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Publications (63)
Lobbying is considered to be a legitimate feature of democratic systems, but a question arises concerning the methods used to influence decision-making processes in these systems; the behaviour of lobbyists and decision-makers can be non-transparent, and it unfairly influences political processes. These accompanying phenomena significantly affect i...
Kniha nabízí jedinečný pohled na financování politiky, zejména politických stran a volebních kampaní v ČR, a to od počátku 90. let až po současnost, přičemž mezníkem je novelizace zákonů v roce 2016, jež ukončila některé možnosti netransparentního financování, které politické strany a politická hnutí „v mezích zákona“ do této doby využívaly. Ale i...
The chapter discusses various ways to approach, assess, and evaluate lobbying regulation. Lobbying regulations have four goals: first, limit lobbying or its intensity; second, combat the risks of its penetration with corruption and confine the corruption space; third, recognize lobbying as a legitimate and beneficial part of the political process;...
This chapter offers an insight into the development of access to lobbying activities and its regulation in the context of the democratization process after the fall of communism in Central and Eastern Europe. Difficulties accompanying a resurgence of civil society in the region are linked with historical background. After a brief presentation of th...
The chapter focuses on the necessity of transparency for the democratic decision-making process and looks for the link between transparency of lobbying and transparency of the decision-making process. Transparency, along with the concept of good governance, has become a central issue in the public policy debate in recent years. Rules are the corner...
This chapter offers an overview of the development of lobbying regulation around the world by focusing on the well-known and most elaborated cases—countries with the Commonwealth heritage that were the first to regulate lobbying—the United States, Canada, Australia, and the United Kingdom. Then, the chapter discusses regulations in European institu...
Lobbying is a standard part of modern democracy and is here to stay. Even if there are still voices in the public discourse that consider lobbying to be detrimental to democracy, there is a widespread consensus among academicians and political practitioners that efforts to ban lobbying altogether would be futile and counterproductive.
This chapter discusses the relevance of lobbying for modern democracy. First, the notion of accountability as the key part of democracy is juxtaposed with other key notions of the democratic theory—participation, government, and governance. Then, specific models of democracy are briefly reviewed and compared, namely deliberate, participatory, and p...
This chapter offers a deeper theoretical analysis of rational-choice principles, interests, subjects, and methods of mediating interests including the position of interest groups in democratic political systems. A stakeholder-centered model is presented based on a simple scheme of interest groups, decision-makers, business, and the public. Three hy...
Although the responsibility for transparency should be shared by lobbyists and public officials, it is public officials who must be accountable to the public for decisions taken. The chapter introduces some recent global initiatives that deal with the phenomenon of open government as a supporting tool for efforts to make the governments more transp...
This book deals with the current, as yet unsolved, problem of transparency of lobbying. In the current theories and prevalent models that deal with lobbying activities, there is no reflection of the degree of transparency of lobbying, mainly due to the unclear distinction between corruption, lobbying in general, and transparent lobbying. This book...
Countries of Central and Eastern Europe are characterized by less institutional
effectiveness, underdeveloped civil society and a weak democratic tradition. The efforts
to introduce institutional rules for the development and stabilization of liberal democracy
means, among all, to set the fair environment for interest representation of all members...
oCuntries of Central and Eastern Europe are characterized by less institutional effectiveness, underdeveloped civil society and a weak democratic tradition. The efforts to introduce institutional rules for the development and stabilization of liberal democracy means, among all, to set the fair environment for interest representation of all members...
The aim of the article is to evaluate transparency in decision making process which might be influence by lobbying activities, in four European countries known as Visegrad group-the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. Because only one of them has implemented law on regulation of lobbying, the wider and more complex approach that was recen...
Lobbying evaluation attract scholars for nearly two decades but the transparency issue is not in the main focus. This article tries to use the authors' conceptual framework for evaluation of transparent lobbying understand in the broader way as a part of the decision making on the case of the Czech Republic. The methodology defines four different a...
Lobbying is a legitimate way of interest representation in democracy. Although the number of countries introducing rules on lobbying activity is increasing, there are many doubts about the efficiency of measures introduced in terms of nontransparent lobbying activities and unfair forms of influence. The paper investigates the main approaches, eleme...
Lobbying transparency seems to have been a challenging topic for nearly a decade. For the purposes of the article, the authors focus on a contextual analysis of rules and measures that offers both a broad as well as comprehensive view of the required transparency of lobbying activities and the environment in which decisions are made. In this regard...
To evaluate lobbying, lobbyists and especially the transparency of lobbying activities seem to be difficult. Although there are some tools trying to measure effectiveness of lobbying regulation and/or quality of lobbying, they lack to cover the lobbying issue in its complexity. Moreover, they do not specifically focus on transparency in lobbying. T...
Although the topic of lobbying attracts many scholars and activists, the evaluation of its quality is underdeveloped. The paper's aim is to propose a comprehensive catalogue of key measures of transparent lobbying that offers the space for later evaluation of the transparency of lobbying regulation and activities for discussion. The authors employe...
Already seventy years have passed from the first lobbying regulation and many discussions were held about lobbying regulation until now, still the lobbying regulation is not a wide scale activity nor in most developed countries of the world. Paper deals with the Lobbyists/Lobbying Registers from different point of view: their foundation, who is mai...
Political party financing, disclosure and transparency are some of the key issues anti-corruption organizations in the Czech Republic have been promoting in the political agenda. Although long-term efforts to strengthen the legal framework have been unsuccessful until now (another attempt is taking place at the moment), some political parties have...
Financování politických kampaní v USA prostřednictvím Výborů pro politickou akci (PACs) a SuperPACS - finanční analýza celkových výdajů a proměny poměru darů mezi jednotlivými donory.
Expertise, participation during consultancy and interest representation, is some of tools of lobbying. Lobbying became a regular part and activity of decision-making process in young democracies and though it is legitimate and legal activity, it has often – in Europe especially – a negative meaning, behind-a-scene conduct, something bad, unfair or...
Tato publikace nabízí podrobné zhodnocení situace v oblasti lobbingu v České republice. Upozorňuje na základní nedostatky a problémy dosavadního přístupu k regulaci lobbingu, v jejichž důsledku je česká společnost vystavována rizikům pokračujících nejasností ohledně zájmů a důvodů stojících za rozhodováním volených zástupců a státních úředníků.
Since 1989 when communism collapsed in Central and Eastern Europe democratic constitutions have been passed, pluralistic society and competitive market economy have been formed, many countries have been integrated into European Union. Nevertheless, we witness a deep mistrust into the state, politics, institutions of democratic state and omnipresent...
The article addresses the issue of financing of political parties and campaigns in the broader context of transparency and accountability in the Czech Republic. The Czech regulation of political parties is highly insufficient and is broadly criticized by the international community as well as domestic watchdog organizations; there is a complete abs...
The paper focuses on the regulation of the lobbying in the V4 countries. While the regulations were inspired by the American lobbying law, there are significant differences between the V4 countries – both the law and the proposal that had not passed. Therefore the comparison of V4 countries regulation of lobbying activities is made and finally comp...
The transparency of relationships between political institutions and lobbyists is a prerequisite for legitimacy. It should be easy to scrutinize how decisions are made, the influences behind them and how taxpayer’s money is allocated. Therefore rules for lobbying are ultimately a question of legitimacy. Lobbying serves a necessary and useful functi...
Launching the rules for lobbying practice is mostly seen as a measurement for defining the „playground“ for lobbyist itself but moreover rules are a measure of curbing corruption potential. Both points of view could be described by the transparency idea. This paper tries to focus on regulation of the lobbied side of lobbying dealing – the post-sepa...
The global financial crisis that followed after the successful era of economic growth and advanced liberalism, uncovers several problems. Current approach for coping with it traditionally offers two extreme solutions – a strict liberalism or state intervention. If we suppose that market mechanism remains the main and the most important coordination...
The goal of this paper is to develop understanding under which societal conditions environmental impact assessment could support environmental concerns integration into transport policy.
The Environmental impact assessment (EIA) generally proved to have potential to be an effective tool of environmental protection and environmental concerns integr...
Good governance has been a vety popular concept used by some intemational institutions as the vehicle how to tackle various issues. This paper tries to find out the origins of the concept, the field and problems mostly identified with it, and, especially the key features and the contents that are mostly associated with "good governance ". Thus it i...
Good governance seems to be a very popular schema and a modern recommendation how to solve problems of current world. Some international institutions have issued some manuals for best practices in this area. But among these various recommendations which focus on and cover only small piece of the world, there is no general theoretical approach to go...
Governance has become one of the more fashionable concepts of the past, at least, fifty years. This working paper shall attempt to examine the most frequently offered definitions of governance. The first chapter looks at the basic historical roots of the term, mostly connected with the political sphere. The second chapter will show the basic differ...
This working paper focuses on the basic introduction of the concept of social capital. Although it is very popular across the various fields of social science, it is still very vague. Therefore, the first chapter will attempt to introduce the original roots of the term. The definition originally came from sociology, but the concept has been absorbe...
část první. Černé listiny do systému veřejných zakázek / David Ondráčka, Eliška Císařová -- část druhá. Černé listiny a veřejné zakázky / Petr Vymětal -- část třetí. Černé listiny jako efektivní nástroj boje proti korupci v oblasti veřejných zakázek? / Radek Jurčík
The study focuses on evaluation of institutional quality in European Union countries and its possible impact on economic performance and competitiveness. The text stems from the theoretical framework of new institutional economics, especially historical and comparative institutionalism, and it bases on the concept of good governance. The source of...
Problematika veřejného sektoru a přeregulovanosti společnosti vyvolala v minulosti řadu snah o reformy. Řada z nich se dotkly nejen racionalizace uvnitř veřejného sektoru (reformy rozpočtů, decentralizace, nové technologie), ale její dopady ovlivnily i vztahů s ostatními sektory. Je patrná snaha o intenzivní spolupráci jak se soukromým, tak občansk...
Konec 20. století s sebou přinesl řadu změn. Jednou z nich je také proměna chápání a obsahu pojmu vládnutí (governance). Dochází k odklonu od státo-středného pojetí k celospolečenskému, kde jsou aktivními hráči jak veřejný a soukromý sektor, tak sektor neziskový (nevládní). Příspěvek se snaží ukázat hlavní tlaky globalizace a regionalismu, se který...
Problematika korupce je jedním z vážných problémů nově přistoupivších zemí EU, což dokazuje řada studií. V praxi se ukazuje, že samotná doporučení a medializace problémů nestačí. Příspěvek si klade za úkol načrtnout základní negativní důsledky korupce nejen pro ekonomiku jako celek, ale také na firemní investice. Základní rozdělení na tzv. ekonomic...
The article is based on the thesis that institutional quality influences the economic performance. From this point of view under certain circumstance the government policy is able to increase efficiency and performance of economies through creation, maintenance and cultivation of appropriate political and economic institutions ("political and econo...
The article is based on the thesis that institutional quality influences the economic performance. From this point of view under certain circumstance the government policy is able to increase efficiency and performance of economies through creation, maintenance and cultivation of appropriate political and economic institutions (“political and econo...
The article is based on the thesis that institutional quality influences the economic performance. From this point of view under certain circumstance the government policy is able to increase efficiency and performance of economies through creation, maintenance and cultivation of appropriate political and economic institutions ("political and econo...
Main goal of this article is systematise disunited terminology about kinds, types, models, forms, syndromes, institutionalisation and stages of corruption. In the case of kinds of corruption, the petty (grassroots) and the grand (political) corruption is depicted especially. Due to many forms of corruption, which can be combined with each other, it...
Corruption is not a new phenomenon and the problems of corruption has
broader than political, social and economic connotations. Corruption can be
defined as the abuse of public power for private benefit and many forms of corruption
can be analysed. Corruption mostly promotes a lot ofnegative effects and
costs and it can hurt all spheres ofsociety....
Existence of corruption is not the problem of these few decades. Because of different types of corruption prevailing round the world, this analyses focuses on main and large group of factors. Identification of some causes of corruption is sometimes very difficult, because corruption can be a product of several interlaced factors. This article focus...
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