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October 2013 - February 2016
Publications (35)
Thermal stratification plays a key role in lakes' ecosystems. In contrast to deep lakes, the thermal structure of shallow polymictic lakes is characterized by a weak stratification with an apparent diurnal cycle. Long-term changes in stratification are governed by climate change and anthropogenic effects such as water level regulation. We developed...
A micrometeorological fog experiment was carried out in Budapest, Hungary during the winter half year of 2020–2021. The field observation involved (i) standard meteorological and radiosonde measurements; (ii) surface radiation balance and energy budget components, and (iii) ceilometer measurements. 23 fog events occurred during the whole campaign....
Célunk egy olyan igazolt hidro- és termodinamikai modell felállítása a Balatonra, amely részletes transzport vizsgálatokra és a későbbiekben akár az áramlások és hőmérsékleti viszonyok előrejelzésre is alkalmas lehet. Sekély tavakban szeles időben a hullámzás által befolyásolt felszíni és a fenékközeli határrétegek átfedhetik egymást, ennek követke...
A tavi ökoszisztémák egyik legfontosabb fizikai paramétere a vízhőmérséklet, ami közvetlen hatással van a biológiai és a kémiai folyamatok dinamikájára. Az olyan sekély tavak esetében, mint például a Balaton, az üledék hőmérséklete szoros kapcsolatban áll a vízhőmérséklettel, ám ennek ellenére a vonatkozó irodalom túlnyomó részében mégis elhanyagol...
Steady, depth-averaged, shallow water vorticity transport equations including advection, surface and bed shear stresses, and turbulent diffusion effects are written out in vorticity-velocity and stream function formalisms. The Boussinesq approximation is used to represent turbulent stresses in the effective stress tensor. We consider two different...
High temporal resolution concentration measurements in rapid gas flows pose a serious challenge for most analytical instruments. The interaction of such flows with solid surfaces can generate excessive aero-acoustic noise making the application of the photoacoustic detection method seemingly impossible. Yet, the fully open photoacoustic cell (OC) h...
The drag coefficient, Stanton number and Dalton number are of particular importance for estimating the surface turbulent fluxes of momentum, heat and water vapor using bulk parameterization. Although these bulk transfer coefficients have been extensively studied over the past several decades in marine and large‐lake environments, there are no studi...
The estimation of catchment response time (Tr) plays an important role in several hydrological and civil engineering design problems. The non-linear relationship between Tr and rainfall intensity necessitates the estimation of an event-based set of Tr values instead of a characteristic constant value. However, there is no generally accepted method...
Turbulent momentum and heat exchanges at the air‐water interface of lakes are complex processes due to diverse characteristics such as climate, fetch limitation, and geometry; however, their parameterizations are necessary for hydro‐ and thermodynamic modeling. In this study, we performed comprehensive research on turbulent exchanges of a shallow,...
The drag coefficient (CDN), Stanton number (CHN) and Dalton number (CEN) are of particular importance for the bulk estimation of the surface turbulent fluxes of momentum, heat and water vapor at water surfaces. Although these bulk transfer coefficients have been extensively studied over the past several decades mainly in marine and large-lake envir...
After 25 years of apparently successful eutrophication management, a record‐breaking mixed bloom of Ceratium furcoides and Aphanizomenon flos‐aquae developed unexpectedly in 2019 in the large, polymictic Lake Balaton. The peak concentration of chlorophyll exceeded 300 mg/m ³ , 1.5 times higher than the pre‐management maxima. The external load was i...
In the case of lakes, evaporation is one of the most significant losses of water and energy. Based on high-frequency eddy-covariance (EC) measurements between May and September of 2019, the offshore heat and water vapor exchanges are evaluated for the large (~600 km2) but shallow (~3.2 m deep) Lake Balaton (Transdanubian region, Hungary). The role...
Lake Balaton has undergone rapid eutrophication in the last decades causing dramatic deterioration in water quality. Although water quality has been successfully improved, significant algal blooms have been experienced over the past years again. Since the high level of phosphorus is primarily responsible for algal blooms, it is necessary to explore...
Study region
61 catchments located in Hungary, with drainage areas from 8.74 to 810 km².
Study focus
Many engineering tasks require the estimation of the catchment response time (Tr). The most frequently used Tr parameters are the time of concentration and the lag time. At ungauged catchments, they are usually estimated by empirical equations that...
An internal boundary layer (IBL) may develop above lakes due to surface roughness change. The water surface has significantly less resistance to wind flow compared to the aerodynamically rough land surface. As a result, the wind speed increases along the fetch in the IBL over the lake surface. Consequently, the wind shear stress, which is the main...
Hypolimnetic withdrawal (HW) is a lake restoration method that is based on the removal of phosphorus (P) along with near-bottom water. While it has often proven to be effective, the method also sets challenges: it is about balancing between effective P removal and maintenance of the thermal stratification of the lake. The success of different HW pr...
Wind-induced waves play a key role in air–sea momentum and heat exchange. Fetch-limited shallow lakes differ significantly from open ocean circumstances since the wave field is characterized by young and growing waves that (i) are steeper and can collapse by white-capping at lower wind speeds, and (ii) travel with lower phase velocity. Consequently...
We analyse the vorticity production of lake-scale circulation in wind-induced shallow flows using a linear elliptic partial differential equation. The linear equation is derived from the vorticity form of the shallow-water equation using a linear bed friction formula. The features of the wind-induced steady-state flow are analysed in a circular bas...
In this paper, the effects of littoral submerged macrophytes on weak stratification conditions in a small and shallow lake are investigated. Diverse submerged macrophytes occupying a large portion of the littoral zone act as resistance to water motions and affect lake hydrodynamics. Strong solar radiation and mild wind forcing typically occurring d...
The wave induced vertical turbulent mixing is modelled and analysed for a medium-sized shallow lake. Firstly, there is an additional turbulent kinetic energy production due to wavebreaking and whitecapping at the water surface. Secondly, the wave-induced orbital motion of non-breaking waves intensifies mixing all along the water column. The latter...
One of the most often-used parameters that describes morphology and runoff from a watershed is the time of concentration (Tc). At gauged watersheds, Tc can be determined using rainfall and a runoff hydrograph, while for ungauged watersheds, empirical equations are used. A good initial estimate of Tc greatly improves the accuracy of runoff predictio...
In this paper a three-dimensional circulation model has been applied to determine the spatial distribution of the temperature and mixed-layer depth (MLD) of a medium-sized shallow lake. In order to reproduce the vertical thermal structure of the lake, the impact of waves has been incorporated using several recently published schemes. These schemes...
In this paper a simple diagnostic wind field calculation scheme is presented which provides a spatially variable wind stress field over the lake surface for hydrodynamic modeling purposes. The goal was to develop a scheme that requires routine wind time series as input from stations located over or around the lake. The main idea is to embed an inte...
The impact of climate change constitutes a new agenda for water resources management and disaster prevention. Changes in water availability, and/or flood risks due to extreme weather conditions are causing problems for water resource managers and engineers. The city managers in Eger, Hungary decided to evaluate the impact of these conditions on Ege...
Flux-gradient based estimation of turbulent energy flux of shallow lakes from eddy-covariance measurements
This study aims to test and compare the applicability and performance of two different hydrological model concepts on a small Hungarian watershed. The lumped model of HEC-HMS and the semi-distributed TOPMODEL have been implemented to predict streamflow of Bükkös Creek. Models were calibrated against the highest flood event recorded in the basin in...