Pierre Denise

Pierre Denise
University of Caen Normandy | UNICAEN · COMETE Inserm

M.D., Ph.D.


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November 2013 - February 2014
  • Visitor Scientist
September 1997 - present
University of Caen Normandy
  • Professor


Publications (246)
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Among the factors, such as emotions, that distort time perception, vestibular stimulation causes a contraction in subjective time. Unlike emotions, the intensity of vestibular stimulation can be easily and precisely modified, making it possible to study the quantitative relationship between stimulation and its effect on time perception. We hypothes...
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This review attempts to analyze the relationship between the vestibular system and the circadian timing system. The activity of the biological clock allows an organism to optimally perform its tasks throughout the nychtemeron. To achieve this, the biological clock is subjected to exogenous factors that entrain it to a 24h period. While the most pow...
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We investigated the shuttling of Homer protein isoforms identified in soluble (cytosolic) vs. insoluble (membrane–cytoskeletal) fraction and Homer protein–protein interaction/activation in the deep postural calf soleus (SOL) and non-postural gastrocnemius (GAS) muscles of het−/− mice, i.e., mice with an autosomal recessive variant responsible for a...
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Lors d’une course au large, les marins sont exposés à une combinaison de facteurs extrêmes dont les répercussions sur la physiologie humaine sont peu étudiées. Quelques études ont montré qu’en moyenne 18 jours de course en mer entraînent une diminution du poids et de la force musculaire (1-2). Aucune étude ne s’est intéressée à l’impact d’une cours...
Our understanding regarding the impact of simulated microgravity on sympathetic neurocirculatory regulation, and the modulatory effects of biological sex, remain incomplete. Through retrospective analysis of two long-duration bed rest trials, this study investigated the impact of 60 days of -6° head-down bed rest (HDBR) on the transduction of integ...
Conference Paper
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Post-flight, astronauts show similar performance in functional tasks as BVL patients. Tandem Walk and the rate of turn while walking around an obstacle are the most sensitive tests for vestibular deconditioning.
Evaluation of postural control by analyses of linear and non-linear parameters in patients with bilateral vestibulopathy. Comparisons in patients with and without saccular function.
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Introduction This study compares the balance control and cognitive responses of subjects with bilateral vestibulopathy (BVP) to those of astronauts immediately after they return from long-duration spaceflight on board the International Space Station. Methods Twenty-eight astronauts and thirty subjects with BVP performed five tests using the same p...
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Astronauts in microgravity experience multi-system deconditioning, impacting their inflight efficiency and inducing dysfunctions upon return to Earth gravity. To fill the sex gap of knowledge in the health impact of spaceflights, we simulate microgravity with a 5-day dry immersion in 18 healthy women (ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT05043974). He...
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Space exploration objectives will soon move from low Earth orbit to distant destinations like Moon and Mars. The present work provides an up-to-date roadmap that identifies critical research gaps related to human behavior and performance in altered gravity and space. The roadmap summarizes (1) key neurobehavioral challenges associated with spacefli...
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Insomnia symptoms are common among patients with breast cancer (BC; 20–70%) and are predictors of cancer progression and quality of life. Studies have highlighted sleep structure modifications, including increased awakenings and reduced sleep efficiency and total sleep time. Such modifications may result from circadian rhythm alterations consistent...
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We report a study on astronauts aimed at characterizing duration judgment before, during, and after long-duration stays on board the International Space Station. Ten astronauts and a control group of 15 healthy (non-astronaut) participants performed a duration reproduction task and a duration production task using a visual target duration ranging f...
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While the influence of the vestibular and extra-vestibular gravity signals on the cardiovascular system has been demonstrated, there is little evidence that visual stimuli can trigger cardiovascular responses. Furthermore, there is no evidence of interaction between visual and vestibular signals in autonomic control, as would be expected since they...
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We perceive the environment through an elaborate mental representation based on a constant integration of sensory inputs, knowledge, and expectations. Previous studies of astronauts on board the International Space Station have shown that the mental representation of space, such as the perception of object size, distance, and depth, is altered in o...
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While the influence of the vestibular and extra-vestibular gravity signals on the cardiovascular system has been demonstrated, there is little evidence that visual stimuli can trigger cardiovascular responses. Furthermore, there is no evidence of interaction between visual and vestibular signals in autonomic control, as would be expected since they...
New findings: What is the central question of this study? What is the effect of exercise countermeasure on microgravity-induced change in cerebral blood flow? What is the main finding and its importance? Jump exercise training as a countermeasure did not modify this heterogeneous cerebral blood flow response to the HDBR, suggesting that this metho...
Animal and human studies demonstrate anatomical and functional links between the vestibular nuclei and the circadian timing system. This promotes the hypothesis of a circadian rhythm of vestibular function. The objective of this study was to evaluate the vestibular function through the vestibulo-ocular reflex using a rotatory chair at different tim...
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The vestibular system is responsible for sensing every angular and linear head acceleration, mainly during periods of motor activity. Previous animal and human experiments have shown biological rhythm disruptions in small rodents exposed to a hypergravity environment, but also in patients with bilateral vestibular loss compared to a control populat...
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Input from the light/dark (LD) cycle constitutes the primary synchronizing stimulus for the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) circadian clock. However, the SCN can also be synchronized by non-photic inputs. Here, we hypothesized that the vestibular system, which detects head motion and orientation relative to gravity, may provide sensory inputs to sync...
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As we move through an environment the positions of surrounding objects relative to our body constantly change. Maintaining orientation requires spatial updating, the continuous monitoring of self-motion cues to update external locations. This ability critically depends on the integration of visual, proprioceptive, kinesthetic, and vestibular inform...
Aerobatic flight is a challenge for the vestibular system, which is likely to lead to adaptive changes in the vestibular responses of pilots. We investigated whether aerobatic pilots, as individuals who experience intense vestibular stimulation, present modifications of the vestibular-ocular reflex, motion sickness susceptibility and intensity, vis...
New findings: • What is the central question of this study? It has been demonstrated that there was a heterogeneous cerebral blood flow (CBF) response in the cerebral arteries during several physiological conditions and it may be owing to differing physiological properties. However, a whole cerebral hemodynamic response to weightlessness remains u...
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This study assessed cardiovascular control during Head Down Neck Flexion (HDNF) in a group of patients suffering from total bilateral idiopathic vestibular loss (BVL) for 7 ± 4 years. Nine adult patients (age 53.6 ± 11.5 years) with BVL were recruited. Calf blood flow (CBF), mean arterial pressure (MAP), heart rate (HR) were measured with eyes clos...
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Galvanic vestibular stimulation (GVS) is a non-invasive method used to stimulate the vestibular system. The vestibular system includes the sensors, neural pathways, vestibular nuclei and the cortical areas receiving integrated vestibular inputs. In addition to its role in postural control or gaze stabilization, the vestibular system is involved in...
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[This corrects the article DOI: 10.3389/fnsys.2019.00014.].
Anxiety score and Graybiel score for time and session factors for all participants.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of 60‐days head‐down tilt (−6°) bed rest (HDBR) on muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA) responses to a maximal end‐inspiratory apnea (apnea) and the sympathetic neural recruitment strategies underlying the MSNA response. Thirteen male individuals ( n = 13, 30 ± 2 yr, 180.7 ± 1.5 cm, 77.7 ±...
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Among possible causes of visual impairment or headache experienced by astronauts in microgravity or post-flight and that hamper their performance, elevated intracranial pressure (ICP) has been invoked, but never measured for lack of non-invasive methods. The goal of this work was to test two noninvasive methods of ICP monitoring using in-ear detect...
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New findings: What is the central question of this study? It is known that respiration is affected by graviceptors, but it remains unclear to what extent labyrinthine and non-labyrinthine graviceptors are involved in this process. What is the main finding and its importance? Our results suggest that the respiration modulation is not a result of a...
Background: Sleep deprivation has been associated with an increased incidence of medical errors and can jeopardise patients' safety during medical crisis management. The aim of the study was to assess the effect of sleep deprivation on the management of simulated anaesthesia crisis by residents in anaesthesiology. Methods: A randomised, comparat...
To understand the impact of physical deconditioning with head-down tilt bed rest (HDBR) on the malleability of sympathetic discharge patterns, we studied a) baseline integrated muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA; microneurography) from 13 females participating in the WISE-2005 60-day HDBR study (Female, retrospective analysis), b) integrated M...
New Findings What is the central question of this study? The extent to which weightlessness associated with a fluid shift from the peripheral to the central circulation influences the blood flow in each cerebral artery remains unknown. The present study was designed to explore the effect of short‐term weightlessness conditions on both anterior and...
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Elhers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) is the clinical manifestation of connective tissue disorders, and comprises several clinical forms with no specific symptoms and selective medical examinations which result in a delay in diagnosis of about 10 years. The EDS hypermobility type (hEDS) is characterized by generalized joint hypermobility, variable skin hype...
Both parabolic flight, i.e. a condition of altered gravity, and loss of vestibular function, have been suggested to affect spatial learning and memory, which is known to be influenced by neurogenesis in the hippocampus. In this study we investigated whether short alternated micro- and hyper-gravity stimulations during parabolic flight and/or loss o...
BACKGROUND: The objective was to determine if short term exposure to dry immersion (DI) results in a cephalic fluid shift similar to what has been observed with spaceflight. METHODS: Data were collected from 10 individuals at rest and during the first 2 h of dry immersion. Jugular vein (JV), portal vein (PV), and thyroid volume were measured using...
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Constant velocity Off-Vertical Axis Rotation (OVAR) imposes a continuously varying orientation of the head and body relative to gravity, which generates a modulation of horizontal (conjugate and vergence), vertical, and torsional eye movements. We introduced the head-turn-on-trunk paradigm during OVAR to examine the extent to whether the modulation...
INTRODUCTION: Zero-G parabolic flight reproduces the weightlessness of space for short periods. However, motion sickness may affect some fliers. The aim was to assess the extent of this problem and to find possible predictors and modifying factors. METHODS: Airbus zero-G flights consist of 31 parabolas performed in blocks. Each parabola consisted o...
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Three electrophysiological endophenotypes are routinely studied in schizophrenia: smooth pursuit eye movement (SPEM) dysfunction, deficits in P50 auditory-evoked potential inhibition, and saccadic inhibition deficits. The current study aimed to investigate the relationship between the COMT val158met polymorphism and these three endophenotypes. One...
Permanent vestibular loss has detrimental effects on the hippocampus, resulting in a disruption to spatial learning and memory, hippocampal theta rhythm and place cell field spatial coherence. Little is known about the vestibular system-related hippocampal cholinergic transmission. Since the pharmacological blockade of muscarinic acetylcholine rece...
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Background: New insights have expanded the influence of the vestibular system to the regulation of circadian rhythmicity. Indeed, hypergravity or bilateral vestibular loss (BVL) in rodents causes a disruption in their daily rhythmicity for several days. The vestibular system thus influences hypothalamic regulation of circadian rhythms on Earth, wh...
The individual data points of participants. As explained in the journal instruction, this file provides the individual data points of participants for circadian rhythms, sleep and actigraphy. (XLSX)
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ID: 236 / Poster session 06/06: 9 Poster Presentation Topics: Neuroscience research (including neurovestibular and neuroendocrine systems) Does the vestibular system influences circadian rhythmicity ? Tristan Martin1,2,3, Stéphane Besnard1,2,3, Damien Davenne1,2,3, Benoit Mauvieux1,2,3, Sébastien Moussay1,2,3, Jan Bulla4, Antoine Gauthier1,2,3, Pie...
Les technologies d’assistance facilitent la communication et favorisent la mobilité. Le système développé Head-Pilot permet le pilotage d’un ordinateur par mouvement de tête grâce à une webcam. Il présente comme avantages (i) de pouvoir être utilisé avec des outils informatiques déjà utilisés par les personnes en situation de handicap et (ii) il s’...
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In the nineteenth century Pierre–Jean–Marie Flourens (1825) and Ernst Mach described the vestibular system and its peripheral organs while Robert Barany, rewarded by the Nobel prize in 1914, was the first to investigate vestibular disorders with caloric tests making surgical treatments of the vestibular organ possible. Recently, Graf and Klam (2006...
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Introduction Le syndrome d’Ehlers-Danlos (SED) est l’expression clinique d’atteintes du tissu conjonctif. Sa forme hypermobile (SEDh) s’exprime principalement à travers l’hyperlaxité articulaire, source de troubles proprioceptifs. Cette étude visait à évaluer : – les conséquences de ces troubles sur l’intégration sensori-motrice dans le contrôle po...
L'utilisation d'un véhicule associé à la consommation de psychotropes relève de pratiques relativement courantes (21% des causes d'accident en 2013 selon l'Observatoire National Interministériel de Sécurité Routière). Les données épidémiologiques et les pourcentages de consommation de médicaments ne permettent pas de faire un lien de causalité dire...
Systemic blood distribution is an important factor involved in regulating cerebral blood flow (CBF). However, the effect of an acute change in central blood volume (CBV) on CBF regulation remains unclear. To address our question, we sought to examine the CBF and systemic hemodynamic responses to microgravity during parabolic flight. Twelve healthy...
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Introduction: Despite its high incidence and severe morbidity, the physiopathogenesis of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) is still unknown. Here, we looked for early anomalies in AIS which are likely to be the cause of spinal deformity and could also be targeted by early treatments. We focused on the vestibular system, which is suspected of a...
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Flow cytometry allows single cell analysis through specific fluorescent markers covering numerous fields of research and clinical application mainly in hematology, immunology and cancer. Additionally, flow cytometry extracts stem cells from healthy or tumoral cerebral tissue for pharmacological studies but remains poorly used in receptors and neuro...
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Vestibular system is the sense organ of equilibrium involved in postural control and occulomotricity and additionally in spatial navigation in our environment. Indeed, it has been recently shown that vestibular loss decreased spatial memory performances in human and rodent with a structural impact on hippocampus in human. However, neurotransmitters...
The vestibular system is a small bilateral structure located in the inner ear, known as the organ of balance and spatial orientation. It senses head orientation and motion, as well as body motion in the three dimensions of our environment. It is also involved in non-motor functions such as postural control of blood pressure. These regulations are m...
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Objective: To assess the specific prefrontal activity in comparison to those in the other main cortical areas in primary insomnia patients and in good sleepers. Methods: Fourteen primary insomnia patients and 11 good sleepers were included in the analysis. Participants completed one night of polysomnography in the sleep lab. Power spectra were c...