacted all the phases of the traditional value chain of the book publishing sector, characterized by a secular business model. A comparative analysis of the technological characteristics – through an analytical and methodical codification – of all the versions of 6 well-known e-readers enabled to highlight that there is an a...
Cultural and creative industries have been the first ones to be disrupted by emerging applications and practices supported by the Internet. Yet, the issue of innovation in cultural and creative industries is seldom dealt with. Therefore, one can wonder how they really innovate at the digital age and how they compete with powerful new competitors fr...
How do media industries innovate? How can they compete with powerful competitors from the information technology world? The article focuses on the video game and cinema industries. The findings reveal their contrasting specific forms of innovation and provide a fresh understanding of its twofold nature in these industries. It does not boil down to...
Le jeu vidéo s'est imposé, au tournant du siècle, comme un secteur majeur aux côtés des industries culturelles traditionnelles que sont l'édition de livres, la musique enregistrée, le cinéma ou encore la télévision. S'appuyant sur un ressort anthropologique et portée par une vague d'innovations technologiques, la pratique ludique s'est renouvelée e...
In many Latin American countries, official influenza reports are neither timely nor complete, and surveillance of influenza-like illness (ILI) remains thin in consistency and precision. Public participation with mobile technology may offer new ways of identifying nonmedically attended cases and reduce reporting delays, but no published...
The Editorial and the articles of the Special Issue are available here: http://www.inderscience.com/info/inarticletoc.php?jcode=ijtm&year=2017&vol=75&issue=1/2/3/4#issue
Cultural and creative industries (CCIs) are based on regular capacity for innovations. Yet, recent technological dynamics support disruptive ways to conceive, deploy and make value from innovation. While most part of the existing literature addresses the disruptive change in consumers’ practices and business models of CCIs, this article investigate...
The French National Assembly has just passed the Bill for a Digital Republic. In addressing protection of persons on the Internet, enhanced accessibility to public transparency, opening up of public data, publication of judicial decisions after anonymization, improvement of the circulation of knowledge on the Internet, encouragement of research and...
Le défaut majeur de beaucoup de publications et de thèses réside dans leur absence d’alignement entre question de recherche, concepts mobilisés et opérationnalisation dans la recherche. Pour l’éviter, il importe de savoir s’appuyer, d’emblée, sur la maîtrise d’une démarche structurée. Le chapitre présente comment maîtriser et assurer la cohérence d...
The cultural industries are struck by multiple changes associated with the emergence of a new wave of technology, most often serving as a precursor for the remainder of the economy. These changes drastically altered the works created, their distribution, and their economies, as well as customers’ usages. A first consequence is the proliferation of...
The new digital economy seemingly is leading to the disappearance of intermediaries. Externalities and the ongoing comparison of competitors favor dominant players; creators and producers also can distribute their content directly to consumers, bypassing any intermediaries. This movement exhibits some contradictory tendencies though. Online transac...
Le Festival international du film de Cannes est tout à la fois foyer potentiel de découverte artistique, point d’une focalisation médiatique sans pareille, enjeu symbolique et politique pour les participants et les organisateurs, tout autant que lieu important de rencontre pour les acteurs du marché. Loin de s’opposer l’une à l’autre, logique artis...
The innovative and strategic models of creative industries (CIs) in the digital economy are capturing an increasing interest in recent years. Yet, most of the literature deals with creation and talent and very little with technological and innovation perspectives. Innovation is in general considered from a single viewpoint: a means to develop new c...
Despite their importance in the global organization and economy of internet networks, content delivery networks (CDNs) remain quite unfamiliar outside professional circles. However, they have a key role for a smooth functioning of the distribution of digital contents. This paper assesses the importance of these new powerful economic actors of the i...
The forecast and estimates of the coming IoT as the “next Big Thing” have been made for almost a decade. After so many announcements, the first clear results have now started in the industries and services. IoT is highly diverse and open to different application field. These demands did not take place on the most publicized – and often less anticip...
Technological rivalry is recognized as a key dimension of competition and innovation strategies in the digital era. It is particularly important in strategies focused on disruptive and repeated innovations, where each step contributes to shaping the design of the offering, the structuring of the market and the value chain. These technological traje...
Cultural and creative industries (CCIs) have aroused an increasing attention in recent years. The academic production is growing in parallel with the emergence of general reports aiming at supporting governments’ strategies. Notwithstanding this increasing and comprehensive interest, a very important matter is usually disregarded, that is the chara...
The creative industries are frequently considered as the laboratory and the innovation models of the digital age. Indeed, in the last decades, cultural, media and content industries were among the first to undergo significant transformations of their production processes (digital recording, computerized editing of films, desktop publishing. No wond...
Poor information privacy practices have been identified in health apps. Medical app accreditation programs offer a mechanism for assuring the quality of apps; however, little is known about their ability to control information privacy risks. We aimed to assess the extent to which already-certified apps complied with data protection pri...
Pour Daniel Schneidermann, qui a créé le site payant @rretsurimages.net, l’Internet est le meilleur média inventé depuis Gutenberg. Mais Bertrand Gié souligne les réussites et les fragilités de la conversion au numérique gratuit du Figaro .
– The purpose of this paper is to enquire into various forms of innovation and observable configurations in films are observable and document the specific technological fields in cinema, and innovations brought by young IT and digital companies.
– The paper is based on desk research, a review of literature, revi...
Technological rivalry is recognized as a key dimension of competition and innovation strategies in the digital era. It is especially at stake in strategies articulating disruptive and repeated innovations, where each step contributes to shape the design of the offering, the structuring of the market and the value chain. These technological trajecto...
Like other media industries, the cinema is faced with globalization on the one hand, the emergence of new distribution on-line channels on the other hand. During the past three decades, digital technologies have been usually introduced in the three main streams (production, distribution, and exhibition) that characterize the value chain of the cine...
The report starts by looking at the competing and overlapping definitions of creative industries, media and content industries. Chapter 1 investigates the fate of R&D and innovation in the creative industries and in the broader Telecom Media and Technology sectors. Chapter 2 summarizes past studies on innovation in distinct media and content indust...
Report financed by the Centre National du Livre (CNL), Paris, March 2015, pp. 1-131. Ce rapport est le résultat d’un projet de recherche conduit grâce au soutien du CNL et portant sur les modalités de la R&D dans l’édition.
La structure du rapport est organisée comme suit :
1) Une synthèse générale résume les principaux résultats du travail et le...
Research spin-offs (RSOs) are considered as potential key opportunities for universities.This paper aims to contribute to the debate on RSOs through an examination of the relationship between these firms and their parent institute: the goal is to understand in which extent the university involvement could make the difference or not. Original empiri...
In recent times creative industries management seems to have been reshaped by the influence of information and communication technology. Constant experimentation with business models and innovation in this area has become one of the key sources of firms' competitive advantage. As a result, traditional business models, which were dominant and stable...
This paper aims to contribute to the literature on research spin-offs (SOs) and strategic alliances. The research SO phenomenon has attracted significant attention in recent years. Yet, research SOs might present a particular situation regarding their economic development. Therefore, the paper focuses on the relevance of traditional industrial part...
The economics and competition of cultural and creative industries (CCIs) have been heavily transformed, in the digital age, thanks to the key role of new business models and the organization of new value chains and ecosystems around platforms structuring. These platforms organize the aggregation of content on the supply side and the matching with c...
Thématique: « Le Management à l’épreuve des Systèmes d’Information : enjeux, défis et, perspectives »
The creative industries face a constantly changing competitive environment: dematerialized transactions, market extensions, new offerings and new customer relations. As a result, constant innovations in organizational arrangements and business models have become a competitive advantage and threaten traditional models. They frequently refer to unkno...
This book contains all refereed papers that were accepted to the second edition of the « Digital Enterprise Design & Management » (DED&M 2014) international conference that took place in Paris (France) from February 4 to February 5, 2014 .
These proceedings cover the most recent trends in the emerging field of Digital Enterprise, both from an acade...
L’intermédiation dans le domaine culturel s’opère à la fois sur le marché du travail, sur l’organisation des transactions économiques et sur la capacité d’ajustement (matching) entre offre et demande.
Ces trois dimensions tendent à converger actuellement, grâce notamment à la flexibilité des formes organisationnelles permises par les TIC et ouvrant...
Research spin-offs (RSOs) are considered as potential key opportunities for universities. This paper aims to contribute to the debate on RSOs through an examination of the relationship between these firms and their parent institute: the goal is to understand in which extent the university involvement could make the difference or not. Original empir...
Online press industry in France in 2012 : business models and funding mechanisms
In recent times the press industry has been reshaped by the influence of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Constant experimentation and innovation in the business model (BM) has become one of the key sources of actors’ competitive advantage. As a result...
L'ouvrage constitue les actes d'un colloque tenu à Cerisy en octobre 2010, construit autour de la mise en perspective des travaux d'Howard Becker. Il mobilise des représentants français et étrangers de différentes disciplines, à la fois experts parmi les plus reconnus et jeunes chercheurs proches de Becker. Il met en avant l'influence des travaux d...
Internet forme sans aucun doute l'innovation la plus importante de la fin du XXe siècle. Aujourd’hui, plus de 2,5 milliards d’êtres humains y sont connectés. Demain, internet nous reliera également à des dizaines de milliards d’objets, de capteurs, de robots, qui dialogueront entre eux et prendront progressivement en charge des pans entiers de la g...
This study analyzes why firms use both internal and external design, and attempts to understand the determinants of design architecture choices. It is based on the design literature that analyzes the compared benefits of internal, external, and combined design, and it mobilizes the concept of vertical architecture that designates at the level of th...
Le monde académique n'échappe pas aux transformations suscitées par les TIC dans l'ensemble des secteurs de la société : nouveaux comportements et pratiques d'étudiants digital natives, nouvelles opportunités de supports d'enseignement (de la généralisation des présentations PowerPoint à l'enseignement à distance, aux plateformes bibliographiques e...
Le web a modifie nos manieres d’apprehender la connaissance, de construire un raisonnement, de produire de la recherche et de la diffuser. Dans le meme temps, notre metier de chercheur a ete bouleverse en profondeur qu’il s’agisse de la maniere de conduire des recherches ou des pratiques d’ecriture et des modalites de critique et de diffusion des r...
Le "plagiat", depuis ses définitions et ses perceptions dans les cadres de la recherche universitaire et scientifique jusqu'aux méthodes de détection et aux procédures de dénonciation de ses fabrications, induit des questionnements diversifiés et suscite des réactions contrastées. Pourtant devant la recrudescence des cas de plagiat tant de la part...
Par leur grande diversité, les industries de contenus marquent, avec Internet, la mobilisation de communautés et réseaux socionumériques au service de nouveaux paradigmes économiques. Ce phénomène central opère simultanément sur plusieurs registres. Il modifie les modes de conception et de développement des biens et services, il transforme la place...
Internet, lecteurs MP3, TNT, home studios, caméras et appareils photo numériques, smartphones, Ipad ou Kindle, les industries culturelles ont été simultanément frappées par plusieurs mutations de leur environnement associées à l'émergence d'une nouvelle vague technique, à base de technologies de l'information et de la communication . Ces transforma...
Le premier choc du numerique etait celui de la concurrence du gratuit lie a la dematerialisation des biens culturels. Aujourd’hui, le defi est celui de la valorisation des contenus non plus pour eux-memes mais dans le cadre d’offres culturelles plus larges dont les modeles economiques se demultiplient. Les biens culturels peuvent-ils encore relever...
La communication porte sur l'évolution des politiques de recherche, l'enjeu politique qu'elles sous-tendent, les méthodes d'évaluation de plus en plus complexes, la pression pour rendre des comptes. La professionnalisation des revues, des chercheurs et des institutions vont de pair. De nouvelle règles sont à apprendre, connaître et utiliser, qui ap...
On qualifie souvent de 'nouvelle économie' l'économie numérique ou, plus précisément, l'ensemble des transformations économiques et sociales associées au développement de l'Internet et des technologies de l'information et de la communication. Ce que recouvre cette économie numérique reste très imprécis mais appelle, dans tous les cas, à repenser le...
The paper relies on the empirical study of 34 online providers of audiovisual content. Using original analytic approach the paper substantiates two important points. First of all, the diversity of business models, which we observe today in the audiovisual industry and which looks like chaotic at first glance, is, in fact, structured. We bring to li...
L'économie numérique est marquée par une articulation constante entre secteur marchand et non marchand : dans son fonctionnement intime tout autant que dans l'implication de ses acteurs. L'importance actuelle du phénomène de la gratuité ne peut donc se comprendre sans être réinscrite dans le contexte où le réseau internet s'est développé, ancré dep...
Préface de Xavier Gouyou Beauchamps
Because of its sheer diversity and thanks to the Internet, the content industry has been pressing digital communities and social networking sites into the service of new economic paradigms. This crucial development is operating on several different registers at once. It is changing the way goods and services are designed and developed, transforming...
Grâce aux innombrables possibilités d'informations, de services, de relations, voire d'amis qu'offre le Web, les individus n'ont jamais disposé d'autant d'autonomie. Pourtant, les dispositifs de validation et de légitimation des contenus sur Internet en sont à leurs balbutiements. L'environnement numérique apparaît risqué et menaçant, au détriment...
In 2004, The editor-in-chief of Wired magazine, Chris Anderson, made the assumption that the Internet was bringing together scattered markets for cultural products that had not hitherto been lucrative due to their narrow market appeal. With sales of these products aggregated, he argued, they were now becoming profitable. This assuption, referred to...