Philipp KlimantUniversity of Applied Sciences Mittweida | HSMW
Philipp Klimant
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Philipp Klimant currently works at the Hochschule Mittweida - University of Applied Sciences as Professor for Virtual Technologies and at the Fraunhofer IWU as Head of Business Unit Process Digitalization and Manufacturing Automation. Philipp does research in Mechanical Engineering, Control Systems Engineering, Industrial Engineering as well as Virtual and Augmented Reality.
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April 2018 - December 2018
January 2019 - August 2023
February 2021 - present
Publications (102)
Thermal errors remain one of the biggest challenges for the precision of cutting machine tools. Aside from optimizations in the machine tool design and behaviour, optimal cutting process parameters and targeted usage of cutting fluid or alternative methods of tool cooling are required for improved process efficiency with minimal energy demand and m...
Implementing processes for traceability is required in various industries to assure product quality during manufacturing, provide evidence on required processing conditions or facilitate product recalls. Commonly, radio-frequency identification (RFID) or code recognition techniques (e.g. Data Matrix) are applied to track the flow of workpieces thro...
Embodied Digital Technologies (EDTs) are increasingly populating private and public spaces. How EDTs are perceived in Hybrid Societies requires prior consideration. However, findings on social perception of EDTs remain inconclusive. We investigated social perception and trustworthiness of robots and telepresence systems (TPS) and aimed at identifyi...
Realistic haptic feedback is a key for virtual reality applications in order to transition from solely procedural training to motor-skill training. Currently, haptic feedback is mostly used in low-force medical procedures in dentistry, laparoscopy, arthroscopy and alike. However, joint replacement procedures at hip, knee or shoulder, require the si...
Keeping track of locations across self-motion is possible by continuously updating spatial representations or by encoding and later instantaneously retrieving spatial representations. In virtual reality (VR), sensory cues to self-motion used in continuous updating are typically reduced. In passive translation compared to real walking in VR, optic f...
Using a map in an unfamiliar environment requires identifying correspondences between elements of the map's allocentric representation and elements in egocentric views. Aligning the map with the environment can be challenging. Virtual reality (VR) allows learning about unfamiliar environments in a sequence of egocentric views that correspond closel...
Friction, electrical losses, cooling systems and ambient conditions influence the thermal field of machine tools and cause a significant amount of positioning inaccuracies and production errors. Compensation strategies aim to reduce the thermal error in machine tools. The global urgency for energy-efficient production also affects the selection of...
Virtual Reality (VR) is applied in various areas were a high User Experience is essential. The sense of Presence while being in VR and its relation to User Experience therefore form crucial aspects, which are yet to be understood. This study aims at quantifying age and gender effects on this connection, involving 57 participants in VR, and performi...
When moving in reality, successful spatial orientation is enabled through continuous updating of egocentric spatial relations to the surrounding environment. But in Virtual Reality (VR) or telepresence, cues of one’s own movement are rarely provided, which typically impairs spatial orientation. Telepresence robots are mostly operated by minimal rea...
Social perception of Embodied Digital Technologies (EDTs) governs their successful adoption. However, prior findings on processes governing the social perception of EDTs and corresponding attributions are inconclusive. With the present study, we investigate social perception and trustworthiness of robots and Telepresence Systems (TPS). 293 Particip...
Implementing “first-time-right” production processes increases a production line’s sustainability and minimizes rejects. Multi-camera systems are a key element since they can quickly detect defects without contact. However, it is still a time-consuming challenge to determine the correct number and position of cameras to achieve gapless surface moni...
Commissioning die cushions of a press is a highly complex task, and errors in the process must be avoided. Augmented Reality (AR) can help the engineer to overcome the encountered problems by visualizing the current situation with a superimposed 3D model, providing necessary instruction steps derived from the actual data of the press control and mo...
Process cooling is crucial to many manufacturing processes. To monitor the performance of a cooling tower, it was equipped with extensive sensors for internal and environmental data acquisition. The aim is to improve reactive and predictive maintenance by estimating the actual condition as well as predicting defective behavior of the cooling tower....
The maintenance process of machine tools becomes more complex and difficult due to its increasing complexity and individuality. Augmented reality (AR) can support the maintenance engineer by visualizing the process with individual working steps and further information in a user-friendly manner. In order to an efficient deployment, a short and autom...
The development of Augmented Reality (AR) applications for maintenance support is most often limited to lab environments in research or in case of commercial developments, not published outside of press releases. Here, the development of two AR applications supporting maintenance in industrial production companies is described starting from the req...
Progress in applied research for sustainable machine tools and forming technologies bases upon industrial and environmental requirements for resource efficiency. Relevant technical trends base upon impact studies and applied research projects on the lifecycle resource consumption for manufacturing processes and systems. This paper gives an overview...
The purpose of a structural-parametric method is to answer the question, how the work piece accuracy will be achieved. The target is an assessment of the geometrical accuracy of a machine tool according to geometrical images (GI), formed by the same set of relative motions of the working units of the machine, as when performing the physical process...
Condition monitoring enables transparency, as for example irregularities are detected automatically and reported. A condition forecast, however, requires more. In contrast to AI black box methods, frequently used in this context, a combination of existing expert knowledge and classical statistics is used as a method for a reliable determination of...
With the increasing requirements on machine tools such as higher complexity, individuality and digitization, their maintenance becomes also more complex, which increases time consumption and demands special knowledge. The maintenance engineer can be supported in this process using the Augmented Reality (AR) technology, mobile devices and suitable p...
Augmented Reality (AR) has been a focus of research in the field of production for many years with the goal to improve e.g. monitoring and maintenance processes. Although the benefits have been well researched, the AR technology has not been widespread yet in the industry. This article discusses reasons why existing approaches have not become estab...
Assembly simulations in virtual reality were used increasingly in recent years. Even though a multitude of solutions exists in the commercial market, research is focusing on improving soft factors like usability and financial accessibility. Therefore, this paper proposes a holistic solution for animation and integration of functionality of a digita...
The design of cyber physical systems in today’s production and intralogistics is influenced by the increasing availability and exchange of data. On the one hand, synergies between connected systems can be used to develop lightweight applications by sharing and reusing data. On the other hand, the possible combinations between these systems increase...
The user experience (UX) of a product is important for a customer’s decision, especially in the automotive sector. In recent years, a frontloading of UX assessments from physical prototypes to virtual prototypes has occurred. Nevertheless, there are clear indications that established UX assessments methods cannot simply be transferred 1-to-1 from r...
Orthopedic surgeons endure high physical stresses when performing surgery, as large forces and torques are applied commonly. Occupational risks are consequently higher when compared to other surgical disciplines. One example is the reaming of the acetabula during total hip arthroplasty, using customized instruments. This surgery may predispose the...
Total hip arthroplasty (THA) is a highly successful surgical procedure, but complications remain, including aseptic loosening, early dislocation and misalignment. These may partly be related to lacking training opportunities for novices or those performing THA less frequently. A standardized training setting with realistic haptic feedback for THA d...
The process accuracy when cutting free-form parts using waterjet technology depends on several factors, including various preparatory tasks, such as defining the workpiece coordinate system. Some manual procedures for determining it are already used. Those methods are based on the usage of laser pointers or dial gauges, which are fixed on the machi...
Der Digitale Zwilling wird bereits vielseitig in der Industrie eingesetzt, jedoch wird dessen Mehrwert oftmals nicht ausgeschöpft. Dieser Beitrag behandelt die im Rahmen verschiedener Forschungsprojekte und Industriekooperationen gesammelten Erfahrungen und Erkenntnisse zum Digitalen Zwilling. Dabei wird auf die Herausforderungen bezügl...
Additiv gefertigte Komponenten findenaufgrund ihrer Flexibilität der Formgestaltungzunehmendmehr Anwendung in der Industrie. Allerdings sindderen Einsatzgebiete durch Genauigkeit, Oberflächenqualität und Resteigenspannungen begrenzt. Im vorliegenden Beitrag wird eine neue Prozesskettevorgestellt, welchedie Bauteilqualität von selektiven lasergeschm...
Durch die zunehmende Verschmelzung zwischen realer Produktionswelt und der virtuellen IT-Welt, einhergehend mit den jetzt verfügbaren Möglichkeiten in diesem Bereich, erlebt gerade die produzierende Industrie einen enormen Wandel. Getragen durch politische Rahmenbedingungen sowie neue Anforderungen aus dem Markt, können sich kleine bis hin zu große...
Die Simulation der kompletten Maschinenkinematik bei Werkzeugmaschinen spielt immer mehr und mehr eine wichtige Rolle – einerseits um Bearbeitungsprozesse besser und sicherer planen zu können, andererseits um die vorhandene Maschinenkinematik für den Bearbeitungsprozess vollends ausnutzen zu können. Klassische CAD/CAMSimulationen betrachten dabei m...
Burnishing is a highly efficient surface finishing process, which is also more sustainable compared to grinding. Such processed surfaces are characterized by a low roughness and an increased hardness. In recent years, the interest in the process grew due to the steady adoption on flat and free-form surfaces. Especially the latter may benefit from a...
Burnishing is an effective chipless finishing process for improving workpiece properties such as: hardness, vibration resistance and surface quality. Recently, the process has been increasingly applied to prismatic workpieces and free-form geometries. Before burnishing can be carried out, a milling process created the shape of the workpiece, especi...
Machining processes must be adjusted regarding tolerances in dimension and shape to fulfill product requirements. For this purpose, machine simulations are used to allow a preliminary characterization of the given process, thus minimizing the number of physical prototypes and scrap parts. However, these simulations are either extremely specialized...
The development process of automated guided vehicles (AGVs) includes thorough testing of the navigation capabilities. Therefore, adequate test courses are required for virtual and real tests before commissioning the AGV at the customer's site. The standard F3244-17 introduces 2D area shapes and a method for testing navigation capabilities. This pap...
In modern intralogistics, automated guided vehicles (AGV) are used to optimize the material flow. To minimize the time to market it is necessary to develop software and hardware simultaneously. Therefor this paper introduces the hybrid-development-and-commissioning method of control software for AGVs. It results in a validated virtual prototype tha...
Innovative products are interacting with the users based on smart sensors and algorithms. Logistics as one example is changing when automated guided vehicles are integrated in the process, supporting or even replacing workers. The way these products are interacting with humans and how they react to certain situations, will determine usability and u...
Virtual Reality (VR) is used for a variety of applications ranging from entertainment to psychological medicine. VR has been demonstrated to influence higher order cognitive functions and cortical plasticity, with implications on phobia and stroke treatment. An integral part for successful VR is a high sense of presence - a feeling of 'being there'...
We present the first VR training simulator for hip replacement surg- eries. We solved the main challenges of this task – high and stable forces during the milling process while simultaneously a very sensi- tive feedback is required – by using an industrial robot for the force output and the development of a novel massively parallel haptic rendering...
With the concepts of this paper, the system boundaries between PDM systems and AR applications for the maintenance of machine tools were reduced. Three integration concepts were introduced to enable an automated workflow between them. Every one of it has its own strengths and weaknesses, but in general, they all can make the creation process faster...
Dieser Beitrag beschreibt eine durchgeführte Studie zur Ermittlung der Anforderungen und Bedenken bzgl. Virtueller Zwillinge aus Nutzersicht. Die Studie dient als wichtige Grundlage für eine gelungene Implementierung und Akzeptanz Virtueller Zwillinge im Rahmen des digitalen Wandels.
In modern production environments employees work progressively closer together with autonomous robots and vehicles. Besides the technical specifications, the development of these products focuses on the human-machine interaction. Within the federally funded Project FOLLOWme an automated guided vehicle (AGV) for intralogistics that follows and inter...
Die Anwendungsfälle der generativen Fertigung zur Erhöhung der Funktionsintegration oder zur Umsetzung gänzlich neuer Produkte nehmen stetig zu. Jedoch stellen die geringe Oberflächenqualität und Maßhaltigkeit sowie mangelnde Fertigungssicherheit ein Hemmnis zur Applikation dieser neuen Urformverfahren dar. Hier setzt das InnoTeam Height an und lie...
‘Industrie 4.0’ based production systems are likely to change the way future products are manufactured. As information technology gains influence on these systems there is a chance of higher flexibility due to decentralized logic and artificial intelligence. All this leads to a higher complexity and also indeterminism is feasible. Therefore simulat...
Nowadays digital substitutes of human beings (digital humans), capable of interacting with digital mock-ups in Virtual Reality, are widely used in many fields of engineering (e.g. ergonomics, product design, maintenance, and training). Nevertheless, the animation process of digital humans is still a time-consuming task, and its accuracy and reliabi...
The current trend in manufacturing is to obtain a flexible work cell in which human and robot can safely interact and collaborate. Virtual Reality (VR) represents an effective tool capable of simulating such complex systems with a high level of immersion. In order to take advantage of VR technologies to study Human-Robot Cooperation (HRC), a digita...
Die mittlerweile vierte VAR²-Konferenz VAR² 2017 – Realität erweitern gibt einen Überblick über aktuelle Trends in der Forschung sowie den industriellen Einsatz Virtueller Techniken. In mehreren Plenarsessions sowie den Sessions zu Augmented Reality, Produktentwicklung & kollaborative VR, Interaktion in virtuellen Welten sowie Anwendungen von Virtu...
Connecting third party systems like machine controls and product data management systems with Augmented Reality (AR) support applications is crucial for their industrial success. We present a marketing use case of a Virtual Press demonstrator where the connection to a machine control was successfully implemented. The realization of this application...
Tactile sensors are essential components for the implementation of complex manipulation tasks using robot grippers, allowing to directly control the grasping force according to the object properties. Virtual Reality represents an effective tool capable of visualizing complex systems in full details and with a high level of interactivity. After the...
Augmented reality is currently riding a wave of success in the consumer sector. In manufacturing, in spite of the global hype surrounding Industry 4.0 and the ever growing demand for more personalized and more complex products, there are currently only a handful of viable augmented reality applications that have actually made their way onto the pro...
Dieser Beitrag stellt das Konzept des HEIGHT-Projekts vor, die Entwicklung einer neuartigen Prozesskette für die Fertigung von metallischen Hochleistungsbauteilen, inklusive dazugehörigem Virtuellen Zwilling. Ziel ist es, eine kundenindividuellere Fertigung zu ermöglichen und mittels durchgängiger Prozessauslegung die gesamte Fertigung...