Peter Vortisch

Peter Vortisch
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology | KIT · Institute for Transport Studies

Prof. Dr.-Ing.


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Publications (223)
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After two decades of academic research the microscopic, behavior-based multi-purpose traffic flow simulator VISSIM had been introduced in 1994 to analyze and optimize traffic flows. It offers a wide variety of urban and highway applications, integrating public and private transportation. A large part of this chapter is devoted to modeling principle...
Conference Paper
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The Level of Service of an intersection is principally determined by control delay. Accordingly, control delay must be reproduced correctly when using microscopic traffic simulation to evaluate intersections. This study demonstrates how Vissim can be calibrated for this purpose. We built Vissim models of four signalized intersections for which data...
Demand and supply are both relevant for travel time in public transport. While it is obvious that the supply side in form of the timetable corresponds directly to the travel time, the demand side influences the travel time only partially, but in critical moments. During peak hours, when the demand reaches the capacity of the vehicles, the interacti...
The significantly higher level of detail of agent-based travel demand models (ABM) compared to aggregate models stands in contrast to their high simulation times. Once fast model responses are necessary, the application of ABMs may pose run time challenges. For such purposes, a condensation of ABMs' sensitivities and saturation effects regarding tr...
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Autonomous on-demand services as part of public transport are discussed to improve public transport substantially. A household survey in Karlsruhe, Germany, was conducted among inhabitants of a residential area where a combined autonomous and on-demand minibus service with automation level 4 was offered. The study investigates the residents’ apprai...
After 30 years, the German Mobility Panel ceased data collection in the summer of 2023, despite being considered a successful and benchmark-worthy survey about everyday travel. This article gives an overview of the survey’s central ideas, purpose, and design, thoughts about the usefulness and applicability of the data, and explains why the survey h...
Desired speed or free speed distributions are important input parameters for microscopic traffic flow simulations. Whereas driven speeds can be measured, desired speeds are not detectable for all vehicles because of vehicles constraining each other. An established approach to estimating desired speed distributions is the modified Kaplan–Meier appro...
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To achieve climate goals in the transport sector, many countries are trying to promote the use of public transport. However, to implement effective policies, one must understand the motivations of people who use or do not use public transport today. In this study, we examine the psychographic profiles using latent class analysis to identify the rea...
Conference Paper
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The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has had an enormous impact on everyday life. In an attempt to stop the virus spread, unprecedented containment measures are being taken worldwide. These preventive measures are consequently affecting everyone's life and how we move. Equally remarkable is the speed at which these observed and massive changes occ...
Conference Paper
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Survey design always has a significant influence on the outcomes. Therefore, this paper investigates how follow-up campaigns affect survey outcomes and response rates in longitudinal surveys. Furthermore, it is assessed how late reports in the fall affect survey outcomes. The analyses are based on the unique data of the German Mobility Panel. Overa...
Conference Paper
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Ensuring data quality of household travel survey data is often tedious and, thus, time-consuming. To speed up the process of data-checking and to gain an in-depth understanding of the data, data visualization is a practical, fundamental tool. Since 1994, data visualization has been used in the German Mobility Panel (MOP) data-checking process. This...
Conducting surveys in transportation research is becoming more complex. Depending on the survey subject, the survey format and the circumstances of the sample collection the motivation of respondents to participate and consequently the results can vary substantially. Skewness of samples and sample selection bias occur to different degrees. This stu...
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Individual travel behavior, such as mode choice, is determined to a distinct degree by the respective portfolio of available mobility tools, such as the number of cars, public transit pass ownership, or a carsharing membership. However, the choice of different mobility tools is interdependent, and individuals weigh alternatives against each other....
Technical Report
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The Technical Report includes evaluations of the German Mobility Panel (MOP) from the 2022/2023 survey. The report is the last report of the MOP. In addition to the annual mobility key figures, it includes evaluations of bicycle use, mobility in times of rising costs, refueling abroad and changes in fuel consumption in recent years.
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In this paper, we present an extension of the agent-based travel demand model mobiTopp with a last-mile parcel delivery module called logiTopp, in which online shopping choice is modeled explicitly. Online shopping behavior is modeled using logistic and Poisson regression models, which consider both the socio-demographic characteristics of the cust...
This paper extends the concept of a design hourly volume (DHV) which is derived from the “ nth hour” to a concept based on the nth highest saturated hour. To calculate this nth highest saturated hour at each ramp junction of a node, it is necessary to have permanent traffic counts (PTC) on all ramps and the main lanes. In practice, such counts are...
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Autonomous busses and on-demand services have the potential to improve the public transport system. However, research on potential traffic impacts is still ongoing, mainly due to a lack of existing applications of autonomous driving as part of public transport. Thus, the availability of revealed preference data for mode choice decisions is very lim...
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OpenStreetMap (OSM) data are geographical data that are easy and open to access and therefore used for a large set of applications including travel demand modeling. However, often there is a limited awareness about the shortcomings of volunteered geographic information data, such as OSM. One important issue for the application in travel demand mode...
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Durch den Wegfall der Fahrtätigkeit in vollautonomen Fahrzeugen ergeben sich neue Möglichkeiten die Fahrzeit zu nutzen. In der vorliegenden Studie wird auf Basis einer Stated-Preference-Befragung untersucht, welchen Tätigkeiten sich Personen in autonomen Fahrzeugen widmen würden und wie sich diese von der heutigen Zeitnutzung im Öffentlichen Verkeh...
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Als Reaktion auf das steigende Paketaufkommen werden neue, nachhaltige Konzepte der City-Logistik gesucht. Eine Lösung kann die Nutzung der bestehenden städtischen Schieneninfrastruktur über Cargo Trams sein. Um die verkehrlichen Wirkungen eines derartigen Konzepts quantifizieren zu können, wird in dieser Arbeit ein Güterverkehrsmodell für den Pake...
Recently, a substantial increase in parcel volumes has been observable, primarily shipped by courier, express, and parcel service providers (CEPSPs). Especially in urban areas, existing space conflicts are intensified, while emissions are steadily rising due to the higher need of parcel transportation. From a regional planning perspective, understa...
E-commerce demand has increased steadily over the last decades and this trend has accelerated even more since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. This entailed that user groups such as older people who previously only shopped in-store were incited to shop online to reduce risk of infection leading some to switch to online shopping as the main shopp...
Usage profiles of shared autonomous fleets will considerably differ from present-day privately owned vehicles. Thus, requirements on powertrain and other vehicle components are expected to change significantly. While there are still no real-world data available, automotive requirement engineering strongly depends on synthetic driving profiles, for...
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The COVID-19 pandemic has had a major impact on everyday travel and, by extension, everyday commuting. During the pandemic, some people were able to work from home while others continued commuting. This study examines how commuting behavior changed between 2019 and 2020. In this study, we analyze panel data of the German Mobility Panel, a national...
Conference Paper
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Due to the open legal framework of ride-pooling, the implementation in different spatial areas can differ a lot. Hence, little knowledge exists on its influence on customer perception and, consequently, their user behavior. The present study addresses this research gap by comparing the findings of two interview studies in Germany with users of a pr...
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Owing to increasing bicycle traffic volumes in Germany, more and more bicycle facilities are being designed with widths beyond the standard values given in the existing design guidelines. However, the level of service assessment method for bicycle facilities in the current edition of the German Highway Capacity Manual, HBS, is based on empirical da...
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New mobility concepts such as shared, autonomous, electric vehicle (SAEV) fleets raise questions to the vehicles’ technical design. Compared to privately owned human driven cars, SAEVs are expected to exhibit different load profiles that entail the need for newly dimensioned powertrain and battery components. Since vehicle architecture is very sens...
Conference Paper
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Machine learning techniques have mainly been applied to physical measurement data in the past. In this paper, machine learning is applied to survey data of everyday travel behavior provided by the German Mobility Panel (MOP). The presented model framework supports trained staff in checking trips collected in a trip diary. To this aim, four algorith...
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This paper considers which work-related trip patterns are included in household travel surveys and which in commercial travel surveys and if there are certain patterns that are distinctly underrepresented in either one. The study is structured as a comparison between data from a household travel survey and data from a commercial travel survey. Both...
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The COVID-19 pandemic has forced employers and employees to re-evaluate their attitudes toward telecommuting. This induced a change in the sheer number of people who have started to work from home (WFH). While previous studies highlight differences between telecommuters based on their level of telecommuting experience, these effects have not been s...
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Disruptions in public transport operations occur every day. Thus, providing a reliable system is a challenge for operations and planning. This paper gives insights into the dynamics and processes of operations control centers in public transport to reveal potentials for further improvement in reliability. Therefore, directors were interviewed, disp...
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The objective of this study is to investigate the role of spatial characteristics on car ownership and availability respectively in agent-based travel demand models and its affection on the model's results. Based on Open Data we generate an automated workflow to evaluate spatial characteristics such as land use, points of interest, private vehicle...
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In Karlsruhe wurde 2021 mit dem EVA-Shuttle ein autonomer Kleinbus angeboten, welcher technologische Fort-schritte im Vergleich zu vergleichbaren Projekten vorwies. Im Rahmen einer Haushaltsbefragung zeigte sich, dass EinwohnerInnen dem Angebot aufgeschlossen gegenüberstanden. Die NutzerInnen weisen ein multimodaleres Verkehrsverhalten als Nicht-Nu...
Conference Paper
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Worldwide travel and tourism are becoming increasingly important, and travelers have hence an increasing influence on traffic volume in cities. Therefore, it is important to incorporate them in future transport planning activities and to consider them in travel demand modeling. Until now, there has been no suitable model that differentiates between...
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Worldwide travel and tourism are becoming increasingly important, and travelers have hence an increasing influence on traffic volume in cities. Therefore, it is important to incorporate them in future transport planning activities and to consider them in travel demand modeling. Until now, there has been no suitable model that differentiates between...
For understanding long-distance travel and its impact on the environment, the travel behaviour of people living in urban areas is of particular interest. Although urbanites tend to travel short distances in their everyday lives using environmentally friendly means of transport, studies indicate a different picture for their long-distance travel. Ur...
Conference Paper
The German Highway Capacity Manual HBS provides analytical evaluation procedures to assess the quality of service of rural highways. Microscopic traffic flow simulation can be applied as an alternative method if the constraints of the analytical evaluation procedures are not fulfilled. In this study, practical guidelines and standard parameter set...
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The rapid growth of the e-commerce market leads us to expect a further increase in delivery vehicles in urban areas as well. This growth is expected to be accompanied by an increase in emissions while space becomes scarce. Meanwhile, people are adjusting their travel behaviour; therefore, the growing e-commerce market affects both last-mile deliver...
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Purpose Ridesourcing services have become popular recently and play a crucial role in Mobility as a Service (MaaS) offers. With their increasing importance, the need arises to integrate them into travel demand models to investigate transport system-related effects. As strong interdependencies between different people’s choices exist, microscopic an...
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Background The car has so far played an important role for transporting goods. However, new services emerging from e-commerce may increasingly reduce its relevance as the transporting of goods might no longer be a reason for car use. As a result, e-commerce or the delivery of goods by third-parties can function as potential supplement for car-free...
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Walk-sharing is a cost-effective and proactive approach that promises to improve pedestrian safety and has been shown to be technically (theoretically) viable. Yet, the practical viability of walk-sharing is largely dependent on community acceptance, which has not, until now, been explored. Gaining useful insights on the community’s spatio-temporal...
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In diesem Paper wird eine Analyse der Auswirkungen von Home Office und der Einflüsse auf die Entscheidung, von zu Hause aus zu arbeiten vorgestellt. Dank des Paneldesigns liefert das Deutsche Mobilitätspanel einzigartige Daten von Personen, die vor und während der COVID-19-Pandemie teilgenommen haben. Unsere Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die die Pandemie...
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With the increased shift from in-store shopping to e-commerce, we can expect the share of delivery vehicles in cities to rise as well. This puts great pressure on cities and surrounding areas as emissions rise and space becomes scarce. Because the last leg of the delivery chain is so costly, there have been many studies on how the last-mile issue c...
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Being a vast external influence, the COVID-19 pandemic causes major changes in travel behavior on the individual level. This exceptional situation and the political measures such as the lockdown lead to decreased overall travel demand and shifts in mode choice. To understand these effects, the analysis of car usage in private households offers expl...
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Pedestrians, while walking alone, feel unsafe and vulnerable in certain outdoor spaces at certain times of the day. This fear of victimisation often leads pedestrians to avail costlier alternatives, such as taking viable detours or abandoning walking altogether and switching to alternative forms of transport. This fear reduces the appeal of walking...
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With the expected increase of e-commerce activity, we can expect the share of delivery vehicles in cities to rise as well. On the one hand, this puts great pressure on cities and surrounding areas as emissions rise and space becomes scarce. On the other hand, people are adjusting their travel behaviour such that the increase in e-commerce affects n...
The use of on-demand mobility (ODM) services has increased in Chinese cities and is used by people for various purposes, such as leisure activities or commuting. The aim of this study is to identify and analyze factors that play a role in the use of ODM services for commuting of high-income earners in China. In previous studies, this group of peopl...
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Large-scale changes are expected for urban mobility systems, triggered by digitalization and various other factors such as climate concerns or urbanization. For researchers and planners, it is therefore becoming increasingly important to understand the determinants of variability and stability of travel decisions. The motivation for the study is th...
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This paper presents the coupling of a state-of-the-art ride-pooling fleet simulation package with the mobiTopp travel demand modeling framework. The coupling of both models enables a detailed agent- and activity-based demand model, in which travelers have the option to use ride-pooling based on real-time offers of an optimized ride-pooling operatio...
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We present a methodology to extract points of interest (POIs) data from OpenStreetMap (OSM) for application in travel demand models. We use custom taglists to identify and assign POI elements to typical activities used in travel demand models. We then compare the extracted OSM data with official sources and point out that the OSM data quality depen...
Policy makers in urban areas are subjected to increasing pressure to find sustainable solutions to congestion and transportation. A detailed understanding of the motivations of car owners is required to enable the development of policies that are both socially fair and take effective measures. The objective of this study is to provide a more granul...
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In a parameter study, we systematically varied parameter values, and quantified the resulting traffic flow in each individual lane. We modeled two-, three-, and four-lane freeway sections with the microscopic traffic flow simulation tool PTV Vissim. We compared the results with findings from literature. Simulations using car following model Wiedema...
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The topic of intermodal passenger mobility has become more important during the last 20 years. As mobility options increase in number and flexibility, it gets more and more attractive to combine multiple modes on single trips. In addition, intermodal travel behavior is expected to contribute to less car dependent mobility and transport sector’s red...
Conference Paper
With the growing relevance of long-distance travel and the resulting climate impacts, the understanding of long-distance travel next to everyday travel becomes relevant. In particular in urban areas, people often compensate short distances and the use of environmentally friendly means of transport in everyday life with a higher amount of long-dista...
Conference Paper
The understanding of car usage patterns and the reason for a trip is important for policymakers to derive measures to influence car usage as well as for manufacturers and service providers to create target-oriented products and offers. There are different types of data to describe car usage. Survey data provide various information that explain beha...