Peter Van Petegem

Peter Van Petegem
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Peter verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
University of Antwerp | UA · Training and Education Sciences

Ph.D. in Education Sciences


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Peter Van Petegem is full professor in Education Sciences at the University of Antwerp and attached to the Department of Training and Education Sciences of the Faculty of Social Sciences. He was visiting professor at NTNU, Trondheim (Norway). He is a founder and member of the Edubron research group ( He is interested in evaluation research, at macro level (education policies, international comparative research) and meso level (educational innovation, school policies, quality assurance). He also has a special interest in Environmental Education (EE), STEM and Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). Peter Van Petegem is Editor-in-Chief of Studies in Educational Evaluation
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January 2000 - present
University of Antwerp
  • Professor (Full)


Publications (506)
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Sustainable development is a prominent issue on the agendas of citizens, policymakers, practitioners, and scholars alike. Conceptual frameworks have been suggested to guide teaching-learning processes in order to prepare future generations for sustainability challenges. One such framework is action competence in sustainable development (ACiSD) as a...
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The ability to give, receive and process feedback is essential for higher education students not only during their studies, but also for their future work life. Despite the extensive amount of research on feedback in education, there is limited research on feedback skills as collaborative skills and on what might influence these skills. Through sur...
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Background In recent years, data derived from international large-scale assessments have significantly influenced the discourse surrounding educational equity. However, the use of such data has often neglected the full spectrum of dimensions that equity encompasses, while being limited to exploring the relationship between achievement variations an...
In recent years, international assessments have significantly impacted the discourse pivoting educational quality, often simplifying it to a single achievement continuum. With literature emphasizing quality’s multidimensional nature, this unidimensional view challenges the concept’s complexity. Although research with international datasets has iden...
There is a need for valid and reliable instruments to assess learning outcomes in education for sustainable development (ESD). Measurement invariance (MI) needs to be established before results of these instruments can be validly compared between groups. Despite its importance, establishing MI is an often overlooked validation step. To provide an e...
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This study examined the prevalence of the five forms of overexcitability in children ages 4-13 years who were previously identified as highly or profoundly gifted via a Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC) score of 140+. The prevalence of overexcitabilities included an examination of the development and developmental potential according...
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This chapter highlights the challenges faced by schools in implementing a whole school approach (WSA) for education for sustainable development (ESD) and suggests a potential reason for these challenges. While much of the current ESD research has focused on curricula and pedagogy, the chapter argues that an effective organizational context is cruci...
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Current studies highlighted a positive relationship between academics' learning-focused approaches to teaching and students' active and deep learning. Thus, scholars have an ongoing debate about the dynamics of change from academics’ content-focused to learning-focused approaches to teaching. Previous studies investigating this subject used variabl...
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Vocational Education and Training (VET) faces significant challenges in equipping individuals for modern workplaces, which increasingly require digital literacy and Computational Thinking (CT) skills. This paper addresses the imperative of integrating CT into VET programs and outlines key research questions. Our methodology primarily involves a sys...
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En la última década, el desarrollo de indicadores educativos (internacionales) se ha extendido de muchas maneras: el número de países involucrados, los aspectos cubiertos, el impacto en la política educativa, su atención en los medios de comunicación. Más reciente es la atención que se presta a la retroalimentación de los indicadores a las escuelas...
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Research investigating the use of processing and regulation strategies across different cultures can shed light on the internationalisation of teaching and learning. Previous cross-cultural studies investigated limited representative samples and relied on geographical stereotypes. Published and unpublished ILS (Inventory of Learning patterns of Stu...
Science education is increasingly integrating a focus on socio-scientific issues. Policy makers and scholars also suggest education for sustainable development (ESD) is important for tackling current and future sustainability issues. ESD may foster students' action competence in sustainable development (ACiSD; knowledgeability, willingness, capacit...
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The field of community music has been continuously expanding during the last years alongside the need for experienced musicians who can carry out music activities for culturally diverse groups. Based on previous studies, we identified a need for research-based practices for training musicians and music teachers who wish to facilitate community musi...
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Studies on learning strategies across cultures in higher education inform the internationalisation of teaching and learning. Previous comparisons relied on geographical generalisations (e.g., “Asian”, “Western”, “Latin-American”) or only variable-centred methods, which can overgeneralise the contexts they represent. Eight learning strategy datasets...
Instrumental music teaching traditionally emphasizes the cognitive, motor, and motivational processes of score reproduction, often at the expense of creative musical activities, such as improvisation or composition. Since today’s international art school curricula prominently include creativity competencies, opportunities to integrate creativity in...
Instrumental music teaching traditionally emphasizes the cognitive, motor, and motivational processes of score reproduction, often at the expense of creative musical activities, such as improvisation or composition. Since today’s international art school curricula prominently include creativity competencies, opportunities to integrate creativity in...
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In order to support research on school effectiveness, there is a need for valid and reliable instruments to assess policymaking capacities of schools. Increasingly, policymaking is seen as a shared responsibility of the entire pedagogical team of a school. In this article, data were analysed from a sample of 1,696 (care) teachers coordinators and p...
Scientific research on the relationship between nature and health/wellbeing has increased dramatically in recent years. Contact with nature during childhood, both within formal and informal learning contexts, has diverse demonstrated positive effects on young people. In this chapter, we present the results of an interdisciplinary systematic literat...
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This study contributes to the field of educational careers by exploring all educational career choices, whereas existing literature has focused on only a few. Deploying the push-pull-mooring framework (PPM), several undiscovered influential factors regarding educational career choices were captured. Using qualitative research methods, more particul...
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Ashley (2016) considers the core notion of improvisation “that of constraint: of the scarcity of [cognitive] resources, in real time, that humans can utilize for making music when they are not following a predetermined plan of action.” Early research on improvisation focused on the cognitive machinery, mainly in adult expert (jazz) improvisers and...
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The awareness that many problems in our society are interdisciplinary in nature and require the integration of multiple STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) concepts to solve them has given rise to a new instructional approach, called “integrated STEM education”. Integrated STEM education aims to remove the barriers from the STEM fi...
Teachers’ instructional beliefs and interests in Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) are related to holistic, pluralistic, and action-oriented instructional practices in ESD teaching. To explore this hypothesis, we examine teachers’ ESD teaching profiles based on their instructional beliefs, interests, and instructional practices in ESD. We...
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Integrated Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (iSTEM) education is a promising approach to attracting more qualified and better motivated students to STEM fields. In this study, we respond to one of the salient challenges facing integrated STEM educational research, namely investigating its educational impact. We developed a large-sca...
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The reliance on the use of virtual learning environments, particularly computer-supported collaborative learning environments, is increasing in higher education institutions. This paper explores the perceived sociability of a virtual learning environment after it was implemented in an interdisciplinary project-based course in a higher education ins...
The discourse of educational equity has captured public imagination and become an entrenched policy value. In the attendant struggle to improve educational equity, governments draw inspiration from analyses based on data from highly standardized, international large-scale assessments. As these analyses are used as a lever for policy formulation, it...
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Background Promoting and improving STEM education is being driven by economic concerns as modern economies have a rising demand for qualified researchers, technicians, and other STEM professionals. In addition, women remain under-represented in STEM-related fields, with significant economic and societal consequences. Abundant research has shown tha...
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Studie-uitval in het eerste jaar van het hoger onderwijs is een hard-nekkig probleem. Individuele kenmerken van de student worden vaak als de belang-rijkste voorspeller gezien. Maar de leeromgeving zelf heeft ook een belangrijke medi-ërende rol. Hoy, Tarter & Woolfolk Hoy (2006) introduceerden het construct 'Acade-misch optimisme' in hun onderzoek...
The discourse of quality has permeated everyday discussions about education, yet the concept as such remains complex. Moreover, during the constant struggle to improve educational quality, governments have increasingly devoted attention to the results of international large-scale assessments. As those results are used to inform policy decisions to...
Instructional practices in Education for Sustainable Development are thought to play a crucial role in the cultivation of students' action competence towards Sustainable Development issues. This paper explores teachers' interests and their action-oriented instructional practices in ESD. The Action-orientation in ESD Questionnaire (AoESD-Q) employs...
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Informal learning environments (ILEs) like Fablabs and Makerspaces have potential to facilitate development of STEM skills. However, these environments might be difficult for teachers to adopt in their teaching because of teaching approaches grounded in constructionism where the role of the teacher changes from a transmissive instructor to an activ...
In this study, we investigate the relation between the school organization and outcomes of education for sustainable development, namely students’ action competence in sustainable development. The student data were collected among 629 students. At the organizational level, we collected data among school staff (n = 207) concerning organizational cha...
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In effectiveness literature, voices are rising to embrace learning contents beyond mathematics, science, and language. Meanwhile, international policy documents such as the United Nations 2019 Climate Action Summit Report point at the importance of action for sustainable development for establishing acceptable life conditions for current and future...
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Op vraag van het departement Onderwijs & Vorming van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap werd de samenhang onderzocht tussen de leeftijd en de prestaties wiskunde en wetenschappen van leerlingen uit het 4de leerjaar. Regressie-analyses op de data van TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study) tonen aan dat leerlingen die geboren zijn tegen he...
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Op vraag van het departement Onderwijs & Vor-ming van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap werd op basis van de TIMSS-2019-data de samenhang onderzocht tussen de prestaties wiskunde en wetenschappen op leerling- en schoolniveau. Naast de algemene samenhang werd ook de samenhang onderzocht tussen de cognitieve domeinen kennen, toepassen en redeneren en de samenha...
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Op vraag van het departement Onderwijs & Vorming van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap werd de samenhang onderzocht tussen de leeftijd en de prestaties wiskunde en wetenschappen van leerlingen uit het 4de leerjaar. Regressie-analyses op de data van TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study) tonen aan dat leerlingen die geboren zijn tegen he...
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Leerkrachten zijn de meest zichtbare spelers van het onderwijssysteem en zetten dagelijks het school- en onderwijsbeleid om in de praktijk. Op vraag van het departement Onderwijs & Vorming van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap werd de samenhang geanalyseerd tussen leerkrachtenkenmerken en lespraktijken en de prestaties wiskunde en wetenschappen van leerlingen...
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Leerkrachten zijn de meest zichtbare spelers van het onderwijssysteem en zetten dagelijks het school- en onderwijsbeleid om in de praktijk. Op vraag van het departement Onderwijs & Vorming van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap werd de samenhang geanalyseerd tussen leerkrachtenkenmerken en lespraktijken en de prestaties wiskunde en wetenschappen van leerlingen...
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Vlaamse scholen beschikken over een relatief grote autonomie. De mate waarin scholen erin slagen de beschikbare beleidsruimte te benutten, verschilt. Om de samenhang na te gaan tussen beleidsvoerend vermogen van scholen en de prestaties van leerlingen, werden de data van TIMSS 2019 gekoppeld aan de gegevens uit de vragenlijst beleidsvoerend vermoge...
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Vlaamse scholen beschikken over een relatief grote autonomie. De mate waarin scholen erin slagen de beschikbare beleidsruimte te benutten, verschilt. Om de samenhang na te gaan tussen beleidsvoerend vermogen van scholen en de prestaties van leerlingen, werden de data van TIMSS 2019 gekoppeld aan de gegevens uit de vragenlijst beleidsvoerend vermoge...
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This study builds on a research-practitioner partnership embedded within an education for sustainable development (ESD) project and aims to explore the major potential challenges (i.e., disciplinary boundaries set by subject specialization, especially in secondary education) and success factors (i.e., teacher co-learning experiences in ESD) associa...
Empirically based tools to map education for sustainable development within school organisations are not readily available, which is both a cause and a consequence of the scarce empirical and quantitative research on school organisations and education for sustainable development. In present study, the Education for Sustainable Development School Or...
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Empirically based tools to map education for sustainable development within school organisations are not readily available, which is both a cause and a consequence of the scarce empirical and quantitative research on school organisations and education for sustainable development. In present study, the Education for Sustainable Development School Or...
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Policy documents across the globe call for citizen engagement to fight climate change emergencies and build more sustainable societies. They also recognize the key role of formal and non-formal education in preparing citizens to address those challenges. However, there is a need to identify appropriate instruments to evaluate the impact of educatio...
Based on the concept of action competence, the current study introduces an integrated framework of Professional Action Competence in Education for Sustainable Development (PACesd) described by three defining features: willingness, knowledge of pedagogical approaches, and self-efficacy. To validate this framework, we developed a questionnaire measur...
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A key theme in the science education literature concerns the reluctance of students to participate in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). Self-determination theory (SDT) states that social factors in an educational setting, such as teachers’ motivating style, can influence students’ motivation and engagement. This paper invest...
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The “leaky pipeline” with regard to students’ engagement in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) has triggered extensive research to understand and prevent students dropping out from STEM. To boost enrolment and interest in STEM fields, integrated STEM (iSTEM) education could be harnessed by providing students with relevant chal...
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Animal Welfare Attitudes (AWA) can be defined as the attitudes of humans towards the welfare of animals. Although AWA has been previously associated with demographic factors as gender, one of the main limitations is that few studies applied robust psychometric questionnaire scales. Moreover, some evidence of cross-cultural variations in AWA have bee...
Holistic and pluralistic instructional beliefs and instructional practices in Education for Sustainable Development are often considered of high importance to foster students' competences. This mixed-method study describes the development and the validation of the Holism-Pluralism in Education for Sustainable Development questionnaire (HPESD-Q) to...
Action competence consists of the knowledge, willingness, and self-efficacy for contributing to a controversial issue such as sustainable development. As such, action competence in sustainable development (ACiSD) is a desired outcome of education for sustainable development (ESD). Still, the scarce instruments for measuring ACiSD that have been dev...
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This study tests an integrative model, which delineates how students’ academic motivation, academic self-efficacy and learning strategies (processing strategies and regulation strategies) at the end of secondary education impact academic adjustment in the first semester of the first year of higher education (FYHE) and subsequent academic achievemen...
While research on education for sustainable development (ESD) is expanding, empirical evidence on its impact and outcomes remains very limited. Moreover, the facilitating role of the school organization, while extensively documented in literature on school management and school effectiveness, is lacking. In this study we present and qualitatively v...
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While research on education for sustainable development (ESD) is expanding, empirical evidence on its impact and outcomes remains very limited. Moreover, the facilitating role of the school organization , while extensively documented in literature on school management and school effectiveness, is lacking. In this study we present and qualitatively...
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Dit rapport beschrijft de resultaten van het TIMSS 2019 onderzoek voor Vlaanderen.
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Research indicates that educational stratification may lead to a lower-track school culture of futility and a less academically-oriented culture among lower-track teachers, leading to both reduced study involvement and lower educational achievement among their students. This study investigated whether an anti-school culture in the lower tracks (in...
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The TIMSS 2019 Encyclopedia: Education Policy and Curriculum in Mathematics and Science presents a profile of mathematics and science education in each of the countries and benchmarking systems that participated in TIMSS 2019. Each country and benchmarking participant completed the TIMSS 2019 curriculum questionnaire and prepared a chapter describi...
Young students have raised their voices in debates on what action for sustainable development (SD) is necessary. Nevertheless, research that gives voice to 10 to 13-year-olds while looking into SD issues in all their complexity of interrelated environmental, social, and socioeconomic perspectives, is scarce. This study aims to give voice to these y...
This study aims to identify the characteristics of the school facilitating ESD-effectiveness. Via a literature study we synthesized different notions of educational management in relation to education for sustainable development. The ERIC and GreenFILE databases were searched in combination with strategies such as citation chasing, leading to a tot...
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Our rapidly changing society needs highly-qualified STEM professionals (experts in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) to develop solutions to the problems it is facing. Many of the students who graduate from a STEM programme in secondary education, however, opt out of STEM when enrolling in higher education, often due to a loss of i...
Teacher interactions are seen as a source for teachers’ professional development. To better understand this potential, research is needed into who is consulted in data use. Therefore, this study investigates whether Flemish teachers’ popularity in data use discussions can be attributed to formal aspects of the formal school organization, similarity...
The concept of Action Competence (AC) has been interpreted in different ways in various domains of the educational sciences. Given the rising scholarly attention to AC, these diverse interpretations are problematic because they hinder a common understanding of the concept among scholars. We unravel the interpretation of AC as a competence of people...
For many years, teachers’ intuitive evaluations of pupils’ competences was considered to be a solid base for decisions; it is only recently that teachers have been expected more and more to use data. We state that insights on intuitive and data-driven approaches need to be integrated to understand and support informed, professional decisions in edu...
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Beginnende leraren lopen het risico hun passie voor het beroep te verliezen en vroegtijdig uit te vallen. Hiervoor kunnen verschillende redenen zijn. Een belangrijk knelpunt blijkt het niet of minder goed kunnen omgaan met spanningen. Wij ontwikkelden een inter-ventie om de beginnende leraar, maar ook de zittende, te helpen dit knelpunt te onder-va...
Teacher interactions are highly valued in data use. Essential preconditions for teacher interactions are teachers' attitude and self-efficacy. However, how these factors affect the formation of teachers interactions remains unclear. The present study uses social network analysis to reveal the impact of teachers' attitude and self-efficacy on their...
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Policymakers have pinpointed the importance of living in a more sustainable society. Education for Sustainable Development aims at developing future citizens competent to take actions in order to cope with Sustainable Development issues. The instructional design that teachers apply in class play a crucial role in students’ learning. This study is a...
Supporting first-year students to adjust to their new academic environment is a crucial task in higher education. Investigating students' perceptions of fit between secondary and higher education could give higher education institutions valuable information for student feedback and support, when captured in a reliable and valid way. This study exam...
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The aim of this study is to provide – first theoretically and, subsequently, through an empirical analysis – a rationale for including the concept of overexcitability in talent research, beyond the five-factor model personality traits. Moreover, the empirical part of this study makes use of an innovative statistical method to address the problem of...
Conference Paper
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How to cite this paper? Visual concretization of musical concepts as applied by engineers : a case study Roels Johanna Maria, Van Petegem Peter Proceedings of the 9th International Conference "The Future of Education", 27-28 June, 2019, Florence, Italy - ISSN 2384-9509 - Bologna, Filodiritto Editore, 2019, p. 469-474 Full text (open access): https...
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In this paper, we explore how students’ engagement varies in different STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) learning environments. More specifically, we focus on the significance of a learning environment applying an integrated STEM (iSTEM) approach and the significance of STEM learning environments’ student-centredness. Moreover, w...
Purpose. The Flemish Examination Centre designed an intervention to establish a professional learning community on the topic of writing assessment. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of this intervention and explain how it this intervention succeeded in establishing a professional learning community. Design/ methodology / approac...
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This paper explores how three major factors in education for sustainable development (ESD) practice view the concept of sustainable development (SD). These are (a) international policy documents which shaped ESD, (b) the academic discourse in the field of ESD and (c) students and teachers. SD is a complex concept, and it can be interpreted in sever...
In this chapter, we argue for a networked approach to professional development. In particular, we propose that to increase the potential value and sustainability of professional development, we need to help instructors learn to recognize and access their teaching network. The teaching network of an instructor reflects the people with whom s/he inte...
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The Motivation Toward the Environment Scale (MTES), developed in Canada, measures people’s self-determined motivation for doing something for the environment. Answering the call by its original developers, this study further validated the MTES within a sample of 779 Dutch-speaking senior secondary school students, aged 17 to 19, in the north of Bel...
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This article adds insights in students' attitudes toward sustainability, with specific focus on students inbusiness management/marketing. It builds upon a number of conceptual interpretations and barriers forchange in higher education for sustainable development, followed by the concept of sustainability competences and the students’ perspectives....