Peyman HadjiFrankfurter Hormon und Osteoporosezentrum
Peyman Hadji
Prof. Dr. med.; MD
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October 2018 - present
Frankfurter Hormon und Osteoporosezentrum
- Head of Department
July 2014 - present
June 2006 - June 2014
Publications (643)
Although adequate physical activity has been shown to be beneficial in early breast cancer, evidence in metastatic breast cancer is sparse and contradictory, which could be related to distinct effects of physical activity on the different molecular cancer subtypes. Therefore, we here evaluated the effect of physical activity on progressi...
A retrospective analysis comparing a teriparatide biosimilar (RGB-10) with reference teriparatide for osteoporosis treatment in postmenopausal women at high fracture risk found them to be therapeutically equivalent. Both provided significant improvements in lumber spine BMD, TBS, and other parameters of bone health, assessed using multiple diagnost...
The overarching goal of osteoporosis management is to prevent fractures. A goal-directed approach to long-term management of fracture risk helps ensure that the most appropriate initial treatment and treatment sequence is selected for individual patients. Goal-directed treatment decisions require assessment of clinical fracture history, vertebral f...
This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness, tolerability and application of estradiol metered-dose transdermal spray (EMDTS) in postmenopausal women during real-world use.
This was a prospective, non-interventional, multicenter, observational phase IV cohort study. The Menopause Rating Scale II (MRS II) was used to ass...
Germline mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 (g BRCA1/2 ) are required for a PARP inhibitor therapy in patients with HER2-negative (HER2−) advanced breast cancer (aBC). However, little is known about the prognostic impact of gBRCA1/2 mutations in aBC patients treated with chemotherapy. This study aimed to investigate the frequencies and prognosis of germl...
Abaloparatid ist ein synthetisches Strukturanalogon des Parathormon-verwandten Peptids (PTHrP). Durch Bindung an Parathormon-1-Rezeptor stimuliert es Osteoblasten zum Knochenaufbau, dies bei einer geringeren begleitenden Osteoklastenstimulation, so dass in der Summe ein größerer osteoanaboler Nettoeffekt im Vergleich zu Teriparatid...
Background With more effective therapies for patients with advanced breast cancer (aBC), therapy sequences are becoming increasingly important. However, some patients might drop out of the treatment sequence due to deterioration of their life status. Since little is known about attrition in the real-world setting, this study assessed attrition in t...
Osteoporosis is the most common bone disorder. Our data gives an estimate of around 5.87 million cases of osteoporosis in the general German population in 2018. Only 30% of insured individuals who suffered an osteoporotic fracture and/or had a confirmed diagnosis of osteoporosis, received an appropriate prescription.
Osteoporosis is the mo...
This narrative review summarises the recommendations of a Working Group of the European Society for Clinical and Economic Aspects of Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis and Musculoskeletal Diseases (ESCEO) for the conduct and reporting of real-world evidence studies with a focus on osteoporosis research.
Vast amounts of data are ro...
Aim The German osteoporosis guideline was updated on the basis of a systematic literature review and through a structured consensus process by an interdisciplinary, international (Germany, Austria, Switzerland) expert group representing the 20 member societies of the Joint Osteological Association (DVO) and patient advocacy organizations (BfO). Thi...
To review the comparative effectiveness of osteoporosis treatments, including the bone anabolic agents, abaloparatide and romosozumab, on reducing the risk of fractures in postmenopausal women, and to characterise the effect of antiosteoporosis drug treatments on the risk of fractures according to baseline risk factors.
Bei der Osteoporose handelt es sich in den meisten Fällen um eine chronische Erkrankung. Anders als bei anderen chronischen Erkrankungen wird in der Behandlung der Osteoporose die Fortführung ein und desselben Therapieansatzes als Dauertherapie nicht empfohlen, um die Gefahr seltener schwerwiegender Nebenwirkungen zu minimieren. Es werden aufeinand...
Hintergrund Umfangreiche Daten aus prospektiven klinischen Studien liefern einen hohen Evidenzgrad für den Einsatz von CDK4/6-Hemmern in Kombination mit einer endokrinen Therapie (CDK4/6i + ET) als Standard bei der First-Line-Behandlung von metastatischem HER2-negativen hormonrezeptorpositiven (HER2−/HR+) Brustkrebs. Reale Daten von...
We studied whether elderly women at risk for fractures receive primary care treatment to prevent fracture. We found that across Europe, women at risk are often not identified, and less than half of such women receive appropriate treatment. Finally, women diagnosed with osteoporosis are much more likely to receive treatment.
To examine th...
The PRAEGNANT study is a registry study for metastatic breast cancer patients, focusing on biomarker detection. Recently, within this study, genetic alterations in 37 breast cancer predisposition genes were analyzed and genetic findings were detected for 396 participants. The aim of this project was to return genetic results to the physicia...
This observational study assessed the impact on the fracture incidence of osteoporosis medications in postmenopausal women in Germany. Continued treatment with osteoporosis medications was associated with reductions of fracture rates in a real-world setting.PurposeThe efficacy of osteoporosis medications has been demonstrated in clinical trials, bu...
Background Comprehensive data from prospective clinical trials have led to a high level of evidence establishing CDK4/6 inhibitors in combination with endocrine treatment (CDK4/6i + ET) as a standard for the treatment of HER2-negative, hormone receptor-positive (HER2− HR+) breast cancer patients in the first-line advanced therapy setting. Data on p...
Patients with de novo metastatic breast cancer (dnMBC) may have different clinical and pathological characteristics. In studies concerned with first-line metastatic patients, the proportion of these patients without secondary resistance mechanisms may have a large influence ont the study results. The aim of this study was to identify p...
Introduction Pregnancy- and lactation-associated osteoporosis (PLO) with predominantly vertebral fractures is a rare but severe disease which can occur in the last trimester of pregnancy or postpartum. The aim of the present study was to assess the impact of teriparatide on subsequent fractures and bone mineral density (BMD) in patients with PLO.
Osteoporosis care has evolved markedly over the last 50 years, such that there are now an established clinical definition, validated methods of fracture risk assessment and a range of effective pharmacological agents. Currently, bone-forming (anabolic) agents, in many countries, are used in those patients who have continued to lose bone mineral den...
Update on fracture prevention after menopause Abstract. Osteoporosis is a common disease. It is multifactorial and polygenetic in pathogenesis as well as clinically underdiagnosed and undertreated. There are several medical specialties involved in the care of female osteoporosis patients. "Gate keepers" of all female osteoporosis patients are the g...
In osteoporosis, prior fracture is a strong predictor of subsequent fracture. This study aimed to assess the imminent risk of subsequent fracture following an initial fracture in osteoporosis patients in Germany, and to identify clinical and demographic characteristics that are independently associated with subsequent fracture risk.
Assessment of HER2 overexpression using immunohistochemistry (IHC) and/or in situ hybridisation (ISH) for the detection of HER2 amplifications is standard to identify patients for established HER2-directed treatments. Patients with lower HER2 expression levels have recently also become candidates for novel therapies targeting HER2. This stu...
[This corrects the article DOI: 10.1055/a-1471-4408.][This corrects the article DOI: 10.1055/a-1471-4408.].
Hormonal contraceptives are an effective and safe method for preventing pregnancy. Progestins used in contraception are either components of combined hormonal contraceptives (tablets, patches or vaginal rings) or are used as a single active ingredient in progestin mono-preparations (the progestin-only pill (POP), implants, intrauterine systems or d...
Aim The aim of the interdisciplinary S3-guideline Perimenopause and Postmenopause – Diagnosis and Interventions is to provide help to physicians as they inform women about the physiological changes which occur at this stage of life and the treatment options. The guideline should serve as a basis for decisions taken during routine medical care. This...
Optimum management of patients with cancer during the COVID-19 pandemic has proved extremely challenging. Patients, clinicians and hospital authorities have had to balance the risks to patients of attending hospital, many of whom are especially vulnerable, with the risks of delaying or modifying cancer treatment. Those whose care has been significa...
Antiresorptive therapy is an important component of a multimodal approach to treating patients with advanced malignancies and metastatic bone disease. Over the past decade, overall survival of affected patients has improved in most cancer entities, and long‐term disease control is a realistic goal in many cases. There are emerging clinical studies...
Pregnancy and lactation-associated osteoporosis (PLO) with predominantly subsequent vertebral fracture is a rare but severe disease with an estimated incidence of 0.4 in 100,000. In the past, patients with PLO have been predominantly treated with oral and i.v. bisphosphonates to reduce subsequent fracture risk. Hereby, the use of bisphosphonates in...
Background: Metaanalyses have demonstrated that 5% of initially HER2 negative breast cancer patients switch to HER2 positive during the course of the disease. Whether there is a difference in benefit from standard HER2 targeted therapies between patients initially HER2 positive and patients switching from negative to positive is unclear. We us...
Treatment advances have reduced the adverse events associated with hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT) and led to an increased number of transplants performed. HSCT patients are living longer with concerns on long-term outcomes. Bone fragility and fracture are at the forefront for long-term morbidities post-HSCT.
In HS...
Among patients with metastatic breast cancer (mBC), the frequency of germline mutations in cancer susceptibility genes and the clinical relevance of these mutations are unclear. In this study, a prospective cohort of patients with mBC was used to determine mutation rates for breast cancer (BC) predisposition genes, to evaluate the clinical...
Adjuvant endocrine therapy induces bone loss and increases fracture risk in women with hormone-receptor positive, early-stage breast cancer (EBC). We aimed to update a previous position statement on the management of aromatase inhibitors (AIs) induced bone loss and now included premenopausal women.
We conducted a systemati...
Breast cancer (BC) is the most common malignancy in women, accounting for over 40,000 deaths every year in the United States, while 1 in 8 women worldwide will develop BC in her lifetime. In the past decades, long-term survival has significantly increased due to improvements in early diagnosis and personalized medical interventions. Consequently, t...
Purpose Pertuzumab and T-DM1 are two efficient anti-HER2 treatments for patients with HER2-positive advanced breast cancer. While pertuzumab is usually given in first-line treatment and T-DM1 in second-line treatment, standard therapy options seem to be exhausted up to now after the treatment of patients with these two therapy options. Therefore, i...
[This corrects the article DOI: 10.1055/a-1286-2917.].
The approval of trastuzumab emtansine (T-DM1) was conducted without pertuzumab as previous therapy. Efficacy data on T-DM1 following pertuzumab treatment are therefore limited. This study explores this issue in a real-world setting. Within the prospective PRAEGNANT (Prospective Academic Translational Research Network for the Optimization of the Onc...
Brustkrebs geht mit einem erhöhten Frakturrisiko einher, dieses beruht zum großen Teil auf den notwendigen Therapien. Der therapeutisch bewirkte Eintritt einer verfrühten Menopause führt bei Patientinnen mit Brustkrebs zu substanziellen Knochenmassen-verlusten als Folge des absinkenden Östrogenspiegels, die hormonablative Therapie wird zur Ursache...
Osteoporosis is a frequent disease. The pathogenesis of osteoporosis is polygenetic and multifactorial; therefore, various medical disciplines are involved in the care of osteoporosis patients. The gatekeepers for all female osteoporosis patients are the gynecologists. They see the patients on a regular basis and also at the onset of the first symp...
In 2016, an estimated 143,967 female and 25,315 male patients had a diagnosis of osteoporosis, accounting for 4.44% of the German population. Due to an aging population, an increase in the number of osteoporosis patients and osteoporotic fractures can be expected, posing a substantial burden on healthcare systems.PurposeOsteoporosis is one of the m...
Etwa 50 % der Frauen und 20 % der Mann ab 50 Jahren erleiden eine osteoporosebedingte Fraktur. Knochenbrüche im Alter sind die Ursache für ein erhöhtes Risiko für weitere Frakturen, eine erhöhte Sterblichkeit, zusätzliche Erkrankungen und Einschränkung der körperlichen Funktionen und dadurch reduzierte Lebensqualität und Verlust der...
This study in 8 countries across Europe found that about 75% of elderly women seen in primary care who were at high risk of osteoporosis-related fractures were not receiving appropriate medication. Lack of osteoporosis diagnosis appeared to be an important contributing factor.IntroductionTreatment rates in osteoporosis are documented to be low. We...
Treatment with CDK4/6 inhibitors and endocrine therapy (CDK4/6i+ET) is a standard for patients with advanced hormone receptor–positive, HER2-negative (HR+HER2–) breast cancer (BC). However, real-world data on the implementation of therapy usage, efficacy, and toxicity have not yet been reported.
The PRAEGNANT registry was used to i...
Osteoporosis is a frequent disease. The pathogenesis of osteoporosis is polygenetic and multifactorial; therefore, various medical disciplines are involved in the care of osteoporosis patients. The gatekeepers for all female osteoporosis patients are the gynecologists. They see the patients on a regular basis and also at the onset of the first symp...
Osteoporose ist eine häufige Erkrankung. Sie ist multifaktoriell und polygenetisch in der Pathogenese sowie klinisch unterdiagnostiziert und untertherapiert. Verschiedene ärztliche Fachgruppen sind in die Betreuung von Osteoporosepatientinnen eingebunden. „Gate keeper“ aller weiblichen Osteoporose Patientinnen sind die Gynäkologen. Sie sehen die Pa...
Consensus regarding diagnosis and management of osteoporosis in premenopausal women (PW) is still lacking, due to few studies carried out in this population.
ECTS and IOF convened a working group to produce an updated review of literature published after 2017 on this topic.
Fragility fractures in PW are rare and mostly due...
The article [Bone health in estrogen-free contraception], written by [P. Hadji, E. Colli, P.-A. Regidor], was originally published.
Our study demonstrated that progestogen-only oral and intrauterine contraceptives are not associated with fracture risk independent from age.PurposeThe use of progestogen-only contraception, resulting in a hypoestrogenic state, has been associated with impaired bone acquisition and increased fracture risk. The aim of this large population-based stu...
Our study demonstrated that progestogen-only oral and intrauterine contraceptives are not associated with fracture risk independent from age.
Due to a significant increase in the overall survival of women with breast cancer (BC), preventing the long-term consequences of BC treatments is of the utmost importance. Treatments such as aromatase inhibitors (AI), chemotherapy (CHT), and tamoxifen (TAM) may lead to accelerated bone loss and increased fracture risk. The aim of this retrospective...
Estrogens and progestogens influence the bone. The major physiological effect of estrogen is the inhibition of bone resorption whereas progestogens exert activity through binding to specific progesterone receptors. New estrogen-free contraceptive and its possible implication on bone turnover are discussed in this review. Insufficient bone acquisiti...
This retrospective study investigated the incidence of fracture in 4420 type 1 diabetes (T1DM) patients. Our findings indicate that patients with T1DM have an increased incidence of fractures. Further studies and preventive measures are urgently needed.IntroductionThe aim of this study was to investigate the incidence of fracture in patients with t...
The objective was to assess efficacy and safety of a combined oral contraceptive containing ethinylestradiol (EE) and levonorgestrel (LNG) in an extended-cycle vs. a conventional-cycle regimen. This first European randomized, active controlled, open, prospective, parallel-group trial was conducted in 48 German gynecological centers. 1,314 healthy,...
Eine Hormonersatztherapie kann effektiv klimakterische Beschwerden lindern. Darüber hinaus hat sie Wirkungen, die sich positiv auf die Gesundheit auswirken, aber auch die Anwendung limitieren können. Unbestritten ist der positive Effekt auf die Knochenstruktur mit der Folge einer substanziellen Senkung der Frakturraten. Bezüglich hormonabhängiger T...
Osteoporosis is a common disease. The lifetime probability of a 50-year-old woman suffering an osteoporosis-related fracture is more than 50%. There are approximately 7.8 million patients in Germany, four times more women than men. Because osteoporosis is a chronic disease, fracture risk increases with age. The already increased fracture risk at th...
Eine Hormonersatztherapie kann effektiv klimakterische Beschwerden lindern. Darüber hinaus hat sie Wirkungen, die sich positiv auf die Gesundheit auswirken, aber auch die Anwendung limitieren können. Unbestritten ist der positive Effekt auf die Knochenstruktur mit der Folge einer substanziellen Senkung der Frakturraten. Bezüglich hormonabhängiger T...
Osteoporose ist häufig und verläuft chronisch. Die Lebenszeitwahrscheinlichkeit einer 50-jährigen Frau, eine Osteoporose bezogene Fraktur zu erleiden, beträgt mehr als 50 %. Etwa 7,8 Mio. Osteoporosepatienten leben allein in Deutschland, 4‑mal mehr Frauen als Männer. Ist das Frakturrisiko bereits im Alter von 50 Jahren signifikant erhöht, so wird d...
The purpose of this paper was to review the available approaches for bone strength assessment, osteoporosis diagnosis and fracture risk prediction, and to provide insights into radiofrequency echographic multi spectrometry (REMS), a non-ionizing axial skeleton technique.
A working group convened by the European Society for Clinical...
Breast cancer patients' self-understanding of their disease can impact their quality of life (QoL); the relationship between compliance and QoL is poorly understood.
Patients and methods:
The Patient's Anastrozole Compliance to Therapy (PACT) program, a prospective, randomized study, investigated the effect of additional patient info...
Many patients at increased risk of fractures do not take their medication appropriately, resulting in a substantial decrease in the benefits of drug therapy. Improving medication adherence is urgently needed but remains laborious, given the numerous and multidimensional reasons for non-adherence, suggesting the need for measurement-guided, multifac...
This study estimated the cost-effectiveness of pharmacological fracture prevention as prescribed in the five largest European countries (EU5) using the IOF reference cost-effectiveness model. Pharmacological fracture prevention as prescribed in clinical practice was cost-saving (provided more QALYs at lower costs) compared to no treatment in each o...
In recent years, cancer treatment-induced bone loss (CTIBL) and increased risk of fracture has become an emerging problem as breast cancer (BC) survival has increased due to early diagnosis and improved treatments. In premenopausal women with BC, chemotherapy and tamoxifen are the treatments of choice in hormone receptor-negative and hormone recept...
Treatment of postmenopausal, hormone receptor-positive metastatic breast cancer (MBC) patients varies despite clear therapy guidelines, favoring endocrine treatment (ET). Aim of this study was to analyze persistence of palliative aromatase inhibitor (AI) monotherapy in MBC patients.
EvAluate-TM is a prospective, multicenter,...