Philipp LeitnerGraz University of Technology | TU Graz · Educational Technology
Philipp Leitner
Research about Leaning Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Technology Enhanced Learning, and MOOC.
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Philipp Leitner heads the Learning Analytics group of the Department Educational Technology at Graz University of Technology. The Media Informatics scientist's research focuses include technology-supported teaching and learning, learning analytics, data protection and data security, artifical intelligence and recommender systems.
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January 2016 - present
Publications (51)
This paper explores the challenges and first experiences of implementing federated virtual learning management within the European University Alliance "Unite!". Through the lens of Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI), the study investigates the complexities inherent in connecting Learning Management Systems (LMS) across diverse institutional cont...
The European university alliance "Unite!" has embarked on a mission to bring together their higher education landscape. As part of this ambitious endeavour, the Erasmus+ Work Package 2, called “Community 2 Digital Campus” or "Cm.2" for short, was established to shape and implement a cutting-edge digital campus framework within the alliance. The pur...
This is a presentation that was given at HCII 2023 Conference in July 2023.
The full paper that is the basis for this presentation can be read at Mair, B., Schön, S., Ebner, M., Edelsbrunner, S., Leitner, P. (2023). Learning with Videos and Quiz Attempts: Explorative Insights into Behavior and Patterns of MOOC Participants. In: Zaphiris, P., Ioan...
Many MOOCs use units with videos and quizzes, where a successful attempt after several tries is the basis for a MOOC certificate. A first in-depth analysis of quiz behavior within a MOOC at the Austrian MOOC platform had shown several quiz attempts patterns (Mair et al. 2022). As a next step, the researchers now collected details on video...
Mixed reality as a tool for teaching has made only limited use of its possibilities so far. However, it brings a plethora of new opportunities, with benefits ranging from interactivity to more vividness. These factors could improve numerous areas of teaching. The mining sector would benefit from new methods combined with mixed reality especially. T...
MOOCs are seen as an important measure to open up universities to new target groups. In this chapter, two new variants of the usage of MOOCs in European higher education are highlighted: First, openly licensed MOOCs can be used as part of microcredential offers with university accreditation. Second, openly licensed MOOCs can be made available to ot...
Presentation im Rahmen einer Online-Veranstaltung des BMBWF (Juni 2023) über den Artikel "Die Wirkung von MOOCs und aus Sicht von Kursersteller:innen". Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung , 18, 51-76. wird im Rahmen des Projekts „MooX – Die MOOC-Plattform als Service für alle österreichischen Universitäten“ (2020–2023) als nationale Plattform für Hochschulen ausgebaut. Im Beitrag werden bisherige Ergebnisse und Wirkungen des Projekts dargestellt. So wurden bereits 70 MOOCs durchgeführt (geplant waren 33). In problemzentrierten Interview...
Der Einsatz von Learning Analytics etabliert sich zunehmend an Hochschulen. Im Rahmen eines vom BMBWF kofinanzierten Projekts wurde sowohl auf Ebene der Lehrveranstaltung als auch auf Ebene des Studiums angesetzt. Tools und Qualifizierungsmaßnahmen wurden entwickelt, die Studierende und ihre Interessen ins Zentrum stellen. Das Projekt verfolgt somi...
Zusammenfassung Der Einsatz von Learning Analytics etabliert sich zunehmend an Hochschulen. Im Rahmen eines vom BMBWF kofinanzierten Projekts wurde sowohl auf Ebene der Lehrveranstaltung als auch auf Ebene des Studiums angesetzt. Tools und Quali-fizierungsmaßnahmen wurden entwickelt, die Studierende und ihre Interessen ins Zentrum stellen. Das Proj...
Human-centred design is a well-established approach within research fields such as human-computer interaction, ergonomics, and human factors. Recently Learning Analytics (LA) researchers and practitioners have manifested great interest in exploring methods and techniques associated with this approach to manage the design process in ways that can en...
Learning Analytics (LA) researchers and practitioners are growing interested in applying human-centred design methods and techniques to design LA technology. This approach finds solutions by involving the perspectives of students, teachers, and other educational stakeholders in all process steps. It enables the creation of technology that resonates...
Schön, Sandra; Leitner, Philipp; Lindner, Jakob & Ebner, Martin (2023). Learning Analytics in Hochschulen und Künstliche Intelligenz. Eine Übersicht über Einsatzmöglichkeiten, erste Erfahrungen und Entwicklungen
von KI-Anwendungen zur Unterstützung des Lernens und Lehrens. In: Tobias Schmohl, Alice Watanabe, Kathrin Schelling (Hg.), Künstliche Inte...
Presentation about our work in Learning Analytics at Graz University of Technology for the MUA Town Hall!
In recent years, the interest in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and Learning Analytics research have highly increased in the areas of educational technologies. The emergence of new learning technologies requires new perspectives on Educational Design. When the areas of MOOCs, Learning Analytics and Instructional Design developed, the interest...
The analysis of learner data in MOOCs provides numerous opportunities to look for patterns that may indicate participants' learning strategies. In this article, we investigated how participants in a MOOC (N=1,200), in which they must successfully complete a quiz in each unit, deal with the fact that they can repeat this quiz up to five times. On th...
Preprint: Mair, B., Schön, S., Ebner, M., Edelsbrunner, S., Leitner, P., Schlager, A., Teufel, M., & Thurner, S. (2022). Patterns of quiz attempts in a MOOC. The full-points-pattern and other patterns on the way to a successful MOOC in a lecture setting., - Abstrac...
The digitalisation of learning, teaching, and study processes has a major impact on possible evaluations and uses of data, for example with regard to individual learning recommendations, prognosis, or assessments. This also gives rise to ethical issues centered around digital teaching and possible challenges of data use. One possible approach to th...
Präsentation zum Vortrag auf dem 28. DGfE-Kongress mit dem Thema ENT | GRENZ | UNGEN von 13.-16.3.2022. Die Präsentation ist Teil mehrerer Vorträge der AG Digitalisierung in der Erwachsenen- und Weiterbildung: Potenziale digitaler Medien für Zugänge zu Weiterbildungsangeboten. Diese Folien werden unter der Lizenz Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 In...
Digital skills are now essential, not only in information and communications technology (ICT) jobs, but for employees across all sectors. The aim of this article is to detail how employees’ digital skills can be fostered through a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), how such an offer is used and what the effects of such a measure are. Using an appro...
Massive open online course (MOOC) platforms within the so-called xMOOC framework typically host quizzes, sometimes as part of the course assessment. Within our contribution we look at and describe quizzes and their results as a feedback for learners. Additionally, we describe current research on quizzes in MOOCs, especially from a learning analytic...
In this paper, an exploratory mixed-method study is presented examining the video-related behavior of participants of a massive open online course (MOOC; N=1.238). Firstly, detailed log-file analysis of six videos has been carried out to compare clickstreams of videos with and without integrated H5P quiz integration. It shows quite different seekin...
At Graz University of Technology (TU Graz, Austria), the learning management system based on Moodle ( – last accessed February 10, 2021) is called TeachCenter. Together with a campus management system – called TUGRAZonline – it is the main infrastructure for digital teaching and general study issues. As central instances for both...
Schön, Sandra; Leitner, Philipp, Ebner, Martin; Edelsbrunner, Sarah & Hohla, Katharina (2021). Quiz Feedback in Massive Open Online Courses from the Perspective of Learning Analytics: Role of First Quiz Attempts. Presentation of the full paper at: ICL2021, September 22-24, 2021. The full paper will be published in: ICL2021 Proceedings, Lecture Note...
In den zentralen Informationssystemen der Technischen Universität Graz (TU Graz), dem auf Moodle basierenden TeachCenter und dem Campusmanagementsystem TUGRAZonline, werden verschiedene Services und Unterstützungen für Lehrende und Studierende angeboten. Zu den neuesten Entwicklungen gehört ein Studienfortschritts-Dashboard für Studierende. Dieses...
In den zentralen Informationssystemen der Technischen Universität Graz (TU Graz), dem auf Moodle basierenden TeachCenter und dem Campusmanagementsystem TUGRAZonline, werden verschiedene Services und Unterstützungen für Lehrende und Studierende angeboten. Zu den neuesten Entwicklungen gehört ein Studienfortschritts-Dashboard für Studierende. Dieses...
Massive open online course (MOOC) platforms within the so-called xMOOC framework typically host quizzes, sometimes as part of the course assessment. Within our contribution we see and describe quizzes and their results as a feedback for learners. Therefore, we describe current research on quizzes in MOOCs, especially from a learning analytics persp...
Die Zunahme an digitalen Lernsettings führt zu einer Fülle an verfügbaren Daten zu Lehr- Lernprozessen. Gleichzeitig stellt die Interpretation dieser Daten die Akteurinnen und Akteure vor neue Herausforderungen. Learning Analytics umfassen die Aggregation und Interpretation von Lernendendaten mit dem Ziel, Lehr-Lernprozesse zu verbessern. Im Zentru...
As Learning Analytics (LA) in the higher education setting increasingly transitions from a field of research to an implemented matter of fact of the learner's experience, the demand of practical guidelines to support its development is rising. LA Policies bring together different perspectives, like the ethical and legal dimensions, into frameworks...
Dieser Beitrag ermöglicht eine kurze Einführung in das Themenfeld Learning Analytics mit einem besonderen Blick auf den Schulunterricht. Heute erscheint es noch weit entfernt, bis derartige Anwendungen im deutschsprachigen Raum flächendeckend Fuß fassen können. Durch die voranschreitende Technologie werden jedoch solche Anwendungen und die Auseinan...
Massive open online courses (MOOCs) provide anyone with Internet access the chance to study at university level for free. In such learning environments and due to their ubiquitous nature, learners produce vast amounts of data representing their learning process. Learning Analytics (LA) can help identifying, quantifying, and understanding these data...
The COVID-19 crisis influenced universities worldwide in early 2020. In Austria, all universities were closed in March 2020 as a preventive measure, and meetings with over 100 people were banned and a curfew was imposed. This development also had a massive impact on teaching, which in Austria takes place largely face-to-face. In this paper we would...
Learning Analytics ist sowohl international als auch national ein immer mehr an Bedeutung gewinnendes Themenfeld, welches dabei helfen kann, Lehr- und Lernprozesse besser zu verstehen und gezielt zu optimieren. Dieses Whitepaper soll eine erste Orientierung zu diesem Thema geben und dabei speziell die österreichische Hochschullandschaft adressieren...
Learning Analytics hat großes Potential, den Lernerfolg zu steigern, sei es durch Analysen der bisherigen Studienaktivitäten, durch synchrone Feedbacks zum aktuellen Lernverhalten oder durch Vorhersagen zu zukünftigen Erfolgsaussichten. Jedoch wird nicht alles, was als technisch machbar und didaktisch sinnvoll angesehen wird, auch als ethisch vertr...
iMooX, the first and currently only Austrian MOOC platform, has been hosting xMOOCs since 2014. Directly after the start a survey of the first three MOOCs was conducted and published in 2015. In the meantime, the MOOC platform contains more than 45 courses and serves many thousands of learners. Therefore, we are investigating, if there is a change...
Within the sector of education, Learning Analytics (LA) has become an interdisciplinary field aiming to support learners and teachers in their learning process. Most standard tools available for Learning Analytics in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) do not cater to the individual's conception of where Learning Analytics should provide them with...
While a large number of scientific publications explain the development of prototypes or the implementation of case studies in detail, descriptions of the challenges and proper solutions when implementing learning analytics initiatives are rare. In this chapter, we provide a practical tool that can be used to identify risks and challenges that aris...
This papers focuses on the use of learning dashboards in higher education to foster self-regulated learning and open education. Students in higher education have to evolve to independent and lifelong learners. Actionable feedback during learning that evokes critical self-reflection, helps to set learning goals, and strengthens self-regulation will...
The article depicts the blogging platform IDeRBlog as an example of an Open Educational Resources Practice. The exercise databases of IDeRBlog are focussed in the context of orthography training. After briefly outlining Open Educational Resources an overview on how the exercises were researched and reviewed according to an established quality frame...
Learning Analytics is a promising research field, which is advancing quickly. Therefore, it finally impacts research, practice, policy, and decision making in the field of education. Nonetheless, there are still influencing obstacles when establishing Learning Analytics initiatives on higher education level. Besides the much discussed ethical and m...
This article introduces the goal and activities of the LAK 2018 half-day workshop on the involvement of stakeholders for achieving learning analytics at scale. The goal of the half-day workshop is to gather different stakeholders to discuss at-scale learning analytics interventions. In particular the workshop focuses on learning analytics applicati...
Durch die Erfindung des Computers hat sich das Leben in verschiedenen Bereichen stark verändert: Mobilität und Vernetzung halten Einzug in das tägliche Leben. Um am Puls der Zeit zu bleiben, ist es notwendig auch das bis jetzt nahezu unveränderte Bildungssystem in die Zukunft zu tragen. Ob der zahlreichen politischen Diskussionen konnte man sich bi...
Dieser Beitrag beschreibt die Ziele, Methoden und Interessengruppen von Learning Analytics. Darüberhinaus werden die unterschiedlichen Struktu- ren der Daten von Big Data und Learning Analytics betrachtet. Dargestellt werden ferner die Planung des Einsatzes von Learning Analytics und die Phasen der technischen Implementierung.
In this paper, we discuss the design, development, and implementation of a Learning Analytics (LA) dashboard in the area of Higher Education (HE). The dashboard meets the demands of the different stakeholders, maximizes the mainstreaming potential and transferability to other contexts, and is developed in the path of Open Source. The research conce...
Unter dem Schlagwort “Big Data” hat sich in den letzten Jahren ein neues Forschungsfeld etabliert. Es handelt sich dabei um Datenmengen, die wegen ihrer Größe, hohen Komplexität, schnellen Vergänglichkeit oder schwachen Strukturierung mit klassischen Methoden der Datenverarbeitung nicht ausgewertet werden können. Das Ziel von Learning Analytics bes...
This chapter looks into examining research studies of the last five years and presents the state of the art of Learning Analytics (LA) in the Higher Education (HE) arena. Therefore, we used mixed-method analysis and searched through three popular libraries, including the Learning Analytics and Knowledge (LAK) conference, the SpringerLink, and the W...
The economic and financial crisis is having an important socio-economic effect in Europe and is threatening Europe’s economic growth model and employment and the sustainability of Europe’s welfare model. To counter the crisis, Europe should further evolve to a knowledge- driven and technology-based economy. This evolution however causes a rise in t...