Peter von Philipsborn

Peter von Philipsborn
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich | LMU



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I’m a medical doctor and public health professional working at the crossroads of research, policy and practice. With a background in medicine, political science, economics and law, I specialise on planetary health nutrition, defined as the art and science of promoting healthy and sustainable diets on a population level. I’m passionate about research with policy impact, teaching, and public engagement with science.
March 2016 - November 2020
October 2011 - December 2017
Technical University of Munich
Field of study
  • Medicine
November 2009 - July 2011
University of Freiburg
Field of study
  • Social Sciences


Publications (88)
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Background Frequent consumption of excess amounts of sugar‐sweetened beverages (SSB) is a risk factor for obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and dental caries. Environmental interventions, i.e. interventions that alter the physical or social environment in which individuals make beverage choices, have been advocated as a means to red...
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Introduction: Exposure to marketing for foods high in sugar, salt, and fat is considered a key risk factor for childhood obesity. To support efforts to limit such marketing, the World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe has developed a nutrient profile model (WHO NPM). Germany’s Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture plans to use this...
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Introduction: A high intake of sugar, in particular from sugar-sweetened soft drinks, increases the risk for obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus and dental caries. Germany has pursued a national strategy for sugar reduction in soft drinks based on voluntary commitments by industry since 2015, but its effects are unclear. Methods: We use aggregated...
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Objective To systematically assess Germany’s nutrition policies, to benchmark them against international best practices, and to identify priority policy actions to improve population-level nutrition in Germany. Design We applied the Food Environment Policy Index (Food-EPI), a methodological framework developed by the INFORMAS network. Qualitative...
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Background Food environments have been recognised as highly influential on population diets. Government policies have great potential to create healthy food environments to promote healthy diets. This study aimed to evaluate food environment policy implementation in European countries and identify priority actions for governments to create healthy...
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Objective This study examines public support—and its drivers—for comprehensive policy packages (i.e., bundles of coherent policy measures introduced together) aimed at improving food environments. Design Participants completed an online survey with a choice-based conjoint experiment, where they evaluated pairs of policy packages comprising up to s...
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There is growing interest in lifestyle interventions as stand-alone and add-on therapies in mental health care due to their potential benefits for both physical and mental health outcomes. We evaluated lifestyle interventions focusing on physical activity, diet, and sleep in adults with severe mental illness (SMI) and the evidence for their effecti...
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Background In most high-income countries, consumption of animal-based food products exceeds levels recommended for health and environmental reasons. Although taxes can reduce the consumption of animal-based products, they are politically controversial. In recent years, various tax models and motivations for these have been discussed. Our study seek...
Zusammenfassung Die im März 2024 veröffentlichten Ernährungsempfehlungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Ernährung (DGE) stellen eine zentrale Richtschnur für die Ernährungspolitik in Deutschland dar. Tatsächlich besteht eine große Kluft zwischen diesen Empfehlungen und der Ernährungsrealität. Die Anfang 2024 beschlossene Ernährungsstrategie der Bun...
Das globale Ernährungssystem steht vor zahlreichen Herausforderungen in Hinblick auf verschiedene Nachhaltigkeitsdimensionen, darunter Gesundheit, Umwelt, Soziales und Tierwohl. Ernährungspolitische Maßnahmen können zum Adressieren dieser Herausforderungen beitragen. Im vorliegenden Beitrag soll dargestellt werden, was solche Maßnahmen zu komplexen...
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Advertising for unhealthy foods adversely affects children’s food preferences and intake. The German government published plans to restrict such advertising in February 2023 and has revised them several times since. We assess the reach of the current draft from June 2023, and discuss its public health implications. We show that across 22 product ca...
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Background: Food service operations in universities and colleges, such as cafeterias and canteens, may support healthy and sustainable diets among students and staff and contribute to a transformation of the wider food system. Multiple studies on interventions to promote health and sustainability in this setting have been conducted, but no up-to-da...
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Introduction Advertising of unhealthy foods to children is a key public health concern as exposure to such advertising has been shown to adversly affect children's food preferences, choices, purchases and intake. The proposed Children's Food Advertising Act (Kinder-Lebensmittel-Werbegesetz or KLWG) in Germany aims to regulate such marketing by usin...
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Policy packaging has been identified as a promising approach to increase public support for effective and comprehensive policymaking by bundling measures that are unpopular from a behavioral and/or fiscal perspective with those that are popular; however, this potential has yet to be examined for improving food environments to promote healthy diets....
Conference Paper
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Background The South African food environment is characterized by pervasive marketing on television and in print media of unhealthy food and beverages. Little is known about the extent of outdoor food and beverage marketing (product, spatial advertising, branding) at transport interchange areas, community food outlets, and schools. Our study aimed...
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Background Exposure to marketing for foods high in sugar, salt, and fat is considered a key risk factor for childhood obesity. To support efforts to limit such marketing, the World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe has developed a nutrient profile model (WHO NPM), published as second edition in March 2023. The German government plans t...
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Background: School nutrition standards (i.e., guidelines on the food environment in schools, including the dietary quality of school meals) are a key policy for supporting healthy and sustainable diets on a population level. Despite evidence to support this fact, there is considerable variation in the implementation of available standards both betw...
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Purpose of Review To review the upstream determinants of overweight and obesity in Europe, including food and built environments, and political, commercial, and socioeconomic determinants. Recent Findings Overweight and obesity affect 60% of European adults, and one in three children, and are more common in individuals with low compared to high so...
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Background: Exposure to marketing for foods high in sugar, salt, and fat is considered a key risk factor for childhood obesity. To support efforts to limit such marketing, the World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe has developed a nutrient profile model (WHO NPM). Germany's Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture plans to use this mo...
Objective: Our aim was to investigate if and how Cochrane nutrition reviews assess dietary adherence to a specific dietary regimen. Study design and setting: Cochrane nutrition reviews fulfilling the following criteria were included: systematic review of randomized controlled trials including adults and investigating the effect of caloric restri...
The risk for developing type 2 diabetes mellitus is strongly influenced by characteristics of our physical and social environment. In particular, these environmental factors influence individual physical activity levels as well as dietary behavior. They further include established risk factors such as exposure to tobacco smoke and air pollution. In...
Zusammenfassung Ziel der Studie Der Food Environment Policy Index (Food-EPI) gilt als methodischer Goldstandard für die systematische Erfassung und Bewertung der politischen Rahmenbedingungen einer gesundheitsförderlichen Ernährung; er wurde 2020–2021 erstmals in Deutschland umgesetzt. Methodik Die Umsetzung des Food-EPI in Deutschland umfasste sie...
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Background Taxation of sugar and sugar-sweetened beverages is considered a key policy for improving population-level nutrition. Implementation is influenced by the way evidence is used and framed in public debates. At this time, no sugar tax has been implemented in Germany. Aims and objectives This study aims to deepen the understanding of the pol...
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Background Framing plays an important role in health-policy processes. Responsibility for health is a salient and contested concept in the framing around food policies, such as sugar taxes. To deepen the understanding of the sugar tax process in Germany and contribute to a better understanding of how responsibility frames are used in debates on hea...
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Zusammenfassung Hintergrund Akteure der öffentlichen Gesundheit (Public Health) tragen wesentlich zu Gesundheitsschutz, -förderung und Prävention auf Bevölkerungsebene bei. Kenntnisse über die Akteurslandschaft erleichtern die Zusammenarbeit und erhöhen die Transparenz des Berufsfeldes für Nachwuchsfachkräfte. Zielsetzung Ziel dieser Arbeit waren...
Zusammenfassung Der Zunahme ernährungsbedingter Erkrankungen, wie dem Typ-2-Diabetes mellitus, kann durch politische Regulierungen entgegengewirkt werden. Die Schaffung eines gesunden Ernährungsumfeldes kann eine positive Entwicklung langfristig unterstützen. Eine Analyse ernährungsrelevanter Politikfelder mit dem Food-EPI ergab, dass Deutschland i...
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Objective: To systematically assess Germany's nutrition policies, to benchmark them against international best practices, and to identify priority policy actions to improve population-level nutrition in Germany. Design: We applied the Food Environment Policy Index (Food-EPI), a methodological framework developed by the INFORMAS network. Qualitative...
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Simulation modeling can be useful to estimate the long-term health and economic impacts of population-based dietary policies. We conducted a systematic scoping review following the PRISMA-ScR (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews) guideline to map and critically appraise economic evaluatio...
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Objectives To comprehensively map the existing evidence assessing the impact of travel-related control measures for containment of the SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 pandemic. Design Rapid evidence map. Data sources MEDLINE, Embase and Web of Science, and COVID-19 specific databases offered by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the WHO....
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Zusammenfassung Evidenzbasierung stellt auch im öffentlichen Gesundheitswesen eine zentrale Anforderung dar. 5 allgemeine Prinzipien gelten in der evidenzbasierten Medizin wie in der evidenzbasierten Public Health (EBPH). Sie umfassen Systematik, Transparenz im Umgang mit Unsicherheit, Integration und Partizipation, Umgang mit Interessenkonflikten...
Background: In late 2019, the first cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) were reported in Wuhan, China, followed by a worldwide spread. Numerous countries have implemented control measures related to international travel, including border closures, travel restrictions, screening at borders, and quarantine of travellers. Objectives: To as...
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Das Schaffen gesundheitsförderlicher Lebensbedingungen hat in der Vergangenheit wesentlich zur Verlängerung der Lebenserwartung und dem Rückgang der Krankheitslast beigetragen. Das Potential, durch Gesundheitsförderung auf Bevölkerungsebene Krankheit, Behinderung und vorzeitigen Tod zu vermeiden, und zur Erhöhung der gesundheitlichen Lebensqualität...
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Evidenzbasierte Public Health (EbPH) bezeichnet das Fällen von Public Health-relevanten Entscheidungen durch die bewusste Integration der jeweils besten verfügbaren wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse, der Expertise relevanter Fachleute und Stakeholder, und der Werte und Präferenzen der betroffenen Bevölkerung. Zu den Grundprinzipien eines evidenzbasie...
Background Obesity is a major public health challenge and disproportionately affects individuals with mental health disorders. Due to limited therapeutic options, prevention is of special importance.Objective Presentation of the current state of knowledge on obesity prevention with a particular focus on individuals with mental illnesses and links t...
The global prevalence of diabetes mellitus type 2 has risen twofold in the past 30 years, approaching 9 % at present. Diabetes mellitus is a considerable burden on affected individuals, health systems and societies worldwide. Preventing or delaying the onset of diabetes, and achieving remission in patients in the early stages of the disease are the...
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Objectives To assess the effects of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in patients with viral respiratory infections on acute severe adverse outcomes, healthcare utilisation, quality of life and long-term survival. Design Rapid systematic review. Participants Humans with viral respiratory infections, exposed to systemic NSAIDs. Prima...
Zusammenfassung Effektive Gesundheitsförderungs- und Präventionsmaßnahmen adressieren übergeordnete, strukturelle Risikofaktoren übertragbarer wie nichtübertragbarer Krankheiten. Diese sind zumeist außerhalb des Gesundheitssektors verortet und erfordern einen Health in All Policies (HiAP) Ansatz. Die weltweite Ausbreitung des SARS-CoV-2-Virus verde...
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Background: In late 2019, first cases of coronavirus disease 2019, or COVID-19, caused by the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, were reported in Wuhan, China. Subsequently COVID-19 spread rapidly around the world. To contain the ensuing pandemic, numerous countries have implemented control measures related to international travel, including border clo...
Background Germany has seen as rising burden of diet-related adverse health outcomes. Policies for improving food environments and related infrastructure are essential to reduce this burden. A growing awareness of the interlinkages between sustainability and nutrition underlines the need for healthy, sustainable food environments. Therefore, we app...
Background While the importance of adverse events of medical interventions is widely recognized, adverse effects of public health interventions remain a neglected topic. This project aims to develop a framework to guide researchers and decision-makers to systematically reflect on and identify potential adverse effects of public health interventions...
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Background: Regular consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages (SSB) can increase the risk for obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and dental caries. Interventions that alter the physical or social environment in which individuals make beverage choices have been proposed to reduce the consumption of SSB. Methods: We included randomis...
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Objective: The WHO Commission on Social Determinants of Health (SDH) has called for a health workforce trained in recognising, understanding and acting on the SDH. However, little is known about how current medical education prepares graduates for this challenge. This study analyses the extent to which the German medical education incorporates cont...
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Globally, dietary factors are responsible for about one in five deaths. In many low- and middle-income countries different forms of malnutrition (including obesity and undernutrition) can co-exist within the same population. This double burden of malnutrition is placing a disproportional strain on health systems, slowing progress towards universal...
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Zusammenfassung Die Jugendbewegung Fridays for Future und KlimawissenschaftlerInnen fordern entschiedenes Handeln für den Klimaschutz. Die notwendige Umgestaltung der Gesellschaft ist eine Chance für das Schaffen von Lebensbedingungen, welche die physische und psychische Gesundheit von Menschen umfassend zur Entfaltung bringen. Anhand von drei Beis...
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Zusammenfassung Politische Rahmensetzungen können wesentlich zur Schaffung gesundheitsförderlicher Lebensbedingungen beitragen. Lobbyismus, fachpolitische Silos und kulturelle Gräben zwischen Wissenschaft und Politik können eine Umsetzung ensprechender Maßnahmen erschweren. Eine verbesserte Kommunikation und Zusammenarbeit zwischen Wissenschaft und...
Ziele: Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) hat dazu aufgerufen, ÄrztInnen und andere Gesundheitsprofessionen stärker darin auszubilden, soziale Determinanten von Gesundheit (SDH) zu erkennen, zu verstehen und auf diese zu reagieren. Bisher ist jedoch wenig darüber bekannt, inwieweit die derzeitige medizinische Ausbildung AbsolventInnen auf diese...
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Background: The major shifts in the global burden of disease over the past decades are well documented, but how these shifts have affected global inequalities in health remains an underexplored topic. We applied comprehensive inequality measures to data from the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) study. Methods: Between-country relative inequality was...
Maßnahmen der Öffentlichen Gesundheit haben zum Ziel, Gesundheitsressourcen zu stärken, durch Krankheit und vorzeitigen Tod verursachtes Leid zu verhindern, gesundheitliche und dadurch auch soziale Chancengleichheit zu fördern und ökonomische sowie soziale Folgekosten von Krankheit zu reduzieren. Das Potenzial dieser Maßnahmen gilt es in Deutschlan...
Zusammenfassung Der aktuelle Reformprozess der öffentlichen Gesundheit in Deutschland hat die Möglichkeit einer Stärkung dieses Faches und des entsprechenden Praxis- und Politikfeldes in Deutschland eröffnet. Im vorliegenden Beitrag werden anstehende Herausforderungen und notwendigen Maßnahmen aus einer Nachwuchsperspektive dargestellt. Notwendig s...
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Objective To analyse the scope and content of the nutrition pledge announced by Lidl. Design We applied the approach recommended by the private-sector module of the INFORMAS (International Network for Food and Obesity Research, Monitoring and Action Support) food environment monitoring framework and qualitative content analysis to Lidl’s nutrition...
Zusammenfassung Die Prävention von Adipositas und Diabetes mellitus ist eine der zentralen gesundheitspolitischen Herausforderungen der Gegenwart. Bezüglich beider Krankheiten ist in Deutschland noch keine Trendwende in der Prävalenzentwicklung gelungen. Zu diversen Präventionsmaßnahmen liegt mittlerweile hinreichende Evidenz vor, so dass die entsc...
Zusammenfassung Hintergrund Die Förderung gesunder Lebensbedingungen hat in der Vergangenheit wesentlich zur Verlängerung der gesunden Lebenszeit der Bevölkerung in Deutschland und weltweit beigetragen. Trotz dieser Forschritte führen in Deutschland vermeidbare verhaltens-, umwelt- und berufsbedingte Risikofaktoren weiterhin zu einer erheblichen Kr...
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Introduction Action on the social determinants of health has been key for improving health and prolonging life in the past, and remains so today. Against this background, WHO’s Commission on Social Determinants of Health has called for increased efforts to create health workforces trained in recognising, understanding and acting on the social deter...
Full-text available Background: The Gini Index (GI) and Theil Index (TI) are metrics commonly used in economics to measure inequality in the distribution of resources such as income or wealth. A GI of 0 represents perfect equality, and 1 - perfect inequality (100% burden in a single country). The TI can be decompose...
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Um das Potenzial für Verbesserungen der Bevölkerungsgesundheit auch im 21. Jahrhundert auszuschöpfen, braucht Deutschland einen starken und für den medizinischen Nachwuchs attraktiven Öffentlichen Gesundheitsdienst.
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Zusammenfassung Süßgetränke erfahren eine große wissenschaftliche und politische Aufmerksamkeit. Ihr Konsum ist in vielen Ländern in den letzten Jahrzehnten stark angestiegen. In Deutschland hat sich der Absatz zwischen 1970 und 2010 mehr als verdoppelt. Es gibt gute Evidenz dafür, dass ein regelmäßiger Konsum von Süßgetränken eine Gewichtszunahme...
Nudging as a means of infuencing human behaviour has received increasing attention by policy makers, including those in the feld of public health. Nudges are generally understood as specifc aspects of a choice architecture that make certain behaviours more likely to occur without mandating them through binding rules, and without relying on economic...
Nudging as a means of influencing human behaviour has received increasing attention by policy makers, including those in the field of public health. Nudges are generally understood as specific aspects of a choice architecture that make certain behaviours more likely to occur without mandating them through binding rules, and without relying on econo...
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This is the protocol for a review and there is no abstract. The objectives are as follows: To assess the effects of environmental interventions (excluding taxation) targeted at sugar-sweetened beverages or low-calorie alternatives to sugar-sweetened beverages on consumption levels, diet-related anthropometric measures and health outcomes, and on an...
In June 2015 the German Academies of Science and Technology published a report on the structures, developments and challenges in the field of public and global health in Germany. Its call for a strengthening of public and global health in Germany was well received among researchers and practitioners in the field. At the same time criticism arose. K...
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Background: Research on Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) has increased in recent decades, and significant need-gaps in diagnostic and treatment tools remain. Analysing bibliometric data from published research is a powerful method for revealing research efforts, partnerships and expertise. We aim to identify and map NTD research networks in Germ...
Conference Paper
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Background: Numerous health care initiatives, including Cochrane, aim to reduce global health inequalities. Knowledge about the contribution of different diseases and risk factors and existing disparities in health status can contribute to evidence-based, equity-sensitive priority setting in research and policy-making. Objectives: To calculate co...
Conference Paper
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Background Cafeterias (canteens) can influence dietary intake and the formation of dietary habits. Improving the healthfulness of food offered at cafeterias can therefore contribute to improved diets on a population level. Cafeterias at university hospitals and medical faculties should be expected to lead by example, providing best practice exam...
Conference Paper
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Background Cafeterias (canteens) can influence dietary intake, the formation of dietary habits, and the incidence of overweight and obesity. In Germany, previous research has revealed a high prevalence of unhealthy eating patterns at school and high school cafeterias (Arens-Azevedo 2014, Müller 2013). Improving diets at cafeterias is therefore a go...