Petra Moog

Petra Moog
University of Siegen · Department of Business and Economics


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October 2007 - November 2014
University of Siegen
  • Professor (Full)


Publications (101)
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To further our understanding of family influence in family businesses, this study introduces the Perceived Family Influence Scale (PFIS). Departing from existing owner-centric methodologies, the PFIS uses social constructivism theory to capture family influence from the perspective of non-family employees, a frequently neglected but integral stakeh...
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Drawing on strategic management theory, this study examines the relationship between digitalization and innovation performance in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). We hypothesize that SMEs with higher levels of digital diffusion have higher innovation performance, and that absorptive capacity moderates this relationship. To test this relat...
This study investigates how the Psychological Capital (PsyCap) of small and medium enterprises (SME) leaders has influenced their strategic responses, ultimately impacting the performance of their companies, during the COVID-19 pandemic. Embedded within research on behavioral micro-foundations in strategy, and based on the resource-based theory (RB...
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Movements like "Fridays for Future" have heightened attention to the need for sustainability , particularly among Generations X, Y, and Z. However, the consumption of fast fashion and so-called ultra-fashion products-an ecologically harmful business model-continues to gain momentum, especially among young consumers, not least due to fear of missing...
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Entrepreneurial activity, its emergence, and development are considered important for the well-being of nations, especially for those in transition from one economic system or industrial setting into another. A crucial question is, why countries with similar basic resources develop differently regarding entrepreneurial activities over time? This st...
This study sheds light on the intrapreneurial motivation of non-family employees in family firms. Although family involvement is known to enhance workforce motivation to contribute innovative ideas toward the firm’s improvement, what motivates non-family employees in family firms and the role the enterprising family plays therein remain underexplor...
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The characterization of how entrepreneurial a region or country is, has generally been shaped by a narrow view of what actually constitutes entrepreneurship. In the case of Germany, this has led to a characterization of Germany as not being particularly entrepreneurial. Such a view is at odds with the remarkable, high-performing family business, wi...
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CALL FOR PAPERS Journal of Family Business Strategy, 2021 Impact Factor: 6.114 Special Issue: Inbound and Outbound Theorizing on Family Business in Shaping Industries and Innovation
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This study examines the influence of organizational psychological capital on the performance of small and medium-sized companies (SMEs) during crises. We argue that SMEs use their intangible resources to cope with difficult situations such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, we investigate how organizational psychological capital impacts performan...
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University spin-offs (USOs) are an important driver for innovation, along with economic and social development. Hence, understanding which factors help them perform successfully is crucial, especially regarding their peculiarities in a scientific environment. This study focuses on essential factors such as team composition and diversity in USOs in...
While research has often claimed that individual actors' values and consequently behaviour impact the performance of a firm significantly, empirical underpinning about the mechanisms is missing. Especially in family firms, this is crucial to understand, as owner-manager exert an extraordinary influence on values, goals, and their respective firm's...
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The purpose of this chapter is to investigate how intra-family communication influences the entrepreneurial spirit over generations within business families and thus the decision of the offspring to succeed in the family business. Therefore, we used mixed data including current family business and entrepreneurship literature, gathered interviews fr...
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Special Issue: Innovation in family firms: responses to recent developments
During family business succession, much information has to be exchanged among the family members involved, contacts have to be transferred, and expectations must be negotiated among the family members. How this exchange of information occurs remains unclear but can be a key success factor during the postsuccession period as information is critical...
Entrepreneurship has been claimed to matter and deserve priority because it has been linked to some of the most compelling economic and social issues of our time. This paper suggests that entrepreneurship is also inextricably linked to a fundamental value common among the western developed economies, democracy. Three distinct contexts are examined...
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The often long-lasting process of intrafamily business succession involves contracts for management and ownership transfer that unfold in a complex series of stages. The older and larger a family business, the more heterogeneous the involved family members’ interactions and interests can become. These differences become obvious in the succession pr...
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This study examines the influence of individual owner-manager values on the different dimensions of socioemotional wealth in family firms. We argue that values of owner-managers in family firms are one of the underlying motivators for socioemotional wealth behavior and used structural equation modeling to test the assumed connection. The results of...
Purpose Drawing on human capital (HC) and social capital (SC) as well as the Jack-of-all-trades theory, this paper aims to clarify the relationship between international assignments (IAs) of employees and their entrepreneurial intentions. The study proposes that such IAs provide specific environmental features which may enable employees to build up...
Die Papier GmbH ist ein Familienunternehmen, das sich in vielerlei Hinsicht im Umbruch befindet. Einerseits führen Probleme innerhalb der Familie zu Streitigkeiten im Nachfolgeprozess, andererseits führt ein veraltetes Produktportfolio und der steigende Druck der Digitalisierung zu sinkendem Umsatz. Das Unternehmen wird bis jetzt durch den konserva...
Die Papier GmbH vertreibt Mittel zur Erleichterung des Dokumentenmanagements. Diese werden sowohl aus Papier, als auch aus Kunststoff hergestellt. Die Papierprodukte fertigt das Unternehmen in Deutschland selbst, Plastik-Produkte werden zugekauft. Es geht hierbei um „offline-Lösungen“, das heißt, die Archivierung und Optimierung von Arbeitsabläufen...
This paper examines gender differences in organizational performance after a business succession process in family firms considering social and liberal feminist theories. We use OLS regressions with data from German-speaking European countries to analyse how male and female family business successors perform in terms of the objective and subjective...
Conference Paper
We follow the general extension of agency theory discussion concerning family businesses to gain deeper insights into the underlying information asymmetries in family businesses. By doing so, we observe and analyze in depth 14 case studies, delivering new insights on information asymmetries occurring in every phase of the succession process. We obs...
Signaling theory has been widely used to explain phenomena in personnel selection processes. We investigate whether and how signaling occurs in family businesses’ intra-family CEO successor selection. We apply a multiple case study approach using data from twelve German family businesses. Our analysis affirms that hard-to-fake signals as well as co...
Kaficho is the youngest of three Ethiopians, from an outspoken family who were engaged in political clashes with the government. His journey to refuge is unique in the sense that he undertook postgraduate studies in Germany, returning to Ethiopia with the intention of starting a family there with his wife. As his tourism company grew, when he retur...
Intra-family succession is a complex and challenging process in which the resources of the owning family are used, preserved, and potentially expanded. Social capital, as a result of investments in networking, is a valuable resource in this context, and its successful retention and development during intra-family succession could be decisive for th...
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In contrast to previous studies, this investigation aims to get deeper insights into the causes of the intention to study abroad by using an experimental approach. Although international experience is often considered as important, many students at German universities do not even consider abroad. Referring to the Theory of Rational Choice (RCT) and...
Conference Paper
Information rules the game – Information asymmetries in business succession.
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Der Beitrag entwickelt einen Untersuchungsrahmen fur das Forschungsfeld der Corporate Governance (CG) in verschiedenen Typen von Familienunternehmen (FU) bestehend aus drei Ebenen und leitet daraus Implikationen fur die Gestaltung des Controlling ab. Die erste Ebene betrifft die Beziehungen zwischen dem Typ des FUs und der Familienstruktur. Die zwe...
Technical Report
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Equity-crowdinvesting was launched in Germany in the year 2011. This funding source ena- bles young and emerging businesses to gather financial means by addressing numerous private investors via an open-call. Our examination of 163 funding rounds reveals that the German crowdinvesting market sharply increased in the first years. Most entrepreneurs...
Conference Paper
Signaling theory has been widely used to explain phenomena in personnel selection processes. The present study adds to this perspective on personnel selection by applying signaling theory to personnel selection processes in family firms, focusing on the selection of internal successors. We investigate if and how signaling takes place in these proce...
This article analyzes the requirements that family successors must fulfill to be considered suitable successors from three perspectives. We identify the recommended attributes and exigencies of family successors in the literature, generate a general requirement profile and compare this profile with predecessors’ expectations and successors’ percept...
Little is currently known about the effects of skill composition on academic entrepreneurship. Therefore, in this paper, following Lazear’s (J Labor Econ 23(4):649–680, 2005) jack-of-all-trades approach, we study how the composition of a scientist’s skills affects his or her intention to become an entrepreneur. Extending Lazear, we examine how the...
This paper analyzes the impact of successor’s gender on family internal or external success. Based on entrepreneurship-research our contribution presents new empirical findings regarding objective and subjective factors of success. Therefore, we meet the demands of a more sophisticated research for gender effects in family business. Our hypotheses...
Die Forschung zu kleinen und mittelgroßen Unternehmen (KMU) hat eine lange Tradition in der deutschsprachigen betriebswirtschaftlichen Forschung. Ein wichtiger Teil dieser Forschung ist in der Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft veröffentlicht worden, was sich unter anderem an Ergänzungsheften zum Management in KMU (6/2007, 6/2009 und 3/2012) und zu...
Die Forschung zu kleinen und mittelgroßen Unternehmen (KMU) hat eine lange Tradition in der deutschsprachigen Betriebswirtschaft. Dieses Special Issue stellt neue Erkenntnisse aus der empirischen vor, speziell beantwortet es Fragen des Managements von Mittelstand und KMU. Die Beiträge bilden die aktuelle theoretische und methodische Vielfalt ab und...
This paper studies how an individual's composition of human and social capital affects his or her disposition to become an entrepreneur. Our theoretical analysis is an extension of Lazear's (2005) jack-of-all-trades theory in combination with the idea of bricolage of experiences and their effectuation in the disposition to become an entrepreneur. O...
This contribution raises the question as to whether repatriates may pursue entrepreneurship and aims to theoretically determine if repatriates are particularly suitable candidates for venturing into self-employment. To address this research question, the Jack-of-all trades view and the human and social capital theories are employed. Research shows...
During their life cycles many companies are confronted with the phenomenon of a crisis. Research distinguishes between the causes, management and prevention of crisis. The aim of this paper is to test empirically the theoretical approaches in the case of small and me- dium sized enterprises (SMEs), also because of the limited number of research stu...
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Zusammenfassung Da in Deutschland im Jahr 1989 letztmalig eine großzahlige, bundesweite Unternehmensbefragung zum Thema Nachfolge durchgeführt wurde, bestand Bedarf an aktuellen Daten. Deshalb hat der Stiftungslehrstuhl für allgemeine BWL, insbesondere Unternehmensnachfolge an der Universität Siegen in Kooperation mit dem IfM Bonn im Winter 2008/20...
The role of team size and dynamics in the internationalisation process of new ventures has received little attention in entrepreneurship literature so far. We hope to fill this gap by investigating how team formation and the intertemporal dynamics of teams in the first years of new ventures affect their propensity for early-stage-internationalisati...
Business successions require multiple kinds of abilities and human capital because they are usually complex and require control of all areas of running a business. Moreover, most successions require more financing than a start-up. There has been scarcely any empirical research on the connection between getting bank financing and the level of a succ...
Family firms seem to be different from non-family firms. They might be less entrepreneurial and more family oriented or have an own family-specific strategy. Question in this context is why we can observe this phenomenon. In this explorative study we explain that the individual orientation of previous, current and future owners of a family business...
Die Zahl der Personen im Alter zwischen 30 und 50 Jahren wird zwischen 2010 und 2020 um etwa 15% zurückgehen. Da Unternehmensnachfolger bislang vor allem aus dieser Altersgruppe stammen, ist fraglich, ob zukünftig genügend Personen vorhanden sein werden, die Interesse an der Übernahme von mittelständischen Unternehmen haben werden. Diese Frage stan...
Based on the finding that entrepreneurs who found new firms tend to work as employees of small rather than large firms prior to start-up, we test how different working conditions, which enhance entrepreneurial learning, affect their decision to become entrepreneurs when moderated by firm size. Based on data of the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP)...
This paper employs the concept of "social capital" to empirically investigate the role of social capital in the occupational choice process about whether to become self-employed. We demonstrate that the willingness to become self-employed depends on a person's social capital and hypothesize that women invest differently in social capital than men a...
This paper explores the impact of German labour market regulations on the willingness of labour market entrants to start their own business. We study the legal situation, the actual and the perceived constraints imposed on businesses as well as the actual flexibility available of start-ups. We find strong evidence that labour market regulations are...
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This paper studies willingness to become an entrepreneur depending on an individual’s composition of human and social capital. Our theoretical analysis is an extension of Lazear’s (2005) jack-of-all-trades theory. Our primary implication is that it is not individuals with a higher level of human or social capital but rather individuals with a more...
This article studies the role of social capital in the occupational choice process involving whether to become self-employed or not. Although the decision to become self-employed has itself been analyzed frequently, social capital as an important explanatory variable has often been neglected. We show that the willingness to become self-employed dep...
This paper explores the impact of German labour market regulations on the willingness of young labour market entrants to start their own business rather than just becoming an employee. We study the legal situation, the actual and perceived constraints imposed on businesses and the actual flexibility available to young/small businesses. We find stro...
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Der Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, inwieweit arbeitsrechtliche Regulierungen und insbesondere deren Wahrnehmung einen Einfluß auf die Gründungsneigung und damit vermutlich auf die tatsächlichen Unternehmensgründungen ausübt. Dabei kann einerseits gezeigt werden, daß junge Unternehmen aufgrund vielfältiger Ausnahmeregelungen in ihren person...
Seit den 90iger Jahren stehen Gründungen aus Hochschulen — sog. academic spinoffs — im Fokus der Gründungsforschung. Das besondere Interesse gilt dabei den Einflussfaktoren, die die Gründungsneigung von Studierenden und wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeitern wesentlich bestimmen. Auf Basis einer bundesweiten Online-Erhebung unter Professoren und wissensch...
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The advantage of specialisation in venture capital financing makes the presence of generalists perplexing. In order to understand their function, the authors investigate the knowledge resource bases of both generalists and specialists, the types of enterprises they select, and their corresponding support strategies. Arguing that differences in stra...
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The question why venture capitalists syndicate their deals has been attract-ing growing attention. The paper analyses how the motives of two types of venture capitalists do differ. Focusing on information costs it expects that venture capitalists with the standard basic know-how in founding and financing new enterprises syndicate to get access to s...
Die ökonomische Literatur im Bereich der Personalökonomik und der Wachstumsforschung hat sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten intensiv mit der Thematik der Bildungsrenten auseinandergesetzt (z.B. SChevalier et al. 2003; LüDECKE/Beckmann 1999; Card 1998; Psacharopoulos 1994; Murphy/Welch 1992). Die Literatur beschäftigt sich mittels innovativer Methoden...
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Venture capitalist are intermediaries with strong advantages in financing risky investments (Leland/Pyle 1977, Chan 1983, Diamond 1984; Bygrave 1988). Being specialized in one industry, venture capitalists can control risk at lower cost compared to other players in the market (e.g. banking houses) because they have accumulated specific know-how, ex...
Ziel der Erhebung ist, die Grundvoraussetzungen für eine Steigerung der Anzahl und Qualität von Gründungen durch Hochschulabgänger und Hochschulangehörige auf empirischer Grundlage zu analysieren. Die in Kapitel II dokumentierte Literaturanalyse hat ergeben, dass sowohl das Gründungspotenzial im Rahmen von Studierendenbefragungen, als auch das bish...
Das Thema Unternehmensgründungen von Akademikern wurde in der Vergangenheit bereits von zahlreichen Autoren u ntersucht. Der überwiegende Teil der Studien legt den Fokus der Analyse auf die persönlichen und umfeldbedingten Einflussfaktoren, das Existenzgründungsangebot an Hochschulen und den beruflichen Verbleib der Absolventen. Unter Studien werde...
Ziel des vorliegenden Forschungsvorhabens war es, die Grundvoraussetzungen für die Steigerung der Gründungen von Hochschulabgängern und Hochschulangehörigen quantitativ und qualitativ empirisch zu analysieren und zu dokumentieren. Dabei wurde der Fokus der Untersuchung auf Professoren und wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter deutscher Hochschulen gelegt,...
Hochschulabsolventen und junge Wissenschaftler sind die derzeitigen Hoffnungsträger der Gründerszene. Bundesweit sind nach Mikrozensus/IfM Bonn 26,6% aller Selbständigen Akademiker. Dennoch gründet nicht einmal jeder zehnte Hochschulabsolvent in einem überschaubaren Zeitraum nach dem Examen ein Unternehmen (HOLTKAMP/IMSANDE 2001, S. 29). Gründungen...
Vorrangig die Suche nach Lösungen für aufkommende wirtschaftliche Probleme (sinkende Wettbewerbsfähigkeit, steigende Arbeitslosigkeit) war seit Anfang der 60er und dann verstärkt der 80er Jahre weltweit der Auslöser für das zunehmende Interesse an Gründungen und der Entwicklung von Initiativen zur Einrichtung von Gründungslehrstühlen, Centern oder...
Kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen, die über keine ausreichenden Sicherheiten verfügen, ist der Zugang zu Bankkrediten häufig erschwert oder gar verwehrt, sofern sie den Mangel an eigenen dinglichen Sicherheiten nicht durch immaterielle Sicherungsinstrumente heilen können. Zu den immateriellen Sicherheiten zählt die Kreditsicherung seitens Dritter d...
Junge und innovative Unternehmen müssen auf ihrem Weg zu Wachstum und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit häufig ein besonders komplexes Problembündel meistern. Zum einen ist die Unsicherheit hinsichtlich der Marktfähigkeit ihrer Geschäftsidee noch groß, zum anderen fehlt es dem Unternehmer/Unternehmerteam an Managementerfahrungen und die Eigenkapitalausstattung...
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The paper presents two computer-supported learning environments which are built on top metadata defined in XML; a comprehensive study environment for a Talmudic tractate and a video based learning environment called Virtual Entrepreneurship lab used in entrepreneurship education. While expressive metadata standards like MPEG-7 help us technically t...
The focus of the paper is on human capital as the key factor for the success and growth of a newly founded company. The findings suggest that investments in human capital have significant influence on the growth of start-ups. The results should lead universities, politicians as well as individuals to a better education for potential founders to gen...
Neugegründete Unternehmen haben aufgrund ihres Beitrages zum wirtschaftlichen Strukturwandel und ihrer potentiellen Beschäftigungsdynamik das Image, besonders förderlich für eine positive ökonomische Entwicklung von Nationen und Regionen zu sein (REYNOLDS/HAY/CAMP 1999). Dabei gelten vor allem innovative, wissensintensive Gründungen als wichtige Qu...
1. Current situation and basic idea Constant growth in economic internationalisation prompts major corporations and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) alike to recruit adequate ranks of qualified employees. Moreover, companies have to retain these employees - in the bids to survive in the marketplace and in the face of competition. In this c...


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