Peter Halmai

Peter Halmai
Ludovika University of Public Service · Institute of economics and international economics


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Publications (37)
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A vírus terjedésének lassítása mellett nagyon fontos kérdés az is, hogy mi lesz a nagyrészt leállított gazdaságokkal, hogyan tudunk majd visszatérni a normál kerékvágásba. Ha egyáltalán oda kell majd visszatérni, ahonnan indultunk. A lapunkban megjelenő írásban az egyetem közgazdász professzorai próbálnak eligazítani a következő időszak várható fol...
The study analyzes the impacts of the financial and economic crisis on the potential growth in the European Union. It carries out quantitative analysis in order to reveal the medium and long-term trends. According to the analysis the impacts of the crisis are significantly different in the Member States, which are however to be categorized in count...
This paper reviews the strong pre-crisis economic growth in the new EU member states and assesses whether the growth model can continue to be successful after the crisis. The analysis shows that a new growth model for the region will be needed, ideally one that focuses on raising domestic savings, implementing structural reforms to increase potenti...
The dramatic decline in the actual output of the European economy is considered to be more than a cyclical discrepancy from the potential output. Both the level and the growth rate of the potential output show an unfavourable development. It is an important task of economic research to identify the channels through which the financial crisis might...
Conference Paper
Macroeconomic impacts of the EU-membership in the NMSs - Nominal and Real Convergence Trends The study is aimed at systematizing the main macroeconomic impacts of the EU accession in a theoretical way. It analyzes - besides the trade integration and the relation to the common budget which are considered direct impacts of the accession - the broad...
The success of the integration process of the new EU Member States is reflected by the convergence performance. Sustainable convergence assumes that potential growth rates of the less developed countries continuously exceed the dynamics of the potential output of the developed countries. However, the financial and economic crisis of 2008 has result...
Rural development in the European Union has to face several challenges. Negative effects of old and new challenges (if these challenges are not faced effectively) might enhance and accelerate those processes that are taking place slowly for the present but that are definitely irreversible. On the basis of sector-specific approach problems related t...
During the process of the budgetary review the CAP faces its greatest challenge of its history: not only the (common) financing of the CAP, but the future of the CAP itself is at stake. It is obvious that the reform steps implemented so far – even though they have several forward-looking elements – do not result in a CAP sustainable on the long run...
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The advancement of nominal and real convergence in the process of EU adaptation is of special importance. The paper studies the main factors of convergence processes in detail. It pays special attention to the analysis of catch-up processes. The paper uses the concepts of the growth theories in order to describe the real convergence processes. Besi...
The following article uses a production function approach to analyse the long-term trends of the European growth potential. It describes the possibility of a further significant decline in the potential growth rate and the mechanisms of this decline. EU Member States are divided into five country groups, and the potential growth rates of each of th...
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The success of the integration process of the new EU Member States is reflected by their nominal and real convergence performance. These tendencies are of special importance considering further enlargement of the Eurozone. The financial and economic crisis of 2008 has resulted, however, in a fundamentally new situation as regards these issues. The...
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Az EU-tagországok potenciális növekedési üteme az 1990-es évektől egyre inkább lassul és elmarad versenytársaitól. Az EU súlyos termelékenységi problémái (mindenekelőtt a teljestényező-termelékenység dinamikájának jelentős csökkenése), a globalizáció folyamataihoz történő nem kielágítő mértékű alkalmazkodás a potenciális növekedés ütemének tartós é...
Dalia Grybauskaite, while she was EU Budgetary Commissioner, said that the future financing of the CAP was the “hottest topic” of the budgetary review. The next months will be decisive as regards the financing of the CAP beyond 2013. Net beneficiaries of the CAP and agricultural interest groups would of course like to maintain the status quo while...
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In the convergence programme approved by the Hungarian government in September 2006, the "overriding objective" was to promote real convergence. This paper analyses the problems surrounding real convergence, in light of the broader correlations of economic growth relying heavily on the results of econometric reviews designed to explore medium and l...
The reforms proposed by the authors intend to ensure the economic, social and environmental sustainability of rural regions and place agricultural policy on a fundamentally different basis. The scope of community and state intervention will change. Payments linked to production will be cancelled and the provision of public goods will be rewarded in...
Is the Common Agricultural Policy unsustainable? Is agricultural spending a major distorting factor in the EU economy and an obstacle to the implementation of the Lisbon agenda? To answer these complex questions, detailed analysis is required along the following lines of thought: 1. Exploration of factors justifying Community level intervention. â€...
Can we agree fully with the statement, that “agricultural spending is a major distorting factor in the EU economy and a distinct obstacle to the Lisbon agenda’s implementation”? (Gros, 2008) Is it without question that Europe’s agriculture is in position to become sustainable and competitive without certain kind of common policy with no Community f...
Using the expression „transformational crisis” invented by János Kornai and used for the whole national economy the paper intends to define the common characteristics of this transformational crisis evolved in the countries concerned. Besides the paper tries to define and interpret this expression in sector approach just as to further develop it in...
Our paper focuses on the key element of the 2003 CAP reform: on the single farm payment (SFP). The basic aim was to decouple direct payment from production decisions. Because of the widespread agricultural policy reforms (support producers with the least possible distortions) and of the on-going WTO negotiations, this is an issue attracting signifi...
This paper focuses on the basic element of the 2003 CAP reform process: on the single farm payment and its national implementation models. We examine possible economic impacts (production distorting effects, redistribution, restructuring, resource allocation and effects on land market) of the basic SFP models. In sum, we can say that the 2003 CAP r...
Our paper focuses on the question: how the measures of June 2003 agreement can help the EU to meet the new WTO commitments. As decoupling of direct payments and WTO classification of the new payments seem to be one of the most important questions from the point of view of WTO negotiations, our analysis focuses mainly on the Single Farm Payment (SFP...
As regards EU accession of Hungary one of the most important questions is how the adaptation of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) will affect the competitiveness of the Hungarian agriculture. Competitive effects of CAP can be revealed in several ways (quantitative, comparative analysis, simulations etc.) but the results may differ significantly....
Tangermann, S. and Banse, M. (eds): Central and Eastern European Agriculture in an Expanding European Union, New York: CAB International, Wellingford, 2000, 210 pp.; Leipold, H. and Pies, I. (eds): Ordnungstheorie und Ordnungspolitik (Konzeptionen und Entwicklungsperspektiven) Stuttgart: Lucius & Lucius, 2000, 456 pp.; At age 81 passed away György...
The Eastern enlargement of the European Union is a historical move without precedent. The adaptation to the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) has various impacts. The Eastern enlargement of the CAP raises the most problematic questions in the following areas of discussion:  Taking over of significantly higher CAP-prices;  Taking over of the “compe...
Through the comprehensive regulation international agricultural trade, the GATT Uruguay Round was already a significant move towards the elimination of market distorting factors/barriers. But the Agreement of Agriculture was only the first step on this long path and at the same time certain internal contradictions were generated:  Due to the “dirt...
Background: The present financial crisis has affected the different MSs to different extent. The symmetric shock has had asymmetric consequences. The intensity of the impacts of the financial crisis depends on the initial circumstances and the vulnerability originating from them. In the individual MSs the potential growth rate, the investment rate,...
In this paper we examine the convergence and potential growth prospects of the new member states with special attention on the financial crisis and credit crunch. Simulation results suggest that the changes in attitude towards risk (appearing in the form of persistently high risk premium) brought on by the turmoil may have a persistent negative imp...
The European Union responds with an overall integrated reform strategy, with the Lisbon agenda to the global challenges. The strategy is based on Lisbon-type structural reforms: − Product and capital market reforms; − Investment in knowledge-based economy; − Labour market reforms; − Social reforms; − Environmental reforms. Effects of these reforms...
Nemzetközi kereskedelem és élelmiszerbiztonság A kutatás - az élelmiszertudomány eredményeire is támaszkodva - széles körben elemezte az élelmiszerbiztonság közgazdaságtudományi összefüggéseit, különös figyelemmel a szabályozásra, illetve a nemzetközi kereskedelmi vonatkozásokra. Ez a témakör csak a legutóbbi években került a nemzetközi gazdaságtan...
A program keretében egyrészt elméleti kutatások valósultak meg: a vámunióelmélet alkalmazása az agrárgazdaság adaptációjának magyarázatához, illetve a kereskedelmi elméletek és a mezőgazdaság versenyképessége témakörében. Az agrárgazdaság versenyképessége kategóriájának integráns részét képezik a releváns agrár- és kereskedelempolitikai feltételek....
Materiały z międzynarodowej konferencji, Wrocław, 23-24 kwietnia 2010 r.


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