Piero Dominici

Piero Dominici
University of Perugia | UNIPG · Department of Human and Education Sciences

Associate Professor - PhD in Social Theory and Research. Sociologist and Philosopher
PhD - Fellow of the World Academy of Art & Science & Official Delegate to UNESCO.Scientific Director of CHAOS - Unipg


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Prof. Piero Dominici (PhD), sociologist, philosopher,educator and systems thinker, is Associate Professor at Univ. of Perugia - Fellow of the World Academy of Art and Science and Official Delegate to UNESCO, Scientific Director of CHAOS- Director (Scientific Listening) at Global Listening Centre. Member of the MIUR Register of Revisers and of the WCSA (World Complexity Science Academy), he is also standing member of several of the most prestigious national and international scientific committee.
Additional affiliations
January 2011 - present
University of Perugia
  • Managing Director
  • Prof. Piero Dominici (PhD), Fellow of the World Academy of Art & Science (WAAS), Director of Scientific Listening at the Global Listening Center, teaches Sociology of Social Complexity and Intelligence, Networks,and Complex Systems at the Univ. of Perugia. As scientific researcher, educator, author and international speaker, his main areas of expertise and interest encompass (hyper)complexity, interdisciplinarity and knowledge sharing in the fields of education, systems theory, technology innov.


Publications (30)
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It was post-modernity that first told us that facts were now to be considered interpretations, whereupon the value of theorization diminished to the point where theories became little more than opinions. As a reaction, the reductionisms and determinisms that had previously been dismantled by a novel, non-Newtonian perspective returned as a "tyranny...
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The ongoing anthropological transformation urges the rethinking of education , underlining the inadequacy of our schools and universities in dealing with hypercomplexity, that is, with the global extension of all political, social, and cultural processes and with their indeterminacy, interdependence, and intercon-nection. The idea that educational...
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The temptation to find a working formula for transforming society into a highly regulated, sustainable world-system does not take into account two extremely relevant and interwoven aspects of reality, which can be understood by probing the deeper meaning of these two words: democracy and complexity. 🟨 Beginning with what is arguably the most myst...
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Research on sustainability must take into account both the need to create a sustainable world and the urgency of undertaking a radical rethinking of our approach to planning and foresight that encompasses a full understanding of the ineludible unpredictability of the complex systems we are dealing with, which can only come about through long-term i...
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Introducción: La educomunicación aumenta su presencia en la etapa universitaria, pero los riesgos de las brechas digitales y el fracaso son significativos. A través de este estudio se plantea si es viable la educación virtual, a través de pantallas y herramientas tecnológicas. El libre acceso al conocimiento es gratuito, pero se advierten peligros...
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The new online university education: from the emotional to the spectacular La nueva educación universitaria en línea: de lo emocional a la espectacularización
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Our hypertechnological civilization, obsessed with attempting to control and predict every event and every aspect of our lives, has not yet understood that emergency is a connotative element of complexity and of the complex systems that we call "life". This means that emer-gency, like error, is an intrinsic part of our lives and can never be predic...
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La educomunicación aumenta su presencia en la etapa universitaria, pero los riesgos de las brechas digitales y el fracaso son significativos. A través de este estudio se plantea si es viable la educación virtual, a través de pantallas y herramientas tecnológicas. El libre acceso al conocimiento es gratuito, pero se advierten peligros ligados a lo e...
The purpose of this chapter is to enhance the capacity for recognizing, comprehending and learning how to inhabit complexity, in particular social complexity, on the part of both experts and laymen, by describing the unique characteristics of complex systems, and above all by clarifying the crucial differences between complex and complicated system...
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Before discussing the prospects for educating young people toward becoming global citizens, we must ask ourselves: is global citizenship reality or illusion? What can be stated is that plain citizenship itself can no longer be considered merely a legal or judicial question. Today, citizenship is only partially linked to rights and duties deriving f...
Conference Paper
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The contemporary Information and Communication Technologies and always faster means of transport facilitate the interconnection among the humans on Earth as never before. There is the awareness that every human is a node of a giant network, which is the humanity on Earth. A problem in a community might easily become a global issue and involve every...
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Within a world-system characterized by processes and dynamics whose interconnections and interdependencies increase exponentially each day, we are passing through an extremely delicate and complex phase of global mutation. What we are witnessing is a radical overturn of the complex interaction between natural (biological) and cultural evolution. Th...
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El articulo aborda análisis y reflexiones sobre el modelo de educación que se viene dando en las universidades de forma global y en las que, equivocadamente, priorizan las habilidades tecnológicas en detrimento del pensamiento crítico considerando que el uso tecnológico determina la educación digital dejando de lado el rol docente en la formación d...
In the past, many scientists were convinced that, in the not-so-distant future, it would be possible to obtain a thorough understanding of virtually all phenomena, controlling and managing their complexity. However, it was slowly becoming evident that traditional linear models and reductionist/deterministic approaches were no longer capable of anal...
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Every institution of higher education and every government is trying to overcome the problems it faces and improve the reach, relevance, financial viability and effectivity of education. But no one is thinking globally for solutions that will be optimal from the perspective of humanity as a whole. The enormous challenges we face in education today...
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A comunicação e a informação representam atualmente os únicos elementos capazes de unir uma realidade problematicamente complexa. A comunicação, em particular, tem assumido uma função ainda mais decisiva do que no passado, também no que diz respeito à capacidade de sistemas e organizações complexas gerirem o risco e as situações de crise/emergência...
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The anthropological transformation we are undergoing shows the urgency of rethinking teaching and training, underlining the substantial inadequacy of our schools and universities in dealing with hypercomplexity, with the global extension of all political, social and cultural processes, with their indeterminateness, interdependence and interconnecti...
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Inspired by Marcelo Dascal’s theory of controversies, this volume includes studies in the theory of controversies, studies of the history of controversy forms and their evolution, and case-studies of particular historical and current controversies. The purpose of this volume is to identify a taxonomy of controversies and also to sense a line of dev...
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Hurled into hypercomplexity, we are facing a complex process of anthropological transformation, of a shift in paradigms, models and codes, other than an irreversible synthesis of new value systems and criteria for judgment. Our extraordinary scientific discoveries and technological innovations not only open dizzily onto as yet unimaginable horizons...
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The Interconnected Society - a global ecosystem of limited rationality founded on the interdependence of systems and on the processing of information and knowledge (a new paradigm) (Dominici, 2014) - reveals itself, in fact, not only as the underlying structure of digital capitalism and of the sharing economy (Dominici, 1998), but above all, in rel...
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Nowadays, as never before, technology has come to participate in the synthesis of new values and of new evaluation criteria. As well as contributing to the post-humanistic challenge (the new Utopia), technological innovation enables social actors to perform further (irreversible) improvements, reaching higher and higher levels of quality. This pape...


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