Peter Goodyear

Peter Goodyear
The University of Sydney · School of Education and Social Work

BSc DPhil


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May 2004 - present
The University of Sydney
  • Professor of Education
July 2003 - present
The University of Sydney
  • Professor of Education


Publications (281)
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In this paper, we draw together three sets of ideas to create a framework for understanding and improving the networked creation of digital educational artefacts. We combine ideas on learning networks and networked learning, activity-centred analysis and design (ACAD) and signature pedagogies. Focusing on establishing a framework for understanding...
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The number of interdisciplinary courses being developed in higher education across different countries is increasing. The people responsible for developing and enacting interdisciplinary courses can have significant design and teaching autonomy, but little is known about how they understand interdisciplinarity. This study uses phenomenographic inte...
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“Educational technology” is a perfectly serviceable name for a field of research and development that is of practical importance and in which interesting intellectual challenges can be found. Stick with it.
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In this chapter we draw upon our program of research into interdisciplinary science and education to explore some relations between postdigital research and the construction of locally-useful design knowledge. We introduce the Activity-Centred Analysis and Design framework (ACAD) and explain how design knowledge – knowledge that is useful for desig...
Conference Paper
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In this paper, we draw together three sets of ideas to create a framework for understanding and improving the networked creation of digital educational artefacts. We combine ideas on learning networks and networked learning, activity-centred analysis and design (ACAD) and signature pedagogies. Focusing on establishing a framework for understanding...
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The goal of this chapter is to assess research that can inform understandings of places and spaces of learning.The chapter assesses evidence across three types of learning spaces: built spaces, digital spaces, and natural spaces. It looks at the role of these different kinds of spaces for learning, attainment, interpersonal relationships, skills de...
新冠肺炎大流行是一个对教育,尤其是高等教育的认识进行重新思考的机会。由于这场大流行病 所造成的全面危机,尤其是所谓应急远距离教学的开展,各级各类教育工作者不得不重新思考他们的 角色、支持学生完成学习任务的方法,以及如何把学生看作是自我组织学习者、积极公民和自主社会 能动者。我们发表在本刊的前一篇文章试图总结和分享一些专家的建议,帮助普通高校教师适应在线 教与学。作为该文续篇,本文旨在回答以下问题:普通高校教师已经经历了突发、不得不为之的在线 教与学,这种经验如何能有助于弥合今后在线与面授教学的距离?受访的四位专家(同时也是本文合 作者) 一致强调高等教育的教学法理论化而不是数字化,认为战略决策是后新冠大流行时代教育实践 的核心。本文回顾过去一年发表的文章,并分析受访专家对研究问题的看法,结果...
In this chapter, we explore some ideas about hybridity, language and reconfiguration using a case study of pre-service teachers (PST) enrolled in initial teacher education. The course in question prepares teachers for teaching English in primary schools. Its ethos is strongly influenced by Robin Alexander’s principles of dialogic teaching. Our case...
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This paper is a contribution to the collective work of imagining better universities. It starts from Raewyn Connell’s account of the good university, and develops four main ideas. Connell’s insistence on thinking about universities as real workplaces, with real workforces doing real work that has real consequences, provides a disciplining foundatio...
Conference Paper
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People sit at the heart of digital transformation in Higher Education. Often, they are ‘Third Space’ support staff, including Learning Designers, Education Technologists and Academic Developers, broadly defined here as ‘edvisors’ – educator-advisors. Edvisors share their expertise of pedagogy and technology to support, guide and lead change in teac...
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In May 2020, the University of Edinburgh announced the September launch of a hybrid model for all on-campus programmes. Teaching would be neither fully online nor fully on-campus, but able to take place in either or both modalities (e.g. remote and on-campus students learning together), and change location without major disruption to its design. Th...
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The Covid-19 pandemic has presented an opportunity for rethinking assumptions about education in general and higher education in particular. In the light of the general crisis the pandemic caused, especially when it comes to the so-called emergency remote teaching (ERT), educators from all grades and contexts experienced the necessity of rethinking...
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This paper uses two complementary examples from an autoethnographic study of learning and sailing to explore some connections between informal lifelong learning activities, their objects (purposes) and the hybrid (digital and material) technologies on which they depend. The examples focus on an aspect of the craft of sailing and on understanding th...
Background: From a sports perspective, pedagogical researchers have suggested questioning is an effective instructional tool and pedagogical strategy for developing critical thinking, problem-solving and decision-making skills. Questions enable coaches to contextualise athlete learning by encouraging and guiding them to identify and explore solutio...
This paper provides a summary account of Activity-Centred Analysis and Design (ACAD). ACAD offers a practical approach to analysing complex learning situations, in a way that can generate knowledge that is reusable in subsequent (re)design work. ACAD has been developed over the last two decades. It has been tested and refined through collaborative...
I explore four topics relevant to research and practice in online postgraduate education. The first concerns the historic neglect of taught postgraduate education by higher education researchers and the challenges this creates for discussions of practice. For example, there is little consensus about how postgraduate and undergraduate courses and st...
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Desde la perspectiva de la innovación educativa, el diseño didáctico es una de las tareas docentes más importantes y complejas a las que se enfrentan habitualmente y en todos los niveles educativos personas con y sin formación pedagógica previa. El marco y el toolkit ACAD (por sus siglas en inglés Activity-Centred Analysis and Design) fueron creado...
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The Covid-19 pandemic has raised significant challenges for the higher education community worldwide. A particular challenge has been the urgent and unexpected request for previously face-to-face university courses to be taught online. Online teaching and learning imply a certain pedagogical content knowledge (PCK), mainly related to designing and...
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This paper draws on a series of studies of design teams working on the creation and evaluation of novel complex learning spaces: spaces in which students' activity is situated and supported by rich mixtures of material and digital tools and resources. In most of the cases observed, students also played a substantial role in co‐configuring the learn...
Professional concepts and other kinds of formal articulated knowledge play a critical role in the kinds of complex professional work that involve research- and evidence-informed practice and innovation. However, empirical approaches for investigating how people learn to enact professional concepts in complex practical situations are underdeveloped....
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University students involved in online courses play an active role in adapting the tasks they are set and the environment(s) in which they work. They also make adjustments to their working relationships with other people in an effort to improve their learning and/or fit study demands into wider life. The term co-configuration refers to the ways in...
This chapter uses a reading of the preceding chapters in the book to develop an argument about the benefits of acknowledging and strengthening some deep synergies within the field of networked professional learning. In particular, it identifies some lines of convergence between professional action, professional learning and the practices of researc...
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The theory of Instrumental Genesis (IG) accounts for the mutual evolution of artefacts and their uses, for specific purposes in specific environments. IG has been used in Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) to explain how instruments are generated through the interactions of learners, teachers and artefacts in ‘downstream’ classroom ac...
“Education faces a conundrum. On the one hand, imagined futures are becoming more diverse, fluid and contested. On the other, knowledge and learning are widely believed to be key to survival, success and sustainability. < . . . > There is a broad consensus that it cannot stay the same (Collins, 2017). But in many countries, there is deep disquiet a...
Digital educational technologies, like communication technologies more generally, can undermine the tyranny of distance. If we are not careful, we can slip into thinking that they make space and place irrelevant. This is not the case, as the papers in this special issue demonstrate. Technology needs to be understood as spatially configured and enta...
Conference Paper
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Simulations are increasingly used in dental education for developing students' dexterity skills and improving the effectiveness of pre-clinical practice and assessment. The challenge is to embed these technologies into larger instructional frameworks, and to make contemporary teaching and learning practices and environments effective. This study fo...
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The fast-growing proliferation of multi-device systems has been reshaping the contexts in which collaborative activity takes place. The evolving materialisation of multi-device environments (MDEs) is likely to have an impact on foundational CSCW research, in ways that go beyond studying cross-device interaction. Designers, developers and researcher...
A novel phenomenographic approach was used to examine how elite coaches conceptualise good decision-making and its development in football: An iterative analysis of participants' interviews revealed conceptions of decision-making ranging from simple and narrow to more sophisticated and holistic. In the narrower conceptions, coaches viewed decision-...
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A number of researchers have explored the role and nature of design in education, proposing a diverse array of life cycle models. Design plays subtly different roles in each of these models. The learning design research community is shifting its attention from the representation of pedagogical plans to considering design as an ongoing process. As a...
The chapters in this book both contribute to, and raise fundamental questions about, the knowledge that is valuable in the creation of good places to learn. Whether one is designing, managing or inhabiting a learning place, there are kinds of knowledge that can beneficially affect the relations between one’s activities and surroundings. What does t...
This chapter provides an orientation to both the book series, Understanding Teaching-Learning Practice, and this book, Spaces of Teaching and Learning. It begins by situating the idea of practice in educational research and emphasises our interest in the individual and the mind and the links between these and the contexts or spaces in which we find...
This chapter examines the development of evaluative judgement from a professional education perspective, with a focus on the abilities students need to deal with problems that are both complex and novel. Professional work regularly entails engaging in knowledgeable action in previously unencountered situations and formulating impromptu methods for...
This paper has three main aims. It argues that education is a surprisingly neglected sector of activity in research on service design and innovation and that greater attention to education as a service can shed new light on theoretical and methodological issues in service design and innovation research. It shows how a novel reframing of education a...
In this chapter, our attention shifts from inscriptions and epistemic artefacts to the sets of tools and infrastructures in which such artefacts are produced. In particular, we use ideas about instrumental genesis to examine ways in which the qualities of tools and other artefacts combine with schemes for their use. We describe professional epistem...
This chapter extends the arguments developed in Chap. 4 by concentrating on the kinds of knowledge that are needed when people work together. The frame of reference shifts from what an individual might be said to know, to how knowledge functions when professional work is a collective accomplishment. We explore some of the ways that knowledge and kn...
This chapter elaborates on the idea of weaving epistemic games, which we introduced in Chap. 14. The capacities needed to play weaving games are often central to professional expertise, yet learning to play them skilfully can cause significant challenges to novice professionals. Through an extended case study, we show how a process of professional...
Chapter 11 continues the theme of inscriptional work, begun in Chap. 10. We shift from a functional to a semiotic perspective. That is, we look at how inscriptions bring forth meanings within knowledgeable action in professional learning and work. Using empirical material from our work with nurse educators and teacher educators, we focus on the kin...
This chapters and Chap. 5 provide complementary accounts of knowledge. This chapter is a primer on knowledge. It focusses on the individual professional person ? on personal professional knowledge. We show why it is useful to distinguish between different kinds of knowledge ? public, organisational and personal, codified and non-codified, tacit and...
In this chapter we contend that research in and for education has suffered from a tendency to emphasise one aspect of human capability at the expense of others. For example, some research traditions give a central place to human cognition and marginalise the social; other bodies of research focus on the brain, while marginalising human experience....
Chapter 14 maps the different varieties of epistemic games to be found in professional work. In general terms, epistemic games are generative patterns of inquiry, and we show how this notion can provide insights into ways of working creatively with knowledge in professional fields, not just in the domains of scientific inquiry in which the term ?ep...
This chapter mirrors Chap. 17, while shifting the focus to epistemic resourcefulness. We look at how epistemic resources are treated in accounts of the mind and accounts of discourse; both have to be combined in a satisfactory account of epistemic thought and action. We use the case study of preservice teachers? planning to explain the nature of ep...
In this chapter, we turn towards the practicalities of professional education. We use an examination of four broad approaches to education to assess what each can offer to those professional educators who are looking to teach for epistemic fluency. These educational approaches come from a range of sources ? not just from professional education. All...
This is the first major chapter in the book in which we combine outcomes from our empirical research with further development of the main lines of the theoretical argument. In this chapter, we use some of the assessment tasks set for students who are going on work placement (internship or practicum). We argue that when students are tackling an asse...
This chapter outlines a fifth epistemic project, extending and drawing together the set of four epistemic challenges and projects that we presented in Chap. 3. The chapter centres on the idea of ?grounded actionable knowledge? ? grounding human knowledge and knowing in the physical environment and in an embodied, conscious and conscientious self. C...
In this chapter, we revisit some key insights into how the social, the material and the embodied enter professional work and learning. We argue that knowledge work and knowledgeable action are constitutively entangled with embodied practices in the material and social worlds. We show how matter matters in professional work, and how a ?socially exte...
This chapter extends Chap. 8 by following tools and other artefacts into their broader contexts of use. This helps understand how they function in professional work and learning in the larger systems of professional practice. An important feature of this chapter is that we draw upon the different but interwoven epistemic cultures of learning, resea...
This chapter is the first of a pair of chapters concerned with the role of inscriptions and inscriptional practices in professional work and professional education. We use the term ?inscription? to cover a wide range of representations that are produced in media (external to the mind). Inscriptions play a vital role in knowledgeable work and innova...
In this chapter, we show how preparation for professional work entails four distinguishable kinds of epistemic challenges ? each addressed in terms of a characteristic epistemic project. We organise the analysis using two fundamental distinctions. The first of these is a distinction between representational and performative views on professional ac...
This chapter builds upon an important distinction made in Chap. 3: between using knowledge and improving knowledge. We look at how epistemic resources extend human conceptual system ? that is, how the human mind gains an ability to create new knowledge, or, in other words, what kind of conceptual system could underpin human epistemic agency. We use...
Chapters 13 and 14 are taxonomic. Chapter 13 maps a landscape of epistemic tools and infrastructures, identifying the main kinds of tools and infrastructures and describing some of their interrelationships. This taxonomic work does not spring from an academic desire to tidy up a fuzzy space. Rather, we want to argue that professional workers ? and...
A primary function for this chapter is to build a number of bridges between contemporary writing about the nature of professional work and professional education, on the one hand, and the theoretical exploration that we are providing in the body of the book. It summarises ideas that will be familiar to those who research the professions and to thos...
This chapter and Chap. 18 explore two areas of resourcefulness that are implicated in professional work. In this chapter we focus on conceptual resourcefulness. We start with an important but neglected distinction between concepts in the mind and concepts in discourse. The two are often conflated. Distinguishing between abstract, contextual and sit...
People who can act knowledgably, who are flexible and adept in their use of different kinds of knowledge and who can shape their environment to generate new insights are demonstrating a capacity which we call ‘epistemic fluency’. This chapter argues that epistemic fluency plays an important, though underappreciated, role in professional life. To un...
Conference Paper
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In mainstream cognitive research, 'formal concepts' usually serve as the main unit of analysis for investigating students' conceptual learning. Accordingly, conceptual understanding is often seen as a capacity to take an already acquired formal concept and transfer it intact to a new situation, by recognising structural commonalities and using anal...
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What counts as expert knowledge, and what is expected from knowledgeable practitioners are subject to continual change in professional fields. Consequently, professional education programmes are often challenged to ascertain their capacities to prepare " job-­‐ready " graduates for such changing professional knowledge work. However, what is the nat...
In this chapter, we present the Mobile Technology Capacity Building (MTCB) Framework, designed to enhance students’ appropriate use of personal mobile devices (PMDs) in workplace learning (WPL). WPL is a concept that denotes students’ learning that occurs in workplaces as part of their university curriculum. The workplace provides an environment fo...
Conference Paper
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Preparing students for the workplace and assessing their readiness are often major challenges for university teachers. What kinds of concrete tasks help students develop professional capacities needed for situated knowledgeable action in a broad range of possible future workplace settings? Our research examined assessment tasks that university teac...
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The research described in this article explores the value of a multiplayer game for supporting cooperation and collaboration in health education. The digital game was built using the game platform They Know. This platform was used because it enabled the development of team based strategy games in any subject area. The aim of a They Know game is for...
This innovative volume integrates social identity theory with research on teaching and education to shed new and fruitful light on a variety of different pedagogical concerns and practices. It brings together researchers at the cutting edge of new developments with a wealth of teaching and research experience. The work in this volume will have a si...
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This book, by combining sociocultural, material, cognitive and embodied perspectives on human knowing, offers a new and powerful conceptualisation of epistemic fluency – a capacity that underpins knowledgeable professional action and innovation. Using results from empirical studies of professional education programs, the book sheds light on practic...
Conference Paper
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We propose a novel principled approach and the toolset to support collocated team-based educational design. We scaffold teams of teachers as designers creating rapid high-level course designs. We provide teachers with an ecology of digital and non-digital devices, an embedded design pattern library and a design dashboard. The toolset is situated wi...
Conference Paper
Students’ agency is an important enabler of productive learning in complex, unpredictable workplace environments. In the study presented here, we explored how mobile technology can help students enhance their workplace learning experiences and develop their capacity to act as learners and future practitioners. We collected survey and interview data...
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Students' agency is an importnat enabler of productive learning in complex, unpredictable workplace environments. In the study presented here, we explored how mobile technology can help students enhance their workplace learning experiences and develop their capacity to act as learners and future practitioners. We collected survey and interview data...
Conference Paper
Workplace learning (WPL) and mobile learning are each major priorities for Australian universities. Yet, they rarely intersect in practice. We report on a multi-university project that explored how WPL can be enhanced through the use of mobile technology on placement. The aim was to better understand the barriers and opportunities of using mobile t...
This chapter draws on a programme of research into the architecture of learning networks. This research programme has been examining a number of diverse learning networks, to identify reusable design ideas. The analytic work has been structured around a distinction between elements of learning networks that can be designed (partially, or completely...
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Background/context: Research interest in the use of digital games for serious applications has been increasing since the early 2000s. This has included a significant amount of research into individual game platforms and how they can be used in areas such as adolescent education. However, there is little research into the benefits of digital games f...
With the boundaries of place softened and extended by digital communications technologies, learning in a networked society necessitates new distributions of activity across time, space, media, and people; and this development is no longer exclusive to formally designated spaces such as school classrooms, lecture halls, or research laboratories. Pla...
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This paper provides an overview of, and rationale for, an approach to analysing complex learning networks. The approach involves a strong commitment to providing knowledge which is useful for design and it gives a prime place to the activity of those involved in networked learning. Hence the framework that we are offering is known as “Activity Cent...
Conference Paper
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There is a steadily growing interest in the design of spaces in which multiple interactive surfaces are present and, in turn, in understanding their role in group activity. However, authentic activities in these multi-surface spaces can be complex. Groups commonly use digital and non-digital artefacts, tools and resources, in varied ways depending...
Learning space research is a relatively new field of study that seeks to inform the design, evaluation and management of learning spaces. This paper reviews a dispersed and fragmented literature relevant to understanding connections between university learning spaces and student learning activities. From this review, the paper distils a number of c...
This guide accompanies the following article: R. A. Ellis and P. Goodyear (2016) Models of learning space: integrating research on space, place and learning in higher education. Review of Education, DOI:10.1002/rev3.3056
Conference Paper
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In today’s mobile age of ubiquitous learning and increased use of mobile technology in professional practices, the possibilities of enhancing workplace learning (WPL) through mobile technology surprisingly remain under-researched. It has long been established that WPL helps students to socialise into their professional work roles and to develop pra...
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Background: Digital games have been demonstrated to be beneficial for a range of non-recreational purposes, with a particular focus on their value for education. There is a limited amount of research supporting their use for medical education, but their are several studies on their use in areas such as surgical training, and life-support re-trainin...
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Background: Video and computer games for education have been of interest to researchers for several decades. Over the last half decade, researchers in the health sector have also begun exploring the value of this medium. However, there are still many gaps in the literature regarding the effective use of video and computer games in medical education...
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Erratum to: Tech Know Learn DOI 10.1007/s10758-014-9243-3The last word of the article title was inadvertently missed in the original publication. It has been corrected in this erratum.
Conference Paper
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This paper fuses research on CSCL and collaborative design for learning. It reports a study located in a novel multi-surface environment, configured to support small teams who are designing for other people's learning. Despite growing awareness in the CSCL community of the importance of design in teachers' work, there has been very little empirical...
Conference Paper
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This paper presents our proposed methods developed to contribute to our understanding of a complex and heterogeneous activity: face-to-face collaborative design and learning. We build on principles of multimodal learning analytics and synthesis research to explore different dimensions of collaboration including the analysis of discourse, tools usag...
Conference Paper
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Synthesis research is a method utilized in the field of ecology, and involves bringing together experts in different areas to address a research question that cannot be entirely answered by a single perspective. This symposium explores the application of this model to the learning sciences, specifically to scaffolding of computer supported collabor...


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