Peter A. HenningKarlsruhe University of Applied Sciences · Institute for Computers in Education
Peter A. Henning
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil.
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September 1998 - present
July 1992 - September 1992
September 1989 - August 1990
Publications (152)
Technological advancements have significantly impacted educational technologies, offering new avenues to engage learners effectively. Virtual Reality (VR) holds promise in this regard, providing personal and social affordances crucial for immersive educational experiences. Interfaces in educational technologies play a pivotal role in enhancing enga...
Advising and supporting pupils in their career choices and the associated further education paths is becoming increasingly important. Current studies show that there is a high drop-out rate in bachelor's degree courses because the ideas and expectations of the pupils and the content offered in the course do not overlap sufficiently. While pupils wi...
The – possibly – imminent AI revolution will, to a great extent, affect the education and training for all knowledge-working professions, and therefore must be considered an important aspect also of CME. This paper reviews some of the misconceptions about AI technology, then turns to point out possible applications of AI in the medical domain and t...
Das Thema Open Educational Resources (OER) hat in den letzten Jahren viel Aufmerksamkeit erhalten. Da die Entwicklung digitaler Lehr- und Lernmaterialien mit einem hohen Aufwand verbunden ist, bieten OER den Mehrwert, von jedem bearbeitet, verbreitet und kostenfrei verwendet werden zu können. Obwohl es inzwischen eine große Vielfalt an digitalen Le...
We introduce a model for the implementation of
human-centered adaptive systems in the field of e-learning. We
use ontologies to create a machine-processable representation of
learners, learning content and their semantics. We also introduce
the concept of “Cognitive Space Time”, abbreviated as CST.
This is a multi-dimensional hyperspace the dimensi...
In diesem Dokument werden Anreize für die Verwendung und Veröffentlichung freier Bildungsmaterialien ergründet. Dabei wird versucht ein breites Spektrum an möglichen Anreizen abzudecken, indem die Adoption von OER einerseits auf individueller und andererseits auf kollektiver Ebene betrachtet wird. Dazu werden zwei verschiedene Theorien bzw. Intenti...
Didactical methods and models of learning are determined by the questions of where learning content is stored and how it is accessed. The digital transformation of information storage and access therefore necessitates new models of learning and dramatic changes in educational systems. In this article, these new learning paradigms are outlined, clas...
We introduce a system called the "Hypercube Database". Its purpose is the transformation of
learning behavior into spatio-temporal trajectories and their analysis with methods that origin from
the field of Geo Informational Systems (GIS). Our main goal behind the Hypercube Database is the
provision of real-time analysis of learning behavior with...
In diesem Beitrag wird zunächst eine Positionsbestimmung der Hochschulen im globalen Bildungskontext vorgenommen, der wesentlich durch die Digitalisierung bestimmt ist. Erläutert werden Probleme mit der Freiheit und Eigenverantwortlichkeit der Hochschulen, die zu den ältesten Grundsätzen akademischer Bildung gehört. Basierend auf einer Analyse des...
Das öffentliche Anbieten freier Lehr- und Lernmaterialien sowie die OER-Bewegung sind – genau wie die anderen „Openness“-Initiativen Open Source, Open Access (OA) etc. – als Folge der zunehmenden Computerisierung und der elektronischen Vernetzung weiter Teile der Gesellschaft entstanden. Die historisch früheste Entwicklung von „Open Source“ bestand...
The digitalization of teaching and learning has become an increasing desire for schools and
universities. In order to apply digital media purposefully, educational organizations need to understand
if and how students make use of digital contents and platforms. In the following we present a technique
that uses arbitrary logging data as they may be p...
INTUITEL is a research project that was co-financed by the European Commission with the aim to advance state-of-the-art e-learning systems via addition of guidance and feedback for learners. Through a combination of pedagogical knowledge, measured learning progress and a broad range of environmental and background data, INTUITEL systems will provid...
In this paper we introduce an approach for the creation of adaptive learning environments that give human-like recommendations to a learner in the form of a virtual tutor. We use ontologies defining pedagogical, didactic and learner-specific data describing a learner's progress, learning history, capabilities and the learner's current state within...
In this work, we present an approach that allows educational resources to be collaboratively authored and annotated with well-defined pedagogical semantics using Semantic MediaWiki as collaborative knowledge engineering tool. The approach allows for the exposition of pedagogically annotated learning content as Linked Open Data to enable its reuse a...
In diesem Beitrag werden der Stand der Anwendung technologiegestützten Lernens zusammengefasst und aktuelle Entwicklungen ausgedeutet. Nach einleitenden Bemerkungen wird die gegenwärtige Entwicklung in der betrieblichen Bildung geschildert und auf entsprechende Probleme hingewiesen. Der nachfolgende Blick auf eLearning in Hochschulen und Schulen is...
We investigate a novel approach to e-Learning using Semantic Web technologies and aiming to optimise the learners' experience incorporating pedagogical strategies into the learning process. The increasing
availability of Semantic Web based educational resources and the establishment of open metadata standards like IEEE LOM pave the way for enhanced...
In this paper, educational and technical challenges for applying learn-ing pathways in Massive(ly) Open Online Courses in higher education are out-lined. We argue that quality issues and didactical concerns may be overcome by (1) reverting to small Open Educational Resources that are (2) adaptively joined into concise courses by considering (3) pre...
The EU FP7 project INTUITEL provides a novel adaptive learning environment, which is neither test-driven nor curriculum-based. Although based on ontologies, it extends these by an innovative concept of learning pathways and a subsequent ranking algorithm. The resulting environment is in line with pedagogical models and cognitive theories and will b...
When learners may select among different alternatives, or are guided to do so by an adaptive learning environment (ALE), it is generally meaningful
to discuss the concept of different learning pathways. Pedagogically, these learning pathways may either be defined macroscopically, e.g. in terms
of desired learning outcomes or competencies, or micr...
In this contribution it is argued, that quality issues and didactical concerns of MOOCs may be overcome by relying on small Open Educational Resources, joining them into concise courses by glueing them
together along predefined learning pathways with proper semantic an-
notations. Such a merger does not only require conceptual work and
Learning with computers has become a quasi-standard in the industry and also changes traditional educational systems. However, the substantial advantages of technology enhanced learning are also confronted by some challenges. The EU-project INTUITEL does in this context address the problems that result from the asynchronous communication between le...
While there are many ontologies and metadata standards available in the field of Technology Enhanced Learning that support adaptive learning pathways, hardly any of these ontologies and metadata standards are ready for use and applied in professional education. Thus we suggest a simple metadata system (SMS) that considers educational theories, is k...
This paper should be a contribution concerning the experiences in applying and implementing didactical concepts in Learning Management Systems (LMSs), in this case, Moodle. Therefore the authors share their experiences and analysis when adapting the pedagogical ontology, designed and conceptualized in the EU-Project INTUITEL and bring it together w...
In this paper, educational and technical challenges in the field of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), like cultural adaptation, consideration of learning habits or the efficient construction of educational content, are outlined. We thereby argue that learning pathways in combination with learner-centered metadata are optimal methods to meet thos...
The support for teaching and learning with semantic technologies and intelligent knowledge processing has been approached by four concepts: programmed instruction, adaptive learning environments, intelligent tutoring systems, and educational recommender systems. While the demand for automated support in teaching and learning is estimated as high, t...
Im EU-FP 7-Projekt „INTUITEL“ wird eine Open Source - Erweiterung für etablierte Lernmanagementsysteme entwickelt, die ein Automatic Educational Reasoning implementiert. Im vorliegenden Beitrag wird ein Test der Lernpfade des INTUITEL Metadatensystems durch die Modellierung einer Vorlesung vorgestellt. Das Metadatensystem konnte beibehalten werden.
Hearing of the state parliament of Nordrhine-Westfalia, 2013|1|0
Zum Lernen des Studierenden gehört nicht nur, sich mit fachlichen Inhalten auseinander zu setzen – sondern auch das Erlernen des Systems „Hochschule”. Dabei kann eine Verbindung eines Geoinformationssystems mit Verwaltungssystemen wesentliche Anreize bieten. Mit Hilfe mobiler Endgeräte ist die Campuserkundung nicht nur Wissenserwerb, sondern macht...
Conventional transport theory is not really applicable to nonequilibrium systems which exhibit strong quantum effects. We present two different approaches to overcome this problem. Firstly we point out how transport equations may be derived that incorporate a nontrivial spectral function as a typical quantum effect, and test this approach in a toy...
Stellungnahme zum Expertengespräch des Deutschen Bundestages am 7.11.2011
Hearing of the German parliament on Nov. 7. 2011
Auf kommunaler Ebene liegen Informationen nicht nur in den verschiedensten Formaten vor, sondern darüber hinaus sind sie auch auf eine Vielzahl von Besitzern, Benutzern und Verant-wortlichen verteilt. Mit den heutigen Technologien des Semantic Web lassen sich diese Informationen zusammenführen und als Knowledge Mashups zur Erlangung neuen Wissens v...
This study compares the results obtained in continuing medical education (CME) tests of general physicians and neurologists who were subject to a learning experience either in the form of printed material or as a computer-supported online course. Although both groups exhibit a significant knowledge gain over their entry competence, this knowledge g...
The article describes the architecture of it Completely XML-based geoinformation system. whose output follows a generator-transformer-serializer concept. This allows to generate tables and graphics as well as virtual reality models from a data base filled with land register data. Internal calculations and transformations, are done with XSLT. which...
The paper presents an introduction to simulation models for evolutionary systems from three different points of view. Macro
evolution is discussed in view of catastrophic events, like e.g. extinction events – and it is shown that these may occur
at random, without external cause. Micro evolution is demonstrated looking at an actual physical problem...
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B>Fragestellung: Das Entstehen einer globalen »Aktienkultur« in den vergangenen zehn Jahren hat dazu geführt, dass eine erhebliche Anzahl von Menschen ihr Vermögen an der Börse zu vermehren suchten – und dieses dann unter erheblichen Auswirkungen auf ihre Persönlichkeit verloren.
Methodik: Die – vor allem kurzfristigen – Investments an der Börse...
Aims: The rise of a global »stockmarket culture« during the past decade has led to a considerable number of people seeking to multiply their wealth through stock-market investments, and their subsequent loses had considerable effects on their personality. Method: Playing the stock market was analysed psychologically and mathematically. Results: In...
In a hot system every excitation acquires a finite lifetime, manifesting itself in a non-zero spectral width. Ordinary damping as well as quantum memory effects arise from this nontrivial spectral function. This report presents an alternative method for the self-consistent calculation of the spectral width of a fermion coupled to massless bosons: T...
Ausgehend von der Entwicklung einer “Aktienkultur” in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland wird gezeigt, wie sich die technische Entwicklung und die Finanzmärkte gegenseitig beeinflussen. Von entscheidender Wichtigkeit dabei ist das Zusammenwachsen von Internet und Telekommunikationsnetzen, welches alle Provider für die nächsten 5 Jahre erwarten. In der...
In bond markets, most trades are conducted via bilateral negotiations or the use of brokers. Especially in the case of large blocks, the anonymity of the traders is very important. In a joint project of Deutsche Borse AG, Compaq Computer GmbH, living systems AG and the chair Of Information Systems of the University of Giessen, a trading system was...
We show the presence of a topological (Berry) phase in the time evolution of a mixed state. For the case of mixed neutrinos, the Berry phase is a function of the mixing angle only. Comment: 7 pages, Revtex
The Green's function formalism for neutrino mixing is presented and the exact oscillation formula is obtained. The usual Pontecorvo formula is recovered in the relativistic limit.
We present the exact formula for neutrino oscillations. By resorting to recent results of Quantum Field Theory of fermion mixing, we work out the Green's function formalism for mixed neutrinos. The usual quantum mechanical Pontecorvo formula is recovered in the relativistic limit. Comment: 7 pages, RevTeX, revised version: title changed and some mi...
Die Einführung des elektronischen Handelssystems XE1RA Release 2 durch die Deutsche Börse AG [Deut97] im November 1997 stellte einen Meilenstein auf dem Weg zu mehr Benutzerkomfort im professionellen Wertpapierhandel dar. Eine der Auswirkungen eines solchen Benutzerkomforts wird eine höhere Akzeptanz und damit eine höhere verfügbare Liquiditat in d...
The thermalization time for a Quark-Gluon-Plasma is estimated from a quantum transport model beyond the quasi-particle approach (or kinetic gas theory). While our ansatz is crude concerning the properties of ''real'' quarks and gluons, it nevertheless takes very serious the basic principles of quantum field theory for non-equilibrium states. It is...
Causality requires, that the (anti-) commutator of two interacting field operators vanishes for space-like coordinate differences. This implies, that the Fourier transform of the spectral function of this quantum field should vanish in the space-like domain. We find, that this requirement imposes some constraints on the use of resummed propagators...
In-medium interactions of a particle in a hot plasma are considered in the framework of thermal field theory. The formalism to calculate gauge-invariant rates for photon and dilepton production from the medium is given. In the application to a QED plasma, astrophysical consequences are pointed out. The photon production rate from strongly interacti...
The description of thermal or non-equilibrium systems necessitates a quantum
field theory which differs from the usual approach in two aspects: 1.The
Hilbert space is doubled; 2.Stable quasi-particles do not exist in interacting
systems. A mini-review of these two aspects is given from a practical viewpoint
including two applications. For thermal s...
Conventional transport theory is not really applicable to nonequilibrium systems which exhibit strong quantum effects. We present two different approaches to overcome this problem. Firstly we point out how transport equations may be derived that incorporate a nontrivial spectral function as a typical quantum effect, and test this approach in a toy...
For thermal equilibrium systems it is shown, how the Kubo-Martin-Schwinger boundary condition may be used to factorize the generating functional of Green functions at least on the level of the full two-point function. Genuine non-equilibrium system exhibit correlations that one may also incorporate in the path integral. One one hand this provides a...