Pierre FaillerUniversity of Portsmouth · Department of Economics and Finance
Pierre Failler
Professor, Director of the Centre for Blue Governance,
Unesco Chair in Ocean Governance
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Pierre Failler is a Professor of Economics at the University of Portsmouth. He holds the UNECSO Chair in Ocean Governance. He is and has been the Designer and Co-ordinator of International Research and Development programs (EU-DG Research, EU-DG MARE, FAO, UNEP, etc.) in Fishery, Ocean and Coastal zone policy and governance, International and regional fish trade marine, coastal biodiversity and ecosystem services, climate change, poverty and food security (Africa, Europe, Pacific and Caribbean).
Additional affiliations
September 2019 - present
June 2018 - present
May 2014 - June 2018
Publications (527)
This report aims to synthesize the current theory and practice of the blue economy concept to govern economic activity linked to the ocean, and to provide a framework for the Government of Bangladesh to analyze its potential. With the peaceful resolution of maritime boundary disputes with its neighbors in 2012 and 2014, the Government has recently...
Africa’s natural assets and associated contributions to people are underutilised in some areas, but are generally in decline due to a range of natural and human activities. Africa’s natural assets and associated contributions to people are underutilised in some areas, but are generally in decline due to a range of natural and human activities. Non-...
Developing countries are struggling to meet Aichi Target 11, which calls for 10% of national marine area under protection. In addition, the official tool to measure their progress, the WDPA, tends to overestimate it. To reach this target, developing countries must set up large offshore Marine protected areas.
Citation: Bennett, M.; March, A.; Greer, R.; Failler, P. Value Chain Opportunities for Pacific Coastal Resources. Sustainability 2025, 17, 1103.
Abstract: Oceanic tuna fisheries are a major contributor to the economic health of Pacific Island countries (PICs), with coastal fisheries underpinning the livelihoods of locals, providing food security,...
St. Martin's Island was declared an ecologically critical area of Bangladesh in 1999, but this has had limited effect on the conservation of the island's natural coral resources, on which a thriving tourism industry and the local inhabitants depend. The introduction of a tourism entrance fee can benefit conservation management on the island, but re...
L’objectif de cet article est d’évaluer les facteurs exacerbant les conflits dans les pêcheries artisanales de l’écorégion de la Commission sous-régionale des pêches (CSRP) et de questionner la capacité des cadres actuels de gestion à les résoudre. La méthode a consisté à mener des interviews auprès des différentes parties prenantes dans les pays d...
L'objectif de cet article est d'analyser les perceptions des communautés locales vis-à-vis du site Ramsar du complexe lagunaire de Keta Lagoon et d'évaluer les principales menaces environnementales pesant sur ces écosystèmes. La méthode de recherche a combiné des entretiens semi-structurés avec des groupes de discussion pour recueillir des données...
Transformation is idealised as a solution to multiple ocean crises, and the blue economy has emerged as a paradigm to facilitate transformation towards a sustainable ocean future. Conceptualisations of transformation differ and processes of change to achieve transformation remain under-explored in literature, representing a significant gap in under...
The aim of this article is to present the issue of social reproduction and the persistence of identity among young fishermen in Senegal. The authors conducted field surveys among young fishermen at various locations on the Senegalese coast. Field surveys were conducted with 700 young fishermen aged between 15 and 24 years. This provided important q...
This paper presents a review on the participatory multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) methods applied in fisheries management. Marine fisheries are an important part of the ecosystem which are under the threat of overexploitation partly due to ineffective management measures. With a significant economic and social role in coastal communities, fis...
The aim of this article is to present the multidimensional challenges associated with the exploitation of small
pelagic fish in the West Africa region. The method involved collecting statistical data on the production and trade
of these fish from research centres located in countries along the West African coastline. Field surveys were also
This study reviews various financing solutions available for fisheries and aquaculture development in Caribbean small island developing states (SIDS) and Barbados, Grenada, and St. Vin-cent and the Grenadines. Previously identified financing needs within the fisheries and aquaculture sectors have been matched with the most suitable financing mechan...
This study provides an assessment and characterization of marine litter pollution among various beaches of the Bay of Bengal coastline of Bangladesh, through standardised surveys. The data suggests that marine litter density was greatest in areas where anthropogenic activity was highest, such as Cox's Bazar (a popular tourist attraction) and Chitta...
The Blue Economy, according to the World Bank, is the "sustainable use of ocean resources for economic growth, improved livelihoods, and jobs while preserving the health of ocean ecosystem”, refers to a set of economic activities that sustainably make use of marine ecosystems while protecting nature at the same time. Similar policy trends, such as...
The objective of this paper is to present the issues of fish consumption in the ECOWAS region and Mauritania in the context of overexploitation of fishery resources, significant population growth, and increasing food and nutritional insecurity. The method involved compiling data on production (fishing and aquaculture), foreign trade in fishery prod...
The recent economic development of maritime areas has led to the emergence of new approaches to marine governance in many regions. Unfortunately, the complexity of the natural and socioeconomic processes that characterise the marine and coastal ecosystems is generally not sufficiently considered by the existing gover-nance mechanisms. This explains...
This research studies investment opportunities within the tuna fish pole and line fishery by the coast of the African Atlantic Façade (mainly SW-Senegal), and the associated value chains. Also, a section is dedicated to investigating the specific case of investment of French capital in tuna fisheries in Seychelles in the Indian Ocean. The investiga...
Urgent change is required in the governance of ocean spaces to contend with the increasing presence and impact of human activities, the solution to which is often labelled a ‘transformation.’ While diverse interpretations of this concept exist across academic disciplines, a grounded exploration of the subject with those involved in ocean governance...
There are strong interdependencies between the Blue Economy (BE) and the effects of climate change. This paper examines how the coastal and island African countries with strategies and action plans related to the BE have integrated climate change mitigation and adaptation in their national BE approach. It explores the methods they have adopted for...
This research presents an investigation of the time varying effects of crude oil on the price of three Tuna species, namely skipjack, albacore and yellow fin. The investigation analyses the impact coefficient of oil price fluctuation on tuna species over time with specific phases related to time points when crude oil prices fall, including December...
The core of this paper is an evaluation of the willingness to pay for non-use values of the ecosystem services related to the Banc d’Arguin National Park in Mauritania. This coastal protected area, the largest in Africa, has existed for more than forty years and plays a major role in the conservation of biodiversity. We use contingent valuation to...
Ce chapitre présente les services écosystémiques que les AMP ouest-africaines sont
susceptibles de fournir :
• Le cadre conceptuel et les méthodes de calcul propres à l’évaluation
de ces services ;
• Les études réalisées dans les AMP ouest-africaines ;
• Les principales limites de ces études ;
• Les recommandations qui en découlent.
International efforts to protect biodiversity date back to the 1970s. The effectiveness of Multilateral Environmental Agreements and regional legal instruments has been influenced by national implementation. In this process, subnational governance plays a crucial role. Although policy implementation has been extensively investigated, its subnationa...
This study investigates the symmetric and asymmetric relationships between oil price and renewable energy investment (REI) in six African countries (Algeria, Angola, Egypt, Ethiopia, Nigeria, and South Africa), examining the differences between net oil-importing and net oil-exporting countries in Africa. The study employs autoregressive distributed...
The loss of biodiversity across the planet emerged as a global problem in the 1960s. The UN Conference on the Human Environment held in Stockholm in 1972 addressed this issue with a declaration, the first international action plan and the establishment of the United Nations Environment Programme. Since then, numerous institutional instruments have...
Being complementary to traditional agriculture, seawater agriculture uses seawater to irrigate salt-tolerant crops either on land or on the surface of the sea. Developing seawater agriculture is an important mitigation strategy to address food insecurity. This paper aims to define the policy options for the development of seawater agriculture, base...
Blue carbon has been proposed as a nature-based solution for climate change mitigation; however, a limited number of published works and data and knowledge gaps hinder the development of small island developing states' (SIDS) national blue carbon resources globally. This paper reviews the blue carbon ecosystems of Seychelles as a case study in the...
Digital payment is one of the latest trendsin modern payment systems; its development has a profound impact on international trade relations and the international trade status of countries. We constructed an international trade network by using global commodity trade data to measure countries' international trade status. Based on this, we used pane...
L’objectif de cet article est de présenter les évolutions des flux de pêcheurs migrants ciblant les petits pélagiques en Afrique de l’Ouest depuis les lieux de pêche vers les lieux de consommation. La méthode a consisté à identifier les différentes filières migrantes de petits pélagiques dans les différents pays ouest-africains. Ensuite, un travail...
The processed marine fish sector represents an important component of small-scale marine fisheries in Benin. It plays a crucial role in terms of seafood provision and job creation in the country. However, its socioeconomic performance has been limitedly explored since few investigations have been dedicated to the sector over the past decades. This...
Biodiversity loss and climate change have severely impacted ecosystems and livelihoods worldwide, compromising access to food and water, increasing disaster risk, and affecting human health globally. Nature-based Solutions (NbS) have gained interest in addressing these global societal challenges. Although much effort has been directed to NbS in urb...
In the global context, countries must reduce carbon dioxide emissions to "net zero" by 2050 to limit global warming to 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels. China's Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) are to peak carbon dioxide emissions by 2030 and achieve the carbon neutrality target by 2060. To monitor the achievements of the NDCs, establis...
L’objectif de cet article est d’analyser les tensions entre le marché intérieur et extérieur de produits halieutiques au Sénégal et sur la pertinence des politiques publiques de soutien à la pêche artisanale dans un contexte de chute de la disponibilité apparente et de flambée des prix de vente au kilogramme toutes espèces confondues. En analysant...
Shark is an important fishery commodity globally. However, 70% decline in the populations of shark species has cast doubt on the fishery's economic success, especially in Ghana. Therefore, studying the shark fishery activities in Ghana from the perspectives of production, socioeconomic , and management will inform key stakeholders of the approaches...
Small cetacean bycatch in artisanal fisheries and deep-sea fishing operations is a serious and persistent threat to conservation in coastal communities in Ghana. We assessed the bycatch and management of small cetaceans in four coastal communities by administering 73 questionnaires to fishers and recording their catches. Our findings show that dolp...
Some life history aspects including the reproductive characteristics and population dynamics of Senegalese tongue sole (Cynoglossus Senegalensis, Kaup, 1858), in the coastal waters of Ghana, were studied between August 2018 and July 2019. The length data of 606 specimens from the coastal waters of the Greater Accra region of Ghana was analyzed for...
Even though Tanzania has been engaging in domestic and international sea-based economic activities for centuries , there are no specific statistical data on the contribution of the blue economy to the Tanzania's economy reinforcing the importance of this work. The purpose of this paper is to present economic, social, and ecosystem values that the b...
The poaching of marine resources has been defined as the conscious breaking of fishery regulations, a situation that occurs at serious levels and high frequencies in many socio-ecological contexts around the world. Poaching as a representation of illegal unreported and unregulated fishing (IUU fishing) impacts the management of marine resources and...
L’objectif de cet article est de quantifier la contribution économique du secteur de la pêche à l’économie guinéenne. La méthode employée combine le calcul des valeurs ajoutées directes dans plusieurs segments tels que la production, la transformation, le mareyage et l’exportation. Ces données servent ensuite à évaluer l’impact du secteur sur le Pr...
Modern aquaculture technologies can contribute to both climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies while simultaneously contributing towards food security. Various aquaculture strategies have been reviewed elsewhere but omit a few key strategies worthy of inclusion. This paper reviews various regenerative aquaculture strategies that stimula...
This article outlines a framework for mainstreaming climate change into African blue economy Strategies. We underscore that the proliferation of the blue economy in climate change has gained momentum, however, there remains no standardized approach, mechanism or framework for mainstream-ing and integrating climate change into blue economy. The econ...
This study analyses certain socio-economic aspects of continental fishing in Mauritania. It shows that more than 367 pirogues are used for fishing and that more than 3117 people are employed. Of these, 2816 are fishermen, 144 are fishmongers and 157 are processors. Inland fishing, once considered a subsistence activity, with production intended for...
The aim of this article is to analyse the contribution of the Senegalese and Turkish migrant fisheries for small coastal pelagics to the supply of the fishmeal and fish oil industries in Mauritania. The data used are those relating to Senegalese pirogues and Turkish coastal boats. Both types of vessel operate in the area reserved exclusively for co...
Abandoned, lost or otherwise discarded fishing gear (ALDFG) is created by the fishing industry and directly impacts fishers' livelihoods through ghost fishing, entanglements and presents navigational hazards. In addition, ALDFG creates a myriad of environmental and socioeconomic impacts that affect fisheries and other commercial sectors operating i...
Editorial of the Special Issue of African marine and coastal conservation
L’objectif de l’article est de présenter une évaluation de la contribution quantitative des captures des pêcheurs migrants à l’approvisionnement des usines de farine de poisson du Sénégal, de la Gambie et de la Mauritanie. La méthode a consisté d’abord à identifier et quantifier les volumes des captures des pêcheurs migrants ciblant les petits péla...
The wellbeing of millions of Ghanaians hinges on food security. As the country strives to meet the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Agenda 2030, fish consumption must be sustained. Predicting the future trends of fish consumption and supply is of significant importance to policy-makers and fisheries managers to better anticipate future...
L’objectif de cet article est de présenter les tensions du marché de la transformation artisanale de produits halieutiques face à un accès de plus en plus difficile à la matière première au Sénégal : les poissons pélagiques. La méthode a consisté à compiler et analyser les données statistiques sur l’approvisionnement en matière première des femmes...
Transformation as a concept has gained prominence in environmental governance as a proposed solution to the plethora of major global crises facing ocean spaces. Recent analysis has begun exploring the concept within the context of ocean governance. However, the question of how transformation is achieved is hindered by a perceived lack of clarity, m...
Background: The National Park of Banc d’Arguin (PNBA, Mauritania) was founded in 1976 to preserve the largest West African wintering area for shorebirds. In the face of increasing pressures, the PNBA’s authorities have launched an appeal to determine the park’s socio-economic value to adjust its management plan better.
Methods: In this context, we...
Even though Tanzania has been engaging in domestic and international sea-based economic activities for centuries, there are no specific statistical data on the contribution of the blue economy to the Tanzania’s economy reinforcing the importance of this work. The purpose of this report is to present economic, social, and ecosystem values that the b...
We address the economic impacts of the role of Biodegradable Fishing Gear (BFG) as a mitigation measure for the ghost fishing impact of lost fishing gear, through scenarios based on industry interviews. We find that the use of BFG is a technical challenge and not an economic problem. The majority of costs to fishermen in terms of BFG use are not re...
In November 2022, the Scottish Government and JNCC co-hosted an online workshop called “Exploring an integrated approach towards a sustainable blue economy”. Attended by representatives of UK governments and conservation bodies, academics, and business and finance partners, the workshop aimed to explore a blue economy approach that accounts for the...
Some life history aspects, including population parameters of Senegalese tongue sole (Cynoglossus senegalensis), in the coastal waters of Ghana, were studied between July 2018 and June 2019. The length data from a total of 528 specimens from the coastal waters of the Greater Accra region of Ghana was analysed for growth parameters, mortality parame...
The shift to renewable sources of energy has become a critical economic priority in African countries due to energy challenges. However, investors in the development of renewable energy face problems with decision making due to the existence of multiple criteria, such as oil prices and the associated macroeconomic performance. This study aims to an...
The Blue Economy (BE) relates to the sustainable use and conservation of marine and freshwater environments. Accounting for the BE has not yet been undertaken in African countries due to disparities in data collection related to social, economic, and ecological components of the BE; it is a critical factor in decision and/or policymaking associated...
Blue Economy, MPA, fishermen in the Caribbean.
The aim of this study is to identify the key policy, regulatory, economic, and capacity constraints, as well as opportunities for the financing needs of Blue Economy (BE) projects focused on fishery and aquaculture in Barbados, Grenada, and St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Coastal and marine environments provide multiple important contributions to t...
The long-term provision of ocean ecosystem services de- pends on healthy ecosystems and effective sustainable man- agement. Understanding public opinion about marine and coastal ecosystems is important to guide decision-making and inform specific actions. However, available data on pub- lic perceptions on the interlinked effects of climate change,...
In this paper, a systematic literature review on the impact of fisheries on the economy and the application of the computable general equilibrium (CGE) and input–output (IO) methods for assessing this impact is conducted. The importance of fisheries as a food source, the over exploitation of this resource, and, consequently, the impact of fisheries...
The objective of this article is to present the contribution of migrant fishers to the supply of fishmeal factories in Senegal, The Gambia and Mauritania. The method consisted first of identifying migrant fishers and then quantifying the volumes of small pelagic fish they catch in the three countries studied. Then, an interview guide was submitted...
Migration is a common feature of most small-scale fisheries (SSF) across the globe. To enhance fisheries resources sustainability and management, we examined the social issues in the SSF from the perspective of fishers, Chief Fishermen, and Fisheries Technical Officers who are actively involved in SSF migration and fisheries management along the co...
As a topic of widespread concern in the international community, the issue of energy prices has “increased in popularity” in recent years due to its prominent strategic position and the impact of the development of alternative renewable resources [...]
The impact of population aging on economic growth is a very important issue in the process of population structure change. This paper first proposes research hypotheses based on a systematic literature review and theoretical analysis of the negative and positive effects of population aging on economic growth. Then, based on the data of 30 provinces...
Ce rapport présente une évaluation monétaire des services écosystémiques fournis par les herbiers marins en Afrique de l’Ouest. Conduite par l’Université de Portsmouth (UK) avec le soutien du CCMAR (Portugal), de l’ONG Azul e Verde (Cabo verde), de l’IBAP (Guinée-Bissau), du CRODT (Sénégal), de l’IMEDEA (Espagne) et de l’UTA (Cabo Verde) ainsi que...
The objective of this paper was to demonstrate that the promotion of aquaculture clusters as a policy option for developing tilapia aquaculture in Mexico, resulting from glocal externalities as competitive advantages to the global market, is necessary to further develop the sector. The farmed tilapia clusters were described using data from the Vera...
The paper presents the blue economy development in The Bahamas with an analysis of the conditions for using blue bonds as a financing mechanism. As part of the activities to be pursued for the issuance of a blue bond, the paper provides an identification of investment projects that could be financed through blue bonds. In addition to its blue econo...