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  • Peter Ache
Peter Ache

Peter Ache
Radboud University | RU · Department of Social Geography, Spatial Planning, and Social and Political Sciences of the Environment

PhD Dipl.-Ing.


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Publications (51)
For more than two decades, critical planning scholars have called for strategic spatial planning to cut its rational roots stemming from the 1960s–70s, and counter its tendency towards more incremental approaches of the 1980s–2000s. To truly address the core challenges of cities and regions in our times, spatial planning should plan for discontinui...
By presenting Philip K Dick’s novel in the current collection, an appeal is formulated. Planners need to provide space and time for utopian exercises (Bloch) and, as society, we need to learn again how to develop a capacity of utopian thinking. Phil K Dick’s novels help us to re-learn this; by exploring the future as ‘inexhaustible reserve of diffe...
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Instead of stressing that port cities are characterised by institutional fragmentations with many resulting conflicts, we claim that port cities might be highly constructive in terms of changing tangible and intangible boundaries. To capture this quality, we use the concept of 'penumbral,' a combination of perceptional aspects as well as tangible a...
More than half a century has passed since the first use of models in urban planning. Most urban planners have agreed on using models either to simplify complicated systems or to make simulations of such systems in order to predict their future. There is, however, disagreement on how far such simplifications and simulations have worked toward the pl...
Why writing about a science fiction novel in a book compiling classic works in the field of urban planning and scholarly reflection? And why not use classic fiction, as with Thomas Mores? The answer to that question will take a few thousand words and comprises the following six elements: (1) Philip K Dick will be introduced, which will be followed...
Flood risk is increasing all over the globe due to urbanization and the effects of climate change. Water managers and urban planners try to cope with flood risk by enhancing urban flood resilience. Three main discourses of resilience are engineering, ecological, and socio-ecological resilience. Whereas the discourse of engineering resilience emphas...
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Forecasts for many cities and regions in Europe predict a growing share of ‘elderly’ people in the overall population. In addition to this general ageing process, the number of very old people is of specific importance for the issue under discussion. This article looks at sheltered independent housing and living. In particular, the article presents...
Conference Paper
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Our society’s future is commonly argued and expected to be ‘urban’. Starting from that diagnosis, urban planners together with a diverse range of stakeholders now increasingly engage in anticipations of our urban futures: what will our cities and the urban-society-to-come look like? While such efforts to 'look into' the urban future are necessary a...
Exercises formulating visions for future development are frequently seen as 'utopistic' in the sense of non-consequential. But, visions can be 'experiments in dialectical utopianism' following Lefebvre. In trying to understand vision making, more than thirty documents from European cities and regions were analysed. First, a couple of formal dimensi...
The need for new forward-looking tools in urban planning is immense: new functional relations and structures are now stretching beyond our capacity to 'rationally' capture modern metropolitan spaces (Neumann & Hull, 2009). At the same time, cities struggle to find tools to help manage their long-term transition towards a low-carbon, resource-smart...
Our society will increasingly be an urban society, with large metropolitan regions as the centers of development. These metropolitan spaces are supposed to create the economic and technological dynamics to solve the problems of the very same urban society. They are extremely complex structures, overall, difficult to understand in all their dimensio...
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Peter Ache and Gert-Jan Hospers look at changes in Dutch planning and how they are being worked out on the ground in a case study of town centre revitalisation
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work in progress on vision documents in metropolitan settings
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Education for urban, regional and spatial planning has become a regular subject throughout most European nations; this can be attributed in part to European policies promoting planning and spatially balanced development, but also to the recognition that planning can support sustainability. Nevertheless, there is lingering and justifiable concern ab...
Much emphasis is currently being placed on the economic competitiveness of cities and regions in Europe. No matter whether one looks at the actual discussion about the importance of the “creative classes” or into the importance of metropolitan regions as engines of success, there is always a major concern for the competitive aspects. The cohesion d...
Mega-posters (UK: hoarding, US: billboards) attached to buildings are the most obvious signal of the increased commercialization of public spaces. In their research, the authors look at the current situation in Germany regarding the scale and scope of the distribution of large advertisements. The central question for this research was: How does pub...
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The range of diff erent types of co-housing community in Germany is quite extensive, including projects with single-family houses and large community houses jointly planned by a group of families, o en with high ecological standards; projects with elderly people; inter- or multi-generation projects; and communal housing projects following the histo...
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Kurzfassung Städten und Stadtregionen werden derzeit große Erwartungen entgegengebracht, den europäischen und globalen Wettbewerb entscheidend mitzugestalten. Sie sind die „Motoren”, die die vielfältigen Integrationsleistungen und kreativen Lösungen bereitstellen, die für den ökonomischen Wettbewerb als notwendig erachtet werden. Die theoretische D...
In 2007, the Greater Helsinki Vision 2050 ideas competition was held and attracted international interest, with more than one hundred submissions, out of which ultimately nine were chosen as winners. The ideas competition was a voluntary joint effort of the fourteen municipalities composing the Greater Helsinki Area. In principle, the competition c...
Much emphasis is currently being placed on the economic competitiveness of cities and regions in Europe. No matter whether one looks at the actual discussion about the importance of the "creative classes" or into the importance of metropolitan regions as engines of success, there is always a major concern for the competitive aspects. The cohesion d...
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Kurzfassung Dieser Beitrag befasst sich mit der Ausbildung von Raumplanerinnen in Europa. Der Vergleich gründet sich auf Erhebungen zum Stand der Umsetzung des Bologna-Prozesses, die durch die Vereinigung Europäischer Planerschulen AESOP vor einiger Zeit durchgeführt und jüngst aktualisiert wurden. Die Ausbildung von Planerinnen und Planern, das he...
This chapter provides an overview of the core themes explored in the book. It discusses some of the broader changes to the contexts within which urban and spatial policies are being developed. It outlines contrasting perspectives on contemporary rescaling processes, which force cities and regions to redefine their objectives, their means, their ins...
The book is the result of a COST Action financed by the European Science Foundation. It analyses the key concepts, ideas and processes driving competitiveness and cohesion agendas across Europe and demonstrates the implications and the effects of contemporary urban regeneration policies and politics in Europe. The case study material ensures that a...
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Between 2004 and 2006 IRPUD participated in two projects of the European Spatial Planning Observation Network, in short ESPON. Both projects fall into the policy impact studies of ESPON, trying to understand and identify the various effects of territorial policies implemented by the EU and its various bodies. The ESPON project 2.3.1 ??Application a...
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ESPON project 2.3.2Governance of Territorial and Urban Policies from EU to Local Level holds an important position in the definition and elaboration of a common ground for investigating the institutional, instrumental ans procedural aspects of territorial and urban policies in Europe. The project focuses on the question how effective different syst...
Dieser ‚essayistische‘ und teilweise durchaus polemisch gemeinte Beitrag beschäftigt sich in der Hauptsache mit dem Stichwort des ‚intelligenten Wachstums‘, das sich in der Senatsdrucksache der wachsenden Stadt findet. Zunächst ist einmal zu klären, was ‚intelligentes‘ Wachstum eigentlich heißen kann, wozu auch etymologische Aspekte vorgestellt wer...
Over the past few years, city regions have received a great deal of attention as important policy objects. Documents like Europe 2000 + and the German European Metropolitan Regions are cases in point. Academic debate has provided a number of paradigms which understand city regions as complex structures. The local innovative milieu and urban governa...
From reading the policy documents of the various public bodies responsible for spatial planning (or town and country or regional planning), such as the EC documents Europe 2000 or Europe 2000+, the European Spatial Development Perspective (ESDP), or the German European Metropolitan Areas in Germany, it becomes clear that metropolitan areas or city...
The aim of this paper is to discuss the relationship and connections between international changes, the Single European Market and urban and regional developments in Germany. In the first part of the paper, the ongoing changes in the global political and economic system are described in broader terms, focusing on shifts in Europe. The assumptions o...


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